By Justin Siegel
A default flags file for use with RosettaScripts.
High-powered submission script for use on Epiphany.
By Andrew Leaver-Fay, Morgan Nance, and Steve Bertolani
A full-featured PDB parser.
By Morgan Nance and Steve Bertolani
# example usage
from score import ScoreFile
from pandas import read_csv
data = read_csv("",delim_whitespace=True,header=0) # Note, the header may not be the first line
sf = ScoreFile(data)
lowest_pdb = sf.return_lowest_energy_tag(tag="score") # You can put in any valid scorefile tag from the header
print "The lowest energy pdb file is %s" %lowest_pdb
By Alex Carlin
A module for reading and filtering EnzDes-style scorefiles.
# example use
from core import enzdes_score
sf = enzdes_score.read_scorefile('tests/')
lowest10 = lowest_by_percent(sf, percent=0.33)
By Alex Carlin
A minimal PDB parser. Usage
from core import pose
mypdb = pose.from_pdb('tests/1sny.pdb')
By Wai Shun Mak and Alex Carlin
Fits assay data to Michaelis-Menten models.
Generates statistics for linear, Michaelis-Menten, and Michaelis-Menten with substrate inhibition
Generates diagnostic plots
Color PBDs in PyMOL, useful for looking at the effects of a lot of mutations.
By Steve Bertolani
Python API for HMMER.
Makes oligos for Kunkel mutagenesis.
Example kinetic assay for use on Transcriptic.
- Use with
above to automate kinetic characterization of mutants
Atom types reference
Chemical information and translation dictionaries
- one-letter to three letter ('A' → 'ala')
- three-letter to one-letter ('ALA' → 'A')
- freely mix & match case
Reference of E. coli favored codon use for making mutagenic oligos