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mythz edited this page Feb 8, 2011 · 3 revisions

A C# client that provides a low-level raw bytes API access to Redis

This is a low-level API implemented by the ServiceStack.Redis client that provides raw byte access to a Redis server. Each method maps to 1:1 to a Redis operation of the same name.

IRedisNativeClient Interface

public interface IRedisNativeClient
	: IDisposable
	//Redis utility operations
	Dictionary<string, string> Info { get; }
	int Db { get; set; }
	void Save();
	void BgSave();
	void Shutdown();
	void BgRewriteAof();
	void Quit();
	void FlushDb();
	void FlushAll();
	bool Ping();
	string Echo(string text);
	void SlaveOf(string hostname, int port);
	void SlaveOfNoOne();

	//Common key-value Redis operations
	void Set(string key, byte[] value);
	void SetEx(string key, int expireInSeconds, byte[] value);
	int SetNX(string key, byte[] value);
	byte[] Get(string key);
	byte[] GetSet(string key, byte[] value);
	int Del(string key);
	int Incr(string key);
	int IncrBy(string key, int count);
	int Decr(string key);
	int DecrBy(string key, int count);
	int Append(string key, byte[] value);
	byte[] Substr(string key, int fromIndex, int toIndex);

	string RandomKey();
	void Rename(string oldKeyname, string newKeyname);
	int Expire(string key, int seconds);
	int ExpireAt(string key, long unixTime);
	int Ttl(string key);

	//Redis Sort operation (works on lists, sets or hashes)
	byte[][] Sort(string listOrSetId, SortOptions sortOptions);

	//Redis List operations
	byte[][] LRange(string listId, int startingFrom, int endingAt);
	void RPush(string listId, byte[] value);
	void LPush(string listId, byte[] value);
	void LTrim(string listId, int keepStartingFrom, int keepEndingAt);
	int LRem(string listId, int removeNoOfMatches, byte[] value);
	int LLen(string listId);
	byte[] LIndex(string listId, int listIndex);
	void LSet(string listId, int listIndex, byte[] value);
	byte[] LPop(string listId);
	byte[] RPop(string listId);
	byte[][] BLPop(string listId, int timeOutSecs);
	byte[][] BRPop(string listId, int timeOutSecs);
	byte[] RPopLPush(string fromListId, string toListId);

	//Redis Set operations
	byte[][] SMembers(string setId);
	void SAdd(string setId, byte[] value);
	void SRem(string setId, byte[] value);
	byte[] SPop(string setId);
	void SMove(string fromSetId, string toSetId, byte[] value);
	int SCard(string setId);
	int SIsMember(string setId, byte[] value);
	byte[][] SInter(params string[] setIds);
	void SInterStore(string intoSetId, params string[] setIds);
	byte[][] SUnion(params string[] setIds);
	void SUnionStore(string intoSetId, params string[] setIds);
	byte[][] SDiff(string fromSetId, params string[] withSetIds);
	void SDiffStore(string intoSetId, string fromSetId, params string[] withSetIds);
	byte[] SRandMember(string setId);

	//Redis Sorted Set operations
	int ZAdd(string setId, double score, byte[] value);
	int ZRem(string setId, byte[] value);
	double ZIncrBy(string setId, double incrBy, byte[] value);
	int ZRank(string setId, byte[] value);
	int ZRevRank(string setId, byte[] value);
	byte[][] ZRange(string setId, int min, int max);
	byte[][] ZRangeWithScores(string setId, int min, int max);
	byte[][] ZRevRange(string setId, int min, int max);
	byte[][] ZRevRangeWithScores(string setId, int min, int max);
	byte[][] ZRangeByScore(string setId, double min, double max, int? skip, int? take);
	byte[][] ZRangeByScoreWithScores(string setId, double min, double max, int? skip, int? take);
	byte[][] ZRevRangeByScore(string setId, double min, double max, int? skip, int? take);
	byte[][] ZRevRangeByScoreWithScores(string setId, double min, double max, int? skip, int? take);
	int ZRemRangeByRank(string setId, int min, int max);
	int ZRemRangeByScore(string setId, double fromScore, double toScore);
	int ZCard(string setId);
	double ZScore(string setId, byte[] value);
	int ZUnionStore(string intoSetId, params string[] setIds);
	int ZInterStore(string intoSetId, params string[] setIds);

	//Redis Hash operations
	int HSet(string hashId, byte[] key, byte[] value);
	int HSetNX(string hashId, byte[] key, byte[] value);
	void HMSet(string hashId, byte[][] keys, byte[][] values);
	int HIncrby(string hashId, byte[] key, int incrementBy);
	byte[] HGet(string hashId, byte[] key);
	int HDel(string hashId, byte[] key);
	int HExists(string hashId, byte[] key);
	int HLen(string hashId);
	byte[][] HKeys(string hashId);
	byte[][] HVals(string hashId);
	byte[][] HGetAll(string hashId);

	//Redis Pub/Sub operations
	void Publish(string toChannel, byte[] message);
	byte[][] Subscribe(params string[] toChannels);
	byte[][] UnSubscribe(params string[] toChannels);
	byte[][] PSubscribe(params string[] toChannelsMatchingPatterns);
	byte[][] PUnSubscribe(params string[] toChannelsMatchingPatterns);
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