- Django 1.8 compatibility
- Added support for excluding paths in the pyflakes runner
- --coverage-html-report option removed
- --coverage-format option added
- New scss-lint task
- Added support for pylint plugins
- Include STATICFILES_DIRS to search path for csslint and jshint
- Search pep8 config in setup.cfg and tox.ini.
- Fix non-ascii tracback problem
- Fix error handlin in case exception happens in fixture loading
- Fix max-complexity option overriding
- Python 2.6 compatibility returned
- Added --project-apps-tests options to limit tests discovery by PROJECT_APPS setting value
- Fix coverage for apps with separate models packages under django 1.6
- Fix missing pep8 excludes option from pep8 config
- Django 1.7 compatibility
- Support for all standard django test runner options
- Migrations now our friends and checked by all linters, south_migrations are ignored
depricated, use command line option instead ./manage.py jenkins --enable-coveragedjango_jenkins.tasks.run_graphmodels
removed- Ability to run linters (pep8/pyflakes/pylint/csslint/jshint) from command line without tests removed (feel free to PR it back, if you need them)
- Speed up and reduced memory usage for junit reports generation
- django_tests and dir_tests test discovery tasks are replaced by directory discover test runner build-in in django 1.6
- Removed unmaintained lettuce tests support
- Removed unmaintained behave tests support
- Fixed non-asci support in junit reports
- Django 1.6 compatibility
- Flake8 support
- Pep8 file configuration support
- CSSLint no longer shipped with django-jenkins. Install it with
npm install csslint -g
- Python 3 (with django 1.5) support
- JSHint no longer shipped with django-jenkins. Install it with
npm install jshint -g
- unittest2 compatibility
- WARNING: Junit test data now stored in one junit.xml file
- Support for pep8 1.3
- New in-directory test discovery task
- Added --liveserver option
- Fixes in jslint and csslint tasks
- Added Celery task
- Add nodejs support for jslint and csslint tasks
- Improve js and css files selection
- Bug fixes
- Django 1.3 in requirements
- Windmill support was removed (Django 1.4 has a better implementation)
- Ignore South migrations by default
- Added SLOCCount task
- Added Lettuce testing task
- Added CSS Lint task
- Used xml output format for jslint
- Used native pep8 output format
- Do not produce file reports for jtest command by default
- Ignore Django apps without models.py file, as in Django test command
- Fix jslint_runner.js packaging
- Fix coverage file filtering
- Support pep8, Pyflakes, jslint tools
- Added jtest command
- Allow specify custom test runner
- Various fixes, thnk githubbers :)
- Pluggable ci tasks refactoring
- Alpha support for windmill tests
- Partial python 2.4 compatibility
- Renamed to django-jenkins
- Python 2.5 compatibility
- Make compatible with latest Pylint only
- Initial public release