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A Comparative Overview of LangChain, Semantic Kernel, AutoGen |
Explore the key differences and features of popular frameworks for developing applications with Large Language Models (LLMs). Learn how LangChain, Semantic Kernel, AutoGen, and OpenAI's Assistant API are shaping the future of AI-powered software development. |
/docs/comparative-anlaysis-of-langchain-semantic-kernel-autogen.md |
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📄 Automated Code Documentation: A Decade in Review |
Explore a decade of progress in automated source code documentation. Learn how AI and deep learning are revolutionizing the way developers write and maintain code. |
/docs/automated-source-code-documentation.md |
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📝 Simplify Git Commits with Penify-CLI's Summary Generator |
Penify-CLI is a tool that automatically generates meaningful commit messages. |
/docs/commit-summary-with-cli.md |
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📄 Automate Code Documentation with Penify-CLI |
Generate Code Documentation with Simple Penify-CLI. |
/docs/code-documentation-with-cli.md |
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📝 Semantic Commit Messages |
Elevating Your Code Quality and Collaboration |
/docs/semantic-commit-messages.md |
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🛠️ Four Common Docstring Formats in Python |
Standard Python Docstring according to PEP-8 style guide, including Google, Epytext, rEST, Numpy. |
/docs/common-docstring-format-in-python.md |
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🚀 Penify Genesis |
Penify is an intelligent GitHub App designed to automate the process of generating and updating documentation for GitHub projects. |
/docs/penify-genesis.md |