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Login Kit x React Native

Login Kit sample code for React Native.


You need to have Snapchat Account before accessing any of the Snap Kit APIs. It's quick and easy, see Creating a Snapchat Account.

App Registration

  1. Go to the Snap Kit developer portal > Sign-in with your Snapchat Account > Either create a new App by clicking on New Project Or Open an already existing app.

  1. After the app is registered, click Setup and you should see two OAuth Client IDs:

    OAuth Client ID Usage
    Production This lets your app post content from any Snapchat account but your app must be approved for the Production Client ID to work.
    Staging This lets your app post content even before an app is reviewed and approved but only Snapchat accounts listed under the Demo Users will be able to use your application.

Snap Kit Setup


Below are the minimum pieces of bits you would need to set for this sample app to work.

1. Update the Code with OAuth Client ID

Copy the OAuth Client ID for Staging and paste it in the code:

Platform Location
Android Paste it under the com.snapchat.kit.sdk.clientId meta-data key defined in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
iOS Paste it under the SCSDKClientId key defined in the Info.plist file.

2. Add Demo Users on the Developer Portal

To test your Snap Kit integration on Staging we need to update the Demo Users section with:

Your snapchat username

3. Add Platform Identifiers on the Developer Portal

To allow your Android and iOS apps access Snap Kit APIs we need to update the Platform Identifiers section with:

Stage Platform Bundle or App ID
Staging Android com.reactnativeloginkitdemo
Staging iOS org.reactjs.native.example.ReactNativeLoginKitDemo
💁 For info on where these identifiers are specified, check
Platform Location
Android Specified as the applicationId under the defaultConfig tag in the build.gradle file.
iOS Refer the Bundle Identifier for your app in the Info.plist file.

4. Enable Login Kit for your app's version

To be able to use Login Kit we need to enable it on the developer portal.

  1. Click under Versions and enable Login Kit.

  1. Under the User Permissions and Snapchat Verify check all the options you would want access for.

    For this sample app, check 👇
    ✓ Display Name
    ✓ Bitmoji Avatar
    ✓ Snapchat Verify

  1. Update the Redirect URIs for OAuth section with:

    💁 For info on where the redirect url is specified, check
    Platform Location
    Android Specied under the com.snapchat.kit.sdk.redirectUrl meta-data key defined in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
    iOS Specied under the SCSDKRedirectUrl key defined in the Info.plist file.
Note: You don't need to submit this version for review for testing on Staging

5. Activate the version on the Staging Environment

To be able to use your app you need to activate your version ( on which you enabled Login Kit) on the Staging Environment.

Click Setup and update the Active on Staging version with your version on which you enabled Login Kit ( usually it's named Initial Version if you haven't renamed it).

(Optional) If using your own sample app

If you are using your own sample app you would need additional setup. This is already done for you in this sample app.


1. Add the Snap Kit React Native dependency
$ yarn add @snapchat/snap-kit-react-native


Always refer public docs for most up-to date info.

1. Import the Login Kit from our Maven repository

Open up your apps project-level build.gradle file and add the following code block in the repositories section:

 repositories {
   maven {
     url ""
2. Update your AndroidManifest.xml file

You need to amend these entries within the <application> node:

<meta-data android:name="com.snapchat.kit.sdk.clientId" android:value="INSERT_YOUR_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID" />
<meta-data android:name="com.snapchat.kit.sdk.redirectUrl" android:value="INSERT_YOUR_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL" />
<meta-data android:name="com.snapchat.kit.sdk.scopes" android:resource="@array/snap_connect_scopes" />

If your app's redirectUrl is snapkitexample://main/auth then your redirectUrl attribute would look like this:

<meta-data android:name="com.snapchat.kit.sdk.redirectUrl" android:value="snapkitexample://main/auth" />

You will also need to amend the scheme, host and path as per below:


          <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
          <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
          <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />



If your app targets Android 11 (API level 30) or higher, you will also need to include the following package query:

 <package android:name="" />
3. Define Scopes in your res/values/arrays.xml file

Scopes let your application declare which Login Kit features it wants access to.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <string-array name="snap_connect_scopes">

📝 Note: You need to enable these scopes on the developer portal under the Login Kit option to be able to access them.


Always refer public docs for most up-to date info.

1. Update your Info.plist file
Key Value
LSApplicationQueriesSchemes This should contain snapchat, bitmoji-sdk, and tms-apps.
SCSDKClientId The OAuth Client ID you received from registering your app on the developer portal.
SCSDKRedirectUrl The URL that Snapchat will use to redirect users back to your app after a successful authorization.
SCSDKScopes OAuth2 scopes. Set it one or all of the following scopes for the resources you wish to retrieve from the user profile:

URL Types / Document Role Set it to Editor.
URL Types / URL identifier Set it to the app's Bundle ID ie. $(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER).
URL Types / URL Schemes Set it to a unique string (without space) to allow Snapchat to redirect back to your app after a successful authorization.

For example, If your app's redirectUrl (refer the SCSDKRedirectUrl key) is snapkitexample://main/auth then your scheme would be snapkitexample.
2. Finishing Login with Snapchat

Once your user successfully authorizes your app to log in with Snapchat, you need to handle the deeplink that comes from Snapchat to get the access token.

In AppDelegate.m, use the SCSDKLoginClient interface to receive the deeplink:

#import <SCSDKLoginKit/SCSDKLoginKit.h>

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
            openURL:(NSURL *)url
            options:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey, id> *)options {
. . .
              if ([SCSDKLoginClient application:application openUrl:url options:options]) {
                return YES;
. . .

React Native Environment Setup

Always refer React Native public docs for most up-to-date information.

  1. Install Homebrew

  1. Install Android Studio

  1. Install Xcode

  1. Install JDK (can be any of Java 8 variant)

    $ brew install --cask adoptopenjdk/openjdk/adoptopenjdk8

  1. Add ANDROID_HOME to path

    $ export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk

  1. Install cocoapods

    $ brew install cocoapods

  1. Install Node & Watchman

    $ brew install node
    $ brew install watchman

  1. Install yarn

    $ brew install yarn

Running the Sample App

  1. Clone the Sample App repository on your local machine

    # Clone the repo
    $ git clone
    # CD into the React Native root directory
    $ cd login-kit-sample/react-native/

    Note: You should now be inside the react-native root directory: /Users/.../login-kit-sample/react-native/

  1. Install JS dependencies

    $ yarn install

  1. Install pods

    # CD into the "ios" directory
    $ cd ios
    # Install pods
    $ pod install
    # CD back to the root directory
    $ cd ..

  1. Run the ReactNativeLoginKitDemo app

    # Running on Android
    $ yarn android
    # Running on iOS Simulator
    $ yarn ios
    # Running on iOS Physical Device (You can see the <device_name> from the Xcode)
    # Note that this will require:
    #   - Selecting a development team in the "Signing & Capabilities" editor in Xcode
    $ yarn ios --device "<device_name>"