Watch all videos from a channel in chronological order (oldest to newest).
Intended to help you binge all the videos from a channel oldest to newest easily & simply.
- You need to watch all the videos from a cool new channel you just found, but they have tons of videos
- YouTube used to allow you to append
to any video to get a playlist of a channel's videos in chronological order - This no longer works
This extension magically finds that use playlist & can play all videos from a channel without opening new tabs
- Go to the Videos tab of a channel
- Sort by "Date added (oldest)"
- Play the oldest video
- Click the extension icon or
keyboard shortcut
- Problem Solved
This gets you to YouTube's auto-generated User List playlist in chronological order.
Don't worry if the current video number is always 20 or doesn't look right, it will still play oldest to newest.