All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
When updating this file, please add an entry for your change under Unreleased and one of the following headings:
- Added - for new features.
- Changed - for changes in existing functionality.
- Deprecated - for soon-to-be removed features.
- Removed - for now removed features.
- Fixed - for any bug fixes.
- Security - in case of vulnerabilities.
If the heading does not yet exist under Unreleased, then add it as a 3rd level heading, underlined with pluses (see examples below).
When preparing for a public release add a new 2nd level heading, underlined with dashes under Unreleased with the version number and the release date, in year-month-day format (see examples below).
- lisfix will return a non-zero exit code if it chooses not to fix the input cube.
- Updated documentation in various places.
- More complete documentation for the programs and their parameters.
- Implemented better handling for configuration files so that they will get distributed with the package.
- lisfix: Added the lisfix module.
- bitflips: Sometimes the very end of the histogram (although not a formal minima) is the appropriate choice, and is now considered.
- bitflips: Added capability to ignore minor maxima at the ends of the histogram to "roll down" to a better solution.
- name change of project from pyrise to hiproc.
- bitflips: Changed the default medstd_limit from 300 to 400 DN.
- bitflips: There were a variety of edge cases that resulted in errors. The appropriate guardrails, handlers, and recovery logic has now been added.
- HiStitch: The equalize and balance parameters cannot both be true.
- Tremendous amount of re-working in bitflips to improve performance.
- Format cleanup
- Confirmed that EDR_Stats and HiCal produce identical output cubes.
- Updated with bit-flip correction.
- First shared on GitHub