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515 lines (432 loc) · 17.5 KB

File metadata and controls

515 lines (432 loc) · 17.5 KB


This document contains detailed descriptions of the hostdb's API routes. For an overview of the hostdb's API routes, see For an overview of all API routes, see

There may be functional API calls which are not documented. These are not guaranteed to be supported beyond the current release, and should not be used in production.


The hostdb maintains a database of all hosts known to the network. The database identifies hosts by their public key and keeps track of metrics such as price.


Request HTTP Verb Examples
/hostdb GET HostDB Get
/hostdb/active GET Active hosts
/hostdb/all GET All hosts
/hostdb/hosts/:pubkey GET Hosts

/hostdb [GET] (example)

shows some general information about the state of the hostdb.

JSON Response

Either the following JSON struct or an error response. See #standard-responses.

    "initialscancomplete": false // indicates if all known hosts have been scanned at least once.

/hostdb/active [GET] (example)

lists all of the active hosts known to the renter, sorted by preference.

Query String Parameters
// Number of hosts to return. The actual number of hosts returned may be less
// if there are insufficient active hosts. Optional, the default is all active
// hosts.
JSON Response
  "hosts": [
      // true if the host is accepting new contracts.
      "acceptingcontracts": true,

      // Maximum number of bytes that the host will allow to be requested by a
      // single download request.
      "maxdownloadbatchsize": 17825792,

      // Maximum duration in blocks that a host will allow for a file contract.
      // The host commits to keeping files for the full duration under the
      // threat of facing a large penalty for losing or dropping data before
      // the duration is complete. The storage proof window of an incoming file
      // contract must end before the current height + maxduration.
      // There is a block approximately every 10 minutes.
      // e.g. 1 day = 144 blocks
      "maxduration": 25920,

      // Maximum size in bytes of a single batch of file contract
      // revisions. Larger batch sizes allow for higher throughput as there is
      // significant communication overhead associated with performing a batch
      // upload.
      "maxrevisebatchsize": 17825792,

      // Remote address of the host. It can be an IPv4, IPv6, or hostname,
      // along with the port. IPv6 addresses are enclosed in square brackets.
      "netaddress": "123.456.789.0:5582",

      // Unused storage capacity the host claims it has, in bytes.
      "remainingstorage": 35000000000,

      // Smallest amount of data in bytes that can be uploaded or downloaded to
      // or from the host.
      "sectorsize": 4194304,

      // Total amount of storage capacity the host claims it has, in bytes.
      "totalstorage": 35000000000,

      // Address at which the host can be paid when forming file contracts.
      "unlockhash": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789ab",

      // A storage proof window is the number of blocks that the host has to
      // get a storage proof onto the blockchain. The window size is the
      // minimum size of window that the host will accept in a file contract.
      "windowsize": 144,

      // Public key used to identify and verify hosts.
      "publickey": {
        // Algorithm used for signing and verification. Typically "ed25519".
        "algorithm": "ed25519",

        // Key used to verify signed host messages.
        "key": "RW50cm9weSBpc24ndCB3aGF0IGl0IHVzZWQgdG8gYmU="

/hostdb/all [GET] (example)

lists all of the hosts known to the renter. Hosts are not guaranteed to be in any particular order, and the order may change in subsequent calls.

JSON Response
  "hosts": [
      // true if the host is accepting new contracts.
      "acceptingcontracts": true,

      // Maximum number of bytes that the host will allow to be requested by a
      // single download request.
      "maxdownloadbatchsize": 17825792,

      // Maximum duration in blocks that a host will allow for a file contract.
      // The host commits to keeping files for the full duration under the
      // threat of facing a large penalty for losing or dropping data before
      // the duration is complete. The storage proof window of an incoming file
      // contract must end before the current height + maxduration.
      // There is a block approximately every 10 minutes.
      // e.g. 1 day = 144 blocks
      "maxduration": 25920,

      // Maximum size in bytes of a single batch of file contract
      // revisions. Larger batch sizes allow for higher throughput as there is
      // significant communication overhead associated with performing a batch
      // upload.
      "maxrevisebatchsize": 17825792,

      // Remote address of the host. It can be an IPv4, IPv6, or hostname,
      // along with the port. IPv6 addresses are enclosed in square brackets.
      "netaddress": "123.456.789.0:5582",

      // Unused storage capacity the host claims it has, in bytes.
      "remainingstorage": 35000000000,

      // Smallest amount of data in bytes that can be uploaded or downloaded to
      // or from the host.
      "sectorsize": 4194304,

      // Total amount of storage capacity the host claims it has, in bytes.
      "totalstorage": 35000000000,

      // Address at which the host can be paid when forming file contracts.
      "unlockhash": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789ab",

      // A storage proof window is the number of blocks that the host has to
      // get a storage proof onto the blockchain. The window size is the
      // minimum size of window that the host will accept in a file contract.
      "windowsize": 144,

      // Public key used to identify and verify hosts.
      "publickey": {
        // Algorithm used for signing and verification. Typically "ed25519".
        "algorithm": "ed25519",

        // Key used to verify signed host messages.
        "key": "RW50cm9weSBpc24ndCB3aGF0IGl0IHVzZWQgdG8gYmU="

/hostdb/hosts/:pubkey [GET] (example)

fetches detailed information about a particular host, including metrics regarding the score of the host within the database. It should be noted that each renter uses different metrics for selecting hosts, and that a good score on in one hostdb does not mean that the host will be successful on the network overall.

Path Parameters
// The public key of the host. Each public key identifies a single host.
// Example Pubkey: ed25519:1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef

JSON Response
  "entry": {
    // true if the host is accepting new contracts.
    "acceptingcontracts": true,

    // Maximum number of bytes that the host will allow to be requested by a
    // single download request.
    "maxdownloadbatchsize": 17825792,

    // Maximum duration in blocks that a host will allow for a file contract.
    // The host commits to keeping files for the full duration under the
    // threat of facing a large penalty for losing or dropping data before
    // the duration is complete. The storage proof window of an incoming file
    // contract must end before the current height + maxduration.
    // There is a block approximately every 10 minutes.
    // e.g. 1 day = 144 blocks
    "maxduration": 25920,

    // Maximum size in bytes of a single batch of file contract
    // revisions. Larger batch sizes allow for higher throughput as there is
    // significant communication overhead associated with performing a batch
    // upload.
    "maxrevisebatchsize": 17825792,

    // Remote address of the host. It can be an IPv4, IPv6, or hostname,
    // along with the port. IPv6 addresses are enclosed in square brackets.
    "netaddress": "123.456.789.0:5582",

    // Unused storage capacity the host claims it has, in bytes.
    "remainingstorage": 35000000000,

    // Smallest amount of data in bytes that can be uploaded or downloaded to
    // or from the host.
    "sectorsize": 4194304,

    // Total amount of storage capacity the host claims it has, in bytes.
    "totalstorage": 35000000000,

    // Address at which the host can be paid when forming file contracts.
    "unlockhash": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789ab",

    // A storage proof window is the number of blocks that the host has to
    // get a storage proof onto the blockchain. The window size is the
    // minimum size of window that the host will accept in a file contract.
    "windowsize": 144,

    // Public key used to identify and verify hosts.
    "publickey": {
      // Algorithm used for signing and verification. Typically "ed25519".
      "algorithm": "ed25519",

      // Key used to verify signed host messages.
      "key": "RW50cm9weSBpc24ndCB3aGF0IGl0IHVzZWQgdG8gYmU="

    // The string representation of the full public key, used when calling
    // /hostdb/hosts.
    "publickeystring": "ed25519:1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef"

  // A set of scores as determined by the renter. Generally, the host's final
  // final score is all of the values multiplied together. Modified renters may
  // have additional criteria that they use to judge a host, or may ignore
  // certin criteia. In general, these fields should only be used as a loose
  // guide for the score of a host, as every renter sees the world differently
  // and uses different metrics to evaluate hosts.
  "scorebreakdown": {
	// The overall score for the host. Scores are entriely relative, and are
	// consistent only within the current hostdb. Between different machines,
	// different configurations, and different versions the absolute scores for
	// a given host can be off by many orders of magnitude. When displaying to a
	// human, some form of normalization with respect to the other hosts (for
	// example, divide all scores by the median score of the hosts) is
	// recommended.
	"score":                      123456,

    // The multiplier that gets applied to the host based on how long it has
    // been a host. Older hosts typically have a lower penalty.
    "ageadjustment":              0.1234,

    // The multiplier that gets applied to the host based on how much
    // proof-of-burn the host has performed. More burn causes a linear increase
    // in score.
    "burnadjustment":             23.456,

    // The multiplier that gets applied to a host based on how much collateral
    // the host is offering. More collateral is typically better, though above
    // a point it can be detrimental.
    "collateraladjustment":       23.456,

    // The multipler that gets applied to a host based on previous interactions
    // with the host. A high ratio of successful interactions will improve this
    // hosts score, and a high ratio of failed interactions will hurt this
    // hosts score. This adjustment helps account for hosts that are on
    // unstable connections, don't keep their wallets unlocked, ran out of
    // funds, etc.
    "interactionadjustment":      0.1234,

    // The multiplier that gets applied to a host based on the host's price.
    // Lower prices are almost always better. Below a certain, very low price,
    // there is no advantage.
    "priceadjustment":            0.1234,

    // The multiplier that gets applied to a host based on how much storage is
    // remaining for the host. More storage remaining is better, to a point.
    "storageremainingadjustment": 0.1234,

    // The multiplier that gets applied to a host based on the uptime percentage
    // of the host. The penalty increases extremely quickly as uptime drops
    // below 90%.
    "uptimeadjustment":           0.1234,

    // The multiplier that gets applied to a host based on the version of Hyperspace
    // that they are running. Versions get penalties if there are known bugs,
    // scaling limitations, performance limitations, etc. Generally, the most
    // recent version is always the one with the highest score.
    "versionadjustment":          0.1234


HostDB Get

Expected Response Code
200 OK
Example JSON Response
    "initialscancomplete": false

Active hosts

Expected Response Code
200 OK
Example JSON Response
  "hosts": [
      "acceptingcontracts": true,
      "maxdownloadbatchsize": 17825792,
      "maxduration": 25920,
      "maxrevisebatchsize": 17825792,
      "netaddress": "123.456.789.0:5582",
      "remainingstorage": 35000000000,
      "sectorsize": 4194304,
      "totalstorage": 35000000000,
      "unlockhash": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789ab",
      "windowsize": 144,
      "publickey": {
        "algorithm": "ed25519",
        "key": "RW50cm9weSBpc24ndCB3aGF0IGl0IHVzZWQgdG8gYmU="
      "publickeystring": "ed25519:1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",
      "acceptingcontracts": true,
      "maxdownloadbatchsize": 17825792,
      "maxduration": 25920,
      "maxrevisebatchsize": 17825792,
      "netaddress": "123.456.789.1:5582",
      "remainingstorage": 314,
      "sectorsize": 4194304,
      "totalstorage": 314159265359,
      "unlockhash": "ba9876543210fedcba9876543210fedcba9876543210fedcba9876543210fedcba9876543210",
      "windowsize": 144,
      "publickey": {
        "algorithm": "ed25519",
        "key": "WWVzIEJydWNlIFNjaG5laWVyIGNhbiByZWFkIHRoaXM="
      "publickeystring": "ed25519:1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",

All hosts

Expected Response Code
200 OK
Example JSON Response
  "hosts": [
      "acceptingcontracts": false,
      "maxdownloadbatchsize": 17825792,
      "maxduration": 25920,
      "maxrevisebatchsize": 17825792,
      "netaddress": "123.456.789.2:5582",
      "remainingstorage": 314,
      "sectorsize": 4194304,
      "totalstorage": 314159265359,
      "unlockhash": "abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789",
      "windowsize": 144,
      "publickey": {
        "algorithm": "ed25519",
        "key": "SSByYW4gb3V0IG9mIDMyIGNoYXIgbG9uZyBqb2tlcy4="
      "publickeystring": "ed25519:1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",
      "acceptingcontracts": true,
      "maxdownloadbatchsize": 17825792,
      "maxduration": 25920,
      "maxrevisebatchsize": 17825792,
      "netaddress": "123.456.789.0:5582",
      "remainingstorage": 35000000000,
      "sectorsize": 4194304,
      "totalstorage": 35000000000,
      "unlockhash": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789ab",
      "windowsize": 144,
      "publickey": {
        "algorithm": "ed25519",
        "key": "RW50cm9weSBpc24ndCB3aGF0IGl0IHVzZWQgdG8gYmU="
      "publickeystring": "ed25519:1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",
      "acceptingcontracts": true,
      "maxdownloadbatchsize": 17825792,
      "maxduration": 25920,
      "maxrevisebatchsize": 17825792,
      "netaddress": "123.456.789.1:5582",
      "remainingstorage": 314,
      "sectorsize": 4194304,
      "totalstorage": 314159265359,
      "unlockhash": "ba9876543210fedcba9876543210fedcba9876543210fedcba9876543210fedcba9876543210",
      "windowsize": 144,
      "publickey": {
        "algorithm": "ed25519",
        "key": "WWVzIEJydWNlIFNjaG5laWVyIGNhbiByZWFkIHRoaXM="
      "publickeystring": "ed25519:1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",


Expected Response Code
200 OK
Example JSON Response
  "entry": {
    "acceptingcontracts": false,
    "maxdownloadbatchsize": 17825792,
    "maxduration": 25920,
    "maxrevisebatchsize": 17825792,
    "netaddress": "123.456.789.2:5582",
    "remainingstorage": 314,
    "sectorsize": 4194304,
    "totalstorage": 314159265359,
    "unlockhash": "abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789",
    "windowsize": 144,
    "publickey": {
      "algorithm": "ed25519",
      "key": "SSByYW4gb3V0IG9mIDMyIGNoYXIgbG9uZyBqb2tlcy4="
    "publickeystring": "ed25519:1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",
  "scorebreakdown": {
    "ageadjustment": 0.1234,
    "burnadjustment": 0.1234,
    "collateraladjustment": 23.456,
    "priceadjustment": 0.1234,
    "storageremainingadjustment": 0.1234,
    "uptimeadjustment": 0.1234,
    "versionadjustment": 0.1234,