This document describes pcbdata json structure that plugin extracts from PCB file and injects into generated bom page.
pcbdata = {
// Describes bounding box of all edge cut drawings.
// Used for determining default zoom and pan values to fit
// whole board on canvas.
"edges_bbox": {
"minx": 1,
"miny": 2,
"maxx": 100,
"maxy": 200,
// Describes all edge cut drawings including ones in footprints.
// See drawing structure description below.
"edges": [drawing1, drawing2, ...],
"drawings": {
// Contains all drawings + reference + value texts on silkscreen
// layer grouped by front and back.
"silkscreen": {
"F": [drawing1, drawing2, ...],
"B": [drawing1, drawing2, ...],
// Same as above but for fabrication layer.
"fabrication": {
"F": [drawing1, drawing2, ...],
"B": [drawing1, drawing2, ...],
// Describes footprints.
// See footprint structure description below.
// index of entry corresponds to component's numeric ID
"footprints": [
// Optional track data. Vias are 0 length tracks.
"tracks": {
"F": [
"start": [x, y],
"end": [x, y],
"width": w,
// Optional net name
"net": netname
"B": [...]
// Optional zone data (should be present if tracks are present).
"zones": {
"F": [
// SVG path of the polygon given as 'd' attribute of svg spec.
// If "svgpath" is present "polygons" is ignored.
"svgpath": svgpath,
"polygons": [
// Set of polylines same as in polygon drawing.
[[point1x, point1y], [point2x, point2y], ...],
// Optional net name.
"net": netname,
"B": [...]
// Optional net name list.
"nets": [net1, net2, ...],
// PCB metadata from the title block.
"metadata": {
"title": "title",
"revision": "rev",
"company": "Horns and Hoofs",
"date": "2019-04-18",
// Contains full bom table as well as filtered by front/back.
// See bom row description below.
"bom": {
"both": [bomrow1, bomrow2, ...],
"F": [bomrow1, bomrow2, ...],
"B": [bomrow1, bomrow2, ...],
// numeric IDs of DNP components that are not in BOM
"skipped": [id1, id2, ...]
// Contains parsed stroke data from newstroke font for
// characters used on the pcb.
"font_data": {
"a": {
"w": character_width,
// Contains array of polylines that form the character shape.
"l": [
[[point1x, point1y], [point2x, point2y],...],
"%": {
All drawings are either graphical items (arcs, lines, circles, curves) or text.
Rendering method and properties are determined based on type
"type": "segment",
"start": [x, y],
"end": [x, y],
"width": width,
"type": "rect",
"start": [x, y], // coordinates of opposing corners
"end": [x, y],
"width": width,
"type": "circle",
"start": [x, y],
"radius": radius,
"width": width,
"type": "arc",
"width": width,
// SVG path of the arc given as 'd' attribute of svg spec.
// If this parameter is specified everything below it is ignored.
"svgpath": svgpath,
"start": [x, y],
"radius": radius,
"startangle": angle1,
"endangle": angle2,
"type": "curve", // Bezier curve
"start": [x, y],
"end": [x, y],
"cpa": [x, y], // control point A
"cpb": [x, y], // control point B
"width": width,
"type": "polygon",
// SVG path of the polygon given as 'd' attribute of svg spec.
// If this parameter is specified everything below it is ignored.
"svgpath": svgpath,
"pos": [x, y],
"angle": angle,
"polygons": [
// Polygons are described as set of outlines.
[point1x, point1y], [point2x, point2y], ...
"pos": [x, y],
"text": text,
// SVG path of the text given as 'd' attribute of svg spec.
// If this parameter is specified then height, width, angle,
// text attributes and justification is ignored. Rendering engine
// will not attempt to read character data from newstroke font and
// will draw the path as is. "thickness" will be used as stroke width.
"svgpath": svgpath,
"height": height,
"width": width,
// -1: justify left/top
// 0: justify center
// 1: justify right/bot
"justify": [horizontal, vertical],
"thickness": thickness,
"attr": [
// may include none, one or both
"italic", "mirrored"
"angle": angle,
// Present only if text is reference designator
"ref": 1,
// Present only if text is component value
"val": 1,
Footprints are a collection of pads, drawings and some metadata.
"ref": reference,
"center": [x, y],
"bbox": {
// Position of the rotation center of the bounding box.
"pos": [x, y],
// Rotation angle in degrees.
"angle": angle,
// Left top corner position relative to center (after rotation)
"relpos": [x, y],
"size": [x, y],
"pads": [
"layers": [
// Contains one or both
"F", "B",
"pos": [x, y],
"size": [x, y],
"angle": angle,
// Only present if pad is considered first pin.
// Pins are considered first if it's name is one of
// 1, A, A1, P1, PAD1
// OR footprint has no pads named as one of above and
// current pad's name is lexicographically smallest.
"pin1": 1,
// Shape is one of "rect", "oval", "circle", "roundrect", "chamfrect", custom".
"shape": shape,
// Only present if shape is "custom".
// SVG path of the polygon given as 'd' attribute of svg spec.
// If "svgpath" is present "polygons", "pos", "angle" are ignored.
"svgpath": svgpath,
"polygons": [
// Set of polylines same as in polygon drawing.
[[point1x, point1y], [point2x, point2y], ...],
// Only present if shape is "roundrect" or "chamfrect".
"radius": radius,
// Only present if shape is "chamfrect".
// chamfpos is a bitmask, left = 1, right = 2, bottom left = 4, bottom right = 8
"chamfpos": chamfpos,
"chamfratio": ratio,
// Pad type is "th" for standard and NPTH pads
// "smd" otherwise.
"type": type,
// Present only if type is "th".
// One of "circle", "oblong".
"drillshape": drillshape,
// Present only if type is "th". In case of circle shape x is diameter, y is ignored.
"drillsize": [x, y],
// Optional attribute.
"offset": [x, y],
// Optional net name
"net": netname,
"drawings": [
// Contains only copper F_Cu, B_Cu drawings of the footprint.
// One of "F", "B".
"layer": layer,
// See drawing struct description above.
"drawing": drawing,
// One of "F", "B".
"layer": layer,
Bom row is a 5-tuple (array in js)
Reference set is array of tuples of (ref, id) where id is just a unique numeric identifier for each footprint that helps avoid collisions when references are duplicated.
[reference_name, footprint_id],
Extra data is array of extra field data. It's order corresponds to order of extra field data in config struct.
[field1_value, field2_value, ...]
config = {
"dark_mode": bool,
"show_pads": bool,
"show_fabrication": bool,
"show_silkscreen": bool,
"highlight_pin1": bool,
"redraw_on_drag": bool,
"board_rotation": int,
"checkboxes": "checkbox1,checkbox2,...",
// One of "bom-only", "left-right", "top-bottom".
"bom_view": bom_view,
// One of "F", "FB", "B".
"layer_view": layer_view,
"extra_fields": ["field1_name", "field2_name", ...],