Each record from each source to be ingested is represented by a JSON document in the MongoDB. This JSON document contains the original document, the processing results, provenance and processing information used by the Foundry-ES message oriented document processing pipeline.
While each MongoDB ingested document is provided with a unique synthetic id, to identify the document a more natural primary key is also needed. The value of a field inside the JSON document can be used as the natural primary key. A pointer to that field is represented in JSONPath (similar to XPath) and stored in the source metadata JSON document in MongoDB (See above). A JSONPath processor is implemented by org.neuinfo.foundry.common.util.JSONPathProcessor
class in common
The object model of the document wrapper JSON representation to wrap the original document and manage processing of the document until Elasticsearch indexing is defined in common
subproject org.neuinfo.foundry.common.model.DocWrapper
Below is the JSON representation of the document wrapper that is stored in MongoDB.
"SourceInfo": {
"SourceID":"<source-id of the source>",
"DataSource":"<data-source-name (default is sourceID)>"
"OriginalDoc":"<original doc as JSON>",
"Data": {
"transformedRec":"<original doc transformed for indexing as JSON>"
"Processing": {
"Status":"<process-status used to guide message oriented document processors>",
"History": {
"provenance":"<provenance records in PROV-DM JSON format for the document ingestion and processing>",
PROV-DM specification (http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/REC-prov-dm-20130430/) based ProvToolBox (https://github.com/lucmoreau/ProvToolbox) libraries are used in foundry-common module to build a representation independent Java model of provenance and save is in PROV-JSON format (http://www.w3.org/Submission/2013/SUBM-prov-json-20130424/).
In foundry-common module
there is a builder for provenance record hiding the details of JSON-DM. Below is an example, using Java fluent API style, to state that a document doc1
entity is processed by software agent docIdAssigner
that assigns a document id to the entity. The activity took place at May 16 2014, 16:05 lasting 1 second.
final ProvenanceRec.Builder builder = new ProvenanceRec.Builder("http://example.org", "foundry");
ProvenanceRec provenanceRec = builder.docEntity("doc1", "document")
.activity("assignId", "doc-id-assigment", "2014-05-16T16:05:00",
Below is the PROV-JSON document generated and also validated against PROV-JSON JSON schema ()
"wasAssociatedWith": {
"_:wAW2": {
"prov:activity": "foundry:assignId",
"prov:agent": "foundry:docIdAssigner"
"entity": {
"foundry:doc1": {
"prov:label": "document"
"prefix": {
"xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema",
"prov": "http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#",
"foundry": "http://example.org"
"used": {
"_:u2": {
"prov:activity": "foundry:assignId",
"prov:entity": "foundry:doc1"
"agent": {
"foundry:docIdAssigner": {
"prov:type": {
"$": "prov:SoftwareAgent",
"type": "xsd:string"
"activity": {
"foundry:assignId": {
"prov:type": {
"$": "doc-id-assigment",
"type": "xsd:string"
"prov:startTime": "2014-05-16T16:05:00-07:00",
"prov:endTime": "2014-05-16T16:05:01-07:00"
All ingestors are configured via the ingestor-cfg.xml
file residing in $FOUNDRY_HOME/ingestor/src/main/resources
<mongo-config db="discotest">
<server host="burak.crbs.ucsd.edu" port="27017"/>
<server host="burak.crbs.ucsd.edu" port="27018"/>
<source nifId="nlx_152590">
<xml-file path="/tmp/open_source_brain_projects.xml" rootEl="projects" docEl="project"/>
Here the data to ingest for source with nifId nlx_152590
is read from the XML file /tmp/open_source_brain_projects.xml
where each document to be ingested are rooted at the tag project
under the projects