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weather-model-graphs is a package for creating, visualising and storing message-passing graphs for data-driven weather models.

The package is designed to use networkx.DiGraph objects as the primary data structure for the graph representation right until the graph is to be stored on disk into a specific format. This makes the graph generation process modular (every step outputs a networkx.DiGraph), easy to debug (visualise the graph at any step) and allows output to different file-formats and file-structures to be easily implemented. More details are given in the background and design section below.


pdm install

pytorch support

cpu only:

PIP_INDEX_URL= pdm install --group pytorch

gpu support (see for older versions of CUDA):

pdm install --group pytorch


The best way to understand how to use weather-model-graphs is to look at the notebooks/constructing_the_graph.ipynb notebook, to have look at the tests in tests/ or simply to read through the source code. In addition you can read the background and design section below to understand the design principles of weather-model-graphs.

Example, Keisler 2021 flat graph architecture

import numpy as np
import weather_model_graphs as wmg

# define your (x,y) grid coodinates
xy_grid = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 1, 32), np.linspace(0, 1, 32), indexing='ij')

# create the full graph
graph = wmg.create.archetype.create_keisler_graph(xy=xy_grid)

# split the graph by component
graph_components = wmg.split_graph_by_edge_attribute(graph=graph, attribute='component')

# save the graph components to disk in pytorch-geometric format
for component, graph in graph_components.items():, name=component)

Background and design

The only input the graph generation in weather-model-graphs requires is the static (x,y) grid coordinates of the atmospheric state as the state changes over time. These coordinates are used to create the grid nodes nodes of the graph, with a node for each (x,y) coordinate. In addition to grid nodes the graph also contains mesh nodes that represent the latent space of the model at a set of (x,y) coordinates (this is in general a different set of coordinates to the grid nodes coordinates).

In summary, there are two sets of nodes in the graph:

  • grid nodes: representing the physical variables of the atmospheric state at a specific (x,y) coordinate

  • mesh nodes: representing the latent space of the model at specific (x,y) coordinate

With these two sets of nodes, the graph is constructed by connecting the grid nodes to the mesh nodes and the mesh nodes to each other. The edges between the grid nodes and the mesh nodes represent the encoding of the physical variables into the latent space of the model, while the edges between the mesh nodes represent the processing of the latent space through the time evolution of the atmospheric state.

In summary, the complete message-passing graph consists of three components:

  • grid-to-mesh (g2m): the encoding compenent, where edges represent the encoding of physical variables into the latent space of the model

  • mesh-to-mesh (m2m): the processing component, where edges represent information flow between nodes updating the latent presentation at mesh nodes through the time evolution of the atmospheric state

  • mesh-to-grid (m2g): the decoding component, where edges represent the decoding of the latent space back into physical variables

Practically, the mesh-to-grid and grid-to-mesh updates can probably also encode some of the time evolution processing, in addition to the latent space encoding/decoding, unless the GNN is trained specifically as an auto-encoder using the same graph as input and output.

Design principles

The key design principle of weather-model-graphs is to work with networkx.DiGraph objects as the primary data structure for the graph representation right until the graph is to be stored on disk into a specific format. Using only networkx.DiGraph objects as the intermediate representations makes it possible to

  1. easily modularise the whole generation process, with every step outputting a networkx.DiGraph object,
  2. easily visualise the graph resulting from any step and
  3. easily connect graph nodes across graph components, combine graphs and split graphs based on node and edge attributes.

The graph generation in weather-model-graphs is split into to the following steps:

  1. Create the three graph components of the message-passing graph that constitute the auto-regressive atmospheric flow model, all represented by networkx.DiGraph objects:

    • grid-to-mesh (g2m): the encoding compenent, where edges represent the encoding of physical variables into the latent space of the model

    • mesh-to-mesh (m2m): the processing component, where edges represent information flow between nodes through the time evolution of the atmospheric state

    • mesh-to-grid (m2g): the decoding component, where edges represent the decoding of the latent space back into physical variables

  2. Combine all three graph components into a single networkx.DiGraph object and create a unique node identifier for each node in the combined graph.

  3. Split the combined graph into the three output graph components again (or more if the specific graph architecture requires it).

  4. Store each of the output graph components in the desired format, for example:

    • networkx .pickle file: save networkx.DiGraph objects using pickle to disk (

    • pytorch-geometric for neural-lam: edges indexes and features are stored in separate torch.Tensor objects serialised to disk that can then be loaded into objects (

Diagram of the graph generation process:

Below, the graph generation process is visualised in weather-model-graphs for the example given above:

graph TB

xy_grid["(x,y) grid coordinates [numpy.ndarray]"]

subgraph weather_model_graphs["weather-model-graphs"]
    subgraph graph_components["Graph components"]

    G_g2m --merged into --> G_full
    G_m2m --merged into --> G_full
    G_m2g --merged into --> G_full

    G_full["complete graph\nG_full[networkx.Digraph]"]

    G_full --replace node labels with unique integer id --> G_full_int["G_int[networkx.Digraph]"]

    G_full_int --split and converted into --> pyg_g2m["pyg_g2m[]"]
    G_full_int --split and converted into --> pyg_m2m["pyg_m2m[]"]
    G_full_int --split and converted into --> pyg_m2g["pyg_m2g[]"]

xy_grid --used to create node coordinates in --> G_g2m
xy_grid --used to create node coordinates in --> G_m2g
xy_grid --used to create node coordinates in --> G_m2m

subgraph stored_on_disk["stored on disk"]
    subgraph hidden_graph1[ ]

pyg_g2m --stored in--> pyg_g2m_file
pyg_m2m --stored in--> pyg_m2m_file
pyg_m2g --stored in--> pyg_m2g_file

subgraph pyg_loaded["Loaded into model"]
    subgraph hidden_graph2["(e.g. torch.nn.Module)"]

pyg_g2m_file --loaded into --> pyg_g2m_loaded
pyg_m2m_file --loaded into --> pyg_m2m_loaded
pyg_m2g_file --loaded into --> pyg_m2g_loaded

classDef title_left margin-right:250px,display:block
classDef hidden stroke-width:0px,margin-right:250px,display:block

class hidden_graph1 hidden
class hidden_graph2 hidden
class weather_model_graphs title_left
class graph_components title_left
class stored_on_disk title_left
class pyg_loaded title_left

Node and edge attributes

There are a number of node and edge attributes with special meanings in weather-model-graphs which enable the splitting and visualisation of the graph components.

Node attributes

  • pos: the (x,y) coordinates of the node in the grid
  • type: the type of node, either grid or mesh

Edge attributes

  • component: the component of the graph the edge belongs to, either g2m, m2m or m2g
  • level: for multi-range mesh graphs this denotes the refinement level of mesh connection. For hierarchical graphs the different ranges of connections are split into different levels and so here level also denotes the level in the hierarchy that the edge belongs to.
  • len: the length of the edge in the (x,y) coordinate space of the grid nodes, i.e. the distance between the two nodes in the grid
  • vdiff: the vector spanning between the (x,y) coordinates of the two nodes
  • direction: for hierarchical graphs this denotes the direction of the edge, either up, down and same

Splitting graphs

The splitting of the graph is done with by utilising the edge attributes, and thus it is easy to split the complete graph by either which component the edge belongs to, or by the level of the edge in the graph. This is done using the weather_model_graphs.split_graph_by_edge_attribute(...) function.

Code layout

The code layout of weather-model-graphs is organised into submodules by the functionality they provide. The main submodules are:

            for creating specific archetype graph
            architectures (e.g. Keisler 2021, Lam et al 2023,
            Oscarsson et al 2023)
            general interface for creating graph architectures
            (here you define the g2m, m2m and m2g connectivity directly)
            for creating the mesh nodes and edges
            for creating the grid nodes
        for plotting graphs, allowing for easy visualisation using any
        edge or node attribute for colouring
        for saving the graph to specific formats (e.g. pytorch-geometric)