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- Amrita Laxmi
- Abhinav Verma
- Axel Albrecht
- Balchandra Wadekar
- Kamlesh Zanje
- Mahesh Srikrishnan
- Mayur Mohan Belur
- Sharad Dixit
- Shweta Walaskar
- Sunny Kapoor
Integration scenario developer for SAP Cloud Integration, SAP Labs India |
Recipe | Description | Topic |
Accessing Partner Directory entries from within a Groovy script | The String and Binary parameters from the Partner Directory can be accessed using a script with the help of getParameter API of the PartnerDirectoryService class. | Partner Directory |
Integration scenario developer for SAP Cloud Integration, SAP Labs India |
Recipe | Description | Topic |
Simulate Response from Datastore Select Operation and Write Variable | Test a still under development integration flow with dummy data without the need for deployment. This recipe simulate reading of Write Variable in Content Modifier and the Datastore Select operation. | How to Guides |
Product Manager for SAP Integration Suite (LinkedIn) |
Recipe | Description | Topic |
Deploy Integration Artefact and Get Endpoint | Deploy an existing integration flow on Cloud Integration runtime. Optionally you can also get the endpoint of the integration flow. | CICD |
Deploy Run Once Integration Artefact and Check MPL | Deploy an integration flow, check its deployment status and the message processing log status of the message execution that gets automatically triggered after the deployment due to a scheduler configuration or the consumption of files from a (S)FTP server or messages from a JMS queue. | CICD |
Get Latest Message Processing Log | Get the status of the last message execution of the configured integration artefact. In case the message execution failed, the job also provides the error information. | CICD |
Get Specific Message Processing Log | Get the message procesing log status of either a specific message exchange ID or of the last run of a specific integration artefact. In case the message execution failed, the job also provides the error information. | CICD |
Store Integration Artefact | Download a specific integration artefact from the Cloud Integration tenant and store it in your source code repository like Git. | CICD |
Store Integration Artefact on New Version | Check the Cloud Integration tenant for a new version of your integration artefact and if a new version exists, it downloads and stores it in a source code repository like Git. | CICD |
Undeploy Integration Artefact | Undeploy a specific integration artefact from the Cloud Integration tenant. | CICD |
Update Integration Configuration Parameter | Configure the value of an externalized parameter of a specific integration artefact in the Cloud Integration tenant. | CICD |
Senior Consultant, Syniti (LinkedIn) |
Recipe | Description | Topic |
Command Message | This recipe lets you try out Command Message pattern for SOAP, OData and a BAPI. | Integration Patterns |
Correlation Identifier | When sending the request, the sender adds a unique key to request. The receiver processes the request and puts the unique key as the Correlation Identifier in the reply message. Thus when a reply is received independent of the request, the sender knows the request corresponding the received reply based on the Correlation Identifier. | Integration Patterns |
Document Message | This recipe lets you send a Email using the Document Message pattern. | Integration Patterns |
Event Message | This recipe lets you send a product update using the Event Message pattern. | Integration Patterns |
Request Reply | This recipe retrieves a list of products using the Request-Reply pattern. | Integration Patterns |
Return Address | This recipe lets you try out Return Address pattern. | Integration Patterns |
Product Owner for SAP Cloud Integration |
Recipe | Description | Topic |
Convert JSON to XML using XSLT Mappings | This recipe converts and incoming file from JSON format to XML format. | Mappings |
Use Map data structures in XSLT Mapping | Utilize Map data structures in XSLT Mappings flow step. | Mappings |
Invoke Java functions from XSLT Mapping | Writing reflexive extension functions in Java to be invoked from XSLT Mappings. | Mappings |
Product Owner for SAP Cloud Integration (LinkedIn) |
Recipe | Description | Topic |
Store All API Providers | Download all API Providers from the API Portal and store it in your source code repository like Git. | CICD |
Store Single API Provider | Download a specific API Provider from the API Portal and store it in your source code repository like Git. | CICD |
Store Single API Proxy | Download a specific API Proxy from the API Portal and store it in your source code repository like Git. | CICD |
Store Single Key Value Map | Download a specific Key Value Map from the API Portal and store it in your source code repository like Git. | CICD |
Product Manager for SAP Integration Suite, SAP Cloud Integration expert, JAVA developer, SAP Labs India |
Recipe | Description | Topic |
Build custom Azure Blob Storage integration adapter | Azure Blob Storage is a massively scalable and secure object storage for cloud-native workloads, archives, data lakes, high-performance computing and machine learning. The camel-Azure Blob Storage component stores and retrieves blobs from Azure Storage Blob Service using Azure APIs v12. This integration adapter enables an integration flow to connect to Azure Blob Storage collection. | Integration Adapters |
Build custom MongoDB integration adapter | MongoDB is a very popular NoSQL solution and the camel-mongodb component integrates Camel with MongoDB allowing you to interact with MongoDB collections both as a producer (performing operations on the collection) and as a consumer (consuming documents from a MongoDB collection). This integration adapter enables an integration flow to connect to MongoDb collection. | Integration Adapters |
Build custom Rabbit MQ integration adapter | The rabbitmq: component allows you produce and consume messages from RabbitMQ instances. Using the RabbitMQ AMQP client, this component offers a pure RabbitMQ approach over the generic AMQP component. This integration adapter enables an integration flow to persist or read messages in a RabbitMQ queue. | Integration Adapters |
Build custom Redis integration adapter | Redis is advanced key-value store where keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets. In addition it provides pub/sub functionality for inter-app communications. This integration adapter allows an integration flow to access Redis. | Integration Adapters |
Deploy Run Once Integration Artefact and Check MPL and Store If Success | Deploy an integration flow, check its deployment status and the MPL (message processing log) status. In case of a successful message processing the job then downloads the integration flow artefact from the Cloud Integration tenant and commits it to the source code repository. | CICD |
Upload Integration Artefact | Checkout the latest version of the configured integration flow artefact from your source code repository and either update or create the artefact on the Cloud Integration tenant. | CICD |
Senior Software Developer in SAP Sales Cloud with in-depth experience of designing and developing software for business solution (LinkedIn) |
Recipe | Description | Topic |
Accessing Value Mappings from Groovy script | Use ITApiFactory.getApi() to get ValueMappingAPI class that can be used to retrieve the mappings. |
Mappings |
Development Architect in Innovative Business Solutions with 15 years of experience in integrating SAP SuccessFactors, SAP Marketing Cloud, SAP S/4HANA Cloud and also Hybrid integrations |
Recipe | Description | Topic |
Accessing keystore artifacts using a Groovy script | Any keypair available in tenant keystore can be accessed programmatically from a script with the help of the getKey and getCertificate api of the KeyStoreService class. | Security |
CMS Decryption with AES256-GCM algorithm using iaik libraries | Decryption algorithm AES256-GCM using iaik which is the default security provider for CPI. | Security |
Encryption with AES256-GCM algorithm using iaik libraries | Encryption algorithm AES256-GCM using iaik which is the default security provider for CPI. | Security |
Product Manager for SAP Integration Suite (LinkedIn) |
Recipe | Description | Topic |
Connect to Amazon DynamoDB | SAP CPI needs to make a rest call to DynamoDB endpoint. | Amazon Web Service |Database |
Generate AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Signature | A reusable recipe to generate an AWS specific AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 signature and pass it as a HTTP Authorization header. | Amazon Web Service|Security |
Update Integration Resources on Git Commit | Develop and manage your integration resources like scripts and XSLT mappings using external IDEs and SCM tools like Git. | CICD |
Upload Single API Provider | Checkout the configured API Provider from the source code repository and either update or create the artefact on the API Portal tenant. | CICD |
Upload Single API Proxy | Checkout the configured API Proxy from the source code repository and either update or create the artefact on the API Portal tenant. | CICD |
Upload Single Key Value Map | Checkout the configured Key Value Map from the source code repository and either update or create the artefact on the API Portal tenant. | CICD |