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Skarafaz edited this page Jul 14, 2016 · 19 revisions


Mercury-SSH reads configuration data from standard JSON files saved on the device's external storage. Simply put your configuration files into the folder named Mercury-SSH on the device's external storage and you are ready to go.


Mercury-SSH needs _nohup_ and _sudo_ to be installed on the target server to work properly. If these binaries are located in some exotic places outside of the execution PATH, you can specify their path using `nohupPath` and `sudoPath` optional server properties (see next section for details).

Writing a configuration file

Few lines of code are better than thousand words, so let's start with a sample configuration file:

    "name" : "Server",
    "host" : "",
    "port" : 22,
    "user" : "user",
    "password" : "12345678",
    "nohupPath" : "/opt/bin/nohup",
    "commands" : [ {
        "name" : "Restart apache",
        "sudo" : true,
        "cmd" : "service apache2 restart"
    }, {
        "name" : "Rsync",
        "sudo" : true,
        "cmd" : "rsync -a --delete /src/ /dst/"
    } ]

As you can see, a configuration file wrapps all the information you need to connect to a remote server and all the commands you want to send to it into a JSON object. The structure of this object is quite simple and is summarized below.

Server property summary

Property Type Notes
name string Friendly name (used as label). Optional, defaults to "Server".
host string Target hostname or IP address. Mandatory.
port integer Target port (1-65535). Optional, defaults to 22.
user string Login user. Mandatory
password string Login password. Mandatory.
nohupPath string nohup binary path. Optional, defaults to nohup.`
sudoPath string sudo binary path. Optional, defaults to sudo.`
commands array An array of objects defining available commands for the server. Optional.

Command property summary

Property Type Notes
name string Friendly name (used as label). Optional, defaults to "Command".
sudo boolean State if the command needs to be executed as root. Optional, defaults to false.
cmd string The command itself. Mandatory.
confirm string Ask for confirm before command execution. Optional, defaults to false.


Each configuration file must be an UTF-8/16/32 encoded text file with .json extension.

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