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233 lines (205 loc) · 7.82 KB

File metadata and controls

233 lines (205 loc) · 7.82 KB

WP Formendpoint


Simple Form

require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

use Onvardgmbh\Formendpoint\Formendpoint;
use Onvardgmbh\Formendpoint\Honeypot;
use Onvardgmbh\Formendpoint\Input;
use Onvardgmbh\Formendpoint\Email;

Formendpoint::make( 'formentry', 'Form' )
    ->add_honeypots( [
        Honeypot::make( 'text', '' ),
        Honeypot::make( 'moretext', 'Type your message here.' ),
    ] )
    ->add_fields( [
        Input::make( 'text', 'firstname', 'Firstname' )->required(),
        Input::make( 'text', 'lastname', 'Lastname' )->required(),
        Input::make( 'text', 'phone', 'Phone' ),
        Input::make( 'email', 'mail', 'Mail' )
    ] )
    ->add_actions( [
        Email::make( '[email protected]', 'Contactform Subject', 'A new contactform was submitted.' )
    ] );

Form Options with Carbon Fields

require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

use Onvardgmbh\Formendpoint\Formendpoint;
use Onvardgmbh\Formendpoint\Honeypot;
use Onvardgmbh\Formendpoint\Input;
use Onvardgmbh\Formendpoint\Email;
use Carbon_Fields\Container;
use Carbon_Fields\Field;

Formendpoint::make( 'formentry', 'Form' )
    ->add_honeypots( [
        Honeypot::make( 'text', '' ),
    ] )
    ->add_fields( [
        Input::make('text', 'firstname', __('First name', 'wptheme'))->required()->setTitle(),
        Input::make('text', 'name', __('Name', 'wptheme'))->required()->setTitle(),
        Input::make('email', 'email', __('Email', 'wptheme'))->required(),
    ] )
    ->add_actions( [
        Email::make( function() {
            if ( isset( $_POST['mail'] ) && is_email( $_POST['mail'] ) ) {
                return $_POST['mail'];
        }, function() {
            return carbon_get_theme_option( 'crb_contact_form_subject' );
        }, function($postId, $fields, $rawData, $formattedData) {
            $rows = collect($fields)
                ->filter(function ($field) use ($formattedData) {
                    return isset($formattedData[$field->name]);
                ->mapWithKeys(function ($field) use ($formattedData) {
                    $value = $formattedData[$field->name];
                    return [$field->label => __($value, 'wptheme')];
            return bladerunner('', [
                'rows' => $rows,
                'heading' => $this->themeOptions->getOption('crb_contact_form_heading'),
                'intro' => $this->themeOptions->getOption('crb_contact_form_intro'),
                'footer' => $this->themeOptions->getOption('crb_contact_form_footer'),
            ], false);
        } )
    ] );

Container::make( 'theme_options', 'Settings' )
    ->set_page_parent( 'edit.php?post_type=formentry' )
    ->add_fields( [
        Field::make( 'text', 'crb_contact_form_subject', 'Subject' ),
        Field::make('rich_text', 'crb_contact_form_heading', __('ContactForm Heading', 'wptheme')),
        Field::make('rich_text', 'crb_contact_form_intro', __('ContactForm Intro', 'wptheme')),
        Field::make('rich_text', 'crb_contact_form_footer', __('ContactForm Footer', 'wptheme')),
    ] );


Formendpoint::make( $posttype, $heading, $handle = 'main' )

Creates the formendpoint with a menu item in the wordpress backend.

  • $posttype: string - Name of the post type that will be used for the form entries.
  • $heading: string - Name of the Menu Item for displaying the form entries.
  • $handle: string (optional) - Name of the registered script that handles the form submit in the frontend.

add_fields( $inputs )

    ->add_fields( [
        Input::make( 'text', 'firstname' )->required(),
        Input::make( 'email', 'mail' )
    ] );

show_in_menu( $showInMenu )


setLabels( $labels )

    ->setLabels( [
        'name'               => _x( 'Eintrag', 'post type general name' ),
        'singular_name'      => _x( 'Eintrag', 'post type singular name' ),
        'add_new_item'       => __( 'Neuer Eintrag' ),
        'edit_item'          => __( 'Eintrag bearbeiten' ),
        'new_item'           => __( 'Neuer Eintrag' ),
        'all_items'          => __( 'Alle Einträge' ),
        'view_item'          => __( 'Eintrag ansehen' ),
        'search_items'       => __( 'Einträge durchsuchen' ),
        'not_found'          => __( 'Keinen Eintrag gefunden' ),
        'not_found_in_trash' => __( 'Keine Einträge im Papierkorb gefunden' ),
        'parent_item_colon'  => '',
        'menu_name'          => $this->heading,
    ] );

Registers the form input fields. The form only accepts and saves registered inputs. If a required inputs is missing the form fails.

Input::make( $type, $name, $label=null )

  • $type: accepts:
    • 'text': normal text input
    • 'email': checks for valid email addresses
    • 'file': single uploaded file (form-data requests only)
    • 'files': multiple uploaded files (form-data requests only)
  • $name: string - Name of the input field.
  • $label: string (optional) - Label displayed when viewing the form entry in the backend.

add_honeypots( $honeypots )

    ->add_honeypots( [
        Honeypot::make( $text, $equals )
    ] )

Registers honeypots to the form. The form submission fails if a bot submits a different value than $equals.

add_actions( $actions )

    ->add-actions( [
        Email::make( $recipient, $subject, $body )
    ] )

Adds form actions which will be called when the form is successfully submitted.

csvExport($callback = null)


Adds a CSV download button to the post type overview page.

    ->csvExport(function(array $fields, array $data) {
        return collect($data)->map(function($item) {
            $item['index'] = 'value';
            return $item;

Modify the content of the CSV file.

Email::make( $recipient, $subject, $body )

  • $recipient: string || array || anonymous function returning string or array
  • $subject: string || anonymous function returning string
  • $body: string || anonymous function returning string

Register ReplyTo address via callable or string

    Email::make(...)->replyTo(function($post_id, $fields, $data){
        return '[email protected], [email protected], ...';


    Email::make(...)->replyTo('[email protected], [email protected], ...');

Callback::make( $function )

  • $function: anonymous function



Fileuploads are only possible in "multipart/form-data" mode. The "application/json" mode is not supported.

Upload single file

Add a file type input element to the form.

<form enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <!-- [..] -->
    <input type="file" name="avatar">
    <!-- [..] -->

Use the string 'file' for the input type.

Formendpoint::make('application_form', __('ApplicationForm', 'wptheme'), 'bundlejs')
        // [..]
        Input::make('file', 'avatar', __('Avatar', 'wptheme')),
    //Define allowed mime types (this is optional)
        'jpg' => 'image/jpeg',
        'png' => 'image/png',

Upload multiple files

Add a file type input element to the form. Append a [] to the name of the element and add a multiple attribute.

<form enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <!-- [..] -->
    <input type="file" name="avatars[]" multiple>
    <!-- [..] -->

Use the string 'files' (plural!) if you want to allow multiple files.

Formendpoint::make('application_form', __('ApplicationForm', 'wptheme'), 'bundlejs')
        // [..]
        Input::make('files', 'avatars', __('Avatars', 'wptheme')),