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Releases: ShadowfallStudios/ALS-Community


22 Feb 12:36
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  • [Fix] Fix crashes on clients when new debug component is utilized


21 Feb 22:35
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  • [Feature] #24 Connect Debug Visualiser With Coloring System
  • [Feature] All of debugging features are gathered inside a single actor component. You can now just remove this component from the character blueprint if you don't want any debugging features. The debugging panel will be shown only if your character has a valid debugging component attached.
  • [Optimization] Carry debug related variables and some of functions into C++
  • [Feature] Increase amount and variety of AI characters in test level, change map layout.
  • [Fix] Remove material assignment from camera mesh to stop BasicMaterial save popup window on editor exit.
  • [Other] Change default ALS AnimMan color to light blue, to separate ALSV4_CPP from other BP based projects.


19 Feb 08:27
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  • [Optimization] Optimize camera system by updating variables with an event based approach, instead of each tick
  • [Fix] Fix various dynamic transition issues because of incorrect value comparison
  • [Feature] Remove requirement of custom trace channel addition into project settings. Use Unreal's default trace channels for pawn and character body.


17 Feb 23:16
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  • [Optimization] Utilize 4.26's new animation blueprint property access system. According to Epic Games, this approach gives us up to %25 performance increase on animation blueprint, compared to standard fast path access.
  • [Feature] #21 Separate Mantle Functionality Into New Actor Component
  • [Feature] Mantling is now optional for character blueprint. You can disable mantling by removing mantle component from your character blueprint now. All the overhead of mantling will be removed from your character with that way, compared to old implementation. (Notice: This feature may be breaking for your character blueprint, please carry your mantle related data into new Mantle Component blueprint to utilize your existing settings with new mantle system)
  • [Optimization] Drastically improve performance on mantle feature by reducing amount of ticks in specific conditions
  • [Optimization] Do not continuously call DrawDebugSpheres during tick on shipping builds
  • [Fix] #113 UALSMathLibrary::FixDiagonalGamepadValues wrongly named parameters
  • [Fix] #109 Potential issue with replication in UALSCharacterMovementComponent
  • [Fix] #103 Jiterring / Server Corrections when rolling
  • [Fix] #88 Ready to Relaxed not replicating
  • [Fix] Fix player camera is spawning on world (0,0,0) coordinates on networked games.
  • [Fix] Minor fixes on character base class
  • [Fix] Add missing call to OnGaitChanged()
  • [Fix] Also play montages on server, and force net update after to ensure stability.


15 Dec 12:11
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  • [Fix] Weight_Gait is not properly updated in autonomous proxy characters. The curve is renamed as W_Gait due to an issue with UE 4.26.


04 Dec 19:54
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  • [Other] Unreal Engine 4.26.0 transition
  • [Other] Resave all packages to prevent possible issues on version upgrade
  • [Fix] Fix a warning generated by incorrect replication call in ALSBaseCharacter class


04 Dec 20:01
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  • [Fix] Fix build error caused by a change in character class


01 Dec 22:05
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  • [Fix] Fix stability issues with mantling & rolling in packaged games
  • [Fix] Fix LastRagdollVelocity is being calculated twice in ragdoll call.
  • [Feature] Add velocity check for mantling, so character won't try to mantle on surfaces with high velocity. Check AcceptableVelocityWhileMantling variable in character blueprint to tweak this behavior.
  • [Other] Code quality improvements


04 Nov 22:24
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  • [Fix] Fix crouch speed on single player mode
  • [Fix] Remove faulty CanCombineWith call from movement component. Drastically reduces network traffic usage.


30 Oct 22:24
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  • [Fix] Fix character position correction errors while character is moving in networked games
  • [Optimization] Less bandwith usage by not using curved movement settings on networked games
  • [Fix] Fix character right foot turning 180 degrees in some scenarios
  • [Fix] Fix high-mantle timeline keys causing random hitches
  • [Misc] 4.25.4 support