other/theSimsObject |
"The Sims" object |
.flr .wll .iff |
other/oneDirPlusData |
1dir+ data |
.1dr .1dl |
other/oneDirPlusHelp |
1dir+ Help |
.hlp .hll |
other/secondFighterMaker2ndData |
2D Fighter Maker 2nd data |
.demo .player .stage .kgt |
other/threeDHelicopterSimulatorModel |
3-D Helicopter Simulator Model |
.mdl |
other/threeDHelicopterSimulatorScenery |
3-D Helicopter Simulator scenery |
.3-d |
other/threeDProfessionalCamera |
3-D Professional Camera |
other/threeDProfessionalLathePlate |
3-D Professional Lathe Plate |
other/threeDProfessionalLight |
3-D Professional light |
other/threeDemonObject |
3-Demon Object |
.object |
other/threeDemonProject |
3-Demon project |
.3demon |
other/threeByFiveIndex |
3by5 Index |
.map |
other/threeByFiveSource |
3by5 source |
.3x5 |
other/threeDCKVirtualRealityStudioDriver |
3D Construction Kit / Virtual Reality Studio driver |
.drv |
other/threeDCKArea |
3D Construction Kit Area |
.3ad |
other/threeDCKBrushes |
3D Construction Kit Brushes |
.3bd |
other/threeDCKObject |
3D Construction Kit Object |
.3od .obj |
other/threeDCKShapeData |
3D Construction Kit Shape Data |
.3sd |
other/threeDConstructionKitVideoDriver |
3D Construction Kit video driver |
.drv |
other/threeDCKWorldData |
3D Construction Kit World Data |
.kwd .kit |
other/threeDMovieMaker |
3D Movie Maker |
.3mm .3th .chk .3cn |
other/threeDStudioProject |
3D Studio Project |
.prj |
other/threeDTextAnimatorCharacter |
3D Text Animator character |
other/threeDUltraCoolDataFile |
3D Ultra Cool data file |
.tbv |
other/threeDPinballTableData |
3D-Pinball for Windows table Data |
.dat |
other/threeDFXGlideDriver |
3DFX Glide driver |
.dxe |
other/threeDMarkDatabase |
3DMark database |
.3db |
other/threeDSMaxCharacterStudioBipedMocapData |
3DS Max Character Studio Biped mocap data |
.bip |
other/fourDPaintProject |
4D Paint Project |
.4dp |
1 sample file |
other/binaryRelocation6502 |
6502 binary relocation format |
other/sevenColorsGameDataArchive |
7 Colors game data archive |
.dat |
other/seventhLevelGameDataArchive |
7th Level game data archive |
.bin |
other/cpmBASCOMCompiled |
8bit CP/M-80 COM BASCOM compiled |
.obj .run |
other/ninetyFourBSoundBank |
94B sound bank |
.94b |
other/aSquaredAntiMalwareChecksum |
a-squared Anti-Malware checksum for signatures files |
.trc |
other/aSquaredAntiMalwareSignature |
a-squared Anti-Malware signature |
.sig |
other/aeSGMLDocumentBinary |
A/E SGML DocumentBinary |
.ae |
other/abbyLingvoDictionary |
ABBYY Lingvo dictionary |
.dic .lsd |
other/abcFlowCharterShapesPalette |
ABC FlowCharter shapes Palette |
.afp |
other/abcFlowCharterTemplate |
ABC FlowCharter Template |
.aft |
other/abcSnapGraphicsPalette |
ABC SnapGraphics Palette |
.sgp |
other/abcSnapGraphixWorkspace |
ABC SnapGraphix Workspace |
.sgw |
other/absoluteDatabaseFile |
Absolute Database file |
.abs |
other/abuseDemoData |
Abuse demo Data |
.dat |
other/abuseLevel |
Abuse Level |
.lvl .spe |
other/accelProtelPrintedCircuitBoard |
ACCEL/Protel Printed Circuit Board |
.pcb |
other/aceNotesPIMData |
AceNotes PIM data |
.an2 |
other/actContactLayoutV30 |
ACT! Contact Layout |
.cly |
other/actContactMapV30 |
ACT! contact Map |
.map |
other/actDataBaseBlobV30 |
ACT! data base Blob |
.blb |
other/actEnvelopeLabel |
ACT! Envelope/Label |
.env .lbl .rep |
other/actGroupLayoutV30 |
ACT! Group Layout |
.gly |
other/actReportV30 |
ACT! Report |
.rep |
other/actionTemplate |
Action! Template |
.tpl |
other/activInspireFlipchart |
ActivInspire Flipchart |
.flipchart |
other/actorImageSnapshot |
Actor Image Snapshot |
.ima |
other/acuCOBOLIndex |
AcuCOBOL/Acu4GL Index |
.vix .ueh |
other/addictCompiledDictionary |
Addict compiled dictionary |
.adm |
other/addictThesaurus |
Addict Thesaurus |
.thr |
other/addictUserDictionary |
Addict User Dictionary |
.adu |
other/adobeAfterEffectsProject |
Adobe After Effects Project |
.aep |
other/adobeCaptureDocument |
Adobe Capture Document |
other/adobeCMaps |
Adobe CMaps |
.cmap .bcmap |
other/adobeColorSettingsFile |
Adobe Color Settings File |
.csf |
other/adobeDuotoneOptions |
Adobe Duotone Options |
.ado |
other/adobeEncoreProject |
Adobe Encore project |
other/adobeHyphenationDictionary |
Adobe Hyphenation/Spelling Dictionary |
.hyp |
other/adobeImageStylerFile |
Adobe Image Styler file |
.7247bed9_cd22_45cb_aff3_f56a22322eb8 |
other/adobeMultipleMasterMetrics |
Adobe Multiple Master Metrics |
.mmm |
other/adobePhotoshopColorBook |
Adobe Photoshop Color Book |
.acb |
other/adobePhotoshopCustomShape |
Adobe Photoshop Custom Shape |
.csh |
other/adobePhotoshopGradient |
Adobe Photoshop Gradient |
.grd |
other/adobePremierePeakWaveform |
Adobe Premiere Peak Waveform |
.pek |
other/adobePremiereProject |
Adobe Premiere Project |
.ppj |
other/adobeSetupInstallationFile |
Adobe Setup Installation File |
.sif .setupfile1 |
other/adobeTypeFontInfo |
Adobe Type Manager Font Information |
.inf |
other/adoragePreferences |
Adorage preferences |
other/adrenalineRushHourGameData |
Adrenaline Rush Hour game data |
.bin |
other/adriftTextAdventure |
ADRIFT Text Adventure |
.taf |
other/advancedCalculatorSpreadsheet |
Advanced Calculator spreadsheet |
.calc |
other/advancedLayouterModel |
Advanced Layouter model |
.mus |
other/advancedLayouterProject |
Advanced Layouter project |
.lay |
other/advantageDataServerTable |
Advantage Data Server table |
.adt |
other/adventureGameStudio |
Adventure Game Studio |
.dat |
other/adventureGameToolkitStrings |
Adventure Game Toolkit Strings |
.d$$ |
other/aegisImpactGraph |
Aegis Impact! Graph |
.gph |
other/aegisImpactSlideshow |
Aegis Impact! Slideshow |
.sld |
other/aegisProMotionGeometry |
Aegis Pro Motion Geometry |
.geo |
other/aegisSonixMusic |
Aegis Sonix music |
.snx |
other/aesopEngineResourceData |
AESOP engine Resource data |
.res |
other/afsGameArchive |
AFS game archive |
.afs |
other/afterDarkForDOSResourceData |
After Dark for DOS Resource data |
.rsc |
other/afterlifeSavedGame |
Afterlife saved game |
other/ageOfWondersShadowMagicEffects |
Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic Effects |
.fx |
other/agesGameScript |
AGES Game Script |
.aex |
other/agfaCompugraphicFontCache |
AGFA/Compugraphic Font Cache |
other/aheadNeroCoverDesignerTemplate |
Ahead Nero CoverDesigner Template |
.nct |
other/aibbLoadModule |
AIBB load Module |
.module .aibb |
other/aimpSkin |
AIMP Skin |
.acs3 |
other/airlineTycoonGameDataArchive |
Airline Tycoon game data archive |
.gli |
other/aladdin4DATList |
Aladdin 4D ATList |
.atl |
other/aladdin4DDrawing |
Aladdin 4D Drawing |
.4d |
other/aladdin4DSpline |
Aladdin 4D Spline |
.csp |
other/aladdin4DTXList |
Aladdin 4D TXList |
.txl |
other/albionGameDataArchive |
Albion game data archive |
.xld |
other/alchemyMindworksDriver |
Alchemy Mindworks Driver |
.drv .pdr |
other/alchemyMindworksResource |
Alchemy Mindworks Resource |
.res |
other/aliceThePersonalPascalProgram |
ALICE: The Personal Pascal Program |
.ap |
other/alienTrilogyMap |
Alien Trilogy Map |
.map |
other/alienTrilogyTextures |
Alien Trilogytextures |
.b16 .bin .bnd .16 |
other/allFusionERwinData |
AllFusion ERwin data |
.er1 .erx |
other/allwaysPrinterCartridgeData |
Allways Printer Cartridge data |
.apc |
other/allwaysPrinterDriver |
Allways Printer driver |
.apc |
other/allwaysPrinterFontsInfo |
Allways Printer Fonts info |
.apf |
other/allwaysScreenDriver |
Allways Screen Driver |
.asd |
other/aloneInTheDark2SaveGame |
Alone in the Dark 2 save game |
.itd |
other/alphaFourFieldRules |
Alpha Four field rules |
.rln |
other/alphaFourHelp |
Alpha Four Help |
.hlp |
other/alphaFourIndexDefinition |
Alpha Four Index Definition |
.idn |
other/alphaFourRecordSet |
Alpha Four record Set |
.set |
other/alphaFourScript |
Alpha Four Script |
.scp |
other/alphaFourUserDefinition |
Alpha Four User Definition |
.udn |
other/alphaBaseDataBase |
AlphaBase data base |
.ab |
other/alteraWaveformDesignFile |
Altera Waveform Design File |
.wdf |
other/altiumSimulationDataFile |
Altium Simulation Data File |
other/amapiShader |
Amapi Shader |
.xsh |
other/americanConquestGameArchive |
American Conquest game archive |
.gp |
other/americanSMcGeeSAliceSavedGameFile |
American's McGee's Alice Saved Game File |
.pth |
other/amiBackConfiguration |
Ami-Back Configuration |
.config |
other/amiAtlasFile |
AmiAtlas File |
.borders .coasts .index .islands .prefs .rivers .route .town .countries .country |
other/amigaActionReplay3 |
Amiga Action Replay 3 Freeze File |
4 sample files |
other/amigaBlkDev |
Amiga ADF BlkDev File |
.blkdev |
other/amigaBootCode |
Amiga ADF Bootcode |
.bootcode |
other/amigaXDFMeta |
Amiga ADF XDF Meta |
.xdfmeta |
other/amigaBASICProtectedFile |
Amiga BASIC Protected File |
.bas |
other/amigaCLIMateDirIndex |
Amiga CLI-Mate Directory Index File |
other/amigaEModule |
Amiga E Module |
.m |
other/amigaLibrary |
Amiga Hunk Library/Object |
.lib .obj .o |
other/iffSDBG |
Amiga IFF Debug File |
.debug |
7 sample files |
other/iffDTYP |
Amiga IFF DTYP |
other/iffGXUI |
Amiga IFF GXUI |
.gui |
other/amigaModeProSettings |
Amiga ModePro settings |
.pref |
other/amigaMoney |
Amiga Money |
.amm .sets |
other/amigaOutlineTag |
Amiga Outline Tag |
.otag |
other/iffPrefs |
Amiga Preferences |
.prefs |
other/amigaSharedLibrary |
Amiga Shared Library |
.lib |
other/amigaFoxLayout |
AmigaFox layout |
.afox |
other/amigaKontoPreferences |
AmigaKonto Preferences |
.prefs |
other/amigaKontoSpecification |
AmigaKonto Specification |
.spec |
other/amosAmalBank |
Amos Amal Animation Bank |
.abk |
other/amosAsmBank |
.abk |
other/amosDatasBank |
AMOS Datas Bank |
.abk |
8 sample files |
other/amosWorkBank |
AMOS Work Bank |
.abk |
other/androidPackageResource |
Android Package Resource |
.arsc |
other/aniMouseTutorial |
AniMouse Tutorial |
.sdemo |
other/ansiINCIT378FingerprintsFormat |
ANSI/INCIT 378 fingerprints format (gen) |
.dat .fmrpiv |
other/aolPreferencesOrFilingCabinet |
AOL Preferences/Personal Filing Cabinet |
.pfc .org |
other/apadanaProject |
Apadana Project |
.apr |
other/apAssistCompressedData |
ApAssist Compressed Data |
other/apBasicChainFileModule |
ApBasic Chain file/module |
.chn |
other/appFaceSkin |
AppFace skin |
.urf |
other/apple8900EncryptedSignedContainer |
Apple 8900 encrypted signed container |
.dfu .img2 |
other/appleIIgsClassicDeskAccessory |
Apple IIgs Classic Desk Accessory |
other/appleIIgsInstrument |
Apple IIgs Instrument |
other/appleIIgsNewDeskAccessory |
Apple IIgs New Desk Accessory |
other/appleIIgsTool |
Apple IIgs Tool |
other/appleInterfaceBuilderNIBArchive |
Apple Interface Builder NIB archive |
.nib |
other/appleITunesPhotoDatabase |
Apple iTunes Photo Database |
other/applicationObjectTemplate |
Application Object Template |
.aot |
other/appliedBiosystemsIncFormat |
Applied Biosystems Inc. Format (ABIF) |
.s1 .ab1 .fsa |
other/aptCacheData |
APT cache data |
.bin |
other/archiCADLibraryObject |
ArchiCAD Project/Library Object |
.gsm |
other/arcMasterColorSet |
ArcMaster color Set |
.set |
other/arConProject |
ArCon project |
.acp |
other/arcSoftAlbumOrSlideshow |
ArcSoft Album |
.abm .sld |
other/arcSoftUI |
ArcSoft UI |
.aui |
other/area51GameDataArchive |
Area 51 game data archive |
.dfs |
other/armorCommandMission |
Armor Command mission |
.hpj |
other/armorCommandPicture |
Armor Command Picture |
.pic |
other/armSISpeedIndexTimingsData |
ArmSI Speed Index timings data |
other/artEffectBrush |
ArtEffect Brush |
other/artEffectConvolution |
ArtEffect Convolution |
other/artlineSymbolFile |
Artline Symbol File |
.syf |
other/ascaronEntertainmentGameData |
ASCARON Entertainment game data |
.ewp .ewu .ewm ._dm |
other/asciiFontMetrics |
ASCII Font Metrics |
.afm |
other/ashampooPhotoCommanderDocument |
Ashampoo Photo Commander Document |
.apcdoc |
other/ashampooProductsTranslation |
Ashampoo products translation |
.ashlang |
other/ashtonTateHelpData |
Ashton-Tate Help data |
.hlp |
other/asicCompilerDebugInfo |
ASIC compiler debug info |
.dbg |
other/aspellDictionary |
Aspell dictionary |
.rws |
other/assaultWingLevel |
Assault Wing level |
.lev |
other/assaultWingSprite |
Assault Wing Sprite |
.spr |
other/astoundActor |
Astound Actor |
.act |
other/asuraEngineResourcesPackageGeneric |
Asura engine Resources package |
.asr |
other/atari7800ROM |
Atari 7800 ROM |
.a78 |
other/atariCTBFile |
Atari CTB File |
.ctb |
5 sample files |
other/atariGEMOBM |
Atari GEM OBM File |
.obm |
15 sample files |
other/atariLynxROM |
Atari Lynx ROM |
.lnx |
other/atlantisWordProcessorSoundScheme |
Atlantis Word Processor Sound Scheme |
.asn |
other/atokDictionary |
ATOK Dictionary |
other/atomicBombermanAnimation |
Atomic Bomberman Animation |
.ani |
other/audfprintPeak |
audfprint peak |
.afpk |
other/ailDigitalAudioDriver |
Audio Interface Library 3 Digital audio driver |
.dig |
other/ailMidiDriver |
Audio Interface Library 3 Music/MIDI driver |
.mdi |
other/audioOverview |
Audio Overview |
.ovw |
other/aufschwungOstGraphics |
Aufschwung Ost graphics |
.bpl |
other/auraFateOfTheAgesGameData |
Aura: Fate of the Ages game data |
other/auroraEditorCompiledMacro |
Aurora Editor compiled macro |
.x |
other/aeSGMLBinaryStyle |
Author/Editor SGML Binary Style |
.stl |
other/authorwareLibrary |
Authorware Library |
.apl |
other/authorwarePackagedLibrary |
Authorware Packaged library |
.a4e .a5e .a6e |
other/autoCADColorBasedPlotStyle |
AutoCAD Color-Based Plot Style |
.ctb |
other/autoCADCompiledMenu |
AutoCAD Compiled Menu |
.mnx |
other/autoCADDOSRealModeADIDriver |
Autocad DOS Real Mode ADI Driver |
.exp .ex% |
other/autoCADPlotStyleTable |
AutoCAD Plot Style Table |
.stb |
other/autoCADPlotterConfiguration |
AutoCAD Plotter Configuration |
.pcp .pc3 |
other/autoCADProtectedLISP |
AutoCAD Protected LISP |
.lsp |
other/autoCADSheetSet |
AutoCAD Sheet Set |
.dst |
other/autoCADAutoShadeFilmRoll |
AutoCAD/AutoShade Film roll |
.flm |
other/autoDesk3DStudioMaterialLib |
AutoDesk 3D-Studio Material Library |
.mli |
other/autodeskExternalMessage |
Autodesk External Message |
.xmx |
other/autoItCompiledScript |
AutoIt compiled script |
.a3x |
other/autoPlayMenuBuilderData |
AutoPlay Menu Builder data |
.apm |
other/autoREALMMap |
AutoREALM Map |
.aur |
other/avatarStudioLIO |
Avatar Studio LIO |
.lio |
other/avcHDClipInformation |
AVCHD Clip Information |
.cpi |
other/avcdHDPlaylist |
AVCHD Playlist |
.mpls |
other/averyLabelProLabel |
Avery Label Pro label |
.lpd .lp |
other/avgAntivirusVault |
AVG Antivirus vault |
.fil |
other/aviraAntiVirMessage |
Avira AntiVir message |
.avr |
other/aviraAntiVirVirusDatabase |
Avira AntiVir Virus Database |
.vdf |
other/avroSerializedData |
Avro serialized data |
.avro |
other/avsVideoEditorProject |
AVS Video Editor Project |
.vep |
other/aweGamesGameDataContainer |
AWE Games game data container |
.omt |
other/axialisProScreensaverProducerProject |
Axialis Professional Screensaver Producer project |
.ssp |
other/axisGameEnhancementModules |
Axis Game Enhancement Modules |
.fil |
other/babbleData |
Babble! Data |
.bab |
other/babylonDictionary |
Babylon Dictionary |
.bdc |
other/babylonGlossary |
Babylon Glossary |
.bgl |
other/backItPreset |
Back-It Preset |
.prs |
other/bankMateActivityData |
BankMate Activity data |
.ix1 .ixp |
other/bannerBlueMovieGuideLibraryAuxiliaryFile |
Banner Blue Movie Guide Library Auxiliary File |
.nts .cst .syn |
other/bannerBlueMovieGuideLibraryData |
Banner Blue Movie Guide Library data |
other/banyansVINESPatchData |
Banyans VINES patch data |
.0 .1 |
other/barGameDataArchive |
BAR game data archive |
.dfw |
other/barsAndPipesFile |
Bars and Pipes File |
.gchone .gchord .song |
other/basVBDOSPro10Source |
BAS VBDOS Pro 1.0 Source |
.bas |
other/basicXCompiledBytecode |
BasicX compiled bytecode |
.bxb |
other/battery2QuickLoadSampleData |
Battery 2 quick load sample data |
.nov |
other/battery3DrumKit |
Battery 3 Drum Kit |
.kt3 |
other/beOSCodeWarriorProject |
BeOS CodeWarrior Project |
.proj |
other/berkeleyDB |
Berkeley DB |
.db |
other/bethesdaGameMap |
Bethesda game Map |
.mif |
other/betterOnLineSolutionsPrinterDriver |
Better On-Line Solutions Printer Driver |
.apd .apw .aps |
other/biewXlatTable |
Biew Xlat Table |
.xlt |
other/bigRedRacingLevel |
Big Red Racing Level |
.lev |
other/billOfMaterials |
Bill of Materials |
.bom |
other/binaryColorFormat |
Binary Color Format |
.bcf |
other/binaryDeltaCompressedPatch |
Binary Delta Compressed Patch |
other/binaryManagedObjectFile |
Binary Managed Object File |
.bmf |
other/binaryUnicodeConversionTable |
Binary Unicode conversion Table |
.tbl |
other/binkleyTermScheduleData |
BinkleyTerm Schedule data |
.scd |
other/binPatchPatch |
BinPatch Patch |
.utp |
other/bioForgeMotion |
BioForge Motion |
.mtn |
other/bioForgeSkeleton |
BioForge Skeleton |
.skl |
other/bioForgeSkin |
BioForge Skin |
.skn |
other/biovisionAction |
Biovision Action data |
.vpm .bva |
other/biovisionHierarchyCharacterAnimation |
Biovision Hierarchy character animation format |
.bvh |
other/bisraPEncoded |
BIS raP encoded format |
.sqm .bin |
other/bisRtmAnimation |
BIS Rtm animation |
.rtm |
other/bitDefenderPlugIn |
BitDefender plug-in |
.xmd |
other/blackAndWhiteSoundsData |
Black and White sounds data |
.sad |
other/blackjackLabGame |
Blackjack Lab game |
other/blackjackLabRules |
Blackjack Lab rules |
other/blindWriteTOC |
BlindWrite TOC |
.b6t .b5t |
other/blockBreakerPattern |
Block Breaker Pattern |
.blc |
other/bluRayClipAVStream |
Blu-ray Clip AV stream |
.clpi |
other/bluRayDiscMovieInformation |
Blu-ray Disc Movie Information |
.bdmv .bdm |
other/bluRayMoviePlaylistInformation |
Blu-ray Movie Playlist Information |
.mpls |
other/blueByteArchiveFormat |
Blue Byte Archive Format |
.bba |
other/blueMaxGameData |
Blue Max game data |
.d01 .d02 .d03 .d04 |
other/bnuportPatchTable |
BNUPORT Patch Table |
.pat |
other/bodypaint3D |
Bodypaint 3D |
.b3d |
other/bohemiaGameArchive |
Bohemia game archive |
.pbo |
other/bohemiaInteractivePAA |
Bohemia Interactive PAA |
.paa |
other/boloMap |
Bolo Map |
other/boogleLexicon |
Boogle Lexicon |
.boo |
other/boomBoxProject |
Boom Box projec |
.box |
other/boostSerializationArchive |
Boost serialization archive |
other/boostTextSerialization |
Boost Text serialization |
.txt .dat |
other/bootXBootBlockRecognitionData |
BootX Bootblock Recognition data |
.recog |
other/bootXBootBlocksLibrary |
BootX BootBlocks Library |
.bblib |
other/bootXLearnedBootblocks |
BootX learned bootblocks |
.brain |
other/borlandDelphiCompiledUnit |
Borland Delphi Compiled Unit |
.dcu |
other/borlandDriver |
Borland Graphics Interface Driver |
.bgi |
other/borlandHelpSystem |
Borland Help System |
.hlp |
other/borlandLanguageLibrary |
Borland Language Library |
.bll |
other/borlandObjectBrowserData |
Borland Object Browser data |
.obr |
other/borlandOverlay |
Borland Overlay |
.ovr |
other/borlandReflex2ColorSettings |
Borland Reflex 2 color settings |
.r2z |
other/borlandReflex2Database |
Borland Reflex 2 Database |
.r2d |
other/borlandTLINKSymbolTable |
Borland TLINK Symbol Table |
.tds |
other/borlandTurboDebuggerSettings |
Borland Turbo Debugger session-state settings |
.trw |
other/boyanActionModule |
BOYAN Action Model |
.bam |
other/brainWaveGenerator |
BrainWave Generator |
.bwg |
other/breach3Campaign |
Breach 3 campaign |
.b3s |
other/bridgeTapeRecorderTape |
Bridge Tape Recorder Tape |
.brt |
other/broderbundAudioDriver |
Broderbund audio Driver |
.drv |
other/bryceObjectPresets |
Bryce Object Presets |
.obp |
other/bsdiffPatch |
bsdiff patch |
.bdif .p |
other/buildEngineDemoData |
Build Engine Demo Data |
.dem |
other/bullfrogObjectData |
Bullfrog Object Data |
.dat |
other/butcherShape |
Butcher Shape |
.shape |
other/butcherSignal |
Butcher Signal |
.signal |
other/buttonsButtonDefinition |
Buttons! Button definition |
.but |
other/bwsbMusicSoundDriver |
BWSB Music and Sound Engine Driver |
.mse |
other/cppSymbolDatai |
C++ Symbol Data |
.dat |
other/caVisualObjectsADAMIndex |
CA Visual Objects ADAM Index |
.ind |
other/caVisualObjectsApplication |
CA Visual Objects Application |
.app .ap |
other/caVisualObjectsApplicationExport |
CA Visual Objects Application Export File |
.aef .ae |
other/caVisualObjectsModuleExportFile |
CA Visual Objects Module Export File |
.mef |
other/caVisualObjectsPrefix |
CA Visual Objects Prefix |
.pfx |
other/caVisualObjectsSysAtomTable |
CA Visual Objects sys atom table |
.vo |
other/caCompeteModel |
CA-Compete! Model |
.mdl |
other/caSimplyMoneyConfiguration |
CA-Simply Money Configuration |
.cnf |
other/cadDrawLibrary |
CAD/Draw Library |
.tbl |
other/cadDrawSettings |
CAD/Draw Settings |
.mpi |
other/cad6Drawing |
CAD6 Drawing |
.mkd |
other/cad6Library |
CAD6 Library |
.mkl |
other/cadvance2DSymbol |
CADVANCE 2D symbol |
.sym .bin |
other/caesarIIIGraphicsInfo |
Caesar III graphics info |
.sg2 |
other/cakewalkGroove |
Cakewalk Groove |
.bin |
other/cakewalkMacroDOS |
Cakewalk Macro (DOS) |
.ma |
other/cakewalkSONARProject |
Cakewalk SONAR project |
.cwp |
other/cakewalkStudioWarePanel |
Cakewalk Studio Ware Panel |
.CakewalkStudioWare |
other/cakewalkWorkFile |
Cakewalk Work File |
.wrk |
other/calamusCommandKeySettings |
Calamus Command-Key settings |
.ckt |
other/calamusFarbColorTable |
Calamus Farb Color Table |
.cft .cf |
other/calamusRasterInfo |
Calamus Raster Information |
.cri .cr |
other/calamusTextStyleList |
Calamus Text Style List |
.csl .cs |
other/caligariTrueSpaceData |
Caligari TrueSpace Data |
other/capellaMusicNotation |
Capella music notation |
.cap |
other/cardSoftPCMCIACardLibrary |
CardSoft PCMCIA Card Library |
.clb |
other/carmageddonSavedGame |
Carmageddon Saved Game |
.ars |
other/carnivores2IceAgeGraphicsBehavio |
Carnivores/Ice Age animal and object graphics and behavior file |
.car |
other/cartoonersActor |
Cartooners Actor |
.act |
other/casioDiscTitlePrinterLabel |
Casio Disc Title Printer label |
.ctw |
other/castleOfTheWindsSavedGame |
Castle of the Winds saved Game |
.cwg |
other/catiaAssembly |
CATIA Assembly |
.catproduct |
other/catiaDrawing |
CATIA Drawing |
.catdrawing |
other/catiaPartDescription |
CATIA Part Description |
.catpart |
other/catiaProductDescription |
CATIA Product Description |
.catproduct |
other/caveStorySaveGame |
CaveStory save game |
.dat |
other/cavewarsDialog |
Cavewars dialog |
.fdg |
other/cBASICIntermediateCode |
CBASIC Intermediate code |
.int |
other/ccmfResourceCompositeFile |
CCmF / Resource Composite File |
.dat |
other/ccS64Snapshot |
CCS64 snapshot |
.c64 |
other/cdAudioTrackShortcut |
CD Audio track shortcut |
.cda |
other/cdViewerData |
CD Viewer data |
.cdv |
other/cedarLakeSoftwareGameData |
Cedar Lake Software game data |
.cl1 |
other/centralPointSoftwareDirectoryTreeInfo |
Central Point Software directory Tree info |
.tre |
other/centralPointSoftwareLibrary |
Central Point Software Library |
.dlo |
other/centurionDefenderOfRomeGameData |
Centurion: Defender of Rome game data |
.dat .cat |
other/cForthDictionary |
cForth Dictionary |
.dic |
other/chalkGameDataArchive |
Chalk game data archive |
.wgm |
other/chaosToyUniversePalette |
CHAOS Toy Universe Palette |
.frt |
other/chaosultdGEMParameters |
CHAOSultdGEM Parameters |
.chs |
8 sample files |
other/characterTableLibrary |
Character Table Library |
.tlb |
other/cheatEngineCheatTable |
Cheat Engine Cheat Table |
.ct |
other/checkItProData |
CheckIt Pro Data |
.ckd |
other/checksAndBalances |
Checks and Balances data |
other/chem3DFormat |
Chem3D Format |
.c3 |
other/chemDrawTemplate |
ChemDraw Template |
.ctr |
other/chemicalDrawExchangeFormat |
Chemical Draw Exchange Format |
.cdx |
other/chemViewAnimationData |
Chemview Animation Data |
.d |
other/chessAssistant |
Chess Assistant File |
.bic .bid .bim .bis .lib .bfi .dsc .ndx .bdy |
other/chessBaseArchiveFile |
ChessBase Archive file |
.cbv |
other/chessBaseLightDatabaseHeader |
ChessBase Light database Header |
.cbh |
other/chromeDictionary |
Chrome dictionary |
.bdic |
other/chromeSavedSessions |
Chrome saved sessions |
other/chromeVisitedLinksHistory |
Chrome Visited Links history |
other/cinema4DLayout |
CINEMA 4D Layout |
.l4d .res |
other/cinemaScopeSequence |
CinemaScope Sequence |
.seq |
other/cineMorphProject |
CineMorph Project |
.project |
other/civilizationIIISaveGame |
Civilization III save game |
.bic .bix |
other/clamAntivirusByteCodeSignatures |
Clam Antivirus ByteCode signatures |
.cbc |
other/clarisWorksPaletteFiles |
Claris Works palette files |
.pl .plt |
other/clariSSAPreferences |
ClariSSA preferences |
other/clawCustomLevel |
Claw custom level |
.wwd |
other/clickOnceCompiledManifest |
ClickOnce Compiled Manifest |
.cdf-ms |
other/clipGalleryDownloadPackage |
Clip Gallery Download Package |
.cil |
other/clipperPreLinkedLibrary |
Clipper Pre-Linked Library |
.pll |
other/clispMemoryImageData |
CLISP memory image data |
.mem |
other/cloantoAmigaOSEncryptedROM |
Cloanto Amiga OS encrypted ROM |
.rom |
other/cloneCDSubChannelData |
CloneCD CDImage SubChannel Data |
.sub |
other/cloneCDLanguageFile |
CloneCD Language File |
.lng |
other/cobraAdressPlusFormat |
Cobra Adress Plus Format |
.fme .fmk .fmu .fml .fmb .fmp .fmv .fms |
other/cocktailFileModule |
Cocktail File Module |
other/codesysLibrary |
CODESYS Library |
.lib .lb6 .lbx |
other/codesysProject |
CODESYS Project |
.pro |
other/codeViewColors |
CodeView colors |
.cvw |
other/codeWarriorProject |
CodeWarrior Project |
.mcp |
other/codeWarriorTargetData |
CodeWarrior Target Data |
.tdt |
other/coffLibrary |
COFF Library |
.lib .obj .a |
other/collectorzDotComMovieCollectorData |
Collectorz.com Movie Collector data |
.mvc |
other/combustion2ParticleLibrary |
Combustion 2 Particle Library |
.elc |
other/comicBookCreatorBackground |
Comic Book Creator Background |
.bin |
other/comicBookCreatorShapeTable |
Comic Book Creator shape Table |
.tbl .frm .bin |
other/comicCollectorCollectionData |
Comic Collector Collection data |
.cmc |
other/commanderKeen6Config |
Commander Keen 6 config |
.ck6 |
other/appleScriptCompiled |
Compiled AppleScript Script |
2 sample files |
other/compiledErlangCode |
Compiled Erlang code |
other/compiledMediaBasicProject |
Compiled MediaBasic Project |
.ebc |
other/compiledMSVCResources |
Compiled MSVC Resources |
.resources |
other/compiledXKeyMap |
Compiled X KeyMap |
.xkm |
other/componentConfigurationFile |
Component Configuration File |
.ccf |
other/concurrentDOSSerialTerminalConfiguration |
Concurrent DOS Serial Terminal Configuration |
.dat |
other/calCompressedData |
Confusion and Light Compressed Data |
.cal |
other/coolEditAuditionSession |
Cool Edit / Audition Session |
.ses |
other/coolPageProject |
Cool Page Project |
.cpg |
other/coreFile |
Core File |
.core |
other/corelCatalog |
Corel Catalog |
.clc |
other/corelCustomNaturalMediaStroke |
Corel Custom Natural Media Stroke |
.npm |
other/corelEditorMacro |
Corel Editor Macro |
.edm |
other/corelMailArchivedMessageDatabase |
Corel Mail archived message database/mailbox |
.db |
other/corelPhotoPaintUserFilter |
COREL Photo Paint User Defined Filter |
.usr |
other/corelPhotoPaintToneCurve |
Corel PhotoPaint Tone Curve |
.crv |
other/corelRAVEAnimation |
Corel R.A.V.E. Animation |
.clk7 .clk .clk6 |
other/corelSavedFindSearch |
Corel saved find/search |
.fin |
other/corelShellMacro |
Corel Shell Macro |
.shm |
other/corelWritingToolsUserWordList |
Corel Writing Tools User Word List |
.sav .hwl |
other/corelDRAWCharacterSet |
CorelDRAW Character Set |
.csd |
other/corelTRACEConfiguration |
CorelTRACE configuration |
.bin |
other/corncob3DData |
Corncob 3D Data File |
.cct |
other/cornelHuthComprssedLibrary |
Cornel Huth Compressed Library |
.li_ |
other/cosmicBlobsModel |
Cosmic Blobs model |
.blob .asset |
other/cpm86Library |
CP/M-86 library |
.l86 |
other/cracklibPasswordIndex |
Cracklib Password Index |
.pwi |
other/craftFactoryDesign |
Craft Factory design |
.cra |
other/createAQuizFile |
Create A Quiz file |
.qz |
other/createAdventureGamesProject |
Create Adventure Games Project |
.cag |
other/createShadeLights |
Create+Shade Lights |
.lights |
other/creativeDskVoiceDriver |
Creative DskVoice Driver |
.drv |
other/creativeGraphicsLibraryDriver |
Creative Graphics Library Driver |
.cgl |
other/creativeSignalMicrocode |
Creative Signal Processor Microcode |
.csp |
other/crosstalkDriver |
Crosstalk Driver |
.xtd |
other/crosstalkFilter |
Crosstalk Filter |
.xtf |
other/crosstalkProtocol |
Crosstalk Protocol |
.xtp |
other/crosstalkTerminal |
Crosstalk Terminal |
.xtt |
other/crosswordPuzzle |
Crossword Puzzle |
.gpm |
other/crowdANIMGameDataFormat |
CROWD ANIM game data format |
.cwl |
other/cryoInteractiveGameData |
Cryo Interactive game data |
.3da .3dc .3dm .bf |
other/cryoS3DGameData |
Cryo S3D game data |
.s3d |
other/crystalAtariBrowserModule |
Crystal Atari Browser Module |
.mdl |
other/crystalTOPASMaterial |
Crystal TOPAS Material |
other/crytekAsset |
Crytek asset |
.cgf .cga .anm .caf |
other/csrBluecoreFirmwareSegment |
CSR Bluecore firmware segment |
.dfu |
other/ctVOICEDriver |
CT-VOICE Driver |
.drv |
other/cubaseDrumMap |
Cubase Drum Map |
.drm |
other/cubaseProject |
Cubase Project |
.npr .cpr |
other/cubicPlayerAnimation |
Cubic Player animation |
.dat |
other/cubicPlayerArchiveCache |
Cubic Player archive cache |
.dat |
other/cuplABS |
.abs |
other/cursorFXTheme |
CursorFX theme |
.cursorfx |
other/cwPALColorPalette |
CWPAL color palette |
.pal |
other/cyberloreStudiosPlayboyGameMap |
Cyberlore Studios Playboy game map |
.pb |
other/cyberTrackerInstrument |
CyberTracker Instrument |
other/cybervisionMonitorInfo |
Cybervision Monitor Info |
other/cygnusEdDefaultSettings |
Cygnus Editor Default Settings |
other/cygnusEdMacros |
Cygnus Editor Macros |
other/cypressPSoCTopLevelCreatorSchematic |
Cypress PSoC top-level Creator Schematic |
.cysch |
other/daikatanaGameData |
Daikatana game data |
.vsc |
other/dalvikDexFile |
Dalvik Dex File |
.dex |
other/danebaCanvasPalette |
Daneba Canvas Palette (v3.x) |
.pal .pa |
other/darkLegionsColorPalaette |
Dark Legions Color palaette |
.col |
other/darkReignMap |
Dark Reign Map |
.map |
other/darkReignPalette |
Dark Reign Palette |
.pal |
other/darkWaveStudioModule |
DarkWave Studio module |
.dwp |
other/dasBootGameDataArchive |
Das Boot game data archive |
.d02 .d03 .d01 |
other/databenchForm |
Databench form |
.msk |
other/datAGIDataBase |
DatAGI data base |
other/datamatDatabaseStructure |
Datamat database structure |
.sts |
other/datamatMaskForm |
Datamat mask/form |
.msk |
other/dataRescueIDADLLDescription |
DataRescue IDA DLL IDS Description File |
.ids |
other/dataStoreDatabase |
Datastore Database |
other/dateBookArchive |
DateBook Archive |
.dba |
other/datelActionReplay |
Datel Action Replay cheat data |
.dc |
other/dBaseCompiledObjectProgram |
dBase Compiled File |
.dbo .qbo |
other/dBaseCompiledLabel |
dBase compiled Label |
.lbo |
other/dBaseDesign |
dBase Form |
.frm |
other/dBaseIndex |
dBase Index File |
.ntx |
other/dBasePrintForm |
dBase Print Form |
.prf |
other/dBaseScreen |
dBASE Screen |
.scr |
other/dctvPaintPalette |
DCTV Paint Palette |
.pal |
other/decisionProProject |
Decision/pro project |
.dp |
other/decisiveBattlesOfTheAmericanCivilWarGameData |
Decisive Battles of the American Civil War game data |
.dfx .dfs |
other/deHackEdPatch |
DeHackEd Patch |
.deh |
other/dellSystemBIOS |
Dell system BIOS version |
.hdr |
other/delphiCompiledPackage |
Delphi Compiled Package |
.dcp |
other/delphiDiagramPortfolio |
Delphi Diagram Portfolio |
.ddp |
other/deluxeSkiJump2Replay |
Deluxe Ski Jump 2 Replay |
.rpl |
other/deluxeGameAnimatorCopperList |
Deluxe-Game-Animator Copper list |
other/deluxeGameAnimatorScrollGraphic |
Deluxe-Game-Animator scroll graphic |
other/deluxeProductionsProject |
DeluxeProductions project |
other/demoGeneratorShowScreen |
Demo Generator Show screen |
.sho |
other/demoManiacVectors |
DemoManiac Vectors |
.dat |
other/demoShieldDemo |
DemoShield Demo |
.dbd .bdd |
other/depthDwellersGameData |
Depth Dwellers Resource/game data |
.res |
other/derEncodedData |
DER Encoded Data |
.rsa |
other/descent2AlternativeTextureSet |
Descent 2 alternative texture set |
.pog |
other/descentGameSave |
Descent Game Save |
.sg0 |
other/descentLevel |
Descent Level |
.rdl |
other/descentPlayer |
Descent Player |
.plr |
other/deScribeMacro |
DeScribe Macro |
other/design3DOutline |
DESIGN 3D outline |
.cnt |
other/design3DPath |
DESIGN 3D path |
.chm |
other/design3DScene |
DESIGN 3D scene |
.d3d |
other/design3DScript |
DESIGN 3D Script |
.scr |
other/design3DSky |
.sky |
other/designIt3D2DObjectLibrary |
Design It! 3-D 2D object Library |
.wlb |
other/deskMateFilerDatabase |
DeskMate Filer database |
.fil .hlp |
other/desktopDB |
Desktop DB |
1 sample file |
other/desktopDF |
Desktop DF |
1 sample file |
other/devExpressDxSkinSkin |
DevExpress dxSkin Skin |
other/deviceTreeBlob |
Device Tree Blob/Overlay |
.dtb .dtbo |
other/dexDriveMemoryCardSaveGame |
DexDrive memory card save game |
.gme |
other/diablo1ItemSafe |
Diablo 1 Item Safe |
.itm |
other/diablo2SavedGame |
Diablo II Saved Game |
.d2s |
other/diagramDesignerTemplate |
Diagram Designer Template |
.ddt |
other/diagramStudioLibrary |
Diagram Studio Library |
.dsl |
other/diagsoftSpaceShuttlePlotData |
Diagsoft Space Shuttle Plot data |
.cad |
other/digglesSavedGameFile |
Diggles Saved Game File |
.sav |
other/digitaORganiserTheme |
Digita Organiser Theme |
other/digitalImageDesignGameDataArchive |
Digital Image Design game data archive |
.xfs |
other/digitalRealitySoftwareMapsData |
Digital Reality Software Maps data |
.maps |
other/dinamicMultimediaGFXResource |
Dinamic Multimedia GFX Resource |
.grc |
other/dipTracePCB |
DipTrace PCB |
.dip |
other/dipTraceSchematic |
DipTrace Schematic |
.dch |
other/direct3DShader |
Direct3D Shader |
.vso .pso |
other/directoryOpusButton |
Directory Opus button |
other/directoryOpusEnvironment |
Directory Opus environment |
other/directoryOpusSettings |
Directory Opus Settings |
other/directoryOpusType |
Directory Opus type |
other/directWaveProgram |
DirectWave Program |
.dwp |
other/directXCompiledShaderObject |
DirectX Compiled Shader Object |
.cso |
other/directXPreCompiledPixelVertexShader |
DirectX pre-compiled pixel/vertex shader |
.fxo |
other/disGCLScript |
DISGCL script |
.gcl |
other/diveFileFormat |
Dive File Format |
.dff |
other/dnaSequenceChromatogram |
DNA Sequence Chromatogram |
.scf |
other/dominoSequence |
Domino Sequence |
.dms |
other/doom3Savegame |
Doom 3 Savegame |
.save |
other/doomSaveGame |
DOOM Save Game |
.dsg |
other/dosNavigator2Settings |
Dos Navigator 2 settings |
.cfg |
other/dProtelForWindowsSchematic |
DProtel for Windows schematic |
.sch .dot .prj |
other/drDOSCodePage |
DR-DOS code page |
.cpi |
other/drHaloPrinterDefinition |
Dr. Halo Printer definition |
.prn |
other/drHardwareSysInfo |
Dr. Hardware Sysinfo |
.dat |
other/drSolomonsAntivirusMessages |
Dr. Solomon's Antivirus messages |
.dat |
other/drWebLanguageData |
Dr. Web Language data |
.dwl |
other/drWebAntiVirusDatabas |
Dr.Web Anti-Virus Database |
.vdb |
other/dragonUnPACKerColorPalette |
Dragon UnPACKer color Palette |
.dpal |
other/dragonUnPACKerHTMLTemplate |
Dragon UnPACKer HTML Template |
.uht |
other/dragonUnPACKerLook |
Dragon UnPACKer Look |
.dulk |
other/drawStudioGradient |
DrawStudio Gradient |
other/drawStudioPattern |
DrawStudio Pattern |
other/dreamcastDisc |
Dreamcast Disc |
.bin |
other/dreamWebGameData |
DreamWeb game data |
other/driDisplayManagerDisplay |
DRI Display Manager Display |
.dis |
other/dtvShot |
DTV Shot |
.sht |
other/duneIISavedGame |
Dune II Saved Game |
.dat |
other/duneShot |
DUNE Shot |
other/dungeonSiege2Data |
Dungeon Siege 2 data |
.ds2res |
other/dungeonSiegeResourceGameData |
Dungeon Siege Resource game data |
.dsres |
other/dustyDOTsSavedGame |
DustyDOTs saved game |
.dsv |
other/dvdInfoFile |
DVD Info File |
.ifo .bup |
other/dynamicMessageSystemFile |
Dynamic Message System File |
.msg |
other/dynamicPublisherPrinterFile |
Dynamic Publisher Printer File |
.prf |
other/dynamicallyLinkedDeviceInterface |
Dynamically Linked Device Interface |
.dldi |
other/dynamixBitmap |
Dynamix Bitnmap |
.bmp |
other/dynamixFontDataContainer |
Dynamix Font data container |
.fnt |
other/dynamixPalette |
Dynamix Palette |
.pal |
other/dynamixSceneDataContainer |
Dynamix scene data container |
.ttm .tkm |
other/dynamixSoundDataContainer |
Dynamix Sound data container |
.sx .snd .blk |
other/ezFMSynthesizerSoundSettings |
E-Z FM Synthesizer sound Settings |
.set |
other/eaSeattleGameData |
EA Seattle game data |
.act |
other/eaglePCBLibrary |
EAGLE Library |
.lbr |
other/eaglePCBCircuitBoardDrawing |
EAGLE PCB (circuit board) drawing |
.brd |
other/eagleSchematic |
EAGLE schematic |
.sch |
other/easyCDCreatorLayout |
Easy CD Creator Layout |
.cl5 |
other/easyCDProProjec |
Easy CD Pro Project |
.ecd |
other/easyLanguageStorage |
EasyLanguage Storage |
.ela .els |
other/easyPhotoGallery |
EasyPhoto Gallery |
.gal |
other/eclipseErrors |
Eclipse Errors |
.err |
other/eclipseHelp |
Eclipse Help |
.hlp |
other/eclipseImage |
Eclipse Image |
.img |
other/eclipseTutorial |
Eclipse Tutorial |
.tut |
other/ecxModule |
ECX module |
.m |
other/egsSpectraPaintStencil |
EGS-SpectraPaint Stencil |
.stencil |
other/eicarAntivirusTestFile |
EICAR antivirus test file |
.com |
other/electronicArtsInteractiveSequence |
Electronic Arts interactive sequence |
.map .lin |
other/emacsCompiledLisp |
Emacs Compiled Lisp |
.elc |
8 sample files - Could decompile it with (maybe): https://github.com/rocky/elisp-decompile |
other/empireAnimationGameData |
Empire animation game Data |
.dat |
other/empireDeluxeConfig |
Empire Deluxe Configuration |
.cfg |
other/empireDeluxeMap |
Empire Deluxe Map |
.map |
other/empire2TheArtOfWarConfiguration |
Empire II: The Art of War Configuration |
.cfg |
other/empire2TheArtOfWarSavedGame |
Empire II: The Art of War Saved Game |
.svg |
other/empireScenario |
Empire Scenario |
.scn |
other/encartaEncyclopediaLinksUpdate |
Encarta Encyclopedia Yearbook and Web Links update |
.eyb |
other/endNoteLibrary |
EndNote Library |
.enl |
other/enlightenmentEETArchive |
Enlightenment EET archive |
.cfg .edj .imc |
other/ensoniqEPSExtractedFile |
Ensoniq EPS Extracted File |
.efe |
other/ensoniqVFXPatchFile |
Ensoniq VFX Patch File |
.vfx |
other/enviromentalAudioLibraryData |
Enviromental Audio Library data |
.eal |
other/erdasImagineHierarchicalFileArchitecture |
ERDAS Imagine Hierarchical File Architecture |
other/esriArcInfoBinaryGrid |
ESRI Arc/Info Binary Grid |
.adf |
other/esriCoverageAnnotation |
ESRI ArcInfo Coverage Annotation |
other/esriGridNIT |
ESRI ArcInfo Grid NIT |
.nit |
other/esriAttributeIndexFiles |
ESRI Attribute Index Files |
.ain |
other/esriShapefileHeaderIndex |
ESRI Shapefile Header Index |
.aih |
other/esriSpatialIndex |
ESRI Spatial Index |
other/esriDataBaseIndex |
ESRI/ArcView DataBase Index |
.shx |
other/estFlatBinary |
EST flat binary |
.bin |
other/euphoriaDatabaseSystem |
Euphoria Database System |
.edb .hpc |
other/eurekaMercuryConfiguration |
Eureka/Mercury Configuration |
.cfg .eka |
other/eveOnlineGameContentsArchive |
EVE Online Game Contents archive |
.stuff |
other/everythingIndex |
Everything index |
.db |
other/evilGeniusGameDataArchive |
Evil Genius game data archive |
.erb |
other/examViewQuestionBank |
ExamView Question Bank |
.bnk |
other/expePointSet |
Expe PointSet |
.pts |
other/expressSCHSchematic |
ExpressSCH schematic |
.sch |
other/expresswarePrinterDefFile |
Expressware Printer Definition File |
.pdf |
other/extensibleStorageEngineDataBase |
Extensible Storage Engine DataBase |
.edb .sdb |
other/extraForWindowsAPLKeymap |
Extra! for Windows APL keymap |
.apl |
other/extraForWindowsBinaryCompiledMacro |
Extra! for Windows Binary/compiled Macro |
.ebm |
other/extraForWindowsSmartpadDefinition |
Extra! for Windows smartpad definition |
.ewp |
other/f1gpEdData |
F1GP-Ed Data |
.events .settings |
other/fabricDesign |
Fabric design |
.fab |
other/faceGenBaseMesh |
FaceGen base mesh |
other/faceGenControlsDistributionDensities |
FaceGen Controls/distribution densities |
.ctl |
other/faceGenFaceCoordinates |
FaceGen face coordinates |
other/faceGenStatisticalShapeInformation |
FaceGen statistical shape information |
other/faceGenStatisticalTextureInformation |
FaceGen statistical Texture information |
other/faceGenUVRemappingTransform |
FaceGen UV remapping transform |
other/fadeToBlackObjectsIndexes |
Fade to Black objects indexes |
.snt |
other/faeryTaleAdventure2SaveGame |
Faery Tale Adventure 2 save game |
.sav |
other/falloutCompiledScript |
Fallout compiled script |
.int |
other/falloutTacticsEntity |
Fallout Tactics Entity |
.ent |
other/falloutTacticsImage |
Fallout Tactics image |
.zar |
other/falloutTacticsSprite |
Fallout Tactics Sprite |
.spr |
other/familyTreeMakerFamilyTree |
Family Tree Maker Family Tree |
.fbk .ftw |
other/farscapeTheGameAnimationData |
Farscape: The Game Animation data |
.fsa |
other/fasaInteractiveGameDataArchive |
FASA Interactive game data archive |
.fst |
other/fastLynxHelp |
FastLynx Help |
.hlp |
other/fdmDownloadsData |
FDM downloads data |
.sav |
other/ferrariFormulaOneTrackData |
Ferrari Formula One track data |
.tkb4 .tkb |
other/fiascoDatabaseFile |
Fiasco Database File |
.fdat .fidx .frec .fdb .fpr |
other/fighterBomberMission |
Fighter Bomber Mission |
.msn |
other/fileExpressIndexHeader |
File Express Index Header |
.ixh |
other/fileExpressQuickScan |
File Express Quick Scan |
.qss |
other/fileStar2ToolBar |
FileStar/2 toolBar |
.bar |
other/finalCutProject |
Final Cut project |
.fcp |
other/finaleEnigmaBinaryFormat |
Finale Enigma Binary Format |
.bin |
other/finaleNotePad |
Finale NotePad |
.mus |
other/firstBasicHelp |
FirstBasic Help |
.fbh |
other/fLStudioScore |
FL Studio Score |
.fsc |
other/flStudioTrack |
FL Studio Track |
.flp .fst |
other/flanker2MissionData |
Flanker 2 Mission data |
.mis .trk |
other/flashbackObject |
Flashback Object |
.obj |
other/flexidumpCustomPrinterDriver |
Flexidump Custom printer driver |
.cus |
other/flightCommander2BattleData |
Flight Commander 2 Battle data |
.btl |
other/flightCommander2Campaign |
Flight Commander 2 Campaign |
.cam |
other/flightSimToolkitTerrain |
Flight Sim Toolkit Terrain Data |
.ftd |
other/floorPlan3DProject |
FloorPlan 3D project |
.bmf |
other/flowCharting3Help |
Flow Charting 3 Help |
.fhp |
other/fMailAreaConfiguration |
FMail Area configuration |
.ard .ar |
other/fMailNodeConfiguration |
FMail Node configuration |
.nod |
other/fOnlineEngineTileSet |
FOnline Engine Tile set |
.til |
other/fontDescriptor |
Font descriptor |
.ntf14 .ntf16 .ntf4 |
other/foreignLanguageMasterConfig |
Foreign Language Master Configuration |
.config |
other/foreignLanguageMasterDictionary |
Foreign Language Master dictionary |
.flm |
other/forgeFileSystemGameDataArchive |
Forge File System game data archive |
.ffs |
other/formFloworm |
FormFlow form |
.frz .frl |
other/formulaDocument |
Formula document |
.frm |
other/formWorxForWindowsForm |
FormWorx for Windows Form |
.fpx |
other/forteAgentCharmap |
Forte Agent Charmap |
.cod |
other/fortuneCiteData |
Fortune Cite data |
.cit |
other/foxBaseMultipleIndex |
FoxBase Multiple Index |
.mdx |
other/foxProCompoundIndex |
FoxPro Compound Index |
.tdx .edx |
other/foxProMemo |
FoxPro Memo File |
.fpt |
other/fractalDesignPainterFrisket |
Fractal Design Painter Frisket |
.frs |
other/fractalDesignPainterGradationLib |
Fractal Design Painter Gradation Lib |
.grd |
other/fractalDesignPainterLightingLib |
Fractal Design Painter Lighting Lib |
.lit |
other/fractalDesignPaperTexture |
Fractal Design Painter Paper Texture |
.pap |
other/fractalDesignPainterResource |
Fractal Design Painter Resource |
.rsr |
other/fractalDesignPainterSession |
Fractal Design Painter Session |
.ssk |
other/fractalDesignPainterWeavingLib |
Fractal Design Painter Weaving Lib |
.wev |
other/fractalExplorerViewData |
Fractal Explorer View data |
.fev |
other/fractalExtremePalette |
Fractal Extreme Paletten Datei |
.fxp |
other/fractalForgeParameters |
Fractal Forge parameters |
.mnd |
other/fractalWeaveParameters |
Fractal Weave Parameters |
.wwv |
other/freeDOSKEYBoardLayoutCollection |
FreeDOS KEYBoard layout collection |
.sys |
other/freelanceGraphicsSmartmaster |
Freelance Graphics Smartmaster |
.mas .pre |
other/frontPageBTreeIndex |
Front Page Binary-Tree Index |
.btr |
other/frontierFirstEncountersSavedCommander |
Frontier: First Encounters saved commander |
._01 |
other/fullTiltPinballData |
Full Tilt Pinball Data |
.dat |
other/furcadiaMap |
Furcadia Map |
.map |
other/gPoliceGameData |
G-Police game data |
.rdt |
other/gabrielMaterialFile |
Gabriel Material File - Robot Arena |
.gmf .hkv .scc |
other/gadToolsBoxUIData |
GadToolsBox UI data |
.gui |
other/gameBoyAdvanceROM |
Game Boy Advance ROM |
.gba |
other/gameBoyROM |
Game Boy ROM |
.gb .gbc |
other/gameDoctorSF3SavedGame |
Game Doctor SF 3 saved game |
.smc |
other/gameGearROM |
Game Gear ROM |
.gg |
other/gameMaker |
Game Maker |
.gmr |
other/gameVoiceData |
Game Voice data |
.hvo |
other/gamebyroKFMData |
Gamebyro KFM data |
.kfm |
other/gammaCAD |
GammaCAD Document |
.sym .gc1 |
other/gammaCADSymbolLibrary |
GammaCAD Symbol Library |
.syl |
other/garminMap |
Garmin map |
.img |
other/gazeConfiguration |
Gaze configuration |
.dat |
other/gconvModuleConfigurationCache |
gconv module configuration cache |
.cache |
other/gcsWorldData |
GCS World data |
.wld |
other/gdsIIStream |
GDSII stream |
.gds |
other/geeBeeAirRallySceneryData |
Gee Bee Air Rally scenery data |
other/geePrinterDriver |
Gee! Printer Driver |
.pdr |
other/gemGraph |
GEM Graph |
.grf |
other/gemViewLoadModule |
GEM-View Load module |
.gvl |
other/gemViewPrintModule |
GEM-View Print module |
.gvp |
other/gemViewPRocessModule |
GEM-View pRocess module |
.gvr |
other/gemViewSaveModule |
GEM-View Save module |
.gvs |
other/genboxFamilyHistoryChartOptions |
Genbox Family History chart options |
.gco |
other/genboxFamilyHistoryReportOptions |
Genbox Family History report options |
.gro |
other/geneRallyTrack |
GeneRally track |
.trk |
other/genesisTheThirdDayData |
Genesis the Third Day Data |
.data |
other/geoffHamiltonsGardenDesignerProject |
Geoff Hamilton's Garden Designer project |
.grd |
other/geometerSSketchpadScript |
Geometer's Sketchpad Script |
.gss |
other/geosGeodeParameters |
GEOS Geode Parameters |
.gp |
other/geoWorksDirectoryInfo |
GeoWorks directory info |
.000 |
other/geoWorksGEOSData |
GeoWorks GEOS Data |
.000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .009 .010 .011 .012 .geo |
other/geoWorksGEOSDriver |
GeoWorks GEOS driver |
.geo |
other/geoWorksGEOSPreferences |
GeoWorks GEOS preferences |
.geo |
other/geoWorksGEOSScreenSaver |
GeoWorks GEOS screen saver |
.geo |
other/geoWorksWriterScrapbook |
GeoWorks Writer scrapbook |
.000 |
other/gettextMachineObject |
Gettext Machine Object |
.gmo .mo |
other/gfxLab24ConvolutionMatrix |
GfxLab24 Convolution Matrix |
other/gfxLab24Filter |
GfxLab24 Filter |
other/gizmozCalendarData |
Gizmoz Calendar data |
other/gizmozRollodexData |
Gizmoz Rollodex data |
other/glamusStructure |
GLAMUS Structure |
.doi .001 |
other/glbGameDataArchive |
GLB game data archive |
.glb |
other/glibcLocaleFile |
glibc Locale File |
9 sample files |
other/glulxGame |
Glulx Game |
.ulx |
other/gnuFindutilsLocateDatabase |
GNU findutils locate database |
other/gnuGettextMachineObject |
GNU Gettext Machine Objec |
.gmo |
other/gnuGprofPerformanceData |
GNU gprof performance data |
.out |
other/gnuSmallTalkmage |
GNU SmallTalk image |
.im |
other/gObjectIntrospectionTypeLibrayData |
GObject introspection Type Libray data |
.typelib |
other/goDotC64ImageProcessing |
GoDot C64 Image Processing |
other/godotResourceData |
Godot Resource data |
.res |
other/goldParserTables |
GOLD Parser Tables |
.cgt |
other/goldenSectionOrganizerDatabase |
GoldenSection Organizer database |
.gso |
other/goldMineReport |
GoldMine report |
.fp |
other/gPatchPatch |
GPatch Patch |
.patch .gpatch .gpch |
other/grandPrix5002GameData |
Grand Prix 500 2 game data |
.cpv |
other/grandPrixCircuitSavedSlot |
Grand Prix Circuit Saved slot |
.stm |
other/grandTheftAuto2MapLayout |
Grand Theft Auto 2 Map Layout |
.gmp |
other/grandTheftAuto2StyleData |
Grand Theft Auto 2 Style data |
.sty |
other/grandTheftAutoAnimation |
Grand Theft Auto animation |
.ifp |
other/grandTheftAutoFakeText |
Grand Theft Auto Fake Text |
.fxt |
other/grandTheftAutoSaveGame |
Grand Theft Auto save game |
.b |
other/grandTheftAutoTextData |
Grand Theft Auto Text data |
.gxt |
other/gravisGrIPLibrary |
Gravis GrIP Library |
.vol |
other/gravityForceMap |
Gravity Force Map |
.fmp |
other/greatValleyProductsEGSSettings |
Great Valley Products EGS settings |
.map2video |
other/greenfishIconEditorPro |
Greenfish Icon Editor Pro |
.gfie .gfi |
other/groundControlIIOperationExodusGameArchive |
Ground Control II: Operation Exodus game data archive |
.sdf |
other/groundControlMap |
Ground Control map |
.sdf |
other/groupWiseAdminHostDatabase |
GroupWise admin host database |
.db |
other/guitarProFile |
Guitar Pro File |
.gtp |
other/guitarProTablature |
Guitar Pro tablature |
.gp3 |
other/gVariantDatabase |
GVariant Database |
.compiled |
other/hbedvAVAVIRAProductKey |
H-BEDV - AVIRA product key |
.key |
other/h2Database |
H2 Database |
.db |
other/halfLife2SaveGame |
Half-Life 2 Save Game |
.sav |
other/halfLifeDemo |
Half-Life Demo |
.dem |
other/halfLifeSaveGame |
Half-Life Save Game |
.sav |
other/halionSamplerPatchBank |
HALion Sampler patch - bank |
.fxb |
other/halloweenHarryGameData |
Halloween Harry game data |
.bnk .-0 |
other/halnoteApplication |
HALNOTE Application |
.apl |
other/hammerHeadRhythmStationPattern |
HammerHead Rhythm Station pattern |
.hh |
other/handyCalcData |
Handy Calc data |
.clc |
other/hangulWordProcessorDeviceDriver |
Hangul Word Processor Device driver |
.pdr .pds |
other/harvardGraphicsTemplate |
Harvard Graphics Template |
.tpl |
other/harvardTotalProjectManagerCalendar |
Harvard Total Project Manager Calendar |
.cnd |
other/helpReaderVoiceInfo |
Help Reader Voice info |
.voi .vo |
other/hexWorkshopBookmark |
Hex Workshop Bookmark |
.hbk |
other/hexWorkshopCharMapFile |
Hex Workshop Char Map File |
.map |
other/hiddenAndDangerousGameDataArchive |
Hidden and Dangerous game data archive |
.cnt .dta |
other/highSpeedPascalUnit |
High Speed Pascal Unit |
.unit |
other/hmvsAntivirusDOSPlugIn |
HMVS antivirus DOS PlugIn |
.pnp .lng |
other/homePlanPro5Clip |
Home Plan Pro 5 Clip |
.clp |
other/homePlanPro5Plan |
Home Plan Pro 5 Plan |
.pln |
other/homeBrewLevel |
HomeBrew Level |
.hle |
other/homeBrewPalette |
HomeBrew Palette |
.hpa |
other/homeBrewTile |
HomeBrew Tile |
.hti |
other/homeworldCataclysmGameDataArchive |
Homeworld: Cataclysm game data archive |
.vce |
other/hotbarSkin |
Hotbar skin |
.xip |
other/hotDocsComponent |
HotDocs Component |
.cmp |
other/hotMapRegionsDescription |
HotMap VBX Regions Description |
.hmd |
other/hoverMazeData |
Hover! maze data |
.maz |
other/hp4x3xBinary |
HP 49/48/39/38 binary |
.hp49 .hp48 .49 .hp39 .hp38 |
other/hpfsAccessDB |
HPFS-Access DB |
.dat |
other/humanMachineInterfacesDriver |
Human Machine Interfaces Sound Driver |
.386 |
other/hyperACCESSOS2Data |
HyperACCESS OS/2 data |
.hho |
other/hyperPadPad |
HyperPAD Pad |
.pad |
other/hyperspeedAnimation |
Hyperspeed Animation |
.pan |
other/iHaveNoMouthAndIMustScreamSaveGame |
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream save game |
.sav |
other/i8086RelocatableObjectCode |
i8086 relocatable Object code |
.o |
other/ibCardsCard |
IBCards card |
.ibc |
other/ibCardsTemplate |
IBCards template |
.ibt |
other/ibmAntiVirusVirusSignatures |
IBM AntiVirus virus signatures |
.lst |
other/ibmBookManagerBook |
IBM BookManager Book |
.boo |
other/ibmSoftcopyReaderIndexFile |
IBM Softcopy Reader index file |
.bki |
other/iBrowseGlobalCache |
iBrowse Global Cache |
other/iccAnimation |
ICC Animation |
.icc |
other/iccColorProfile |
ICC Color Profile |
.icc |
other/iconAuthorFlowchart |
IconAuthor Flowchart |
.iw .iwm |
other/icuData |
ICU Data |
.dat |
other/icyTowerReplay |
Icy Tower Replay |
.itr |
other/idaSerialKey |
IDA serial key |
.key |
other/idaSignatures |
IDA Signatures |
.sig |
other/idMASConfiguration |
idMAS Configuration |
.cfg |
other/iffBinaryPatch |
IFF Binary Patch |
.pch .patch |
other/iFFGeometryData |
IFF Geometry Data |
.dem |
other/ikMultimediaPreset |
IK Multimedia Preset |
.ikmp |
other/iliumEWalletData |
Ilium eWallet data |
other/imageFinderIndex |
ImageFinder Index |
.index |
other/imageMixerProject |
ImageMixer project |
.ima |
other/imagenPrinter |
Imagen printer |
.imp |
other/imagineStagingData |
Imagine Staging Data |
.istg |
other/imgdiffPatch |
imgdiff patch |
.p .patch |
other/impulseTrackerNetworkDriver |
Impulse Tracker Network driver |
.net |
other/impulseTrackerSoundDriver |
Impulse Tracker Sound Driver |
.drv |
other/independenceWar2ModPackage |
Independence War 2 mod Package |
.pkg |
other/inDesignLibrary |
InDesign Library |
.indl |
other/inDesignShortcutsSet |
InDesign Shortcuts set |
.indk |
other/indexApolloDatabaseEngine |
Index Apollo Database Engine |
.nsx |
other/indexerVolumeGUID |
Index Volume GUID |
other/inertiaPlayerConfiguration |
Inertia Player Configuration |
.cfg |
other/infinityEngineFile |
Infinity Engine File |
.dlg .cre .itm .are .tlk .spl .sto |
other/infinity2Project |
Infinity2 Project |
.ipr |
other/infobaseNextPage |
Infobase (NextPage) |
.nfo |
other/infoComicsGameData |
InfoComics game data |
.img .dat |
other/infoSpotterTemplate |
InfoSpotter Template |
.spt |
other/infoViewPalmOSDocument |
InfoView PalmOS document |
.pdb |
other/inspirationSoftwareData |
Inspiration Software data |
.isf .ist |
other/installProject |
Install Project |
.ipj |
other/installShieldHDR |
InstallShield HDR |
.hdr |
2 sample files - HDR files are meta data for installShieldCAB files and are not processed directly. |
other/installShieldSupportingFile |
InstallShield Supporting File |
.installscript |
other/installShieldUninstallScript |
InstallShield Uninstall Script |
.isu |
other/intellCOFFObject |
Intel Common Object File Format Object |
.obj |
other/intelligentGamesResourceData |
Intelligent Games resource data |
.res |
other/interactiveAVIData |
Interactive AVI data |
.ivd |
other/interactivePhysicsData |
Interactive Physics data |
.ip |
other/interBaseEnvironment |
InterBase Environment |
.mil |
other/interBaseLayout |
InterBase Layout |
.lot |
other/interBasePacking |
InterBase Packing |
.pkt |
other/interBaseTableDefinition |
InterBase Table Definition |
.tdf |
other/internationalPatchingSystem |
International Patching System |
.ips |
other/interTalkPhonebook |
InterTalk Phonebook |
.phone |
other/interwordPrinterDefinition |
Interword printer definition |
other/quickBooksForWindows |
Intuit QuickBooks for Windows |
.qbw |
other/invictusGameData |
Invictus game data |
.ics |
other/invisionBrushes |
Invision Brushes |
.bru |
other/irisOCRData |
IRIS OCR data |
.ytr |
other/isamTableHandlerData |
ISAM table handler data |
.ism |
other/isisSchematicFile |
ISIS Schematic file |
.ds |
other/ispellHashFile |
ispell hash file |
.dic |
other/ivsFledermausTDRFile |
IVS Fledermaus TDR file |
other/javaAppletCacheIndex |
Java Applet cache index |
.idx |
other/javaClass |
Java Class File |
.class |
4 sample files |
other/javaRuntimeCurrencyData |
Java runtime Currency Data |
.data |
other/javelinPrinterDriver |
Javelin Printer Driver |
.pr .pr2 |
other/jayMSARegistrationKey |
JAY MSA registration key |
.key |
other/jazzJackrabbitFile |
Jazz Jackrabbit File |
.0sc .0fn |
other/jeepersConfiguration |
Jeepers Configuration |
.cfg |
other/jeepersKeyIndex |
Jeepers Key/index |
.jpk |
other/jeepersReferenceDB |
Jeepers Reference DB |
.jpr |
other/jetAudioTheme |
jetAudio theme |
.uib |
other/jETPilotCCHData |
JETPilot CCH data |
.cch |
other/jETPilotFieldData |
JETPilot field data |
.fld |
other/jetPilotScenery |
JETPilot scenery |
other/jetPilotScreen |
JETPilot screen |
.pssl |
other/jetPilotSegmentData |
JETPilot segment data |
other/jetPilotSprite |
JETPilot sprite |
.pssp .pssm |
other/jetPilotSUPData |
JETPilot SUP data |
other/jniLibrary |
JNI Library |
.jnilib |
other/jonathanGraphicsGameData |
Jonathan graphics game data |
other/joy2KeySettings |
Joy2Key settings |
.j2k .ini |
other/juggleKrazyLadderDiagram |
JuggleKrazy Ladder diagram |
.lad |
other/juggleKrazyTutorial |
JuggleKrazy Tutorial |
.tut |
other/junglevisionData |
Junglevision data |
.op3 |
other/junoClientLicenseKey |
Juno client license Key |
.key |
other/jwcadData |
Jw_cad data |
.def .dta |
other/kChessSavedGame |
K-Chess saved game |
.kch .kc |
other/kapeerskyAntiVirusLicenseKey |
Kaperesky Anti-Virus License Key |
.key |
other/karaFunKaraokeSong |
KaraFun Karaoke Song |
.kfn .kfp |
other/karmaAsset |
Karma Asset |
.ka |
other/kasparovSGambitConfiguration |
Kasparov's Gambit Configuration |
.cfg |
other/kasperskyAntiVirusDatabase |
Kaspersky Anti-virus data base |
.avc |
other/kasperskyLabBlackListFile |
Kaspersky Lab black list file |
.lst |
other/kasperskyLabKeyFile |
Kaspersky Lab Key file |
.key |
other/kbdMapFile |
kbd map file |
other/keePassPlugin |
KeePass plugin |
.plgx |
other/keyWalletObjectEncryptedData |
KeyWallet Object - encrypted data |
.kwo |
other/keyWalletSkin |
KeyWallet Skin |
.kws |
other/kGenConfiguration |
KGen Configuration |
.cfg |
other/kickPascalUnitInterface |
KICK-Pascal Unit Interface |
.u |
other/kidPixProject |
Kid Pix project |
.kpx |
other/kidspirationDocument |
Kidspiration document |
.kid |
other/kingsoftAntivirusData |
Kingsoft Antivirus data |
.psg .fsg .vsg .ksg |
other/kiriKiriAdventureGameSystemPackage |
KiriKiri Adventure Game System package |
.xp3 |
other/kissCELColorPalette |
KiSS CEL Color Palette |
.kcf |
other/klikNPlayGame |
Klik'n'Play Game |
.gam |
other/kotorCompiledScript |
Knight Of The Old Republic compiled script |
.ncs |
other/knowledgeAdventureDataArchive |
Knowledge Adventure data archive |
.rld |
other/kodakPrecisionTransform |
Kodak Precision Transform |
.pt |
other/kolekoSaveState |
KOLEKO Save State |
.rom |
other/korgFile |
KORG File |
.pcg .bsq .arr .sty .sng |
other/krisCardsCardTemplate |
KrisCards card/template |
.krs |
other/kristalAudioEngineProject |
KRISTAL Audio Engine project |
.kristal |
other/kritaLayerTile |
Krita layer/tile |
other/kryoFluxRawStream |
KryoFlux Raw Stream |
.raw |
1 sample file |
other/kudoCatalogHashData |
Kudo catalog Hash data |
.hsh |
other/kWallet |
KWallet |
.kwl |
other/kyleGameDataContainer |
Kyle game data container |
.dta |
other/kylix3CompiledUnit |
Kylix 3 Compiled Unit |
.dpu .dcu |
other/labelDesignerPlusDeluxeTemplate |
Label Designer Plus Deluxe Template |
.cct |
other/labelerTemplate |
Labeler/Labels Unlimited Template |
.tpl |
other/labVIEWControlData |
LabVIEW Control data |
.ctl |
other/labVIEWData |
LabVIEW data |
.lsb |
other/labViewVirtualInstrument |
LabView Virtual Instrument |
.vi |
other/labWindowsUserInterfaceResource |
LabWindows User Interface Resource |
.uir |
other/lanDecoderEthernetData |
LANdecoder Ethernet data |
.enf |
other/lanDecoderTokenRingData |
LANdecoder Token-Ring data |
.trf |
other/lavasoftAdAwareReferenceFile |
Lavasoft Ad-Aware reference file |
.ref |
other/ldSoHintsFile |
ld.so hints file |
.hints |
other/ldiffDifferencesData |
LDIFF Differences Data |
.lzd |
other/leapfrogResource |
Leapfrog Resource |
.lfr |
other/legendOfKyrandiaEMCFile |
Legend of Kyrandia EMC File |
.emc |
other/lernoutAndHauspieData |
Lernout and Hauspie data |
.lim |
other/lexiCrossPuzzle |
Lexi-Cross Puzzle |
.dem .pzl |
other/life3000Status |
LIFE 3000 Status |
.lif |
other/lineageIIData |
Lineage II data |
other/linkBootableCodeForTransputerNetwork |
Link Bootable code for transputer network |
.btl |
other/lInkSystemApplicationDataFormat |
LInk System Application Data Format |
.lsd |
other/links386ProMicrosoftGolfCourse |
Links 386 Pro / Microsoft Golf Course |
.crh |
other/linksLSData |
Links LS Data |
.sht |
other/linksysRT31P2NAFirmware |
Linksys RT31P2-NA firmware |
.bin |
other/linux8086ObjectFile |
Linux 8086 Object File |
.o |
other/linuxi386ObjectFile |
Linux i386 Object File |
.o |
other/linuxKernel |
Linux Kernel |
other/linuxSwapFile |
Linux Swap File |
other/listProData |
ListPro data |
other/lithTechResourceData |
LithTech Resource data |
.rez |
other/liveForSpeedData |
Live for Speed data |
.spr |
other/liveMotionProject |
LiveMotion project |
.liv |
other/livePixProject |
LivePix project |
.lpi |
other/liveStageProProject |
LiveStage Pro project |
.lsd |
other/llvmIRBitcode |
LLVM IR Bitcode |
.bc |
other/logicSimCircuit |
LogicSim Circuit |
other/logitechModula2LoadableSymbols |
Logitech Modula-2 Loadable Symbols |
.sym |
other/logosLibronixData |
Logos Libronix data |
.lbx .lbxdat .LBXLLS |
other/lomaxGameData |
Lomax game data |
.lmx |
other/lomaxWorldGameData |
Lomax World game data |
.wld |
other/lotus123AddInApplication |
Lotus 1-2-3 Add-In Application |
.adn |
other/lotus123FormattingData |
Lotus 1-2-3 Formatting Data |
.fm3 |
other/lotus123Graph |
Lotus 1-2-3 Graph |
.gph |
other/lotus123SQZCompressed |
Lotus 1-2-3 SQZ! Compressed |
.wq! |
other/lotusAgendaDataObjects |
Lotus Agenda data objects |
.aga .bka |
other/lotusApproachDatabaseIndex |
Lotus Approach Database index |
.adx |
other/lotusApproachView |
Lotus Approach View |
.vew |
other/lotusFreelancePresentation |
Lotus Freelance Presentation |
.prz |
other/lotusMagellanViewer |
Lotus Magellan Viewer |
.vw2 |
other/lotusMovie |
Lotus Movie |
.lsm |
other/lotusOrganizerData |
Lotus Organizer data |
.org |
other/lotusOrganiserPaperLayout |
Lotus Organizer Paper Layout |
.plt |
other/lotusOrganizerReport |
Lotus Organizer Report |
.rep |
other/lotusSmartPicLibrary |
Lotus SmartPic library |
.sy1 |
other/luaBytecode |
Lua bytecode |
other/lucasArtsIMUSEDrivers |
Lucas Arts iMUSE drivers |
.ims |
other/lucasFilmData |
LucasFilm Data |
.lfd |
other/ludwigProject |
Ludwig project |
.lwg |
other/lureOfTheTemptressGameDataArchive |
Lure of the Temptress game data archive |
.vga |
other/mProject |
M project |
.mst .set |
other/maxGameDataArchive |
M.A.X. game data archive |
.res |
other/macOSAlias |
Mac OS Alias |
other/macOSXKeychainFile |
Mac OS X Keychain File |
.keychain |
other/maceUtilitiesRXBAKInfo |
Mace Utilities RXBAK info |
.m_u |
other/machOHPPAObject |
Mach-O HPPA Object |
.o |
other/machOM68kObject |
Mach-O m68k Object |
.o |
other/machOObject |
Mach-O Object |
.o |
other/machOSparcObject |
Mach-O SPARC Object |
.o |
other/macromediaFlashColorTableFile |
Macromedia Flash Color Table File |
.clr |
other/macromediaXtraCache |
Macromedia Xtra Cache |
.mch |
other/madden2004DataFile |
Madden 2004 data file |
.dat |
other/madeProjectGame |
MADE Engine/Project/game |
.prj |
other/maestroMusic |
Maestro Music |
other/maggiData |
MAGGI data |
.hhh |
other/magicBinaryFile |
magic binary file |
.mgc |
other/magicC64Preferences |
MagiC64 Preferences |
.prefs |
other/magixHardDiskProjectAudio |
MAGIX Hard Disk Project Audio |
.hdp |
other/magixMovieEditVideo |
Magix Movie Edit video |
.vip |
other/magixMusicStudioStyle |
MAGIX music studio Style |
.sty |
other/magixSamplitudeProject |
Magix Samplitude Project |
.vip |
other/magneticGame |
Magnetic Game |
.mag |
other/mainActorProject |
MainActor project |
.mpf |
other/mameSaveState |
MAME Save State |
.sta |
other/mangaStudioStory |
Manga Studio Story |
.cst |
other/mapBrowserVectorData |
MapBrowser/MapWriter Vector Map Data |
cbd |
other/mapInfoMapBasicApplicationEXtension |
MapInfo MapBasic application eXtension |
.mbx1 .mbx |
other/mapInfoMapBasicDataIndex |
MapInfo MapBasic data Index |
.ind |
other/mapInfoMapBasicMapData |
MapInfo MapBasic map data |
.map |
other/mapleCommonBinary |
Maple Common Binary |
.m |
other/mapleHelpDatabase |
Maple Help Database |
.hdb |
other/mapleLibrary |
Maple Library |
.lib |
other/marvinsMarvellousAdventureMap |
Marvin's Marvellous Adventure Map |
.mlev |
other/masiMusicDriver |
MASI Music Driver |
.mus |
other/masterTracksProPreferences |
Master Tracks Pro Preferences |
.mtp |
other/masterCookCookbookFile |
MasterCook Cookbook file |
.mcf |
other/mathCadDocument |
MathCad Document |
.mcd |
other/mathVISIONFormula |
MathVISION Formula |
.f |
other/maxonCinema4DCOFFEEBinary |
Maxon Cinema 4D COFFEE Binary |
.cob |
other/maxonCinema4DCoffeeShader |
Maxon Cinema 4D Coffee shader |
.cof |
other/maxonCinema4DLayout |
Maxon Cinema 4D Layout |
.l4d |
other/maxonCinema4DPreferences |
Maxon Cinema 4D Preferences |
.prf |
other/maxonCinema4DShader |
Maxon Cinema 4D Shader |
.shc .shv |
other/maxonResourceCreationData |
Maxon Resource Creation Tool Data |
.rct |
other/maxonCADHatchPatterns |
MaxonCAD hatch patterns |
other/maxonCADLibrary |
MaxonCAD Library |
.mclib |
other/mayaIconsOrSwatches |
Maya Icons or Swatches file |
.swatches |
other/mcAfeeAntiVirusData |
McAfee AntiVirus data |
.dat |
other/mcAfeeAVPatternUpdate |
McAfee AV Pattern update |
.gem |
other/mcAfeeVirusScanData |
McAfee VirusScan data |
.dat |
other/mcAfeeVShieldData |
McAfee VShield data |
.dat |
other/mdiffPatchFile |
MDIFF Patch File |
.mdf |
other/mealMasterPrinterDefinition |
Meal-Master Printer definition |
.mmp |
other/mECCDataContainer |
MECC data Container |
.mcl |
other/mechWarrior2DemoData |
MechWarrior 2 demo data |
.mw2 |
other/mechWarrior2MissionData |
MechWarrior 2 mission data |
.bwd |
other/medi8orProject |
Medi8or Project |
.md8 |
other/mediaDescriptorFile |
Media Descriptor File |
.mds |
other/mediaShowProduction |
MediaShow Production |
.prod |
other/megaCADLibrary |
MegaCAD Library |
.mtl |
other/megaPaintKeyboardLayout |
MegaPaint keyboard layout |
.ttb |
other/megaPaintPrinterDefinition |
MegaPaint Printer definition |
.prt |
other/megaPaintPrinterDriver |
MegaPaint Printer Driver |
.trb |
other/megaPaintVectorSymbolsLibrary |
MegaPaint Vector symbols Library |
.vlb |
other/megaZeuxBoard |
MegaZeux Board |
.mzb |
other/megaZeuxSave |
MegaZeux Save |
.sav |
other/megaZeuxWorld |
MegaZeux World |
.mzx |
3 sample files |
other/memoryManagerResourceData |
Memory Manager Resource Data |
other/memoryMateDatabase |
Memory Mate database |
.xxt |
other/mesa2Spreadsheet |
Mesa 2 spreadsheet |
.m2t .m2 |
other/mesa2ToolBar |
Mesa 2 ToolBar |
.tbr |
other/messiahStudioProject |
MessiahStudio Project |
.mpj |
other/metaSoftwareDesignDiagram |
Meta Software Design Diagram |
.dsd |
other/metaCreationsResourceFile |
MetaCreations Resource Composite File |
other/metaEditOODAClassDiagram |
MetaEdit OODA Class Diagram |
.ocd |
other/metasequoiaBrush |
Metasequoia Brush |
.mqb |
other/mgpaFileGameArchive |
MGPA-file game archive |
.dat |
other/miAmigaLedgerData |
MiAmiga Ledger data |
.lgr |
other/microFocusCOBOLGeneratedCode |
Micro Focus COBOL generated code |
.gnt |
other/microFocusCobolLibrary |
Micro Focus COBOL library |
.lbr |
other/microFocusCOBOLLibrary |
Micro Focus COBOL Library |
.lbr |
other/microFocusIndexFile |
Micro Focus Index File |
.idx |
other/microLatheObject |
Micro Lathe Object |
.lat |
other/microMagicFormsInFlightAnimation |
Micro Magic Forms in Flight Animation |
.mma |
other/microMagicFormsInFlightObjects |
Micro Magic Forms in Flight Objects |
.mmo |
other/micrografxDesignerPalette |
Micrografx Designer Palette |
.pl4 |
other/micrografxQuickSilverGraphicPlugin |
Micrografx QuickSilver graphic plugin |
.qsf |
other/microProSpellStarDictionary |
MicroPro SpellStar dictionary |
.dct |
other/microsoftAccessEncryptedDB |
Microsoft Access Encrypted Database File |
other/microsoftAgentCharacter |
Microsoft Agent Character |
.acs .acf .aca |
4 sample files - Step 1 would just be extracting the embedded images and audio. Full file format details available in sandbox/txt/MSAgentDataSpecification_v1_4.htm Bonus points: Animate the character in a couple poses/animations and create animated GIFs |
other/microsoftAnswerWizard |
Microsoft Answer Wizard |
other/microsoftBasicQuickLibrary |
Microsoft Basic Quick library |
.qlb |
other/microsoftCueCardsData |
Microsoft Cue Cards data |
.cue |
other/microsoftDirectInputFFE |
Microsoft DirectInput Force Feedback Effect |
.ffe |
other/microsoftDierctMusicSegments |
Microsoft DirectMusic Segments Type |
.sgt |
other/microsoftFastFindStatus |
Microsoft Fast Find status |
.ffa |
other/microsoftFastFindIndex |
Microsoft FastFind Index |
.ffx |
other/microsoftGolfReplay |
Microsoft Golf Replay |
.rpl |
other/microsoftIncrementalLinker |
Microsoft Incremental Linker Data |
.ilk |
other/microsoftMailServerForPCScript |
Microsoft Mail Server for PC Script |
.scr |
other/microsoftMoneyAutoSavedData |
Microsoft Money auto saved data |
.mny |
other/microsoftPersonalAddressBook |
Microsoft Personal Address Book |
.pab |
other/microsoftPrinterDefinition |
Microsoft Printer Definition |
.prd |
other/microsoftPrivateKey |
Microsoft Private Key |
.pkv |
other/microsoftProfilerData |
Microsoft Profiler Data |
.pbi .pbt .pbo |
other/microsoftProgramDatabase |
Microsoft Program Database |
.pdb .ncb .idb |
other/microsoftProjectProject |
Microsoft Project Project |
.mpp |
other/microsoftProjectView |
Microsoft Project View |
.mpv |
other/microsoftQBXLocalINI |
Microsoft QBX local INI |
.ini |
other/microsoftSecurityCatalog |
Microsoft Security Catalog |
.cat |
other/microsoftDebug |
Microsoft Separate Debug Format |
.dbg |
other/microsoftCertificateStore |
Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store |
.sst |
other/microsoftSetupBinaryPatchFormat |
Microsoft setup binary patch format |
.wwp |
other/microsoftSpeechDefinitionsFile |
Microsoft Speech Definitions File |
other/microsoftSQLServerBackup |
Microsoft SQL Server backup |
.bak |
other/microsoftTutorialCourseText |
Microsoft tutorial Course Text |
.ctx |
other/microsoftTutorialData |
Microsoft tutorial data |
.sob |
other/microsoftTutorialScreens |
Microsoft tutorial Screens |
.scn |
other/microsoftVBDOSQuickLibrary |
Microsoft VBDOS Quick library |
.qlb |
other/microsoftVideoDriver |
Microsoft Video Driver |
.vid |
other/microsoftVisualCFiles |
Microsoft Visual C Files |
.bsc .sbr .wsp |
other/visualCLibrary |
Microsoft Visual C/Basic Library |
.lib |
other/microsoftWindowsPrefetchData |
Microsoft Windows Prefetch data |
.pf |
other/windowsProgramInfo |
Microsoft Windows Program Information File |
.pif |
other/microsoftWordGlossary |
Microsoft Word Glossary |
.gly |
other/microsoftWordStyleSheet |
Microsoft Word Style Sheet |
.sty |
other/microsoftZooTycoonSavedGame |
Microsoft Zoo Tycoon saved game |
.zoo |
other/microStationMaterialLibrary |
MicroStation Material Library |
.mat |
other/microStationSymbologyResources |
MicroStation Symbology Resources |
.rsc |
other/midget3Instruments |
Midget 3 Instruments |
.mis |
other/midiArpeggiatorArpeggio |
MIDI Arpeggiator Arpeggio |
.arp |
other/midiDrumMachine |
MIDI Drum Machine |
.drm |
Program and source at: /browse/111/130%20MIDI%20Tool%20Box.iso/drum |
other/midiMazeIIMaze |
.mze |
other/mightyDrawDOSLibrary |
Mighty Draw DOS library |
.mdl |
other/milesSoundSystemDriver |
Miles Sound System Driver |
.adv |
other/miniCAD |
MiniCAD |
.mcd .sta |
other/mirandaIMDatabaseArchive |
MirandaIM database-archive |
.dat |
other/mirrorIIEmulationFile |
Mirror II Emulation File |
.mef |
other/missionPatch |
Mission Patch |
.pat |
other/mksSpellHashList |
MKS Spell hash list |
other/mmfwData |
MMFW data |
.mms .mmb .mmp .snd .pic .cpk .blb |
other/mobil1RallyChampionshipMapData |
Mobil 1 Rally Championship map data |
.sq |
other/modiMODVoice |
MODiMOD Voice |
.vce .v00 .v01 .v02 .v03 .v04 .v05 .v06 .v07 .v08 .v09 .v10 .v11 .v12 .v14 .v15 |
other/moonbaseGameData |
Moonbase Game Data |
.mb |
other/moonbaseSavedGame |
Moonbase Saved game |
.mbs |
other/moriaSavedGame |
Moria Saved game |
other/morrowindPlugin |
Morrowind plugin |
.esp |
other/mortalKombat3GameArchive |
Mortal Kombat 3 game archive |
.ftr |
other/motocrossMadnessTerrain |
Motocross Madness Terrain |
.trn |
other/movieSetterProject |
Movie Setter Project |
.ms |
other/moviePlusProject |
MoviePlus Project |
other/movieShopMacros |
MovieShop Macros |
.macros |
other/movieShopOperators |
MovieShop Operators |
.ext |
other/movieShopPreferences |
MovieShop Preferences |
.prefs |
other/movieShopTimeline |
MovieShop timeline |
other/mozillaXULFastload |
Mozilla XUL fastload |
.mfasl .mfl |
other/mPEntertainmentAnimation |
MP Entertainment Animation |
.anm .seq |
other/mpEntertainmentSVGAAnimation |
MP Entertainment SVGA Animation |
.ani |
other/dosCodePage |
MS-DOS Code Page Info |
.cp .cpi |
other/msDOSKEYBoardLayoutFile |
MS-DOS KEYBoard Layout file |
.sys |
other/msnMessengerLogFile |
MSN/Windows Live Messenger Log file |
.sgm .dat |
other/msplotPlotterDriverMinidriver |
MSPLOT Plotter Driver Minidriver |
.pcd |
other/mstQuintusAnimation |
MST Quintus Animation |
.ani |
other/mstQuintusMacro |
MST Quintus Macro |
.qmc |
other/msxROM |
.rom |
other/muiBuilderProject |
MUI Builder Project |
.muib |
other/multiExCommanderResourceFile |
MultiEx Commander Resource File |
.mrf |
other/multimediaBuilderData |
Multimedia Builder Data |
.mbd |
other/multimediaFusionClickNCreateFile |
Multimedia Fusion - Click'n'Create file |
.cca |
other/multiSimDesign |
MultiSim Design |
.ms10 .ms9 .ms8 |
other/musicXKeymap |
Music-X Keymap |
.kmap |
other/musicXPatchEditor |
Music-X patch Editor |
.editor |
other/musicXPatchLibrary |
Music-X patch Library |
.libr |
other/musicXVoices |
Music-X Voices |
.voices |
other/musicboxSound |
Musicbox Sound |
.syp |
other/musicMatchJukeBoxVisualization |
MusicMatch JukeBox Visualization |
.mvs |
other/musikTrainerNotation |
Musik-Trainer Notation |
.mtn |
other/myFamilyTreeData |
My Family Tree data |
.tre |
other/myBaseDatabase |
myBase database |
.nyf .ssgindex |
other/myriadHarmonyMelodyAssistantMusic |
Myriad Harmony / Melody assistant music |
.mus .myr |
other/mySQLIndexFile |
MySQL Index |
.myi |
other/mySQLTableDefinition |
MySQL Table Definition |
.frm |
other/mythTheFallenLordsGameArchive |
Myth: The Fallen Lords game archive |
.gor .bin |
other/nacDrawDocument |
NacDraw document |
.nac |
other/nascarRacingCarData |
NASCAR Racing Car/Track data |
.trk .car |
other/nascarRacingReplay |
NASCAR Racing Replay |
.rpy |
other/nascarRacingSeasonCarData |
NASCAR Racing Season Car data |
.car |
other/nascarSimRacingGameArchive |
NASCAR SimRacing game archive |
.mas |
other/nativeInstrumentsPresetBank |
Native Instruments Preset Bank |
.bnk |
other/navisWorksDocument |
NavisWorks Document |
.nwd |
other/necromancersDOSNavigatorDialogs |
Necromancer's DOS Navigator Dialogs |
.dlg |
other/necromancersDosNavigatorHelp |
Necromancer's Dos Navigator Help |
.hlp |
other/necromancersDOSNavigatorLanguage |
Necromancer's DOS Navigator Language |
.lng |
other/needForSpeed2TrackData |
Need For Speed 2 Track data |
.trk |
other/needForSpeedCarData |
Need for Speed car data |
.pdn |
other/needForSpeedCarExterior |
Need for Speed car exterior |
.cfm |
other/needForSpeedFont |
Need For Speed Font |
.ffn |
other/needForSpeedGameData |
Need for Speed game data |
.lzc |
other/neoGeoPocketColorROM |
Neo Geo Pcoekt Color ROM |
.ngp .ngc .npc |
other/neoPaintPallette |
NeoPaint Palette |
.pal |
other/neoPaintPrinterDriver |
NeoPaint Printer Driver |
.prd |
other/neophyteItem |
Neophyte Item |
.item |
other/neophyteMonster |
Neophyte Monster |
.monster |
other/neophyteVSP |
Neophyte VSP |
.vsp .fnt |
other/neophyteTheSpiritMasterGameData |
Neophyte: The Spirit Master game data |
.npx |
other/neophyteTheSpiritMasterMapData |
Neophyte: The Spirit Master Map data |
.map |
other/neroCoverDesigner |
Nero Cover Designer |
.bcd |
other/neroISOCompilation |
Nero ISO Compilation |
.nri |
other/net2phone |
Net2phone |
other/netActiveContainer |
NetActive Container |
.nac |
other/netCDF |
NetCDF |
.nc |
other/netImmerseAnimation |
NetImmerse animation |
.kf |
other/netMonCapture |
NetMon capture |
.cap |
other/netscapeAddressBook |
Netscape Address Book |
.nab |
other/netShieldConfiguration |
NetShield configuration |
.dat |
other/netShieldVirusPattern |
NetShield Virus Pattern Library |
.dat |
other/netwareLoadableModule |
Netware Loadable Module |
.nlm |
other/netwareMessage |
Netware Message |
.msg |
other/netwareServerLicense |
Netware Server license |
.mls |
other/networkAssociatesVirusScanData |
Network Associates VirusScan data |
.dat |
other/networkInstrumentsObserverCaptureFile |
Network Instruments Observer capture file |
.lst .bfr .ls |
other/newsFontFamily |
NeWS font family |
.ff |
other/newtonToolkitLayoutSettings |
Newton Toolkit Layout settings |
.lyt |
other/newtonToolkitProject |
Newton Toolkit Project |
.ntk |
other/neXTStepWMWindowAttribute |
NeXTStep Workspace Manager window attributes |
.wmd |
other/nexusDBDatabase |
NexusDB database |
.nx1 |
other/nihilisticObjectTemplate |
Nihilistic Object Template |
.not |
other/n64ROM |
Nintendo 64 ROM |
.v64 .z64 |
other/nintendoDSROM |
Nintendo DS ROM |
.nds |
other/nintendoROM |
Nintendo ROM |
.nes |
other/nid32AntivirusUpdateFile |
NOD32 Antivirus Update file |
.nup |
other/noLimitsTrack |
NoLimits Track |
.nltrack |
other/nordModularG2Patch |
Nord Modular G2 Patch |
.pch2 |
other/normalityGameDataArchive |
Normality game data archive |
.das |
other/nortonChangeDirInfo |
Norton Change Directory Info |
.ncd |
other/nortonCommanderConfiguration |
Norton Commander configuration |
.ini |
other/nortonDesktopForDOSPrinterConfig |
Norton Desktop for DOS Printer Configuration |
.npc |
other/nortonDiskDoctorUnDoFile |
Norton Disk Doctor UnDo file |
.dat |
other/nortonDiskreetEncryptedData |
Norton Diskreet encrypted data |
.sec |
other/nortonFileInfoData |
Norton FileInfo data |
.fi |
other/nortonPCAnywhereAutomatedProcedures |
Norton pcAnywhere Automated Procedures |
.ap6 |
other/nortonPCAnywhereCallersList |
Norton pcAnywhere Callers list |
.ci6 |
other/nortonPCAnywhereHardwareConfigurations |
Norton pcAnywhere Hardware configurations |
.hw6 |
other/nortonPCAnywhereHostList |
Norton pcAnywhere host list |
.pc6 |
other/nortonPCAnywhereModemList |
Norton pcAnywhere Modem list |
.md6 |
other/nortonPCAnywhereOnlineServicesList |
Norton pcAnywhere Online Services list |
.os6 |
other/nortonUtilitiesImageBackupIndex |
Norton Utilities Image backup index |
.idx |
other/nortonUtilitiesLibrary |
Norton Utilities Library |
.rtl |
other/novastormMediaAnimation |
Novastorm Media animation |
.flm |
other/novellNetwareVirtualLoadableModule |
Novell Netware Virtual Loadable Module |
.vlm .exe |
other/novellSystemPrintDef |
Novell System PrintDef Device Definition |
.pdf |
other/noxMap |
NoX Map |
.map .nxz |
other/ntfsTransactionalLog |
NTFS transactional log |
other/ntv2StandardBinaryGridShift |
NTv2 Standard Binary Grid Shift |
.gsb |
other/nullsoftDatabaseEngineData |
Nullsoft Database Engine data |
other/nullsoftDatabaseEngineIndex |
Nullsoft Database Engine Index |
other/nullsoftInstallData |
Nullsoft Install data |
other/numberMunchersConfiguration |
Number Munchers Configuration |
.cfg |
other/nuMegaSymbolFormat |
NuMega Symbol format |
.nms |
other/numPyData |
NumPy data |
.npy |
other/nWiperShow |
NWiper Show |
.nw |
other/oberonObject |
Oberon Object |
.obj |
other/oberonSymbol |
Oberon Symbol |
.sym |
other/oberonFCodeFile |
Oberon/F Code File |
.ocf |
other/objectStoreDatabase |
ObjectStore database |
.adb .ldb .db |
other/oCamlInterface |
OCaml bytecode |
.cmi |
other/oCamlLibrary |
OCaml library |
.cma |
other/oCamlNativeLibrary |
OCaml native library |
.cmxa |
other/oCamlNativeObject |
OCaml native object |
.cmx |
other/oCamlObject |
OCaml object |
.cmo |
other/officeAutoCorrectList |
Office AutoCorrect List |
.acl |
other/officeProfileSettings |
Office Profile-Settings |
other/ohrrpgceGame |
.rpg |
other/olbLib |
OLB Library |
7 sample files |
other/openMediaFrameworkInterchange |
Open Media Framework Interchange |
.omf |
other/openFstBinaryData |
OpenFst binary data |
.far .fst |
other/openOfficeTypeLibraryDatabase |
OpenOffice/LibreOffice type library database (UNOIDL) |
.rdb |
other/opTuneConfiguration |
OPTune Configuration |
.cfg |
other/oracleTPXTemplate |
Oracle TPX Template |
.tpx |
other/orCADLayout |
OrCAD Layout |
.max |
other/orCADProject |
OrCAD Project |
.opj |
other/originSystemsIFFPalette |
ORIGIN Systems IFF palette |
.iff |
other/os2DeviceDriver |
OS/2 Device Driver |
.sys |
other/os2DLL |
OS/2 Dynamic Link Library |
.dll |
other/os2ExtendedFileAttributes |
OS/2 Extended File Attributes |
other/os2PresentationManagerMetafile |
OS/2 Presentation Manager Metafile |
.met |
other/os2SyslevelInfo |
OS/2 SYSLEVEL info |
.pem .x25 .nfs |
other/os2WarpServerBackupRulebook |
OS/2 Warp Server backup Rulebook |
.psr |
other/os968kModule |
OS9/68k Module |
other/outlookExpressDatabase |
Outlook Express Database |
other/outlookShortcuts |
Outlook Shortcuts |
.fav |
other/outpostFirewallHeuristicData |
Outpost Firewall heuristic data |
.hax |
other/paRISCObjectCode |
PA-RISC Object Code |
.o |
other/pageFlipperPlusFXEffect |
PageFlipper Plus FX effect |
other/pageFocusData |
PageFocus Data |
.1 .xdb |
other/pageMakerTable |
PageMaker Table |
.tbl |
other/paiVirtuosoResourceData |
PAI Virtuoso Resource data |
.rsc .rsi |
other/paintersApprenticePrintInfo |
Painter's Apprentice Printer Info |
.pri |
other/paintWorksAnimation |
PaintWorks Animation |
other/palladixMusicSystemDriver |
Palladix Music System Driver |
.drv |
other/palmDesktopDateBook |
Palm Desktop DateBook |
.mpa .dat |
other/palmDictionaryReader |
Palm Dictionary Reader |
.pdb |
other/palmJFileDatabase |
Palm JFile database |
.pdb |
other/palmPilotDBDatabase |
Palm Pilot-DB database |
.pdb |
other/palmPluckerDocument |
Palm Plucker document |
.pdb |
other/palmPocketChessDeluxeGamesLibrary |
Palm PocketChess deluxe games library |
.pdb |
other/palmTealInfo |
Palm TealInfo |
.pdb |
other/palmTides |
Palm Tides |
.pdb |
other/palmDraftSchematic |
PalmDraft schematic |
.pdb |
other/pandaSignatureFileSystem |
Panda Signature file system |
.sig |
other/panzerkriegForWindowsScenario |
Panzerkrieg for Windows Scenario |
.pks |
other/paperPortSlideShot |
PaperPort Slide Show |
.fss |
other/papillonPalette |
Papillon Palette |
.pal .ppal |
other/papyrusPrinterInformation |
Papyrus Printer Information |
.pri |
other/paradoxLock |
Paradox Lock |
.lck |
other/paradoxSortDefinition |
Paradox sort definition |
.sor |
other/parityArchiveVolumeSet |
Parity Archive Volume Set |
.par2 |
other/particleSystems3DObject |
Particle Systems 3D Object |
.pso |
other/partoutResourceData |
PartoutResource Data |
.dat |
other/pascalCompiledUnit |
Pascal Compiled Unit |
.tpu .ppu |
other/pascalScriptBinary |
Pascal Script binary |
.bin |
other/passMarkPerformanceTestFile |
PassMark PerformanceTest file |
.pt |
other/passwordCommanderProDatabase |
Password Commander Pro database |
.pwd |
other/patchMeisterDriver |
PatchMeister Driver |
.pmdriver |
other/pathMinderApplicationsMenus |
PathMinder Applications Menus |
.pm4 |
other/pathMinderConfiguration |
PathMinder configuration |
.pm4 .cnf |
other/paxImperiaSavedGame |
Pax Imperia Saved Game |
other/pbg3ArchiveFormatForTouhouESoD |
PBG3 Archive Format for Touhou ESoD |
.dat |
other/pcAntiVirusVirusDBUpdate |
PC AntiVirus Virus DB update |
.vdb |
other/pcToolsMenu |
PC Tools Menu |
.mnc .mna .mnd |
other/pcDragonCartridgeImage |
PC-Dragon cartridge image |
.dgn |
other/pcLabelLabel |
PC-Label Label |
.lbl |
other/pcTalkIIIData |
PC-Talk III data |
.dir |
other/pcAnywhere |
PCAnywhere Data |
.bhf |
other/pcbBinaryFile |
PCB Binary file |
.pcb |
other/pcbLayout |
PCB Layout |
.ly |
other/pcpArchiveIndex |
PCP archive index |
.index |
other/pcpArchiveLog |
PCP archive log |
.0 |
other/pcpArchiveMetadata |
PCP archive metadata |
.meta |
other/pdcPrologConfiguration |
PDC Prolog Configuration |
.cfg |
other/peakGraphicalWaveform |
Peak Graphical Waveform |
.pk |
other/perFORMCompressedDatabase |
PerFORM compressed database |
.frp |
other/perryMasonTheCaseOfTheMandarinMurderGameData |
Perry Mason: The Case of the Mandarin Murder game data |
.cst |
other/personalFinanceManagerPlusData |
Personal Finance Manager Plus data |
.mny |
other/personalPearlDataBase |
Personal Pearl data base |
.d00 .d01 |
other/persuasionAutoTemplate |
Persuasion AutoTemplate Interchange File Format |
other/pgaTourVideoAnimation |
PGA Tour Video Animation file format |
.van |
other/pgpKeyRing |
PGP Key Ring |
.key .pgp |
other/pgpRSAEncryptedSessionKey |
PGP RSA encrypted session key |
.pgp |
other/pharaohsAscentLevelData |
Pharaoh's Ascent Level data |
.lvl |
other/philipsDrumSystemData |
Philips Drum System data |
.drm .dsq |
other/philipsMusicCreatorData |
Philips Music Creator data |
.spt .seq .rlt .voc .acc .ldr .sam |
other/philipsVideoGraphicsAnimation |
Philips Video Graphics Animation |
.ani |
other/photoImpressionsAlbum |
PhotoImpressions Album |
.abm |
other/photoLineBrowseIndex |
PhotoLine browse index |
.plb |
other/photoLine32Document |
PhotoLine32 Document |
.pld |
other/photoStylerColorsDefinition |
PhotoStyler Colors definition |
.clr |
other/pIImagePalette |
PI Image Palette |
.pal |
other/piImagePatterns |
PI Image Patterns |
.motivi |
other/picasaFontCache |
Picasa font cache |
.ytf |
other/pico8PODDataArchive |
Pico-8 POD data archive |
.dat .pod |
other/picturePumpProjectFile |
Picture Pump Project File |
.ppp |
other/piklib8AnimationData |
Piklib 8 Animation data |
.ann |
other/piklibGraphicData |
Piklib/BlooMoo graphic data |
.img |
other/pinnacleStudioScene |
Pinnacle Studio Scene |
.scn |
other/pinnacleStudioVideoProject |
Pinnacle Studio Video Project |
.stu |
other/pixelBenderBytecode |
Pixel Bender bytecode |
other/pixilangCompiledByteCode |
Pixilang compiled byte-code |
.pixicode |
other/pkcsCryptographicMessageFile |
PKCS Cryptographic Message File |
other/pKZMENUConfiguration |
PKZMENU Configuration |
.cfg |
other/platinenLayoutLayout |
Platinen Layout Program Layout |
.pla |
other/platinenLayoutBibliotheken |
Platinen Layout Programm Bibliotheken/library |
.bib |
other/platinenLayoutProgrammMacro |
Platinen Layout Programm Macro |
.mac |
other/playStation3DiscData |
PlayStation 3 Disc data |
.sfb |
other/playStationPortableFirmware |
PlayStation Portable Firmware |
.pbp |
other/playstationSingleGameSave |
Playstation single game save |
.psx |
other/plbmGamesConfiguration |
PLBM Games Configuration |
.cfg |
other/plbmGamesGameData |
PLBM Games game data |
.lcr |
other/plbmGamesHighScores |
PLBM Games high scores |
.dat |
other/plotter3DFunction |
Plotter3D Function |
.func |
other/plotter3DLight |
Plotter3D Light |
.light |
other/pocketAccessDatabase |
Pocket Access database |
other/pocketTanksEmitter |
Pocket Tanks emitter |
.emi |
other/polarSpellCheckerDictionary |
Polar SpellChecker dictionary |
other/polyfilmPrefs |
Polyfilm Preferences |
.prf |
other/ponyProgDeviceFile |
PonyProg device file |
other/poolChampionShot |
Pool Champion shot |
.sho |
other/popNOPCrunchedData |
PopNOP crunched data |
.nop .vrm |
other/portsOfCallSaveGame |
Ports of Call Save Game |
.trp |
other/postalDemo |
Postal Demo |
.dmo .rdx |
other/postalGUIElement |
Postal GUI element |
.gui |
other/postalMultiAlpha |
Postal MultiAlpha |
.mlp |
other/postalRealmData |
Postal Realm data |
.rlm |
other/powerDriveSavedGame |
Power Drive saved game |
.ral |
other/powerUpAlbumProject |
Power Up! Album Project |
.alb |
other/powerTabTablature |
Power-Tab Tablature |
.ptb |
other/powerAlbumDocument |
PowerAlbum document |
.pwr |
other/powerBASICHelp |
PowerBASIC Help |
.pbh |
other/powerBASICResource |
PowerBASIC resource |
.pbr |
other/powerBASICDOSConfigurationFile |
PowerBASIC/DOS configuration file |
.pb |
other/powerBuilderDynamicLibrary |
PowerBuilder Dynamic Library |
.pbd |
other/powerDreamLibrary |
PowerDream Library |
.pdl |
other/powerSoftDataWindowDataStore |
PowerSoft DataWindow - DataStore |
.psr |
other/pPrintPattern |
PPrint Pattern |
.pat |
other/pPrintStencilFormat |
PPrint stencil Format |
.frm |
other/preForm3DObjectContainer |
PreForm 3D object container |
.form |
other/premiereMotionSettings |
Premiere Motion settings |
.ptm |
other/premiereTitleData |
Premiere Title data |
.ptl |
other/presentationMasterSlideShow |
Presentation Master slide Show |
.vshow |
other/printMagicCard |
Print Magic Card |
.pmc |
other/printShopDeluxeAutograph |
Print Shop Deluxe Autograph |
.pau |
other/printShopDeluxeCardLayout |
Print Shop Deluxe Card Layout |
.cly |
other/printShopDeluxeCardTimepieces |
Print Shop Deluxe Card Timepieces |
.pct |
other/printShopDeluxeCertificate |
Print Shop Deluxe Certificate |
.prm |
other/printShopDeluxeCertificateBorders |
Print Shop Deluxe Certificate Borders |
.cbr |
other/printShopDeluxeLayout |
Print Shop Deluxe Layout |
other/printShopDeluxeRule |
Print Shop Deluxe Rule |
.prl |
other/printShopDeluxeSealExteriors |
Print Shop Deluxe Seal Exteriors |
.pse |
other/printerFontMetrics |
Printer Font Metrics |
.pfm |
other/printPowerProData |
PrintPower Pro data |
.pvl |
other/proThrottleConfiguration |
Pro Throttle Configuration |
.ptc |
other/proVideoJob |
Pro Video Job |
.job |
other/proVideoVectorOverlayedCharacter |
Pro Video vector overlayed character |
other/proCiteData |
ProCite data |
.pdt .pos |
other/professionalDrawColors |
Professional Draw colors definitions |
.complete .colours .dflt |
other/profiInstallProject |
Profi Install Project |
.ipj |
other/programmingObjectFile |
Programming Object File |
.pof |
other/projectIGIResourceData |
Project IGI Resource data |
.res |
other/projectSpaceStationSavedMission |
Project: Space Station saved Mission |
.msn |
other/propellerheadSoftwareReasonSoundBank |
Propellerhead Software Reason SoundBank |
.rfl |
other/protextConfiguration |
Protext Configuration |
.cfg |
other/proximityTechLexicon |
Proximity Technology Lexicon/Thesaurus |
.lex .ths |
other/prsFormatResourceData |
PRS Format Resource Data |
.prs |
other/psionApplicationAlias |
Psion Application Alias |
.als |
other/psionArchiveDataBase |
Psion Archive Data Base |
.dbf |
other/psionArchiveScreen |
Psion Archive Screen |
.scn |
other/psionLibrary |
Psion Library |
.dyl |
other/psionPhysicalDeviceDriver |
Psion Physical Device Driver |
.pdd |
other/psionPrinterDriver |
Psion Printer Driver |
.wdr |
other/psm2Configuration |
PSM 2 configuration |
.dat |
other/pspMetadataFile |
PSP metadata file |
.psf .sfo |
other/pureCProjectDB |
Pure C Project DB |
.pdb |
other/pureBasicLibrary |
PureBasic library |
other/pureBasicResidentData |
PureBasic resident data |
other/puzzleBusterPuzzle |
Puzzle Buster Puzzle |
.puz |
other/qEmulatorQDOSFileHeader |
Q-emulator QDOS file header |
other/qarbonViewlet |
Qarbon Viewlet |
.viewlet |
other/qbxMSBasicKeyboardDefinition |
QBX (MS Basic 7.x) Editor keyboard definition |
.key |
other/qlPluginROM |
QL Plugin-ROM |
other/qtBinaryResource |
Qt Binary Resource |
.rcc |
other/qtMessage |
Qt Message |
.qm |
other/quake3ArenaSkeletonData |
Quake 3 Arena skeleton data |
.gla |
other/quake2SaveGame |
Quake II save game |
.sav |
other/quake2SpriteReference |
Quake II Sprite Reference |
.sp2 |
other/qualitasBIOSCompressionFeatureInfo |
Qualitas BIOS Compression Feature info |
.bcf |
other/qualitasHelp |
Qualitas Help |
.hlp |
other/quarterInchCartridgeHostInterchange |
Quarter Inch Cartridge Host Interchange Format |
.qic |
other/quartetSamplesSet |
Quartet samples set |
.set |
other/quartusIIArchive |
Quartus II Archive |
.qar |
other/quartusIIProject |
Quartus II Project |
.sof |
other/quattroProAddInFunctionsLibrary |
Quattro Pro add-in functions library |
.qll |
other/questAdventure |
Quest adventure |
.cas |
other/quest3DData |
Quest3D data |
.cgr |
other/quickenData |
Quicken data |
.qdf |
other/quickenDatabase |
Quicken Database File |
.qst |
other/quickenWinData |
Quicken Win Data |
.qsd |
other/quickTextTitles |
QuickText Titles |
other/quickTimeInstallerCache |
QuickTime Installer Cache |
.qdat .qda |
other/quickTimePreferences |
QuickTime Preferences |
.qtp |
other/rageDriver |
R.A.G.E. Driver |
.rge |
other/radianceOctree |
Radiance Octree |
.oct |
other/radixGameData |
Radix game data |
.dat |
other/radixLevelGameDesign |
Radix Level Game Design |
.lgd |
other/raimaDataManagerLock |
Raima Data Manager lock |
.taf |
other/rapidFileData |
RapidFile Data |
.rpd |
other/raptorGLBEncryptedContainer |
Raptor GLB Encrypted Container |
.glb |
other/rarConfiguration |
RAR Configuration |
.cfg |
other/raveReportsProject |
Rave Reports Project |
.rav |
other/ravenSoftCompiledScript |
Raven Software Compiled Script |
.ibi |
other/rcSimulatorGameData |
RC Simulator game data |
.par |
other/realDRAWProject |
Real-DRAW Project |
.rdw |
other/realBasicProject |
RealBasic Project |
.rbp |
other/realTimeDevice |
RealTime Device |
.rtd |
other/realTimeWorkspace |
RealTime Workspace |
.rtw |
other/rebelBookMovesFormat |
REBEL book Moves format |
.mvs |
other/rebelPieces |
REBEL Pieces |
.pcs |
other/reflectionsCamera |
Reflections Camera |
.kam |
other/reflectionsData |
Reflections Data |
.r3 |
other/reflectionsMaterial |
Reflections Material |
.mat |
other/reflectionsScene |
Reflections Scene |
other/reflex2Report |
Reflex 2 Report |
.r2r |
other/relocatableObjectModule |
Relocatable Object Module |
.obj .o |
other/rend386VideoDriver |
Rend386 video driver |
.rvd |
other/renderwareTeXtureDictionary |
Renderware TeXture Dictionary |
.txd |
other/repliGoVirtualPrint |
RepliGo virtual print |
.rgo |
other/reportSmithReport |
ReportSmith report |
.rpt |
other/retro64GameData |
Retro64 game data |
.wld |
other/reunionAnimation |
Reunion Animation |
.ani |
other/reunionGraphics |
Reunion graphics |
.pic |
other/rfFlowDiagram |
RFFlow Diagram/Chart |
.flo |
other/rHIDEProject |
RHIDE Project |
.gpr |
other/richMapFormat |
Rich Map Format |
.rmf |
other/riffMSXF |
.sfx |
Just contains meta info about a given soundeffect usually distributed alongside it as a .wav |
other/riffMxSt |
RIFF MxSt File |
.si |
References to other files, seems to be meta info only. Only info I could find, failed to process: https://github.com/dutchcoders/extract-riff |
other/riffPalette |
RIFF Palette |
.pal |
other/riffSTYL |
.par |
References a font for mac and windows and includes some text in a TEXT chunk |
other/rightWriterConfiguration |
RightWriter configuration |
.dct |
other/rightWriterMainDictionary |
RightWriter main dictionary |
.dct |
other/rightWriterRuleDictionary |
RightWriter rule dictionary |
.dct |
other/ringsOfMedusaGameData |
Rings of Medusa game data |
.pkd |
other/risCitationFormat |
RIS citation format |
.layout |
other/riscOSALFLibrary |
RISC OS ALF Library |
other/riscOSARMObjectFile |
RISC OS ARM Object File |
other/riseOfTheTriadLevel |
Rise of the Triad Level |
.rtc .rtl |
other/robouldixLevelData |
Robouldix level data |
other/rogueTheAdventureGameSavedGame |
Rogue: The Adventure Game Saved game |
.sav |
other/rolandSMFPlayerLanguage |
Roland SMF Player Language |
.rlg |
other/rollerCoasterTycoon3GameData |
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 game data |
.ovl |
other/rollerCoasterTycoonScenario |
RollerCoaster Tycoon Scenario |
.sc4 |
other/rosegardenMusicalNotation |
Rosegarden musical notation |
.rose |
other/rotObject3DAction |
ROT Object 3D Action |
.rotact |
other/roundRobinDatabase |
Round-Robin Database |
.rrd |
other/rpgMakerData |
RPG Maker data |
.rxdata .rvdata .rvdata2 |
other/rpgMakerDB |
RPG Maker Database |
.ldb |
other/rpgMakerMap |
RPG Maker Map |
.lmu |
EasyRPG-Tools has lmu2png but requires lots of aux files and I couldn't get it to work |
other/rpgMakerSaveData |
RPG Maker Save Data |
.lsd |
other/rrReportWriterFontInformation |
RR Report Writer Font Information File |
.fif |
other/rsa1Key |
RSA1 key |
other/rtPatchFile |
RTPatch File |
.rtp |
other/sampbox4Macro |
Sampbox 4 Macro |
.sam |
other/samplitudeProject |
Samplitude Project |
.rap .vip |
other/sangoFighterConfiguration |
Sango Fighter Configuration |
.cfg |
other/sanityAikensArtifactSavedGame |
Sanity: Aiken's Artifact Saved Game |
.sav |
other/sasTransportXPORTFormat |
SAS Transport (XPORT) format |
.xpt |
other/saveRam2CompressedData |
SaveRam2 compressed data |
.fls |
other/sccBlafferNTInstrumentKit |
SCC Blaffer NT Instrument Kit |
other/sceneryAnimatorLandscape |
Scenery Animator Landscape |
.scape |
other/schirattiCommanderSituation |
Schiratti Commander Situation |
.stn |
other/sciTechDriver |
SciTech Driver |
.drv |
other/scooterMacro |
Scooter Macro |
.mac |
other/scorchedEarthMountainData |
Scorched Earth Mountain Data |
.mtn |
other/scorePerfectProfessionalFont |
Score Perfect Professional Font |
.spf |
other/scratchProject |
Scratch project |
.sb |
other/screamEngineResourceData |
SCream Engine resource data |
.res |
other/screamTrackerInstrumentsLibrary |
Scream Tracker Instruments Library |
.015 .014 .016 .017 |
other/scriptMagicArchive |
ScriptMagic archive |
other/sculpt3DTake |
Sculpt 3D Take |
.take |
other/scummMainData |
SCUMM main data container |
other/scummNUTCharset |
SCUMM NUT charset |
.nut .anm .san |
other/seaGraphicsViewerData |
Sea Graphics Viewer data |
.dat |
other/seam3DProject |
SEAM 3D Project |
.s3d |
other/searchNDestroyConfigurationDataBase |
Search'n'Destroy Configuration Data Base |
.cdb |
other/secureCapsuleFirmwareUpdate |
Secure Capsule firmware update |
.scap |
other/segaDreamcastVMUGameImage |
Sega Dreamcast VMU game image |
.vms |
other/genesisROM |
Sega Genesis/Megadrive/32x ROM |
.bin .md |
other/segaMasterSystemROM |
Sega Master System ROM |
.sms |
other/segaSaturnROM |
Sega Saturn ROM |
.bin |
other/semSnapshot |
SEM Snapshot |
.sem |
other/sentinelReturnsGameData |
Sentinel Returns game data |
.db |
other/sentrySpellingEngineLexicon |
Sentry Spelling-Checker Engine Lexicon |
.clx |
other/settlers2Map |
Settlers II Map |
.swd .wld |
other/seuFormatDefinitionFile |
SEU Format Definition File |
.fdf |
other/sfxDocumentTemplateDirectory |
Sfx Document Template Directory |
other/sgaGameDataArchive |
SGA game data archive |
.sga |
other/sgmlCompiled |
SGML Compiled |
.mtl |
other/shapeshifterTheme |
Shapeshifter theme |
.guikit |
other/showPartnerMasteredShow |
Show Partner Mastered Show |
.pro |
other/showKitTemplate |
Show.kit template |
.sks |
other/civilizationFile |
Sid Meier's Civilization File |
.pal .pic |
other/siegfriedAntiviruData |
Siegfried Antivirus Professional virus data |
.brainfile |
other/siemensTIAPLCFile |
Siemens TIA PLC File |
.plf |
other/sciDriver |
Sierra Creative Interpreter Driver |
.drv |
other/silentHunterEnvironmentData |
Silent Hunter Environment data |
.env |
other/silentHunterSceneryData |
Silent Hunter Scenery data |
.scn |
other/silentHunterWorldData |
Silent Hunter World data |
.wld |
other/simCity2000SaveGameData |
SimCity 2000 Save Game Data |
.sc .sc2 |
other/simCity4SavedGame |
SimCity 4 Saved game |
.sc4 |
other/simCityCity |
SimCity City |
.cty |
other/simLifeAnimal |
SimLife Animal |
.anl |
other/simulmondoLocalizedGameStrings |
Simulmondo localized game strings |
.kfr .ksp .kgr .kuk .kit |
other/simutransObjectPackage |
Simutrans object package |
.pak |
other/siscadpData |
SISCAD-P data |
.zra .sfd .red |
other/sKickRelocationTable |
SKick Relocation/patch Table |
.rtb |
other/skincrafterSkin |
skincrafter skin |
.skf |
other/skinMagicSkin |
SkinMagic Skin |
other/skunnyKartGameData |
Skunny Kart Library Game Data |
.lid |
other/skypeLocalizationData |
Skype localization data |
other/slicksNSlidesTrack |
Slicks 'n' Slide Track |
.ss |
other/slideSavedGame |
Slide Saved Game |
.sld |
other/slimShowProject |
Slim Show project |
.s_ .ss |
other/smartAddressAddressBook |
Smart Address address book |
.tpl .adr |
other/smartAddressDiary |
Smart Address Diary |
.sdy |
other/smartDrawTemplate |
SmartDraw Template |
.sdt .sdr |
other/smartListToGoDatabase |
SmartList To Go database |
.pdb |
other/snagItCapture |
SnagIt capture |
.snag |
other/snifferCapture |
Sniffer Capture |
.snf .trc |
other/snippitPatch |
Snippit patch |
.snp |
other/snoopCapture |
Snoop Capture |
.snoop |
other/snxSnapshot |
SNX Snapshot |
.snx |
other/softDiskLibrary |
SoftDisk Library |
.shl |
other/softKeyWinWorksDocumentTemplate |
SoftKey WinWorks document Template |
.wpt |
other/softwareDesignCryptoEncryptedData |
Software Design Crypto encrypted data |
other/solitaireSettyProject |
Solitaire Setty Project |
.ss |
other/soniqueSkin |
Sonique skin |
.sgf |
other/sonixMIDIInstrument |
Sonix MIDI Instrument |
.instr |
other/soundChipSynthPatch |
Sound Chip Synth patch |
.syn |
other/soundForgePeakData |
Sound Forge Peak Data |
.sfk |
other/soundImagesSoundDriver |
Sound Images Sound Driver |
.bin |
other/sourceEditLanguageDefinition |
SourceEdit Language Definition |
.lng |
other/spectreVRMatrix |
Spectre VR Matrix |
.mat |
other/speculatorSnapshot |
Speculator Snapshot |
.zx82 .zx |
other/speedTreeFormat |
SpeedTree format |
.spt |
other/spellForce2GameDataArchive |
SpellForce 2 game data archive |
.map .cff |
other/spellForceGameDataArchive |
SpellForce game data archive |
.pak |
other/spellGuardDictionary |
SpellGuard Dictionary |
.dic |
other/spelToolSupplementalDictionary |
SpelTool Supplemental Dictionary (v1.0) |
.spl |
other/spiderManCartoonMakerMovie |
Spider-Man Cartoon Maker movie |
.mtm |
other/spilImageLibrary |
SPIL Image Library |
.ilb .slb |
other/sproutGameDataArchive |
Sprout game data archive |
.saf |
other/spssForWindowsData |
SPSS for Windows Data |
.sav |
other/spyBotSearchAndDestroySignature |
SpyBot-Search-and-Destroy Signature |
.sig |
other/spyneContainer |
SPYne Container |
other/sqkServerCompactEditionDatabase |
SQL Server Compact Edition database |
.sdf |
other/sqliteWriteAheadLog |
SQLite Write-Ahead Log |
.db-wal |
other/sqliteWriteAheadLogSharedMemory |
SQLite Write-Ahead Log shared memory |
.db-shm |
other/sqlite2Database |
SQLite2 Database |
.sqlite .sqlite2 .db |
other/stCADSymbol |
ST-CAD Symbol |
.sym |
other/stacElectronicsArchiveFormat |
Stac Electronics Archive Format |
.saf |
other/standardACISBinary |
Standard ACIS Binary |
.sab |
other/stanfordGraphicsGallery |
Stanford Graphics Gallery |
.grf |
other/starWarsJediKnightBotNavigationRoutes |
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy bot Navigation/routes info |
.nav |
other/starWarsJediKnightJediAcademyMap |
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy map |
.bsp |
other/starAmPlanGraphData |
StarAm Plan graph data |
.gein |
other/starbreezeStudiosGameDataArchive |
Starbreeze Studios game data archive |
.xw .xfc .xtc .xmd .xcd .xwc |
other/starCraftMap |
StarCraft Map |
.scm .scx |
other/starCraftReplay |
StarCraft Replay |
.rep |
other/stardockDeskScapesAnimatedWallpaper |
Stardock's DeskScapes animated wallpaper |
.dream |
other/stareEOWorkshopConfig |
Stare-EO Workshop configuration |
.cfg |
other/starForceProtectionContainer |
StarForce protection container |
.dat |
other/starlancerForceData |
Starlancer Force data |
.frc |
other/starsGame |
Stars! game |
.xy .m2 .m1 .hst |
other/starSiegeMission |
StarSiege Mission |
.mis |
other/starTrekkerModuleInfo |
Startrekker Module Info |
.nt |
other/starViewMetafile |
StarView Metafile |
.svm |
other/starWriterConfiguration |
StarWriter configuration |
.dat |
other/starWriterFormula |
StarWriter Formula |
.frm |
other/starWriterPrinterDriver |
StarWriter Printer Driver |
.gpm |
other/starWriterVideoDriver |
StarWriter Video Driver |
.hgd |
other/statisticalAnalysisSystemData |
Statistical Analysis System Data |
.sas7bdat .sd7 |
other/steamRegistry |
Steam Registry |
.blob |
other/steelPanthersShapesData |
Steel Panthers Shapes data |
.shp |
other/steinbergResourceFile |
Steinberg Resource File |
.srf |
other/steinbergStudioModuleDriver |
Steinberg Studio Module Driver |
.d |
other/steinbergVSTSoundLibrary |
Steinberg VST Sound library |
.vstsound |
other/stepManiaCourse |
StepMania Course |
.crs |
other/stormWizardResource |
StormWizard Resource |
.wizard .wizard-all |
other/stosVarData |
STOS Var data |
.var |
other/strikeCommanderMap |
Strike Commander map |
.pak |
other/strongNameKey |
Strong Name Key |
.snk |
other/stuntIslandTake |
Stunt Island Take |
.tke |
other/su27FlankerMission |
Su-27 Flanker Mission |
.mis |
other/subZeroGameFileMap |
SubZero Game File map |
.gmf |
other/suncomF15EEagleKeysConfig |
Suncom F-15E Eagle Keys config |
.key |
other/sunVoxSynthesizer |
SunVox Synthesizer |
.sunsynth |
other/superNintendoROM |
Super Nintendo ROM |
.sfc .smc |
other/superSolversGizmosGadgetsPlayers |
Super Solvers: Gizmos and Gadgets! players |
.dat |
other/superZZTFile |
Super ZZT File |
.szt |
other/superbaseForm |
Superbase Form |
.sbv |
other/superColliderSynthDefinition |
SuperCollider3 Synth Definition |
.scsyndef |
other/superFlowTemplate |
SuperFlow Template |
.stp |
other/superJamFile |
SuperJAM! File |
.chords .style .section .band .keyboard .patch .drummap |
other/superProjectExpertProject |
SuperProject Expert Project |
.pj |
other/superProjectGraphicsDrivers |
SuperProject graphics drivers |
.dat |
other/superscapeDo3DTemplate |
Superscape Do 3D Template |
.vrt |
other/surrealSoftwareGameArchive |
Surreal Software Game Archive |
.adu .sdu .tdu .gdu .vdu .mdu .xdu .wdu .odu .qdu1 .ldu .lvl1 .qdu .lvl .rrc |
other/swishEIndex |
Swish-e index |
.swi |
other/symantecInternetToolsData |
Symantec Internet Tools Data |
.ve2 .vep |
other/symantecNortonConfig |
Symantec/Norton Config |
.bin |
other/symbianOSResourceData |
Symbian OS resource data |
.rsc |
other/symbianSeries3InstallationFile |
Symbian Series 3 Installation file |
.sisx .sis |
other/syslinuxCOM32Module |
Syslinux COM32 Module |
.c32 |
other/syslinuxLoader |
SYSLINUX loader |
.sys |
other/sysSpeedModule |
SysSpeed Module |
other/systemAudioManagerAwareInfo |
System Audio Manager Aware info |
.saa |
other/tResourceGameDataContainer |
T-Resource game data container |
.ega .vga .res .rsc |
other/tads |
.t .gam .t3 |
other/tagwriteTemplate |
Tagwrite Template |
.tww |
other/tascChessSavedGame |
Tasc Chess saved game |
.gmd |
other/taskForce1942SaveGame |
Task Force 1942 save game |
.sve |
other/tcpdumpCapture |
TCPDUMP Style Capture |
.dmp .pcap |
other/teamF1TrackData |
Team F1 track data |
.cdr |
other/teamYankeeScenario |
Team Yankee scenario |
.ty |
other/team17MOIKGameDataArchive |
Team17 MOIK game data archive |
.aud .xom .laf .kev .bdl .cam |
other/team6GameData |
Team6 game data |
.dcf .dct .dcl .dcc .dcm .dcscript .dcw .mcs |
other/teamBGInfinityEngineDataFormat |
TeamBG Infinity Engine data format |
.tbg |
other/teenageMutantNinjaTurtlesLevelData |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Level data |
.lev |
other/telepaintMenu |
Telepaint Menu |
.mnu |
other/telepaintPrinterDriver |
Telepaint printer Driver |
.drv |
other/teleportProProject |
Teleport Pro Project |
.tpp |
other/telixCompiledScript |
Telix Compiled Script |
.slc |
other/term95Script |
Term95 Script |
.scx |
other/termInfo |
TermInfo |
other/terraGenLightAndAtmosphere |
TerraGen Light and Atmosphere |
.atm |
other/terragenSurfaceMap |
Terragen Surface Map |
.srf |
other/terragenTerrain |
Terragen terrain |
.ter |
other/terragenWorld |
Terragen World |
.tgw |
other/testDriveShapesData |
Test Drive shapes data |
.shp .sb .pes |
other/testDriveUnlimitedGameDataArchive |
Test Drive Unlimited game data archive |
.bnk .iop .scn |
other/testDriveOffRoadGraphics |
Test Drive: Off-Road graphics |
.tmf |
other/texFontMetricData |
TeX Font Metric Data |
.tfm |
other/texVirtualFont |
TeX Virtual Font |
.vf |
other/tiCalcAssembler |
Texas Instruments Calculator Assembler |
.89z .9xz |
other/tiCalcBackup |
Texas Instruments Calculator Backup |
.73b .82b .83b .85b .86b .89b .92b |
other/tiCalcData |
Texas Instruments Calculator Data |
.89c .9xc |
other/tiCalcEquation |
Texas Instruments Calculator Equation |
.85e |
other/tiCalcExpression |
Texas Instruments Calculator Expression |
.89e .89z |
other/tiCalcFigure |
Texas Instruments Calculator Figure |
.92a |
other/tiCalcFunction |
Texas Instruments Calculator Function |
.9xf .92f .89f |
other/tiCalcGraphicDB |
Texas Instruments Calculator Graphic DB |
.82d .83d .85d .8xd .86d .89d |
other/tiCalcMatrix |
Texas Instruments Calculator Matrix |
.9xm .86m .89m |
other/tiCalcString |
Texas Instruments Calculator String |
.9xs .9xy .89s |
other/tiCalcZipped |
Texas Instruments Calculator Zipped |
.9xy .89y |
other/americanHeritageDictionaryIndex |
The American Heritage Dictionary Index |
.wx |
other/catacombAbyssSavedGame |
The Catacomb Abyss saved game |
.sav |
other/chessmasterSavedGame |
The Chessmaster 2000 saved game |
other/chessmasterClassicGamesLibrary |
The Chessmaster classic games library |
.cml .dat |
other/chessmasterOpeningBook |
The Chessmaster opening book |
.dat |
other/theChessmasterOpeningBook |
The Chessmaster opening book |
.obk |
other/chessmasterUserSettings |
The Chessmaster user settings |
.dat |
other/civilWarBattleData |
The Civil War Battle data |
.btl |
other/theColonyLevelMap |
The Colony level map |
other/cyclesTrackData |
The Cycles track data |
.pes |
other/theDataMasterFieldsDefinition |
The DataMaster Fields Definition |
.fld |
other/theDataMasterForm |
The DataMaster Form |
.form |
other/theDataMasterPreferences |
The DataMaster Preferences |
.pre |
other/elderScrolls4Plugin |
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Plugin |
.esp |
other/theGamesFactoryGame |
The Games Factory Game |
.gam |
other/houseOfTheDeadGameDataContainer |
The House of the Dead game data container |
.rbh |
other/houseOfTheDeadTextures |
The House of the Dead textures |
.vmc |
other/huntForRedOctoberSavedGame |
The Hunt for Red October Saved game |
.sav |
other/lostFilesOfSherlockHolmesResourcs |
The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes Resources |
.rrm |
other/theNortonAntiVirusInformation |
The Norton AntiVirus Information |
.inf |
other/theNortonAntiVirusSignatures |
The Norton AntiVirus Virus Signatures |
.dat |
other/thePerfectGeneralFile |
The Perfect General File |
.scn .cfg .mdt .mgr |
other/printShopProject |
The Print Shop Project |
.qvc .grc .lnc .woc .bgc .agc .nbc |
other/ravenProjectGameAudio |
The Raven Project game audio data |
.ddp |
other/theSoftwareToolworksResourcesArchive |
The Software Toolworks resources archive |
.vgh .lst .v2l .res |
other/theirFinestHourMission |
Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain mission |
.flt |
other/palmThinkDBDocument |
ThinkDB PalmOS document |
.pdb |
other/threeDimensionalLaboratoryAnimation |
Three Dimensional Laboratory Animation |
.tda |
other/threeDimensionalLaboratoryData |
Three Dimensional Laboratory Data |
.tdd |
other/threeDimensionalLaboratoryObject |
Three Dimensional Laboratory Object |
.tdo |
other/thumbsPlusIndex |
ThumbsPlus Index |
.tux .idx |
other/thunderbyteAV |
Thunderbyte AV |
.dat .eci .ec .key .sig |
other/thunderstrike2Data |
Thunderstrike 2 data |
.wad |
other/thxTrackerInstrument |
THX Tracker Instrument |
.ins |
other/timeZoneData |
TimeZone Data |
.tz |
other/tmmScreen |
TMM Screen |
.scr |
other/tmtPascalForDOSObjectCode |
TMT Pascal for DOS object code |
.fpd |
other/tmtPascalForDOSSymbols |
TMT Pascal for DOS Symbols |
.sym |
other/tmtPascalForOS2ObjectCode |
TMT Pascal for OS/2 object code |
.fpd .fpl .fpu |
other/toolmakerProject |
Toolmaker project |
.tm |
other/topLevelForm |
TopLevel Form |
.tfm |
other/topSpeedModula2Library |
TopSpeed Modula-2 Library |
.lib |
other/tpLinkRouterFirmware |
TP-Link router firmware |
.bin |
other/trackAttackBitmapsFrames |
Track Attack bitmaps/frames |
.raw .rle |
other/trackAttackCockpit |
Track Attack cockpit |
.rle |
other/trackAttackTrackData |
Track Attack track Data |
.dat |
other/trackManiaTrack |
TrackMania track |
.gbx |
other/translandMap |
Transland Map |
.map |
other/traxPlayerAudioFloppyImage |
TraxPlayer audio floppy image |
.nop |
other/treeDBNotesDocument |
TreeDBNotes document |
.treedb |
other/treePADDocument |
TreePAD document |
.hjt |
other/trendMicroVirusPattern |
Trend Micro Virus Pattern |
other/trendMicroCleanerDatabase |
TrendMicro Cleaner database |
.ptn |
other/triTrystGameData |
TriTryst game Data |
.dat |
other/triviaShellData |
Trivia Shell Data |
.tsd |
other/triviaShellIndex |
Trivia Shell Index |
.tsi |
other/trivialDataBase |
Trivial Data Base |
.tdb |
other/truePaintAnimation |
TruePaint Animation |
.tpa |
other/trxFirmwareHeader |
TRX firmware header |
.trx |
other/tSOnlineModemsDefinitions |
TS Online modems definitions |
.def .dat |
other/tsiProtected |
TSI Protected |
.pwd .pbk |
other/tsiLangBinaryTranslationData |
TsiLang binary translation data |
.sib |
other/tsunamiMediaGameDataArchive |
Tsunami Media game data archive |
.rlb |
other/turboAssemblerHelp |
Turbo Assembler Help |
.tah |
other/turboBASICConfiguration |
Turbo BASIC configuration |
.tb |
other/turboCHelp |
Turbo C Help |
.tch |
other/turboDebuggerSymbolsTable |
Turbo Debugger Symbols table |
.tds |
other/turboLightningEnvironment |
Turbo Lightning Environment |
.env |
other/turboModula2SymbolData |
Turbo Modula-2 Symbol Data |
.sym |
other/turboOutRunGameData |
Turbo Out Run game data |
.rsc |
other/turboPascalHelp |
Turbo Pascal Help |
.hlp |
other/turboPascalSymbolTable |
Turbo Pascal Symbol Table |
.psm |
other/turboProfilerAreasData |
Turbo Profiler Areas data |
.tfa |
other/turboCalcLibrary |
TurboCalc Library |
.tclib |
other/tvPaintProject |
TVPaint Project |
.tvpp .deep .aur |
other/twistedMetal3DModelsContainer |
Twisted Metal 3D models container |
.tpc |
other/twistedMetalTexture |
Twisted Metal texture |
.dpc |
other/typeLibrary |
Type Library |
.tlb |
other/urbanTheCyborgProjectGameData |
U.R.B.A.N The Cyborg Project game data |
.dat |
other/usNavyFightersTheaterGameData |
U.S. Navy Fighters Theater game data |
.t2 |
other/uleadImageiioThumbnailInfo |
Ulead Imageioo Thumbnail Info |
.pe3 .pe4 |
5 sample files |
other/photoImpactPresets |
Ulead Photo Impact Presets |
.smp |
other/ultimateFootball95Playbook |
Ultimate Football '95 Playbook |
.pbk |
other/ultrabotsXenobotsScenery |
Ultrabots/Xenobots Scenery |
.usg |
other/uniCodeExtensions |
UniCode Extensions |
.uce |
other/unifiedEmulatorFormat |
Unified Emulator Format |
other/universalCommunicationsFormat |
Universal Communications Format |
.ucf |
other/unknown |
Unknown File |
1 sample file - I entertained this idea of a catch-all fallback format that would then use various tools to try and 'extract' out various sub-files like images, audio, etc. However these tools are very 'loose' and will extract a LOT of junk. So I'm leaving this out for now. If I ever add this back, other tools to consider adding in ADDITION to binwalk & foremost: photorec, testdisk, sleuthkit, magicrescue |
other/unrealEngineCharacter |
Unreal Engine character |
.psk |
other/unrealMap |
Unreal Map |
.unr |
other/upsPatchFile |
UPS patch file |
.ups |
other/vallenJPeggerIndex |
Vallen JPegger index |
.dat |
other/valveSourceMap |
Valve Source Map |
.bsp |
other/vangeliSTeamAudioLibraryDevice |
VangeliSTeam audio library Device |
.swp .dev |
other/vbISAMIndex |
VB/ISAM Index |
.ism |
other/vbDOSForm |
VBDOS Form |
.frm |
other/vcdEntries |
VCD Entries File |
.vcd |
other/vcdiffFormat |
VCDIFF format |
.xdelta3 .xdt .vcdiff |
other/vcgGraph |
VCG graph |
.vcg |
other/vclStyle |
VCL Style |
.vsf |
other/vectrexROM |
Vectrex ROM |
.vec .gam .bin |
other/vektorGrafixDriver |
Vektor Grafix Driver |
.drv |
other/vesaDisplayIdentification |
VESA Display Identification File |
.vdb |
other/vgaCopyConfiguration |
VGA-Copy Configuration |
.cfg |
other/viceSnapshotFile |
Vice Snapshot File |
.vsf |
other/viconAnimationData |
Vicon animation data |
.v |
other/videoMusicBoxProgression |
Video Music Box Progression |
.prgn |
other/videoMusicBoxStyle |
Video Music Box Style |
.stle |
other/videoFX2Sequence |
VideoFX2 Sequence |
.seq |
other/videoMasterData |
VideoMaster data |
.vm |
other/videoMaxeFile |
VideoMaxe File |
other/videoPadProject |
VideoPad Project |
.vpj |
other/videoTrackerRoutine |
VideoTracker Routine |
.rot |
10 sample files |
other/virToolsFiles |
Virtools files |
.cmo .nmo .vmo .nms |
other/virtualChess2Game |
Virtual Chess 2 game |
.eck |
other/virtualFireScene |
Virtual Fire Scene |
.sce |
other/virtualPascalUnit |
Virtual Pascal Unit |
.vpi |
other/virtualTIEmulatorSkin |
Virtual TI emulator skin |
.skn |
other/virtualVillagersData |
Virtual Villagers data |
.ldw |
other/virtualBusMap |
VirtualBus Map |
.ms1 |
other/virtualDubDebugInfo |
VirtualDub Debug Info |
.vdi |
other/virusExecutorPatchBrain |
VirusExecutor Patch Brain |
.patchbrain |
other/virusZIIArchiversInfo |
VirusZ II Archivers info |
.archivers |
other/virusZIIIBootblocksData |
VirusZ III Bootblocks data |
.bootblocks |
other/visionaireMesh |
Visionaire Mesh |
.mesh |
other/visionaireProject |
Visionaire Project |
.vis |
other/vistaDataFormat |
Vista data format |
.v |
other/vistaEventLog |
Vista Event Log |
.evtx |
other/vistaMakepathSession |
Vista Makepath Session |
.ses |
other/visualBasicExtension |
Visual Basic Extension |
.vbx |
other/visualBasicProjectWorkspace |
Visual Basic Project Workspace |
.frm |
other/visualBasicTokenizedSource |
Visual Basic Tokenized Source |
.bas |
other/visualCPPExportLibrary |
Visual C++ Export Library |
.exp |
other/visualFoxProCompoundIndex |
Visual FoxPro Compound Index |
.cdx |
other/visualHomeObject |
Visual Home object |
.bte |
other/visualLISPApplication |
Visual LISP Application |
.vlx |
other/visualSciencesResource |
Visual Sciences Resource |
.vsr |
other/visualSmalltalkLibrary |
Visual Smalltalk Enterprise Objects Library |
.sll |
other/visualSourceSafeControlFile |
Visual SourceSafe Control File |
.scc |
other/visualToolsVTSpellDictionary |
VisualTools VT Spell Dictionary |
.vtd .vt |
other/vizastarSpreadsheet |
Vizastar spreadsheet |
.wks .seq |
other/vmWareNVRAM |
VMware NVRAM |
.nvram |
other/vocalEyesHelp |
Vocal-Eyes Help |
.hlp |
other/vocalEyesSet |
Vocal-Eyes Set |
.set |
other/vocalTecMediaFile |
VocalTec Media File |
.vmf |
other/volkovCommanderConfiguration |
Volkov Commander configuration |
.ini |
other/vortexATonceConfiguration |
Vortex ATonce Configuration |
.cfg |
other/voxelAnimation |
Voxel Animation |
.vxl |
other/voyagerTheDynamicSkySimulatorSettings |
Voyager - The Dynamic Sky Simulator Settings |
.vset |
other/vpExpertHelpSystem |
VP-Expert Help System |
.chp |
other/vSamplerSoundBank |
VSampler Sound Bank |
.vsb |
other/vsoLanguageData |
VSO language data |
.spk |
other/vueDEspritFunctionDefinition |
Vue D'Esprit function definition |
.fnc .mat .vob |
other/vuimageVideoDriver |
VUIMAGE Video Driver |
.vdr |
other/vwCommsDataBase |
VW Comms Data Base |
.db .vct .vcc |
other/warBirdsAirplaneArt |
WarBirds airplane art |
.vew |
other/warCraft3Map |
WarCraft III Map |
.w3m |
other/warCraft3RecordedGame |
WarCraft III Recorded Game |
.w3g |
other/watcomProfilerSamplingData |
Watcom Profiler Sampling Data |
.smp |
other/wbWortSavedGame0 |
WB-Wort saved game |
other/webViewCacheData |
WebView cache data |
other/westAdventureConfiguration |
West Adventure Configuration |
.cfg |
other/whackerTrackerAudioDriver |
Whacker Tracker audio Driver |
.drv |
other/whalesVoyageGraphic |
Whale's Voyage graphic |
.brs |
other/whdLoadSlave |
WHDLoad Slave |
.slave |
other/whiteWolfProductionsPalette |
White Wolf Productions Palette |
.pal |
other/winampAdvVisStudioStyle |
Winamp Advanced Visualization Studio File |
.avs |
other/winampEQLibrary |
Winamp EQ library |
other/winAPEPOKFormat |
WinAPE POK format |
.wps .pok |
other/winAPESnapshot |
WinAPE Snapshot |
other/winAsksEditorAnalysis |
WinAsks Editor Analysis |
.anl .an |
other/winAsksPlayerCompiledApp |
WinAsks Player compiled app |
.ask .as |
other/winAsksPlayerReport |
WinAsks Player Report |
.rpt .rp |
other/winCatDiskCatalog |
WinCat disk Catalog |
.cat |
other/windevActiveWEBDEVPage |
other/windevComponent |
WINDEV Component |
.wdk |
other/windevControlsStylesDescription |
WinDev Controls' Styles description |
.gab |
other/windevHFSQLDataBase |
WINDEV HFSQL data base |
.fic |
other/windevHFSQLIndex |
.ndx |
other/windevHFSQLMemo |
other/windevHFSQLRunTimeAnalysisDesc |
WINDEV HFSQL run-time analysis Description |
.wdd |
other/windevProject |
WINDEV Project |
.fic .wdl |
other/windevRunTimeSkinTemplate |
WINDEV run-time skin template |
.wdy |
other/windevWindow |
WINDEV Window |
.wte |
other/windowTracingDiagnosticBinaryLog |
Window tracing/diagnostic binary log |
.etl |
other/windows98Passwords |
Windows 98 passwords |
.pwl |
other/windows9XBootLoader |
Windows 9X boot loader |
other/windowsAddressBook |
Windows Address Book |
.wab |
other/windowsCalendar |
Windows Calendar |
.cal |
other/windowsCommonLogFileSystemData |
Windows Common Log File System data |
.blf |
other/windowsEventViewerLog |
Windows Event Viewer Log |
.evt |
other/windowsExplorerSavedSearch |
Windows Explorer saved search |
.fnd |
other/windowsHelpSearchIndex |
Windows Help Full Text Search Index |
.fts |
other/windowsHelpFullTextSearchGroup |
Windows Help Full-Text search Group |
.ftg |
other/windowsHelpGIDIndex |
Windows Help Global Index Data |
.gid |
other/windowsHelpIndex |
Windows Help index |
.hlp |
other/windowsLogoDrawingCode |
Windows LOGO Drawing Code |
.lgo .lg |
other/windowsMediaPlayerDataBase |
Windows Media Player DataBase |
.wmdb |
other/windowsNTLDRBootLoader |
Windows NTLDR boot loader |
other/windowsPolicyData |
Windows Policy data |
.pol |
other/windowsShimDatabase |
Windows Shim Database |
.sdb |
other/windowsSidebarStyle |
Windows Sidebar Style |
other/windowsTerminalConfiguration |
Windows Terminal Configuration |
.trm |
other/winStormStormInfo |
WinStorm Storm info |
.sto |
other/wintertreeThesaurusEngineDB |
Wintertree Thesaurus Engine DB |
.tdb |
other/winWorksChart |
WinWorks Chart |
.cht |
other/winWorksDBDefinition |
WinWorks DB Definition |
.wdf |
other/wipeout2097TrackData |
Wipeout 2097 Track Data |
.wad |
other/wolfpackMission |
Wolfpack Mission |
.mis |
other/wordWriter128PrintParametersOptions |
Word Writer 128 print Parameters/options |
.par |
other/wordPerfectCaracterFontResource |
WordPerfect Caracter/Font resource |
.crs |
other/wordPerfectDictionaryAdvise |
WordPerfect dictionary advise |
.adv |
other/wordPerfectDictionary |
WordPerfect Disctionary |
.lex .spn |
other/wordPerfectDisplayResource |
WordPerfect Display Resource |
.drs |
other/wordPerfectDriver |
WordPerfect Driver |
.vrs |
other/wordPerfectButtonBar |
WordPerfect for Windows Button Bar |
.wwb |
other/wordPerfectHyphenation |
WordPerfect Hyphenation |
.hyc .hyl .us |
other/wordPerfectInputResource |
WordPerfect Input Resource |
.irs |
other/wordPerfectInstallOptions |
WordPerfect Install options |
.ins |
other/wordPerfectKeyboardFile |
WordPerfect keyboard file |
.wpk |
other/wordPerfectMacro |
WordPerfect Macro File |
.wpm .wcm .mrs |
other/wordPerfectOverlay |
WordPerfect Overlay |
.fil |
other/wordPerfectPrinterData |
WordPerfect Printer Data |
.all .prd |
other/wordPerfectPrinterResource |
WordPerfect Printer Resource |
.prs |
other/wordPerfectRectangularBlockData |
WordPerfect Rectangular Block Data |
.mst |
other/wordPerfectSettings |
WordPerfect settings |
.wcl .set |
other/wordPerfectSetupData |
WordPerfect Setup Data |
.set |
other/wordPerfectThesaurus |
WordPerfect Thesaurus |
.ths |
other/wordPerfectVideoResource |
WordPerfect Video Resource |
.vrs |
other/wordPerfectWordlist |
WordPerfect Wordlist |
.spw |
other/wordPerfectWritingTools |
WordPerfect Writing Tools |
.cbt .cbd |
other/wordsearchManiaConfiguration |
Wordsearch Mania! Configuration |
.cfg |
other/wordStarPrinterDescFile |
WordStar Printer Description File |
.pdf |
other/wordWorthPreferences |
WordWorth Preferences |
other/workingModel2DData |
Working Model 2D data |
.wm .wm2d |
other/worldConstructionSetElevationData |
World Construction Set Elevation data |
.elev |
other/worldConstructionSetObject |
World Construction Set Object |
.obj |
other/worldConstructionSetParameters |
World Construction Set Parameters |
.par |
other/worldMachineDocument |
WorldMachine document |
.tmd |
other/wreckinCrewLevelMap |
Wreckin Crew level Map |
.map |
other/wsusPatchStorageFile |
WSUS Patch Storage File |
.psf .p |
other/xCADModifierTable |
X-CAD Modifier Table |
.obj |
other/xCADOverlay |
X-CAD Overlay |
other/xCADPatternFill |
X-CAD Pattern Fill |
.ptf |
other/xPlaneAirfoils |
X-Plane Airfoils |
.afl |
other/x11XauthorityData |
X11 Xauthority data |
other/xactGlobalSettings |
XACT Global Settings |
.xgs |
other/xactSoundBank |
XACT Sound Bank |
.xsb |
other/xcpNetworkCapture |
XCP network capture file |
.cap |
other/xDeltaBinaryPatchFile |
XDelta binary patch file |
.patch .xdelta |
other/xessWorksheet |
XESS worksheet |
.xs3 .xs4 .xs5 |
other/xilinxBitstream |
Xilinx Bitstream |
.bit |
other/xilinxInternalData |
Xilinx internal data |
.xbcd |
other/xlr8SentryChipComposorInstrument |
XLR8 - Sentry Chip Composor Instrument |
.xin |
other/xlr8SentryChipComposorVoiceSet |
XLR8 - Sentry Chip Composor VoiceSet |
.xvs |
other/xpcomTypeLibrary |
XPCOM Type Library |
.xpt |
other/xTreeGoldGraphicsDriver |
XTreeGold graphics Driver |
.drv |
other/yabBaseballGameData |
YAB! Baseball game data |
.dat |
other/yafaCompressionOptions |
YAFA Compression Options |
other/yahooWidget |
Yahoo! Widget |
.widget |
other/yamahaSysExPresetCommand |
Yamaha SysEx preset command |
.syx .dx7 |
other/yangDataModel |
YANG data model |
.yang |
other/zarNavigatorConfiguration |
Z.A.R. Navigator Configuration |
.cfg |
other/zInstallFormsDialogs |
Z/Install forms/Dialogs |
.vvd |
other/zapperInNeverwhereSavedGame |
Zapper In Neverwhere saved game |
.pos |
other/zbasic |
.bas |
6 sample files |
other/zBrushMatCap |
ZBrush MatCap |
.ztl |
other/zCTSystemsGroupVideoDriver |
ZCT Systems Group video Driver |
.drv |
other/zeldaClassicQuest |
Zelda Classic Quest |
.qst |
other/zeroXBeatSlicerGroove |
Zero-X BeatSlicer Groove |
.zgr |
other/zickyZicksMilkcapsGameData |
Zicky Zick's Milkcaps game data |
.tub |
other/zodbFileStorage |
ZODB File Storage |
.fs |
other/zonerDraw |
Zoner Draw |
.zmf |
other/zoopGameGraphics |
Zoop game graphics |
.imx |
other/zopeBinaryExportFile |
Zope binary export file |
.zexp |
other/zsnesSaveSate |
ZSNES Save State |
.zst |
other/zTXTeBook |
zTXT e-book |
.pdb |
other/zxStateSnapshot |
zx-state snapshot |
.szx |
other/zx32SZXSSnapshot |
zx32's ZXS snapshot |
.zxs |
other/zycluntConfiguration |
Zyclunt Configuration |
.cfg |
other/zycluntGameArchive |
Zyclunt game data archive |
.jam |