RNA-seq data in .bam or .fastq format
If using CPTAC data, download RNA-seq data from GDC (NIH Genomic Data Commons) using GDC transfer tool client, gdc_manifest and gdc_user_token (restricted access required). Use gdc_sample_sheet (downloaded from GDC cart) to map file name to sample name. Sequencing files will be saved as FileID/FileName.bam
- samtools v1.10
- fastp v0.23.4
- hisat2 v2.2.1
- stringtie v2.1.1
- gffcompare v0.11.5
- gffread v0.12.7
- freebayes v1.3.4
- customProDB v.1.14.0
- (script adapted from Galaxy, provided here)
- (script adapted from Galaxy, provided here)
- (script adapted from Galaxy, provided here)
This script was written to be run in a Slurm environment on a single file downloaded from GDC. The preamble may need editing. Update directory to location of dataset RNA-seq data files.
Input is FileID, FileName, SampleName where FileID specifies the directory of the specific RNA-seq data file in the dataset directory, FileName is the name of the .bam file (i.e. FileName.bam) and SampleName is the desired name of the output files (i.e. SampleName.fasta)
Example command line call to run script: FileID FileName SampleName
To run multiple in-silico translations at once in a HPC environment, use gdc_sample_sheet to create id_list.txt (list of File IDs), file_list.txt (list of File Names), sample_list.txt (list of desired output sample names). Corresponding lines in each file should reference the same sample.
To execute for all files in a dataset:
- Create arrays on the command line from id_list.txt, file_list.txt, sample_list.txt. E.g.
idArray=(); while IFS= read -r line; do idArray+=("$line"); done<id_list.txt
- Loop over arrays to submit all jobs for dataset simultaneously. E.g.
for i in {0..185}; do sbatch --job-name=${sampleArray[$i]} --output=PGDB_${sampleArray[$i]}.out ${idArray[$i]} ${fileArray[$i]} ${sampleArray[$i]}; done
2. Merge protein databases corresponding to samples in a single TMT experiment (CPTAC data) or a given tissue (label-free data)
This only needs to be done for large, multiplexed datasets.
- Move all databases for samples in the same TMT set or tissue to a new directory. The easiest way to do this is to generate a list of TMT set/tissue ids corresponding to each sample in the same order as sample_list.txt
- Create arrays on command line from id_list.txt, file_list.txt, sample_list.txt and tmt_list.txt, as decribed above.
- Loop over arrays to move final protein databases into correct TMT set directory e.g.
for i in {0..185}; do mv RNAseq_data/${idArray[$i]}/${sampleArray[$i]} ${tmtArray[$i]}/${sampleArray[$i]}; done
- Combine databases in each directory with