{% swagger baseUrl="https://python.scicrunch.io/controller/" path="inactivate_source" method="post" summary="inactivate_source" %} {% swagger-description %} This is an admin level API.
If a source is in
condition and not crawled since long time (currently there are not rules set to check), admin can decide to flag this source as
It is an independent API, that means using this api any source can be flagged as
. Each call will be recorded and pushed to process_request table in the database. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="api_key" type="string" %} Authentication Token {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="query" name="resourceID" type="string" %} Source ID to be reset {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
"message": "Source is INACTIVE now"
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
This function is available through client, can be run using on_hold.py
with inactivate
python on_hold.py -h
usage: on_hold.py [-h] [-user USERID] [-comment COMMENT] resourceID state
positional arguments:
resourceID Resource name
state Specify HOLD / INACTIVATE
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-user USERID userID