Releases: SignalK/signalk-server
Releases · SignalK/signalk-server
- #1407 doc: reword 0183 TCP server config (@tkurki)
- #1411 feature: clear bad token cookies in http requests (@tkurki)
- #1410 fix: close ws with 401 if token is expired (@tkurki)
- #1403 fix: do not suppress 0183 event by default (@tkurki)
- #1402 fix: data fiddler null value handling & UI crash remedy (@tkurki)
- #1405 feature: add Navico webapp publishing (@tkurki)
- #1413 feature: disable caching admin UI index.html (@tkurki)
- #1422 fix: baseDeltas.json is missing in restore process (@cmotelet)
- #1394 chore: docker build updates, automate npm publish (@KEGustafsson)
- #1424 fix: appstore when no Internet connection (@cmotelet)
- #1377 fix: docker build (@tkurki)
- #1378 fix: nmea0183-signalk logging (@tkurki)
- #1379 doc: update RPi instructions for Node.js 16 / 1.41 (@MatsA)
- #1383 chore: add TypeScript support for Mocha tests (@tkurki)
- #1387 fix: debug with websocket (@cmotelet)
- #1388 chore: update building process (@cmotelet)
With this version the recommended Node.js version is updated to v16, the current active LTS (Long Term Support) version with End of Life scheduled for 2024-04-30. See wiki for assistance on updating your Node and plugins.
- #1334 feature: add copy buttons to databrowser (@tkurki)
- #1333 fix: order checking in Source Priorities editor (@tkurki)
- #1338 doc: update (@MatsA)
- #1328 style: add prettier to format admin ui code (@tkurki)
- #1341 feature: NODE_ENV=production (@tkurki)
- #1292 doc: improve security doc (@tkurki)
- #1346 feature: use Node 16, remove HTTP/2 support (@tkurki)
- #1345 feature: update docker base image to Node v16 (@tkurki)
- #1354 fix: source priorities with >1 periods (@tkurki)
- #1358 Typescript: index.js, config.js (@tkurki)
- #1359 chore: fail build if lint has something to fix (@tkurki)
- #1360 feature: remove --unsafe-perm (@tkurki)
- #1365 fix: guard against plugin.schema() errors (@tkurki)
- #1356 fix: subscription handling for empty path (@tkurki)
- #1371 chore: more TypeScript to fix publish build (@tkurki)
- #1373 chore: debug ^4.3.3 (@tkurki)
- #1375 feature: use wrapper to keep track of created debuggers (@tkurki)
- #1376 chore: improve package builds (@tkurki)
- #1305 feat: Process --override-timestamps unconditionally (@sergei)
- #1314 Update (@mshulman)
- #1313 Update categories.ts (@mshulman)
- #1316 feature: add Docker arm64 support (@tkurki)
- #1304 fix: security configuration validation (@tkurki)
- #1321 expose Suppress0183Checkbox in all NMEA1083 connection configurations (@davidsanner)
- #1311 feat: use baseDeltas by default (@joabakk)
- #1298 feat: add optional setting for log files to keep and downloading all log files as a zip file (@sergei)
- #1318 feature: clean up interfaces settings (@tkurki)
- #1286 fix: aisShipType not saved to defaults.json (@sbender9)
- #1287 Update (@mshulman)
- #1289 Update (@mshulman)
- #1291 revert: "fix: existing plugins with no configuration don't show properly in the ui" (@sbender9)
- #1284 fix: make sure meta is sent at least once for every context (@sbender9)
- #1261 Docs: Update for docker command line error (@instantchow)
- #1274 fix: log the stack trace for plugin errors (@sbender9)
- #1268 fix: existing plugins with no configuration don't show properly in the ui (@sbender9)
- #1262 feature: add ability to just debug ws connection establishment (@sbender9)
- #1278 feature: add search to the plugin configuration page (@sbender9)
- #1276 fix: add debug for put results (@sbender9)
- #1275 feature: make the Data Fiddler send the n2kAnalyzerOut event (@sbender9)
- #1249 fix: readonly ws sending data from cache (@tkurki)
- #1277 feature: add categories to the app store (@sbender9)
- #1241 fix: don't send meta data over streambundle self stream (@sbender9)
- #1242 fix: data browser does not show meta data (@sbender9)
- #1245 Issue #1195 add icon-grid to class (@wmbutler)
- #1248 fix: support plugins with no properties in schema (@tkurki)
- #1244 chore: remove Experimental badge from source priorities (@tkurki)
- #1255 chore: add Github funding links (@tkurki)
- #1260 fix: requests to /plugins/* are don't require user to be logged in (@sbender9)
- #1257 fix: tcpserver0183data toString() (@tkurki)
- #1256 feature: more strict connection id naming, disable edit (@tkurki)
- #1250 fix: concurrent delta ACL filtering (@tkurki)