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const data = [
'<div class="en"></div>',
'<div class="zoom"><div class="en"></div><div class="he">גמל שהיה טעון פשתן ועבר ברשות הרבים, ונכנס פשתנו לתוך החנות ודלקו בנרו של חנוני והדליק את הבירה - בעל גמל חייב, הניח חנוני נרו מבחוץ - החנוני חייב; רבי יהודה אומר: בנר חנוכה - פטור</div><div class="en"></div><div class="en">MISHNAH. If a camel carrying flax was passing through a public street and the flax got into a shop and caught fire by coming in contact with the shopkeeper\'s candle, and set alight the whole building, the owner of the camel would be responsible. If, however, the shopkeeper left his candle outside [his shop], the shopkeeper would be responsible. Rabbi Judah says: if it was a Hanukah candle the shopkeeper would not be responsible. </div><div class="en"></div><div class="he"> דעתך למעלה מעשרה, אמאי אמר ר\' יהודה: נר חנוכה - פטור? לימא ליה: הוה ליה לאנוחה למעלה מגמל ורוכבו! אלא לאו ש"מ: מצוה להניחה בתוך עשרה! אמרי: לא, לעולם אימא לך אפי\' למעלה מעשרה, מאי אמרת? אבעי לך לאנוחה למעלה מגמל ורוכבו, כיון דבמצוה קא עסיק, כולי האי לא אטרחוה רבנן. אמר רב כהנא, דרש רב נתן בר מניומי משמיה דרבי תנחום: נר חנוכה שהניחה למעלה מעשרים אמה - פסולה, כסוכה </div><div class="en"></div><div class="en">GEMARA. Rabina said in the name of Raba: From the statement of Rabbi Judah [that the shopkeeper wouldn’t be responsible for the fire caused by the Hannukah candle] we can learn that a Chanukah candle should be placed no more than 3 feet from the ground. If instead you were to assume that it can be placed even above 3 feet from the ground, then why did Rabbi Judah say that in the case of a Chanukah candle there would be exemption? Why should the camel owner not argue: \'You should have placed the candle above the reach of the camel and its rider?\' Does this therefore not prove that you need to put the Hannukah candle no more than 3 feet from the ground? — It can, however, be argued that this is not so. For it could still be said that it might be placed even above the height of 3 feet, and as for your argument \'You ought to have placed it above the reach of the camel and its rider\', [it might be answered that] since he was occupied with the performance of a religious act, the Rabbis could not [rightly] make it so troublesome to him. Rabbi Kahana said that Rabbi Nathan the son of Minyomi taught in the name of Rabbi Tanhum: \'If the Chanukah candle is placed above [the height of] twenty cubits [33 feet, 4 storeys] it is disqualified [for the purpose of the religious performance], like a sukkah </div><div class="en"></div></div><div class="en"></div>',
'<div class="en"></div>',
'<div class="zoom"><div class="en"></div><div class="he">גמל שהיה טעון פשתן ועבר ברשות הרבים, ונכנס פשתנו לתוך החנות ודלקו בנרו של חנוני והדליק את הבירה - בעל גמל חייב, הניח חנוני נרו מבחוץ - החנוני חייב; רבי יהודה אומר: בנר חנוכה - פטור</div><div class="en"></div><div class="en">MISHNAH. If a camel carrying flax was passing through a public street and the <span class="focus">flax got into a shop</span> and caught fire by coming in <span class="focus">contact with the shopkeeper\'s candle</span>, and set alight the whole building, the <span class="focus">owner of the camel would be responsible</span>. If, however, the shopkeeper left his candle outside [his shop], the shopkeeper would be responsible. Rabbi Judah says: if it was a Hanukah candle the shopkeeper would not be responsible. </div></div><div class="en">*</div>',
'<div class="zoom"><div class="en"></div><div class="he"> דעתך למעלה מעשרה, אמאי אמר ר\' יהודה: נר חנוכה - פטור? לימא ליה: הוה ליה לאנוחה למעלה מגמל ורוכבו! אלא לאו ש"מ: מצוה להניחה בתוך עשרה! אמרי: לא, לעולם אימא לך אפי\' למעלה מעשרה, מאי אמרת? אבעי לך לאנוחה למעלה מגמל ורוכבו, כיון דבמצוה קא עסיק, כולי האי לא אטרחוה רבנן. אמר רב כהנא, דרש רב נתן בר מניומי משמיה דרבי תנחום: נר חנוכה שהניחה למעלה מעשרים אמה - פסולה, כסוכה </div><div class="en"></div><div class="en">GEMARA. Rabina said in the name of Raba: From the statement of Rabbi Judah [that the shopkeeper wouldn’t be responsible for the fire caused by the Hannukah candle] we can learn that a Chanukah candle should be placed no more than 3 feet from the ground. If instead you were to assume that it can be placed even above 3 feet from the ground, then why did Rabbi Judah say that in the case of a Chanukah candle there would be exemption? Why should the camel owner not argue: \'You should have placed the candle above the reach of the camel and its rider?\' Does this therefore not prove that you need to put the Hannukah candle no more than 3 feet from the ground? — It can, however, be argued that this is not so. For it could still be said that it might be placed even above the height of 3 feet, and as for your argument \'You ought to have placed it above the reach of the camel and its rider\', [it might be answered that] since he was occupied with the performance of a religious act, the Rabbis could not [rightly] make it so troublesome to him. Rabbi Kahana said that Rabbi Nathan the son of Minyomi taught in the name of Rabbi Tanhum: \'If the Chanukah candle is placed above [the height of] twenty cubits [33 feet, 4 storeys] it is disqualified [for the purpose of the religious performance], like a sukkah </div><div class="en"></div></div>',
'<div class="zoom"><div class="en"></div><div class="he">אין מדליקין נר חנוכה קודם שתשקע החמה אלא עם סוף שקיעתה </div><div class="en">Chanukah candles are not lit before <span class="focus">sunset</span>, but rather with the end of sunset</div><div class="en"></div><div class="he">עד שתכלה רגל מן השוק</div><div class="en"><span class="focus">until people stop passing through the marketplace</span></div><div class="en"></div><div class="en">(Shulchan Aruch Orech Chayim 672:1-2)</div></div>',
'<div class="zoom"><div class="en"></div><div class="he">תָּנוּ רַבָּנַן: נֵר חֲנוּכָּה מִצְוָה לְהַנִּיחָהּ עַל פֶּתַח בֵּיתוֹ מִבַּחוּץ. </div><div class="en"></div><div class="en">The Sages taught in a baraita: It is a mitzva to place the Hanukkah lamp at the entrance to one’s house on the outside, so that all can see it. </div><div class="en"></div><div class="he">אִם הָיָה דָּר בַּעֲלִיָּיה — מַנִּיחָהּ בַּחַלּוֹן הַסְּמוּכָה לִרְשׁוּת הָרַבִּים.</div><div class="en"></div><div class="en">If he lived upstairs, he places it at the window adjacent to the public domain. </div><div class="en"></div><div class="he">וּבִשְׁעַת הַסַּכָּנָה — מַנִּיחָהּ עַל שֻׁלְחָנוֹ וְדַיּוֹ</div><div class="en"></div><div class="en">And in a time of danger, when the gentiles issued decrees to prohibit kindling lights, he places it on the table and that is sufficient to fulfill his obligation.</div><div class="en"></div><div class="en">(Shabbat 21b)</div></div><div class="en"></div>',
'<div class="he">(ו) מניחו למעלה מג\' טפחים ומצוה להניחו למטה מעשרה טפחים ואם הניחו למעלה מעשרה טפחים יצא אבל אם מניחו למעלה מעשרים אמה לא יצא: הגה ואפילו לקחה כך דלוק והניחה למטה מכ\' לא יצא דהדלקה עושה מצוה [ב"י בשם תוס\']:</div><div class="en"></div><div class="en"></div><div class="en">(6) One should place [the Hanukkah light] above three handsbreadths [from the ground]. It is a mitzvah to place it beneath ten handsbreadths. But if he placed it above ten handsbreadths, he has fulfilled his obligation. However, if he placed it above twenty cubits, he has not fulfilled his obligation. Rem"a: And even if he took it as it is, lit, and placed it below twenty cubits, he has not fulfilled his obligation, because the kindling accomplishes the mitzvah. (Beit Yosef quoting Tosafot)</div>',
'<div class="en">**</div><div class="he">גמל שהיה טעון פשתן ועבר ברשות הרבים, ונכנס פשתנו לתוך החנות ודלקו בנרו של חנוני והדליק את הבירה - בעל גמל חייב, הניח חנוני נרו מבחוץ - החנוני חייב; רבי יהודה אומר: בנר חנוכה - פטור</div><div class="en"></div><div class="en">MISHNAH. If a camel carrying flax was passing through a public street and the flax got into a shop and caught fire by coming in contact with the shopkeeper\'s candle, and set alight the whole building, the owner of the camel would be responsible. If, however, the shopkeeper left his candle outside [his shop], the shopkeeper would be responsible. Rabbi Judah says: if it was a Hanukah candle the shopkeeper would not be responsible. </div><div class="en"></div><div class="he"> דעתך למעלה מעשרה, אמאי אמר ר\' יהודה: נר חנוכה - פטור? לימא ליה: הוה ליה לאנוחה למעלה מגמל ורוכבו! אלא לאו ש"מ: מצוה להניחה בתוך עשרה! אמרי: לא, לעולם אימא לך אפי\' למעלה מעשרה, מאי אמרת? אבעי לך לאנוחה למעלה מגמל ורוכבו, כיון דבמצוה קא עסיק, כולי האי לא אטרחוה רבנן. אמר רב כהנא, דרש רב נתן בר מניומי משמיה דרבי תנחום: נר חנוכה שהניחה למעלה מעשרים אמה - פסולה, כסוכה </div><div class="en"></div><div class="en">GEMARA. Rabina said in the name of Raba: From the statement of Rabbi Judah [that the shopkeeper wouldn’t be responsible for the fire caused by the Hannukah candle] we can learn that a Chanukah candle should be placed no more than 3 feet from the ground. If instead you were to assume that it can be placed even above 3 feet from the ground, then why did Rabbi Judah say that in the case of a Chanukah candle there would be exemption? Why should the camel owner not argue: \'You should have placed the candle above the reach of the camel and its rider?\' Does this therefore not prove that you need to put the Hannukah candle no more than 3 feet from the ground? — It can, however, be argued that this is not so. For it could still be said that it might be placed even above the height of 3 feet, and as for your argument \'You ought to have placed it above the reach of the camel and its rider\', [it might be answered that] since he was occupied with the performance of a religious act, the Rabbis could not [rightly] make it so troublesome to him. Rabbi Kahana said that Rabbi Nathan the son of Minyomi taught in the name of Rabbi Tanhum: \'If the Chanukah candle is placed above [the height of] twenty cubits [33 feet, 4 storeys] it is disqualified [for the purpose of the religious performance], like a sukkah </div><div class="en">*</div><div class="en"></div>']
const data2 = [
'What can we learn from a <span class="focus">camel</span>?<br/><br/>1. Read through the full story once<br/>2. Pay attention to the actions of the characters in the story<br/>3. Don\'t make any judgements yet!<br/>4. We\'ll take a look at the relevant halakhah<br/>5. Compare elements of the story with rules of halakhah<br/>6. Evaluate actions and extrapolate lessons ',
'What details of this story did you notice?<br/>What questions does this story raise for you?',
'Break the story down into the different scenarios discussed:<br/><br/> day candle placement responsible party<br/>1. ? inside camel owner<br/>2.<br/>3.',
'What question are the Rabbis trying to answer?<br/><br/>What are the steps of the argument?',
'Halakhah:<br/><br/><span class="focus">When</span> and Where do we Light Hannukah Candles?',
'When and <span class="focus">Where</span> do we Light Hannukah Candles?',
'How does the camel teach us about the halakhah of Channukah candles?<br/><br/>Based on the details in the story and what you know from halakhah, who do you think is responsible for the shop burning?<br/><br/>Why do you think this story was included in the Talmud?'