diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c9d9219..66a2fca 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -57,8 +57,7 @@ Ace Coding Interview with 75 Qs
- Must-do problem list for interview prep
- Best for 1~3 month of prep time
- Problems
| Array / String | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ | ------------------------ |
@@ -83,88 +82,88 @@ Ace Coding Interview with 75 Qs
[334]: ./src/page-4/334.%20Increasing%20Triplet%20Subsequence/increasingTriplet.ts
[443]: ./src/page-5/443.%20String%20Compression/compress.ts
-| Two Pointers | | |
-| ------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ |
-| 283. Move Zeroes | [Solution][283] | Easy |
-| 392. Is Subsequence | [Solution][392] | Easy |
-| 11. Container With Most Water | [Solution][11] | Medium |
-| 1679. Max Number of K-Sum Pairs | [Solution][1679] | Medium |
+| Two Pointers | | | |
+| ------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ | ---- |
+| 283. Move Zeroes | [Solution][283] | Easy | 詳解 |
+| 392. Is Subsequence | [Solution][392] | Easy | 詳解 |
+| 11. Container With Most Water | [Solution][11] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 1679. Max Number of K-Sum Pairs | [Solution][1679] | Medium | 詳解 |
[283]: ./src/page-3/283.%20Move%20Zeroes/moveZeroes.ts
[392]: ./src/page-4/392.%20Is%20Subsequence/isSubsequence.ts
[11]: ./src/page-1/11.%20Container%20With%20Most%20Water/maxArea.ts
[1679]: ./src/page-16/1679.%20Max%20Number%20of%20K-Sum%20Pairs/maxOperations.ts
-| Sliding Window | | |
-| ------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ |
-| 643. Maximum Average Subarray I | [Solution][643] | Easy |
-| 1456. Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring of Given Length | [Solution][1456] | Medium |
-| 1004. Max Consecutive Ones III | [Solution][1004] | Medium |
-| 1493. Longest Subarray of 1's After Deleting One Element | [Solution][1493] | Medium |
+| Sliding Window | | | |
+| ------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ | ---- |
+| 643. Maximum Average Subarray I | [Solution][643] | Easy | 詳解 |
+| 1456. Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring of Given Length | [Solution][1456] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 1004. Max Consecutive Ones III | [Solution][1004] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 1493. Longest Subarray of 1's After Deleting One Element | [Solution][1493] | Medium | 詳解 |
[643]: ./src/page-6/643.%20Maximum%20Average%20Subarray%20I/findMaxAverage.ts
[1456]: ./src/page-14/1456.%20Maximum%20Number%20of%20Vowels%20in%20a%20Substring%20of%20Given%20Length/maxVowels.ts
[1004]: ./src/page-10/1004.%20Max%20Consecutive%20Ones%20III/longestOnes.ts
[1493]: ./src/page-14/1493.%20Longest%20Subarray%20of%201's%20After%20Deleting%20One%20Element/longestSubarray.ts
-| Prefix Sum | | |
-| ------------------------------- | ---------------- | ---- |
-| 1732. Find the Highest Altitude | [Solution][1732] | Easy |
-| 724. Find Pivot Index | [Solution][724] | Easy |
+| Prefix Sum | | | |
+| ------------------------------- | ---------------- | ---- | ---- |
+| 1732. Find the Highest Altitude | [Solution][1732] | Easy | 詳解 |
+| 724. Find Pivot Index | [Solution][724] | Easy | 詳解 |
[1732]: ./src/page-16/1732.%20Find%20the%20Highest%20Altitude/largestAltitude.ts
[724]: ./src/page-7/724.%20Find%20Pivot%20Index/pivotIndex.ts
-| Hash Map / Set | | |
-| ---------------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ |
-| 2215. Find the Difference of Two Arrays | [Solution][2215] | Easy |
-| 1207. Unique Number of Occurrences | [Solution][1207] | Easy |
-| 1657. Determine if Two Strings Are Close | [Solution][1657] | Medium |
-| 2352. Equal Row and Column Pairs | [Solution][2352] | Medium |
+| Hash Map / Set | | | |
+| ---------------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ | ---- |
+| 2215. Find the Difference of Two Arrays | [Solution][2215] | Easy | 詳解 |
+| 1207. Unique Number of Occurrences | [Solution][1207] | Easy | 詳解 |
+| 1657. Determine if Two Strings Are Close | [Solution][1657] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 2352. Equal Row and Column Pairs | [Solution][2352] | Medium | 詳解 |
[2215]: ./src/page-21/2215.%20Find%20the%20Difference%20of%20Two%20Arrays/findDifference.ts
[1207]: ./src/page-12/1207.%20Unique%20Number%20of%20Occurrences/uniqueOccurrences.ts
[1657]: ./src/page-16/1657.%20Determine%20if%20Two%20Strings%20Are%20Close/closeStrings.ts
[2352]: ./src/page-22/2352.%20Equal%20Row%20and%20Column%20Pairs/equalPairs.ts
-| Stack | | |
-| ---------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ |
-| 2390. Removing Stars From a String | [Solution][2390] | Medium |
-| 735. Asteroid Collision | [Solution][735] | Medium |
-| 394. Decode String | [Solution][394] | Medium |
+| Stack | | | |
+| ---------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ | ---- |
+| 2390. Removing Stars From a String | [Solution][2390] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 735. Asteroid Collision | [Solution][735] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 394. Decode String | [Solution][394] | Medium | 詳解 |
[2390]: ./src/page-22/2390.%20Removing%20Stars%20From%20a%20String/removeStars.ts
[735]: ./src/page-7/735.%20Asteroid%20Collision/asteroidCollision.ts
[394]: ./src/page-4/394.%20Decode%20String/decodeString.ts
-| Queue | | |
-| --------------------------- | --------------- | ------ |
-| 933. Number of Recent Calls | [Solution][933] | Easy |
-| 649. Dota2 Senate | [Solution][649] | Medium |
+| Queue | | | |
+| --------------------------- | --------------- | ------ | ---- |
+| 933. Number of Recent Calls | [Solution][933] | Easy | 詳解 |
+| 649. Dota2 Senate | [Solution][649] | Medium | 詳解 |
[933]: ./src/page-9/933.%20Number%20of%20Recent%20Calls/RecentCounter.ts
[649]: ./src/page-6/649.%20Dota2%20Senate/predictPartyVictory.ts
-| Linked List | | |
-| --------------------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ |
-| 2095. Delete the Middle Node of a Linked List | [Solution][2095] | Medium |
-| 328. Odd Even Linked List | [Solution][328] | Medium |
-| 206. Reverse Linked List | [Solution][206] | Easy |
-| 2130. Maximum Twin Sum of a Linked List | [Solution][2130] | Medium |
+| Linked List | | | |
+| --------------------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ | ---- |
+| 2095. Delete the Middle Node of a Linked List | [Solution][2095] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 328. Odd Even Linked List | [Solution][328] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 206. Reverse Linked List | [Solution][206] | Easy | 詳解 |
+| 2130. Maximum Twin Sum of a Linked List | [Solution][2130] | Medium | 詳解 |
[2095]: ./src/page-19/2095.%20Delete%20the%20Middle%20Node%20of%20a%20Linked%20List/deleteMiddle.ts
[328]: ./src/page-4/328.%20Odd%20Even%20Linked%20List/oddEvenList.ts
[206]: ./src/page-2/206.%20Reverse%20Linked%20List/reverseList.ts
[2130]: ./src/page-20/2130.%20Maximum%20Twin%20Sum%20of%20a%20Linked%20List/pairSum.ts
-| Binary Tree - DFS | | |
-| -------------------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ |
-| 104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | [Solution][104] | Easy |
-| 872. Leaf-Similar Trees | [Solution][872] | Easy |
-| 1448. Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree | [Solution][1448] | Medium |
-| 437. Path Sum III | [Solution][437] | Medium |
-| 1372. Longest ZigZag Path in a Binary Tree | [Solution][1372] | Medium |
-| 236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree | [Solution][236] | Medium |
+| Binary Tree - DFS | | | |
+| -------------------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ | ---- |
+| 104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | [Solution][104] | Easy | 詳解 |
+| 872. Leaf-Similar Trees | [Solution][872] | Easy | 詳解 |
+| 1448. Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree | [Solution][1448] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 437. Path Sum III | [Solution][437] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 1372. Longest ZigZag Path in a Binary Tree | [Solution][1372] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree | [Solution][236] | Medium | 詳解 |
[104]: ./src/page-2/104.%20Maximum%20Depth%20of%20Binary%20Tree/maxDepth.ts
[872]: ./src/page-9/872.%20Leaf-Similar%20Trees/leafSimilar.ts
@@ -173,80 +172,80 @@ Ace Coding Interview with 75 Qs
[1372]: ./src/page-13/1372.%20Longest%20ZigZag%20Path%20in%20a%20Binary%20Tree/longestZigZag.ts
[236]: ./src/page-3/236.%20Lowest%20Common%20Ancestor%20of%20a%20Binary%20Tree/lowestCommonAncestor.ts
-| Binary Tree - BFS | | |
-| ---------------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ |
-| 199. Binary Tree Right Side View | [Solution][199] | Medium |
-| 1161. Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree | [Solution][1161] | Medium |
+| Binary Tree - BFS | | | |
+| ---------------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ | ---- |
+| 199. Binary Tree Right Side View | [Solution][199] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 1161. Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree | [Solution][1161] | Medium | 詳解 |
[199]: ./src/page-2/199.%20Binary%20Tree%20Right%20Side%20View/rightSideView.ts
[1161]: ./src/page-11/1161.%20Maximum%20Level%20Sum%20of%20a%20Binary%20Tree/maxLevelSum.ts
-| Binary Search Tree | | |
-| ----------------------------------- | --------------- | ------ |
-| 700. Search in a Binary Search Tree | [Solution][700] | Easy |
-| 450. Delete Node in a BST | [Solution][450] | Medium |
+| Binary Search Tree | | | |
+| ----------------------------------- | --------------- | ------ | ---- |
+| 700. Search in a Binary Search Tree | [Solution][700] | Easy | 詳解 |
+| 450. Delete Node in a BST | [Solution][450] | Medium | 詳解 |
[700]: ./src/page-7/700.%20Search%20in%20a%20Binary%20Search%20Tree/searchBST.ts
[450]: ./src/page-5/450.%20Delete%20Node%20in%20a%20BST/deleteNode.ts
-| Graphs - DFS | | |
-| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------- | ------ |
-| 841. Keys and Rooms | [Solution][841] | Medium |
-| 547. Number of Provinces | [Solution][547] | Medium |
-| 1466. Reorder Routes to Make All Paths Lead to the City Zero | [Solution][1466] | Medium |
-| 399. Evaluate Division | [Solution][399] | Medium |
+| Graphs - DFS | | | |
+| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------- | ------ | ---- |
+| 841. Keys and Rooms | [Solution][841] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 547. Number of Provinces | [Solution][547] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 1466. Reorder Routes to Make All Paths Lead to the City Zero | [Solution][1466] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 399. Evaluate Division | [Solution][399] | Medium | 詳解 |
[841]: ./src/page-8/841.%20Keys%20and%20Rooms/canVisitAllRooms.ts
[547]: ./src/page-6/547.%20Number%20of%20Provinces/findCircleNum.ts
[1466]: ./src/page-14/1466.%20Reorder%20Routes%20to%20Make%20All%20Paths%20Lead%20to%20the%20City%20Zero/minReorder.ts
[399]: ./src/page-4/399.%20Evaluate%20Division/calcEquation.ts
-| Graphs - BFS | | |
-| ---------------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ |
-| 1926. Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze | [Solution][1926] | Medium |
-| 994. Rotting Oranges | [Solution][994] | Medium |
+| Graphs - BFS | | | |
+| ---------------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ | ---- |
+| 1926. Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze | [Solution][1926] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 994. Rotting Oranges | [Solution][994] | Medium | 詳解 |
[1926]: ./src/page-18/1926.%20Nearest%20Exit%20from%20Entrance%20in%20Maze/nearestExit.ts
[994]: ./src/page-10/994.%20Rotting%20Oranges/orangesRotting.ts
-| Heap / Priority Queue | | |
-| ------------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ |
-| 215. Kth Largest Element in an Array | [Solution][215] | Medium |
-| 2336. Smallest Number in Infinite Set | [Solution][2336] | Medium |
-| 2542. Maximum Subsequence Score | [Solution][2542] | Medium |
-| 2462. Total Cost to Hire K Workers | [Solution][2462] | Medium |
+| Heap / Priority Queue | | | |
+| ------------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ | ---- |
+| 215. Kth Largest Element in an Array | [Solution][215] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 2336. Smallest Number in Infinite Set | [Solution][2336] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 2542. Maximum Subsequence Score | [Solution][2542] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 2462. Total Cost to Hire K Workers | [Solution][2462] | Medium | 詳解 |
[215]: ./src/page-2/215.%20Kth%20Largest%20Element%20in%20an%20Array/findKthLargest.ts
[2336]: ./src/page-22/2336.%20Smallest%20Number%20in%20Infinite%20Set/SmallestInfiniteSet.ts
[2542]: ./src/page-24/2542.%20Maximum%20Subsequence%20Score/maxScore.ts
[2462]: ./src/page-23/2462.%20Total%20Cost%20to%20Hire%20K%20Workers/totalCost.ts
-| Binary Search | | |
-| -------------------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ |
-| 374. Guess Number Higher or Lower | [Solution][374] | Easy |
-| 2300. Successful Pairs of Spells and Potions | [Solution][2300] | Medium |
-| 162. Find Peak Element | [Solution][162] | Medium |
-| 875. Koko Eating Bananas | [Solution][875] | Medium |
+| Binary Search | | | |
+| -------------------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ | ---- |
+| 374. Guess Number Higher or Lower | [Solution][374] | Easy | 詳解 |
+| 2300. Successful Pairs of Spells and Potions | [Solution][2300] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 162. Find Peak Element | [Solution][162] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 875. Koko Eating Bananas | [Solution][875] | Medium | 詳解 |
[374]: ./src/page-4/374.%20Guess%20Number%20Higher%20or%20Lower/guessNumber.ts
[2300]: ./src/page-21/2300.%20Successful%20Pairs%20of%20Spells%20and%20Potions/successfulPairs.ts
[162]: ./src/page-2/162.%20Find%20Peak%20Element/findPeakElement.ts
[875]: ./src/page-9/875.%20Koko%20Eating%20Bananas/minEatingSpeed.ts
-| Backtracking | | |
-| ----------------------------------------- | --------------- | ------ |
-| 17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number | [Solution][17] | Medium |
-| 216. Combination Sum III | [Solution][216] | Medium |
+| Backtracking | | | |
+| ----------------------------------------- | --------------- | ------ | ---- |
+| 17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number | [Solution][17] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 216. Combination Sum III | [Solution][216] | Medium | 詳解 |
[17]: ./src/page-1/17.%20Letter%20Combinations%20of%20a%20Phone%20Number/letterCombinations.ts
[216]: ./src/page-2/216.%20Combination%20Sum%20III/combinationSum3.ts
-| DP - 1D | | |
-| ------------------------------ | ---------------- | ------ |
-| 1137. N-th Tribonacci Number | [Solution][1137] | Easy |
-| 746. Min Cost Climbing Stairs | [Solution][746] | Easy |
-| 198. House Robber | [Solution][198] | Medium |
-| 790. Domino and Tromino Tiling | [Solution][790] | Medium |
+| DP - 1D | | | |
+| ------------------------------ | ---------------- | ------ | ---- |
+| 1137. N-th Tribonacci Number | [Solution][1137] | Easy | 詳解 |
+| 746. Min Cost Climbing Stairs | [Solution][746] | Easy | 詳解 |
+| 198. House Robber | [Solution][198] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 790. Domino and Tromino Tiling | [Solution][790] | Medium | 詳解 |
[1137]: ./src/page-11/1137.%20N-th%20Tribonacci%20Number/tribonacci.ts
[746]: ./src/page-7/746.%20Min%20Cost%20Climbing%20Stairs/minCostClimbingStairs.ts
@@ -265,41 +264,39 @@ Ace Coding Interview with 75 Qs
[714]: ./src/page-7/714.%20Best%20Time%20to%20Buy%20and%20Sell%20Stock%20with%20Transaction%20Fee/maxProfit.ts
[714-explanation]: ./src/page-7/714.%20Best%20Time%20to%20Buy%20and%20Sell%20Stock%20with%20Transaction%20Fee/README.md
-| Bit Manipulation | | |
-| --------------------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ |
-| 338. Counting Bits | [Solution][338] | Easy |
-| 136. Single Number | [Solution][136] | Easy |
-| 1318. Minimum Flips to Make a OR b Equal to c | [Solution][1318] | Medium |
+| Bit Manipulation | | | |
+| --------------------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ | ---- |
+| 338. Counting Bits | [Solution][338] | Easy | 詳解 |
+| 136. Single Number | [Solution][136] | Easy | 詳解 |
+| 1318. Minimum Flips to Make a OR b Equal to c | [Solution][1318] | Medium | 詳解 |
[338]: ./src/page-4/338.%20Counting%20Bits/countBits.ts
[136]: ./src/page-2/136.%20Single%20Number/singleNumber.ts
[1318]: ./src/page-13/1318.%20Minimum%20Flips%20to%20Make%20a%20OR%20b%20Equal%20to%20c/minFlips.ts
-| Trie | | |
-| --------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ |
-| 208. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) | [Solution][208] | Medium |
-| 1268. Search Suggestions System | [Solution][1268] | Medium |
+| Trie | | | |
+| --------------------------------- | ---------------- | ------ | ---- |
+| 208. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) | [Solution][208] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 1268. Search Suggestions System | [Solution][1268] | Medium | 詳解 |
[208]: ./src/page-2/208.%20Implement%20Trie%20(Prefix%20Tree)/Trie.ts
[1268]: ./src/page-12/1268.%20Search%20Suggestions%20System/suggestedProducts.ts
-| Intervals | | |
-| ----------------------------------------------- | --------------- | ------ |
-| 435. Non-overlapping Intervals | [Solution][435] | Medium |
-| 452. Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons | [Solution][452] | Medium |
+| Intervals | | | |
+| ----------------------------------------------- | --------------- | ------ | ---- |
+| 435. Non-overlapping Intervals | [Solution][435] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 452. Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons | [Solution][452] | Medium | 詳解 |
[435]: ./src/page-5/435.%20Non-overlapping%20Intervals/eraseOverlapIntervals.ts
[452]: ./src/page-5/452.%20Minimum%20Number%20of%20Arrows%20to%20Burst%20Balloons/findMinArrowShots.ts
-| Monotonic Stack | | |
-| ----------------------- | --------------- | ------ |
-| 739. Daily Temperatures | [Solution][739] | Medium |
-| 901. Online Stock Span | Solution | Medium |
+| Monotonic Stack | | | |
+| ----------------------- | --------------- | ------ | ---- |
+| 739. Daily Temperatures | [Solution][739] | Medium | 詳解 |
+| 901. Online Stock Span | Solution | Medium | 詳解 |
[739]: ./src/page-7/739.%20Daily%20Temperatures/dailyTemperatures.ts
## Advanced - Top Interview 150
Must-do List for Interview Prep
@@ -309,8 +306,7 @@ Must-do List for Interview Prep
- Best for 3+ months of prep time
- Problems support high-quality editorials
- Problems
| Array / String | | |
| ------------------------------------------------------ | --------------- | ------ |
@@ -591,8 +587,6 @@ Must-do List for Interview Prep
[5]: ./src/page-1/5.%20Longest%20Palindromic%20Substring/longestPalindrome.ts
## Impactful - Top 100 Liked
100 Best Rated Problems
@@ -600,8 +594,7 @@ Must-do List for Interview Prep
- 100 most liked problems by LeetCoders
- Organized based on hot topics that help improve coding skills in interviews
- Problems
| Backtracking | | |
| ----------------------------------------- | -------------- | ------ |
@@ -799,5 +792,3 @@ Must-do List for Interview Prep
[136]: ./src/page-2/136.%20Single%20Number/singleNumber.ts
[189]: ./src/page-2/189.%20Rotate%20Array/rotate.ts
[238]: ./src/page-3/238.%20Product%20of%20Array%20Except%20Self/productExceptSelf.ts