This document contains detailed descriptions of the wallet's API routes. For an overview of the wallet's API routes, see For an overview of all API routes, see
There may be functional API calls which are not documented. These are not guaranteed to be supported beyond the current release, and should not be used in production.
The wallet stores and manages space cash. The wallet's API endpoints expose methods for creating and loading wallets, locking and unlocking, sending space cash, and getting the wallet's balance.
You must create a wallet before you can use the wallet's API endpoints. You can
create a wallet with the /wallet/init
endpoint. Wallets are always encrypted
on disk. Calls to some wallet API endpoints will fail until the wallet is
unlocked. The wallet can be unlocked with the /wallet/unlock
endpoint. Once
the wallet is unlocked calls to the API endpoints will succeed until the wallet
is locked again with /wallet/lock
, or hsd is restarted. The host and renter
require the miner to be unlocked.
Route | HTTP verb |
/wallet | GET |
/wallet/address | GET |
/wallet/addresses | GET |
/wallet/backup | GET |
/wallet/init | POST |
/wallet/init/seed | POST |
/wallet/lock | POST |
/wallet/seed | POST |
/wallet/seeds | GET |
/wallet/spacecash | POST |
/wallet/siagkey | POST |
/wallet/sweep/seed | POST |
/wallet/transaction/:id | GET |
/wallet/transactions | GET |
/wallet/transactions/:addr | GET |
/wallet/unlock | POST |
/wallet/verify/address/:addr | GET |
/wallet/changepassword | POST |
returns basic information about the wallet, such as whether the wallet is locked or unlocked.
// Indicates whether the wallet has been encrypted or not. If the wallet
// has not been encrypted, then no data has been generated at all, and the
// first time the wallet is unlocked, the password given will be used as
// the password for encrypting all of the data. 'encrypted' will only be
// set to false if the wallet has never been unlocked before (the unlocked
// wallet is still encryped - but the encryption key is in memory).
"encrypted": true,
// Indicates whether the wallet is currently locked or unlocked. Some calls
// become unavailable when the wallet is locked.
"unlocked": true,
// Indicates whether the wallet is currently rescanning the blockchain. This
// will be true for the duration of calls to /unlock, /seeds, /init/seed,
// and /sweep/seed.
"rescanning": false,
// Number of space cash, in hastings, available to the wallet as of the most
// recent block in the blockchain.
"confirmedspacecashbalance": "123456", // hastings, big int
// Number of space cash, in hastings, that are leaving the wallet according
// to the set of unconfirmed transactions. Often this number appears
// inflated, because outputs are frequently larger than the number of coins
// being sent, and there is a refund. These coins are counted as outgoing,
// and the refund is counted as incoming. The difference in balance can be
// calculated using 'unconfirmedincomingsiacoins' - 'unconfirmedoutgoingsiacoins'
"unconfirmedoutgoingsiacoins": "0", // hastings, big int
// Amount of SPACE, in hastings, are entering the wallet according to
// the set of unconfirmed transactions. This number is often inflated by
// outgoing SPACE, because outputs are frequently larger than the amount
// being sent. The refund will be included in the unconfirmed incoming
// SPACE balance.
"unconfirmedincomingsiacoins": "789", // hastings, big int
// Amount of SPACE, in hastings per byte, below which a transaction output
// cannot be used because the wallet considers it a dust output
"dustthreshold": "1234", // hastings / byte, big int
gets a new address from the wallet generated by the primary seed. An error will be returned if the wallet is locked.
// Wallet address that can receive SPACE. Addresses are 76 character long hex strings.
"address": "1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789ab"
fetches the list of addresses from the wallet. If the wallet has not been created or unlocked, no addresses will be returned. After the wallet is unlocked, this call will continue to return its addresses even after the wallet is locked again.
// Array of wallet addresses owned by the wallet.
"addresses": [
creates a backup of the wallet settings file. Though this can easily be done manually, the settings file is often in an unknown or difficult to find location. The /wallet/backup call can spare users the trouble of needing to find their wallet file. The destination file is overwritten if it already exists.
// path to the location on disk where the backup file will be saved.
standard success or error response. See
initializes the wallet. After the wallet has been initialized once, it does not need to be initialized again, and future calls to /wallet/init will return an error, unless the force flag is set. The encryption password is provided by the api call. If the password is blank, then the password will be set to the same as the seed.
// Password that will be used to encrypt the wallet. All subsequent calls
// should use this password. If left blank, the seed that gets returned will
// also be the encryption password.
// Name of the dictionary that should be used when encoding the seed. 'english'
// is the most common choice when picking a dictionary.
dictionary // Optional, default is english.
// boolean, when set to true /wallet/init will Reset the wallet if one exists
// instead of returning an error. This allows API callers to reinitialize a new
// wallet.
// Wallet seed used to generate addresses that the wallet is able to spend.
"primaryseed": "hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello"
initializes the wallet using a preexisting seed. After the wallet has been initialized once, it does not need to be initialized again, and future calls to /wallet/init/seed will return an error unless the force flag is set. The encryption password is provided by the api call. If the password is blank, then the password will be set to the same as the seed. Note that loading a preexisting seed requires scanning the blockchain to determine how many keys have been generated from the seed. For this reason, /wallet/init/seed can only be called if the blockchain is synced.
// Password that will be used to encrypt the wallet. All subsequent calls
// should use this password. If left blank, the seed that gets returned will
// also be the encryption password.
// Name of the dictionary that should be used when encoding the seed. 'english'
// is the most common choice when picking a dictionary.
dictionary // Optional, default is english.
// Dictionary-encoded phrase that corresponds to the seed being used to
// initialize the wallet.
// boolean, when set to true /wallet/init will Reset the wallet if one exists
// instead of returning an error. This allows API callers to reinitialize a new
// wallet.
standard success or error response. See
gives the wallet a seed to track when looking for incoming transactions. The wallet will be able to spend outputs related to addresses created by the seed. The seed is added as an auxiliary seed, and does not replace the primary seed. Only the primary seed will be used for generating new addresses.
// Key used to encrypt the new seed when it is saved to disk.
// Name of the dictionary that should be used when encoding the seed. 'english'
// is the most common choice when picking a dictionary.
// Dictionary-encoded phrase that corresponds to the seed being added to the
// wallet.
standard success or error response. See
returns a list of seeds in use by the wallet. The primary seed is the only seed that gets used to generate new addresses. This call is unavailable when the wallet is locked.
A seed is an encoded version of a 128 bit random seed. The output is 15 words chosen from a small dictionary as indicated by the input. The most common choice for the dictionary is going to be 'english'. The underlying seed is the same no matter what dictionary is used for the encoding. The encoding also contains a small checksum of the seed, to help catch simple mistakes when copying. The library entropy-mnemonics is used when encoding.
// Name of the dictionary that should be used when encoding the seed. 'english'
// is the most common choice when picking a dictionary.
// Seed that is actively being used to generate new addresses for the wallet.
"primaryseed": "hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello",
// Number of addresses that remain in the primary seed until exhaustion has
// been reached. Once exhaustion has been reached, new addresses will
// continue to be generated but they will be more difficult to recover in the
// event of a lost wallet file or encryption password.
"addressesremaining": 2500,
// Array of all seeds that the wallet references when scanning the blockchain
// for outputs. The wallet is able to spend any output generated by any of
// the seeds, however only the primary seed is being used to generate new
// addresses.
"allseeds": [
"hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello",
"foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar foo",
Function: Send space cash to an address or set of addresses. The outputs are arbitrarily selected from addresses in the wallet. If 'outputs' is supplied, 'amount' and 'destination' must be empty. The number of outputs should not exceed 400; this may result in a transaction too large to fit in the transaction pool.
// Number of hastings being sent. A hasting is the smallest unit in Hyperspace. There
// are 10^24 hastings in a single unit of SPACE.
amount // hastings
// Address that is receiving the coins.
destination // address
// JSON array of outputs. The structure of each output is:
// {"unlockhash": "<destination>", "value": "<amount>"}
// Array of IDs of the transactions that were created when sending the coins.
// The last transaction contains the output headed to the 'destination'.
// Transaction IDs are 64 character long hex strings.
transactionids [
Use amount and destination parameters.
200 OK
"transactionids": [
Use outputs parameter in the form of a JSON array. amount and destination parameters must be empty.
"outputs": [
"value": "1000000000000000000000000"
"value": "8000000000000000000000000"
"value": "20000000000000000000000000"
200 OK
"transactionids": [
Function: Load a key into the wallet that was generated by siag.
// Key that is used to encrypt the siag key when it is imported to the wallet.
// List of filepaths that point to the keyfiles that make up the siag key.
// There should be at least one keyfile per required signature. The filenames
// need to be commna separated (no spaces), which means filepaths that contain
// a comma are not allowed.
standard success or error response. See
Function: Scan the blockchain for outputs belonging to a seed and send them to an address owned by the wallet.
// Name of the dictionary that should be used when decoding the seed. 'english'
// is the most common choice when picking a dictionary.
dictionary // Optional, default is english.
// Dictionary-encoded phrase that corresponds to the seed being added to the
// wallet.
// Amount of SPACE, in hastings, transferred to the wallet as a result of
// the sweep.
"coins": "123456", // hastings, big int
locks the wallet, wiping all secret keys. After being locked, the keys are encrypted. Queries for the seed and related queries become unavailable. Queries concerning transaction history and balance are still available.
standard success or error response. See
gets the transaction associated with a specific transaction id.
// ID of the transaction being requested.
"transaction": {
// Raw transaction. The rest of the fields in the resposne are determined
// from this raw transaction. It is left undocumented here as the processed
// transaction (the rest of the fields in this object) are usually what is
// desired.
"transaction": {
// See types.Transaction in
// ID of the transaction from which the wallet transaction was derived.
"transactionid": "1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
// Block height at which the transaction was confirmed. If the transaction
// is unconfirmed the height will be the max value of an unsigned 64-bit
// integer.
"confirmationheight": 50000,
// Time, in unix time, at which a transaction was confirmed. If the
// transaction is unconfirmed the timestamp will be the max value of an
// unsigned 64-bit integer.
"confirmationtimestamp": 1257894000,
// Array of processed inputs detailing the inputs to the transaction.
"inputs": [
// The id of the output being spent.
"parentid": "1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
// Type of fund represented by the input. Possible values is
// 'siacoin input'
"fundtype": "siacoin input",
// true if the address is owned by the wallet.
"walletaddress": false,
// Address that is affected. For inputs (outgoing money), the related
// address is usually not important because the wallet arbitrarily
// selects which addresses will fund a transaction.
"relatedaddress": "1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789ab",
// Amount of funds that have been moved in the input.
"value": "1234", // hastings, big int
// Array of processed outputs detailing the outputs of the transaction.
// Outputs related to file contracts are excluded.
"outputs": [
// The id of the output that was created.
"id": "1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
// Type of fund is represented by the output. Possible values are
// 'siacoin output' and 'miner payout'. Siacoin outputs relate to SPACE.
// Miner payouts point to SPACE that has been spent on a miner payout.
// Because the destination of the miner payout is determined by the
// block and not the transaction, the data 'maturityheight', 'walletaddress',
// and'relatedaddress' are left blank.
"fundtype": "siacoin output",
// Block height the output becomes available to be spent. SPACE
// outputs mature immediately - their maturity
// height will always be the confirmation height of the transaction.
// Claim outputs cannot be spent until they have had 144 confirmations,
// thus the maturity height of a claim output will always be 144 larger
// than the confirmation height of the transaction.
"maturityheight": 50000,
// true if the address is owned by the wallet.
"walletaddress": false,
// Address that is affected. For outputs (incoming money), the related
// address field can be used to determine who has sent money to the
// wallet.
"relatedaddress": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
// Amount of funds that have been moved in the output.
"value": "1234", // hastings, big int
returns a list of transactions related to the wallet.
// Height of the block where transaction history should begin.
startheight // block height
// Height of of the block where the transaction history should end. If
// 'endheight' is greater than the current height, or if it is '-1', all
// transactions up to and including the most recent block will be provided.
endheight // block height
// All of the confirmed transactions appearing between height 'startheight'
// and height 'endheight' (inclusive).
"confirmedtransactions": [
// See the documentation for '/wallet/transaction/:id' for more information.
// All of the unconfirmed transactions.
"unconfirmedtransactions": [
// See the documentation for '/wallet/transaction/:id' for more information.
returns all of the transactions related to a specific address.
// Unlock hash (i.e. wallet address) whose transactions are being requested.
// Array of processed transactions that relate to the supplied address.
"transactions": [
// See the documentation for '/wallet/transaction/:id' for more information.
unlocks the wallet. The wallet is capable of knowing whether the correct password was provided.
// Password that gets used to decrypt the file. Most frequently, the encryption
// password is the same as the primary wallet seed.
encryptionpassword string
standard success or error response. See
takes the address specified by :addr and returns a JSON response indicating if the address is valid.
// valid indicates if the address supplied to :addr is a valid UnlockHash.
"valid": true
changes the wallet's encryption password.
// encryptionpassword is the wallet's current encryption password.
// newpassword is the new password for the wallet.
standard success or error response. See #standard-responses.