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Caitlyn Wolf edited this page Jan 30, 2024 · 5 revisions

Video tutorials (Ted Egnaczyk, others?)

SLD docs (Katie Weigandt)

Tutorial updates (Steve King, others?)

Bug fixes (Wolf, Wilkins, Gonzales, Krzywon, Kienzle, Piotr,others?)

2 Yukawa (Liu, Kienzle, Doucet, Patrou)
Status: Ready to go with 2 minor changes but an issue needs to be placed for some longterm fixes?

Gen scattering plugin model + beta etc (Liu, Kienzle)

New models:

  • Kush Patel:?
  • Ben Thomson: linear bead? Status:
  • Josiah Hanson: ?

Slicers (Jack/Paul B./Lucas/Jonathan)
Status: New stuff will have to go into next release but will removing boxsum be a breaking change (i.e 7.0)? The changes to boxslicer and wedge slicer should be ready. What about new will that be a breaking change (i.e. 7.0)

sasdata refactor (Krzywon)

Gen scattering Debye calculation speed up (Kristian -- with help from Piotr?, Lucas?, Tim?, Paul K?, Others?)

Pore size distribution (Andrew Jackson, Anita Zhang, Ryan Murphy, Yingriu Shih? Gernot Rother? others?)
Status: will have a meeting ~2 weeks after camp?

Gens scattering Bio tutorial (Susana/Lilly)

MagSANS (Jonathan, Dirk, Anika, Marianna Michael? Dominka? Others?)

  • validating and converting marketplace models
  • new models
  • testing of mag gen scat calc. Status: will have meeting ~ 2weeks after camp

Gen scattering fix for x-ray and hydration (Kristian? with help from Yun? Paul? Tim?)

AI/ML tool for guidance (Robert Graham)
Status: Aim to have first go ready by ~ June/July --> next release?

Plot refactor (Lucas plus ??)

sasmodels refactor (Mat, Maria, Paul)

Web app (Tyler Martin .. with help from BNL?, Krzywon?, Maranville?, others?)

SESANS/interferometry (Caitlyn Wolf, Paul Kienzle, Lucas Wilkins, Ryan Murphy, Gernot Rother, Anita Zhang, Ted Egnaczyk, Katie Weigandt)

  • Discussed outstanding PR #536 in sasmodels on oriented sesans transform. This will require more discussion among SESANS community and is planned for implementation after 6.0.
  • Goal: update fitting perspective with checkbox for sesans/dark field data that will switch the perspective to real space and enable simulation without data (current issue in SasView).
  • Goal: accept dark field spectra without requiring a sesans file. Short term fix could use a header in a generic text or csv file? Long term fix would need to consider standard file formats in the dark field community.
  • Long Term Goal: extend use of slicers to extract one-dimensional dark field spectra from image stacks (dark field images as a function of autocorrelation length).
  • Conclusion: smaller edits including updates to units and nomenclature as well as minor bug fixes to existing sesans infrastructure is the plan for 6.0.
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