{% swagger baseUrl="https://python.scicrunch.io/controller/" path="reprocess" method="post" summary="reprocess" %} {% swagger-description %} This endpoint allows you to reprocess all the documents from the finished state. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="userID" type="integer" %} Default auto_run (4) {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="index_name" type="string" %} Name of the index (all lowercase) {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="resourceID" type="string" %} Source ID to be reprocessed {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="api_key" type="string" %} Authentication token {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
"message": "Your Request started"
{% endswagger-response %}
{% swagger-response status="400" description="" %}
"message": "<Invalid Resource | Specify ResourceID | Failed Request : <Reason> >"
{% endswagger-response %}
{% swagger-response status="401" description="" %}
{'message' : 'Unauthorized access'}
{% endswagger-response %}
{% swagger-response status="403" description="" %}
{'message' : 'Access Denied'}
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger baseUrl="https://python.scicrunch.io/controller/" path="reprocess_status" method="post" summary="reprocess_status" %} {% swagger-description %} This endpoint will check the status of the reprocess workflow {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="query" name="resourceID" type="string" %} Source to be ingested {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="" %}
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}