version 1 [Paper]
- Contribution
- Enable building a large and consistent dictionary on-the-fly that facilitates contrastive unsupervised learning
- Outperform its supervised pre-training counterpart in 7 detection/segmentation tasks on PASCAL VOC, COCO, and other datasets, sometimes surpassing it by large margins
- The gap between unsupervised and supervised representation learning has been largely closed
- Dictionary Look-up
- Keys {k0, k1, k2,...}
- q = f_q(x^q) where f_q is encoder network and x^q is query sample which can be images, patches...
- Contrastive loss
- A contrastive loss is a function whose value is low when q is similar to its positive key k+ and dissimilar to all other keys (considered negative keys for q)
- Measured by dot product, called InfoNCE
- Dictionary as a queue
- Decouple the dictionary size from the mini-batch size(flexible like hyper-parameter)
- The current mini-batch is enqueued to the dictionary, and the oldest mini-batch in the queue is removed
- Represent a sampled subset of all data
- Momentum update
- θ_k <- mθ_k + (1-m)θ_q
- Relations to previous mechanisms
- end-to-end
- memory bank
- MoCo
- Technical details
- ResNet as the encoder(output vector is normalized by its L2-norm)
- The temperature τ is set as 0.07
- Shuffling BN
Algorithm (Pseudocode of MoCo in a PyTorch-like style)
# f_q, f_k: encoder networks for query and key
# queue: dictionary as a queue of K keys (CxK)
# m: momentum
# t: temperature
f_k.params = f_q.params # initialize
for x in loader: # load a minibatch x with N samples
x_q = aug(x) # a randomly augmented version
x_k = aug(x) # another randomly augmented version
q = f_q.forward(x_q) # queries: NxC
k = f_k.forward(x_k) # keys: NxC
k = k.detach() # no gradient to keys
# positive logits: Nx1
l_pos = bmm(q.view(N,1,C), k.view(N,C,1))
# negative logits: NxK
l_neg = mm(q.view(N,C), queue.view(C,K))
# logits: Nx(1+K)
logits = cat([l_pos, l_neg], dim=1)
# contrastive loss, Eqn.(1)
labels = zeros(N) # positives are the 0-th
loss = CrossEntropyLoss(logits/t, labels)
# SGD update: query network
# momentum update: key network
f_k.params = m*f_k.params+(1-m)*f_q.params
# update dictionary
enqueue(queue, k) # enqueue the current minibatch
dequeue(queue) # dequeue the earliest minibatch
- Dataset
- ImageNet-1M(IN-1M), Instagram-1B(IG-1B)
- Training
- ResNet50
- SGD optimizer (weight decay 0.0001, momentum 0.9)
- IN-1M
- Batch size: 256 in 8 GPUs
- Initial learning rate: 0.03
- Learning step: 120, 160 (total 200 epochs, learning decay 0.1)
- IG-1B
- Batch size: 1024 in 64 GPUs
- Initial learning rate: 0.12
- Learning step: exponentially decayed by 0.9x after every 62.5k iterations (64M images)
version 2 [Tech Report]
- Verify the effectiveness of two of SimCLR’s design improvements by implementing them in the MoCo framework
- Settings
- MLP head
- Replace the fc head in MoCo with a 2-layer MLP head(hidden layer 2048-d, with ReLU)
- Augmentation
- Original augmentation + blur augmentation
- Comparison with SimCLR
- Outperform SimCLR