Control/management of access through setting and assigning user roles and permissions are an important part of most production applications.
Though there are many patterns, we are going to use the following terminology:
Role - job function or title which defines authority level (i.e. admin or manager). A user has a role, a role as permissions.
Permissions - approval of a mode of access (i.e. todos) . Multiple permissions can be assigned to a single role.
Add the Roles collection in Firebase. It should be a sibling of the users
collection. For example:
Tip: you can import below JSON directly into Firebase. Alternatively, you can upload it in the start of your application or when you deploy to Firebase.
admin: {
name: 'admin', // will not be necessary once profileParamsToPopulate supports keyProp
todos: true,
userManagement: true
user: {
todos: true,
name: 'user'// will not be necessary once profileParamsToPopulate supports keyProp
users: {
Each user should have a role parameter that correlates to a role. For example:
avatarUrl: 'http://some.url',
displayName: 'Some User',
email: '[email protected]',
role: 'admin'
In order for us to check our role for permissions, we will want to populate the role on a profile. This will turn the role string (i.e. admin) into the object representing that role from the roles collection.
Make sure you have the following config when creating your store:
userProfile: 'users',
profileParamsToPopulate: [
{ child: 'role', root: 'roles' }, // populates user's role with matching role object from roles
You can also use string notation for the profileParamsToPopulate, like so:
userProfile: 'users',
profileParamsToPopulate: [
['role:roles'], // populates user's role with matching role object from roles
Note: beware that the role
parameter on each user will remain a string, and won't be "converted" into an object. Something that may be apparent to some developers, but not to others ;-)
If you want to assign a role by default when users sign up, you can add a profileFactory to your config:+
userProfile: 'users',
profileParamsToPopulate: [
{ child: 'role', root: 'roles' }, // populates user's role with matching role object from roles
profileFactory: user => ({
email: || user.providerData[0].email,
role: 'user',
providerData: user.providerData
Using redux-auth-wrapper you can create higher order components that will make it easy to verify a user has a specific role or permission before rendering a page or component.
Here is an example of an HOC that checks to make sure the user is an admin:
import { get } from 'lodash';
import { UserAuthWrapper } from 'redux-auth-wrapper';
import CircularProgress from 'material-ui/CircularProgress';
* @description Higher Order Component that redirects to the homepage if
* the user does not have the required permission. This HOC requires that the user
* profile be loaded and the role property populated
* @param {Component} componentToWrap - Component to wrap
* @return {Component} wrappedComponent
export const UserIsAdmin = UserAuthWrapper({ // eslint-disable-line new-cap
authSelector: ({ firebase: { profile, auth } }) => ({ auth, profile })
authenticatingSelector: ({ firebase: { profile, auth, isInitializing } }) =>
auth === undefined || profile === undefined || isInitializing === true,
redirectAction: newLoc => (dispatch) => {
dispatch({ type: UNAUTHED_REDIRECT });
allowRedirectBack: false,
failureRedirectPath: '/login',
wrapperDisplayName: 'UserIsAdmin',
predicate: auth => get(auth, ``) === 'admin',
LoadingComponent: <CircularProgress mode="indeterminate" size={80} />,
Here is an example of a UserHasPermission HOC that allows us to pass in a string permission (such as todos):
Tip: you can place the below HOC in router.js
together with UserIsNotAuthenticated
and UserIsAuthenticated
redux-auth-wrapper v1
import { get } from 'lodash';
import { UserAuthWrapper } from 'redux-auth-wrapper';
import CircularProgress from 'material-ui/CircularProgress';
* @description Higher Order Component that redirects to the homepage if
* the user does not have the required permission. This HOC requires that the user
* profile be loaded and the role property populated
* @param {Component} componentToWrap - Component to wrap
* @return {Component} wrappedComponent
export const UserHasPermission = permission => UserAuthWrapper({
wrapperDisplayName: 'UserHasPermission',
LoadingComponent: LoadingScreen,
allowRedirectBack: false,
failureRedirectPath: '/login',
authSelector: ({ firebase: { profile, auth } }) => ({ auth, profile })
authenticatingSelector: ({ firebase: { profile, auth, isInitializing } }) =>
auth === undefined || profile === undefined || isInitializing === true,
predicate: auth => get(auth, `profile.role.${permission}`, false),
redirectAction: newLoc => (dispatch) => {
dispatch({ type: UNAUTHED_REDIRECT });
react-router v4 + redux-auth-wrapper v2
import locationHelperBuilder from 'redux-auth-wrapper/history4/locationHelper';
import { browserHistory } from 'react-router';
import LoadingScreen from '../components/LoadingScreen'; // change it to your custom component
const locationHelper = locationHelperBuilder({});
export const UserHasPermission = permission => UserAuthWrapper({
wrapperDisplayName: 'UserHasPermission',
AuthenticatingComponent: LoadingScreen,
allowRedirectBack: false,
redirectPath: (state, ownProps) =>
locationHelper.getRedirectQueryParam(ownProps) || '/login',
authenticatingSelector: ({ firebase: { auth, isInitializing } }) =>
!auth.isLoaded || !profile.isLoaded || isInitializing === true,
authenticatedSelector: ({ firebase: { auth } }) =>
auth.isLoaded && !auth.isEmpty,
redirectAction: newLoc => (dispatch) => {
browserHistory.replace(newLoc); // or routerActions.replace
dispatch({ type: UNAUTHED_REDIRECT });
The Higher Order Component above can then be applied like so:
export default UserHasPermission('todo')(SomeComponent)