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{"loc_topic": "Other diseases and conditions", "orig_topic": "disease humans", "topic": "Other diseases and conditions", "prob": 0.6372166872024536, "parents": [], "children": [{"loc_topic": "Chemotherapy", "orig_topic": "drug resistant", "topic": "Chemotherapy", "prob": 1.0022088289260864, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions"], "children": [{"loc_topic": "Antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics", "orig_topic": "antibiotic resistant", "topic": "Antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics", "prob": 0.7851299047470093, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Chemotherapy"], "children": [{"loc_topic": "Antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics", "orig_topic": "antibiotic", "topic": "antibiotic", "prob": 0.4770478904247284, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Chemotherapy", "Antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics"]}, {"loc_topic": "Antibiotic therapy. 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Epidemiology. Quarantine. Disinfection", "orig_topic": "coronavirus", "topic": "Epidemics. Epidemiology. Quarantine. Disinfection", "prob": 0.974122166633606, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease"], "children": [{"loc_topic": "Virology", "orig_topic": "circovirus", "topic": "circovirus", "prob": 0.8725707530975342, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease", "Epidemics. Epidemiology. Quarantine. Disinfection"]}, {"loc_topic": "Virology", "orig_topic": "human herpesvirus", "topic": "human herpesvirus", "prob": 0.9333274960517883, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease", "Epidemics. Epidemiology. Quarantine. Disinfection"], "children": [{"loc_topic": "Virology", "orig_topic": "polyomaviruses", "topic": "polyomaviruses", "prob": 0.9110807180404663, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease", "Epidemics. Epidemiology. Quarantine. Disinfection", "human herpesvirus"], "children": [{"loc_topic": "Virology", "orig_topic": "enteroviruses", "topic": "enteroviruses", "prob": 0.918860137462616, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease", "Epidemics. Epidemiology. Quarantine. Disinfection", "human herpesvirus", "polyomaviruses"]}, {"loc_topic": "Virology", "orig_topic": "papillomavirus", "topic": "papillomavirus", "prob": 0.9831684231758118, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease", "Epidemics. Epidemiology. Quarantine. Disinfection", "human herpesvirus", "polyomaviruses"], "children": [{"loc_topic": "Virology", "orig_topic": "lymphotropic virus", "topic": "lymphotropic virus", "prob": 0.931922435760498, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease", "Epidemics. Epidemiology. Quarantine. Disinfection", "human herpesvirus", "polyomaviruses", "papillomavirus"]}, {"loc_topic": "Virology", "orig_topic": "syncytial virus", "topic": "syncytial virus", "prob": 1.0086554288864136, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease", "Epidemics. Epidemiology. Quarantine. Disinfection", "human herpesvirus", "polyomaviruses", "papillomavirus"], "children": [{"loc_topic": "Virology", "orig_topic": "nile virus", "topic": "nile virus", "prob": 0.9950788021087646, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease", "Epidemics. Epidemiology. Quarantine. Disinfection", "human herpesvirus", "polyomaviruses", "papillomavirus", "syncytial virus"]}]}]}]}]}, {"loc_topic": "Lomonosov", "orig_topic": "mosaic virus", "topic": "Lomonosov", "prob": 1.3520039319992065, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease", "Epidemics. Epidemiology. Quarantine. 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Allergy", "prob": 0.7556166648864746, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease"], "children": [{"loc_topic": "Immunology", "orig_topic": "innate immunity", "topic": "Immunology", "prob": 0.8866749405860901, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease", "Immunologic diseases. 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Epidemiology. Quarantine. Disinfection", "orig_topic": "pandemic", "topic": "pandemic", "prob": 0.7851086258888245, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease"]}, {"loc_topic": "Bacteria", "orig_topic": "pathogenic microbial", "topic": "pathogenic microbial", "prob": 0.4765523672103882, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease"], "children": [{"loc_topic": "Infectious and parasitic diseases", "orig_topic": "fungal infection", "topic": "fungal infection", "prob": 0.8342225551605225, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease", "pathogenic microbial"], "children": [{"loc_topic": "Bacteria", "orig_topic": "candida albicans", "topic": "candida albicans", "prob": 0.9976059198379517, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease", "pathogenic microbial", "fungal infection"]}, {"loc_topic": "Bacteria", "orig_topic": "cryptococcus", "topic": "cryptococcus", "prob": 0.6909338235855103, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease", "pathogenic microbial", "fungal infection"]}, {"loc_topic": "Botany", "orig_topic": "fungi", "topic": "Botany", "prob": 0.8152062296867371, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease", "pathogenic microbial", "fungal infection"]}]}, {"loc_topic": "Bacteria", "orig_topic": "human bacterial", "topic": "human bacterial", "prob": 0.42443570494651794, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease", "pathogenic microbial"], "children": [{"loc_topic": "Bacteria", "orig_topic": "bacterial wilt", "topic": "bacterial wilt", "prob": 0.8639506101608276, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease", "pathogenic microbial", "human bacterial"]}, {"loc_topic": "Bacteria", "orig_topic": "mycobacterium", "topic": "mycobacterium", "prob": 0.6657297611236572, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease", "pathogenic microbial", "human bacterial"]}]}, {"loc_topic": "Bacteria", "orig_topic": "staphylococcus", "topic": "staphylococcus", "prob": 0.6841193437576294, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease", "pathogenic microbial"], "children": [{"loc_topic": "Bacteria", "orig_topic": "helicobacter pylori", "topic": "helicobacter pylori", "prob": 0.9134624004364014, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease", "pathogenic microbial", "staphylococcus"]}, {"loc_topic": "Bacteria", "orig_topic": "streptococcus", "topic": "streptococcus", "prob": 0.6920908689498901, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease", "pathogenic microbial", "staphylococcus"]}]}]}, {"loc_topic": "Degeneration", "orig_topic": "progressive disease", "topic": "Degeneration", "prob": 0.8966700434684753, "parents": ["Other diseases and conditions", "Transmission of disease"], "children": [{"loc_topic": "Chronic ulcer of the skin. 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