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373 lines (285 loc) · 10.9 KB

File metadata and controls

373 lines (285 loc) · 10.9 KB


Config setup

Run the following commands under the project root:

$ cp .env.example .env
$ vim .env

And modify the following variable, if needed

  • user - For auth for management task
  • password - For auth for management task
  • flushAccessCode - For auth to flush alls "Topics" keep in memory
  • flushAccessCode2 - For auth to flush alls "Topics" keep in memory
  • more for prod - All variable that start with "OUR_NOTIFY" - Those is to notify the dev team
  • more for prod - All variable that start with "CDS_NOTIFY" - Those is to let CDS know they need to send a 50k+ emails message
  • more for prod - All variable that start with "AWS_" - Those is the S3 upload bucket to save the 50k+ emails list


docker-compose up --build



  • x-notify-mongo (Mongo DB instance)
  • x-notify (Server)

First run

You need:

  • In mongo: Create at least 1 topic
  • Setup one (1) email confirmation template with Notify ( - That template contains at least the personalisation (( confirm_link ))
  • Update the topic with the appropriate template ID and notify API key
    • You can update by connecting to mongo via port 27016 or via command line in the docker container x-notify-mongo
    • Example of mongo command: db.topics.updateOne( { _id: "test" }, { $set: { templateId: "<Notify template id>", notifyKey: "<Your team only notify API key>" } } );

Run locally


  • MongoDB 4.2.x

  • NodeJS

  • Create a .env and configure MONGODB_URI, user, password

  • npm install

  • npm run start

Server will run at by default.

Local dev setup

Create a user in Database (for local database)

	db.users.insertOne( {
		"name" : "test",
		"email" : "[email protected]",
		"accessToTopicId" : [
		"pass" : "<a plain text password>"
  • Url: localhost:/8080/api/v1/mailing/login
  • Username: test
  • Password: (pass entered in database)

Environment variables

  • cors Set up CORS headers, method and origin for specific endpoints.

  • errorPage URL to redirect when error occur, like invalid link. Default:

  • confirmBaseURL Base URL to follow in order to confirm the validity of an email address for a given topic. Default:

  • removeURL Base URL to follow in order to unsubscribe from a topic. Default:

  • successJSO JavaScript Object returned on successful JSON API call. Default: { statusCode: 200, ok: 1 }

  • cErrorsJSO JavaScript Object returned on client error, like bad email format or missing parameter. Default { statusCode: 400, bad: 1, msg: "Bad request" }

  • sErrorsJSO JavaScript Object returned on client error, like MongoDB can't connect. Default: { statusCode: 500, err: 1 }

  • notifyEndPoint Notify end point. Default:

  • notSendBefore Number of minute before to accept a resend email request. Default: 25

  • Host URL of the host server. Default:

  • Port Port of the server. Default: 8080

  • ServerStatusPath Path to where we can see the server status. Default: /admin/sys-status

  • prodNoLog Do not log transactions in subs_log collection if in prod mode. Default: undefined

  • NODE_ENV Error logging for the running environment. Set to prod for production Default: development

  • MONGODB_URI MongoDB URI. Default: none, it must be set

  • MONGODB_NAME MongoDB database name. Default: subs

  • user User name to access at the service. Default: none, it must be set

  • password Password to access at the service. Default: none, it must be set

  • keySalt Add salt to key encoding. Default: 5417

  • validHosts Array of valid referrer. Default: ["localhost:8080"]

  • subscode Bypasses subscode and Notify client if set. Default: undefined

  • topicCacheLimit Cache limit of number topic kept in memory. Default: 50

  • notifyCacheLimit Cache limit of number Notify client kept in memory. Default: 40

  • flushAccessCode Private code to allow to flush the cache. Default: undefined

  • flushAccessCode2 Private second code to allow to flush the cache. Default: undefined

  • convertSubCode Migration of old subcode to one created with an uid during the download csv files. Default: false

  • minBeforeToUploadOnly Minimum of subscription before to switch to the upload only to Notify feature. Default: 50000

  • transport Custom SMTP transporter configs. Default: none

  • COMPLETED_JOBS_TO_KEEP Max number of complete to be kept in Queue. Default: 300

Setting for frequency of notifying us - all the following MUST be set:

  • notifyUsTimeLimit Number of millisecond to wait before to send again a email message 180000
  • OUR_NOTIFY_END_POINT Notify end point to us to notify us. Default: Nothing, but we can reuse the same as notifyEndPoint
  • OUR_NOTIFY_KEY Our private Notify key to communicate with us. Default: Nothing
  • OUR_NOTIFY_SEND_EMAIL_TO String array of emails to which to send a notification. Default: []
  • OUR_NOTIFY_TEMPLATE_ID Notify template ID to use when communicating with us.

50k automation upload

  • CDS_NOTIFY_END_POINT Notify end point to notify CDS. Default: Nothing, but we can reuse the same as notifyEndPoint

  • CDS_NOTIFY_KEY CDS Notify key to communicate let them know we completed the upload. Default: Nothing

  • CDS_NOTIFY_SEND_EMAIL_TO String array of emails to which to send a notification to CDS. Default: []

  • CDS_NOTIFY_TEMPLATE_ID Notify template ID to use when communicating with CDS.

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY AWS access key for S3, provided by CDS

  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS secret access key for S3, provided by CDS

  • AWS_BUCKET AWS bucket name to use for the upload

Note: We need to set the Service ID associated to the topic details (field: nServiceId) otherwise the file name will start with "test-". We can extract that number from the Notify API Key they have provided, it is apikey.substring(apikey.length - 73, apikey.length - 37)

  • subsLinkSuffix Suffix buffer URL parameter for when we send confirm/remove link. Default: "853e0212b92a127"

  • jwtSecretAllSubsForTopic This is the secret key necessary for authentication via JWT to the confirmedSubscribers service

  • baseFolder Base folder where the application run. ex: "/x-notify" Default: undefined

REDIS Default Configuration

  • REDIS_ENV Set environment value for Redis. Default: stage and prod which would leverage the redis-sentinel in production environment
  • REDIS_URI Redis URI, the alias or the IP of the server host. Default: x-notify-redis
  • REDIS_PORT Port of Redis server. Default: 6379
  • REDIS_SENTINEL_1_URI Redis Sentinel 1 URI. Default:
  • REDIS_SENTINEL_1_PORT Redis Sentinel 1 PORT. Default: 26379
  • REDIS_SENTINEL_2_URI Redis Sentinel 2 URI. Default
  • REDIS_SENTINEL_2_PORT Redis Sentinel 2 PORT. Default: 26379
  • REDIS_MASTER_NAME Redis master name Default: x-notify-master



  • _id: topicId
  • templateId: Notify template id
  • notifyKey: Notify Key
  • confirmURL: Confirmation URL
  • unsubURL: Unsubscription URL
  • templateTxt: Mustache template for the email text version (SMTP only),
  • templateHtml: Mustache template for the email HTML version (SMTP only),
  • from: Email address from (SMTP only),
  • to: Email address to (SMTP only),
  • subject: Subject of email (SMTP only),
  • thankURL: Thank you URL for redirection,
  • failURL: Failure URL for server error,
  • inputErrURL: Failure URL for filling out the form incorrectly
  • nTemplateMailingId: template ID for sending a corresponding mailing


  • _id: topicId
  • accessCode: Array of <string>
  • createdAt
  • lastUpdated
  • groupName: Name of the department or section
  • description: Short description about this topic
  • lang: Language of this topic
  • langAtl: Alternative language equivalent at this topic
  • retrieving: Array of <managersAccess> sub documents
  • nServiceId: Service ID associated with the notify key
  • approvers: Array of <approvers> sub documents


  • e: email
  • t: topicId


  • email
  • subscode
  • topicId
  • noBefore: timestamps to prevent to resend a new email in a short period of time
  • createAt
  • tId: Notify template id
  • nKey: Notify key
  • cURL: Confirmation URL


  • email
  • subscode
  • topicId


  • c: createdAt (ttl of 30 days)
  • e: email
  • t: topicID


  • _id: email or phone
  • createdAt
  • lastUpdated
  • confirmEmail: Array of <subsInfo> sub documents
  • subsEmail: Array of <subsInfo> sub documents, on subscription
  • unsubsEmail: Array of <subsInfo> sub documents
  • resendEmail: Array of <subInfoResend> sub documents


  • email
  • subscode
  • topicId
  • link: Only there when unsubscribing

Sub documents


  • topicId
  • subscode
  • createdAt


  • topicId
  • createdAt
  • withEmail // flag set to true when a new confirmation is sent


  • createdAt
  • tId: Topic ID
  • code: Access code used


  • subscode
  • email
  • newsubscode
  • topicId


  • createdAt
  • code
  • email


  • createdAt
  • email
  • code
  • templateId: Of Notify
  • details: Description of the error message returned


  • email
  • subscode
  • name



  • topicId
  • title
  • state: value of
  • subject
  • createdAt
  • updatedAt
  • history: Capped array of 10


  • state: value of
  • createdAt
  • comments
  • mailingId


  • name
  • pass
  • email
  • accessToTopicId: Array of topicID

Sub documents for Mailing

{ email: "[email protected]", subscode: "---This-Is-For-Approval---" }


  • state: value of
  • createAt
  • comments
  • historyId

mailingStateEnum (Enumeration)

  • draft
  • completed
  • approved
  • sending
  • sent
  • cancelled


	{ _id: 1, accessCode: 1 }

db.subsUnconfirmed.createIndexes( [
	{ email: 1, subscode: 1 },
	{ topicId: 1, email: 1, notBefore: 1 }

	{ topicId: 1, email: 1 },
	{ unique: true }

	{ e: 1, t: 1 },
	{ unique: true }

	{ c: 1 },
	{ expireAfterSeconds: 2952000 }

	{ created: 1 },
	{ expireAfterSeconds: 604800 }
	{ subscode: 1 }

	{ created: 1 },
	{ expireAfterSeconds: 604800 }

// To be applied after the conversion, the previous version has a risk of duplicate subscode
	{ subscode: 1 },
	{ unique: true }

// Depricated - to remove after subscode is converted
	{ email: 1, subscode: 1 },
	{ unique: true }

* topicId + updatedAt