is a php-script which generates php-source code-stubs for given extensions or class names
we use it at Schottenland.de to generate simple API-Files for all installed extensions to avoid "undefined class" or "undefined method" errors in the IDE (e.g. PhpStorm)
Hint: under https://github.com/schmittjoh/php-stubs you can find a project with pre-generated stub for many extensions
- with one parameter it will check if it is a loaded extension, if not it considers it a class name
php DocThor.php APC
- with more than one parameter, all are considered class names
php DocThor.php Directory Exception
- with --sourceDir parameter, it scans .c files for more information
php DocThor.php --sourceDir=/opt/src/zeromq/ zmq
- with --check parameter, no structure is generated, only the inconsistencies betwenn source and reflection are shown
php DocThor.php --sourceDir=/opt/src/zeromq/ --check zmq
##With C source files## some hints if you use the --sourceDir parameter
- if you installed the extension from e.g. PECL (without source) you should download the source code
- the information is extracted from (optional) code-comments in the source files
- some extensions do not include the (for the compiling optional but for the DocThor) required information
- if your are lucky and the DocThor extracts more information, then you have a big chance they are not consistent with the "reflected" structure (because the developer has to update the internal doc comments on code change .. and you know ..)
- so trust the structure but don't trust the docBlocks
- use a tool like PhpStorm that marks the inconsistencies and fix manually (use --check to preview)
##How it works##
- primary: uses reflections to determine classes, methods, constants, functions, etc. and "rebuilds" these as empty structures
- secondary: if you provide a (php-extension-c-files) sourceDirectory, then the DocThor will use his stethoscope to extract more information from the source-files to enhance the structure-files with docBlocks
simple test script included in test directory, run with php DocThorTest.php
##Example## will generate php-source code for the ZMQ-Extension (if installed)
mkdir zmq && cd zmq
make a tmp dirwget https://raw.github.com/SegFaulty/DocThor/master/DocThor.php
download DocThorwget https://raw.github.com/SegFaulty/DocThor/master/Stethoscope.php
and his stethoscopewget https://github.com/mkoppanen/php-zmq/tarball/master -O php-zmq.tar.gz
download ZMQ-Sourcestar -xzf php-zmq.tar.gz
and untarphp DocThor.php --sourceDir=./ zmq > zmqApi.php
ask the DocThor and get the prescription- put zmqApi.php in your IDE-project path (and correct the inconsistencies)
php DocThor.php --sourceDir=./ --check zmq
outputs only the differences between source code and reflection
zmqApi.php looks like:
* zmq-API v1.0.3 Docs build by DocThor [2012-03-31]
* @package zmq
* @package zmq
class ZMQ {
const SOCKET_PAIR = 0;
const SOCKET_PUB = 1;
const SOCKET_SUB = 2;
const SOCKOPT_EVENTS = 15;
* @package zmq
class ZMQContext {
* Build a new ZMQContext object
* @param integer $io_threads
* @param boolean $is_persistent
* @return ZMQContext
public function __construct($io_threads="", $persistent="") {}
public function getsocket($type, $dsn, $on_new_socket="") {}
public function ispersistent() {}
* @package zmq
class ZMQSocket {
* Build a new ZMQSocket object
* @param ZMQContext $context
* @param integer $type
* @param string $persistent_id
* @param callback $on_new_socket
* @return ZMQSocket
public function __construct(ZMQContext $ZMQContext, $type, $persistent_id="", $on_new_socket="") {}
see all in the Wiki at zmq-Api PHP-file
check result:
8 inconsistencies found
inconsistent parameter name: ZMQContext::__construct reflection:persistent sourceCode:is_persistent
inconsistent parameter name: ZMQSocket::__construct reflection:ZMQContext sourceCode:context
inconsistent parameter name: ZMQSocket::send reflection:mode sourceCode:flags
inconsistent parameter name: ZMQSocket::sendmulti reflection:message sourceCode:messages
inconsistent parameter name: ZMQSocket::sendmulti reflection:mode sourceCode:flags
inconsistent parameter name: ZMQPoll::add reflection:entry sourceCode:object
inconsistent parameter name: ZMQPoll::add reflection:type sourceCode:events
inconsistent parameter name: ZMQPoll::remove reflection:remove sourceCode:item