This is the react native frontend for a social network using a ExpressJS backend server (linked below)
Based on Ed Roh's Full Stack Course with my own additions such as a refined Comments section, User search from searchbar, Cloud hosting for images, fixes and more.
Link to backend repository
Link to web frontend repository
*Requires sign-up but feel free to use the dummy email and password.
Sample account: [email protected]
and 12345678

- React Native Exoi
- React Native Paper for Styling/Styled Components
- Redux for state management
- Git clone the repository from terminal
git clone
- Move to the cloned folder
cd express-social-react-native
- Install node dependencies and wait until they get installed
npm install
Rename .env.example file to .env and paste
Start the project. It should show a terminal interface with a QR code.
Use the QR code scanner on your phone to scan it which downloads the Expo Go app and launches the app inside its container
npx expo start