A demo of this frontend is available here
This is the web frontend for a social network site using a ExpressJS backend server (linked below)
Link to backend repository
Link to react native frontend repository
*Requires sign-up but feel free to use the dummy email and password.
Sample account: [email protected]
and 12345678

- ReactJS
- MUI (MaterialUI) for Styling/Styled Components
- Redux & Redux Toolkit for state management
- Git clone the repository from terminal
git clone https://github.com/SilverMarcs/express-social-client.git
- Move to the cloned folder
cd express-social-client
- Install node dependencies and wait until they get installed
npm install
Rename .env.example file to .env and input
as REACT_APP_API_URL (default for the ExpressJS server referenced in this project) -
Start the project. It should start running at http://localhost:3000 and open in your browser automatically.
npm run start