diff --git a/lib/src/components/common_components.dart b/lib/src/components/common_components.dart
index 4d39a13d..d0a1d828 100644
--- a/lib/src/components/common_components.dart
+++ b/lib/src/components/common_components.dart
@@ -5,9 +5,13 @@
 import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import '../calendar_event_data.dart';
 import '../constants.dart';
+import '../extensions.dart';
 import '../style/header_style.dart';
 import '../typedefs.dart';
+import '../enumerations.dart';
+import 'components.dart';
 class CalendarPageHeader extends StatelessWidget {
   /// When user taps on right arrow.
@@ -117,3 +121,105 @@ class CalendarPageHeader extends StatelessWidget {
+/// This will be used in day and week view
+class DefaultPressDetector extends StatelessWidget {
+  /// default press detector builder used in week and day view
+  const DefaultPressDetector({
+    required this.date,
+    required this.height,
+    required this.width,
+    required this.heightPerMinute,
+    required this.minuteSlotSize,
+    this.onDateTap,
+    this.onDateLongPress,
+  });
+  final DateTime date;
+  final double height;
+  final double width;
+  final double heightPerMinute;
+  final MinuteSlotSize minuteSlotSize;
+  final DateTapCallback? onDateTap;
+  final DatePressCallback? onDateLongPress;
+  @override
+  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
+    final heightPerSlot = minuteSlotSize.minutes * heightPerMinute;
+    final slots = (Constants.hoursADay * 60) ~/ minuteSlotSize.minutes;
+    return SizedBox(
+      height: height,
+      width: width,
+      child: Stack(
+        children: [
+          for (int i = 0; i < slots; i++)
+            Positioned(
+              top: heightPerSlot * i,
+              left: 0,
+              right: 0,
+              bottom: height - (heightPerSlot * (i + 1)),
+              child: GestureDetector(
+                behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent,
+                onLongPress: () => onDateLongPress?.call(
+                  getSlotDateTime(i),
+                ),
+                onTap: () => onDateTap?.call(
+                  getSlotDateTime(i),
+                ),
+                child: SizedBox(
+                  width: width,
+                  height: heightPerSlot,
+                ),
+              ),
+            ),
+        ],
+      ),
+    );
+  }
+  DateTime getSlotDateTime(int slot) => DateTime(
+        date.year,
+        date.month,
+        date.day,
+        0,
+        (minuteSlotSize.minutes * slot),
+      );
+/// This will be used in day and week view
+class DefaultEventTile<T> extends StatelessWidget {
+  const DefaultEventTile({
+    required this.date,
+    required this.events,
+    required this.boundary,
+    required this.startDuration,
+    required this.endDuration,
+  });
+  final DateTime date;
+  final List<CalendarEventData<T>> events;
+  final Rect boundary;
+  final DateTime startDuration;
+  final DateTime endDuration;
+  @override
+  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
+    if (events.isNotEmpty) {
+      final event = events[0];
+      return RoundedEventTile(
+        borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
+        title: event.title,
+        totalEvents: events.length - 1,
+        description: event.description,
+        padding: EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
+        backgroundColor: event.color,
+        margin: EdgeInsets.all(2.0),
+        titleStyle: event.titleStyle,
+        descriptionStyle: event.descriptionStyle,
+      );
+    } else {
+      return SizedBox.shrink();
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/lib/src/day_view/day_view.dart b/lib/src/day_view/day_view.dart
index 295e61d1..ece19e73 100644
--- a/lib/src/day_view/day_view.dart
+++ b/lib/src/day_view/day_view.dart
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import '../calendar_constants.dart';
 import '../calendar_controller_provider.dart';
 import '../calendar_event_data.dart';
+import '../components/common_components.dart';
 import '../components/day_view_components.dart';
 import '../components/event_scroll_notifier.dart';
 import '../components/safe_area_wrapper.dart';
@@ -611,48 +612,16 @@ class DayViewState<T extends Object?> extends State<DayView<T>> {
     required double width,
     required double heightPerMinute,
     required MinuteSlotSize minuteSlotSize,
-  }) {
-    final heightPerSlot = minuteSlotSize.minutes * heightPerMinute;
-    final slots = (Constants.hoursADay * 60) ~/ minuteSlotSize.minutes;
-    return Container(
-      height: height,
-      width: width,
-      child: Stack(
-        children: [
-          for (int i = 0; i < slots; i++)
-            Positioned(
-              top: heightPerSlot * i,
-              left: 0,
-              right: 0,
-              bottom: height - (heightPerSlot * (i + 1)),
-              child: GestureDetector(
-                behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent,
-                onLongPress: () => widget.onDateLongPress?.call(
-                  DateTime(
-                    date.year,
-                    date.month,
-                    date.day,
-                    0,
-                    minuteSlotSize.minutes * i,
-                  ),
-                ),
-                onTap: () => widget.onDateTap?.call(
-                  DateTime(
-                    date.year,
-                    date.month,
-                    date.day,
-                    0,
-                    minuteSlotSize.minutes * i,
-                  ),
-                ),
-                child: SizedBox(width: width, height: heightPerSlot),
-              ),
-            ),
-        ],
-      ),
-    );
-  }
+  }) =>
+      DefaultPressDetector(
+        date: date,
+        height: height,
+        width: width,
+        heightPerMinute: heightPerMinute,
+        minuteSlotSize: minuteSlotSize,
+        onDateTap: widget.onDateTap,
+        onDateLongPress: widget.onDateLongPress,
+      );
   /// Default timeline builder this builder will be used if
   /// [widget.eventTileBuilder] is null
@@ -669,23 +638,14 @@ class DayViewState<T extends Object?> extends State<DayView<T>> {
     Rect boundary,
     DateTime startDuration,
     DateTime endDuration,
-  ) {
-    if (events.isNotEmpty) {
-      return RoundedEventTile(
-        borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
-        title: events[0].title,
-        totalEvents: events.length - 1,
-        description: events[0].description,
-        padding: EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
-        backgroundColor: events[0].color,
-        margin: EdgeInsets.all(2.0),
-        titleStyle: events[0].titleStyle,
-        descriptionStyle: events[0].descriptionStyle,
+  ) =>
+      DefaultEventTile(
+        date: date,
+        events: events,
+        boundary: boundary,
+        startDuration: startDuration,
+        endDuration: endDuration,
-    } else {
-      return SizedBox.shrink();
-    }
-  }
   /// Default view header builder. This builder will be used if
   /// [widget.dayTitleBuilder] is null.
diff --git a/lib/src/week_view/week_view.dart b/lib/src/week_view/week_view.dart
index f5ae8c43..e922a78e 100644
--- a/lib/src/week_view/week_view.dart
+++ b/lib/src/week_view/week_view.dart
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import '../calendar_constants.dart';
 import '../calendar_controller_provider.dart';
 import '../calendar_event_data.dart';
+import '../components/common_components.dart';
 import '../components/components.dart';
 import '../components/event_scroll_notifier.dart';
 import '../components/safe_area_wrapper.dart';
@@ -676,49 +677,16 @@ class WeekViewState<T extends Object?> extends State<WeekView<T>> {
     required double width,
     required double heightPerMinute,
     required MinuteSlotSize minuteSlotSize,
-  }) {
-    final heightPerSlot = minuteSlotSize.minutes * heightPerMinute;
-    final slots =
-        ((Constants.hoursADay - _startHour) * 60) ~/ minuteSlotSize.minutes;
-    return Container(
-      height: height,
-      width: width,
-      child: Stack(
-        children: [
-          for (int i = 0; i < slots; i++)
-            Positioned(
-              top: heightPerSlot * i,
-              left: 0,
-              right: 0,
-              bottom: height - (heightPerSlot * (i + 1)),
-              child: GestureDetector(
-                behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent,
-                onLongPress: () => widget.onDateLongPress?.call(
-                  DateTime(
-                    date.year,
-                    date.month,
-                    date.day,
-                    0,
-                    minuteSlotSize.minutes * i,
-                  ),
-                ),
-                onTap: () => widget.onDateTap?.call(
-                  DateTime(
-                    date.year,
-                    date.month,
-                    date.day,
-                    0,
-                    minuteSlotSize.minutes * i,
-                  ),
-                ),
-                child: SizedBox(width: width, height: heightPerSlot),
-              ),
-            ),
-        ],
-      ),
-    );
-  }
+  }) =>
+      DefaultPressDetector(
+        date: date,
+        height: height,
+        width: width,
+        heightPerMinute: heightPerMinute,
+        minuteSlotSize: minuteSlotSize,
+        onDateTap: widget.onDateTap,
+        onDateLongPress: widget.onDateLongPress,
+      );
   /// Default builder for week line.
   Widget _defaultWeekDayBuilder(DateTime date) {
@@ -752,55 +720,27 @@ class WeekViewState<T extends Object?> extends State<WeekView<T>> {
   /// Default timeline builder this builder will be used if
   /// [widget.eventTileBuilder] is null
-  Widget _defaultTimeLineBuilder(DateTime date) {
-    final hour = ((date.hour - 1) % 12) + 1;
-    final timeLineString = (widget.timeLineStringBuilder != null)
-        ? widget.timeLineStringBuilder!(date)
-        : date.minute != 0
-            ? "$hour:${date.minute}"
-            : "$hour ${date.hour ~/ 12 == 0 ? "am" : "pm"}";
-    return Transform.translate(
-      offset: Offset(0, -7.5),
-      child: Padding(
-        padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 7.0),
-        child: Text(
-          timeLineString,
-          textAlign: TextAlign.right,
-          style: TextStyle(
-            fontSize: 15.0,
-          ),
-        ),
-      ),
-    );
-  }
+  Widget _defaultTimeLineBuilder(DateTime date) => DefaultTimeLineMark(
+        date: date,
+        timeStringBuilder: widget.timeLineStringBuilder,
+      );
   /// Default timeline builder. This builder will be used if
   /// [widget.eventTileBuilder] is null
   Widget _defaultEventTileBuilder(
-      DateTime date,
-      List<CalendarEventData<T>> events,
-      Rect boundary,
-      DateTime startDuration,
-      DateTime endDuration) {
-    if (events.isNotEmpty) {
-      return RoundedEventTile(
-        borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(6.0),
-        title: events[0].title,
-        titleStyle: events[0].titleStyle ??
-            TextStyle(
-              fontSize: 12,
-              color: events[0].color.accent,
-            ),
-        descriptionStyle: events[0].descriptionStyle,
-        totalEvents: events.length,
-        padding: EdgeInsets.all(7.0),
-        backgroundColor: events[0].color,
+    DateTime date,
+    List<CalendarEventData<T>> events,
+    Rect boundary,
+    DateTime startDuration,
+    DateTime endDuration,
+  ) =>
+      DefaultEventTile(
+        date: date,
+        events: events,
+        boundary: boundary,
+        startDuration: startDuration,
+        endDuration: endDuration,
-    } else {
-      return Container();
-    }
-  }
   /// Default view header builder. This builder will be used if
   /// [widget.dayTitleBuilder] is null.