Releases: SimCMinMax/SimPermut
v1.5 01/17/2017
[FIX]Removed a significant amount of copy due to ring/trinket inversion
v1.4 01/10/2017
Small release before big work : relic comparison
[FIX]Remove the pieces that are from the base string from copy chain
[FIX]Removed impossible copy (2 leg max)
v1.3.1 12/16/2016
[FIX]Fixed copy name being written incorrectly
[FIX]Fixed Artifact update event incorrectly managed
v1.3 12/14/2016
[UI]Simplified the UI by deleting the dropdown and listing every items directly. Pre-select equiped items. If no item is selected in a slot, it will permut with equiped item.
[FIX]Improved socket detection for crafted items and legendary
v1.2.2 12/13/2016
[FIX]Fixed a bug where artifact relics where not properly addes to base string
v1.2.1 12/09/2016
[FIX]Fixed a bug where weapon were not correctly added in base string
[UI]Close string frame if you close main frame
[UI]Split the item list in two columns to scroll less
[UI]Added a warning if there is too much copies (fextframe can't handle more than 137 copies)
[CODE]Code cleanup, removed unused functions
[FIX]Removed some duplicated copies (same ring, same trinket, same as base)
[FIX]Fixed warning label size
[GH]Added a changelog
[UI]Added a toggle visibility with /simpermut
[UI]Added a warning if too many items are selected
[FIX]Fixed frame setppoint so they are not on each other anymore
[FIX]Fixed an issue with ring and trinket permutations
Added multi-slot comparison support
Created a file for a personnal library
Bump version