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FPGA - SDRAM Communication

Avalon MM Host/Master - 1


Here we'll go through the steps of designing our Avalon MM Host (Master) Component in SystemVerilog which interfaces with the SDRAM Controller. We'll begin with a simple component that reads a byte from SDRAM and makes it available externally.

For a beginner, this is quite complicated. So, to make it easier to follow, I've broken it down into separate parts.

State Machine

From the section on the Avalon MM Read and Write interfaces, it is quite obvious that we need to implement a state machine. For a read transaction, I can think of three different states:

  1. INIT - When we're idle and ready to start a transaction.
  2. READ_START - When we're initiated the read transaction and waiting for the waitrequest to be de-asserted.
  3. READ_END - When we're waiting for readdatavalid to be asserted.

In addition to this, I would like to have a way to control the host component by means of a signal that is available externally. I call this do_read.

Based on this information, I put together this rough diagram for the state machine:


Let's start putting together the signals for our component. We'll need all the signals that are used for a burst read and write interface and the additional byteenable signal.

We also need an input signal do_read which tells the component to start the read process and an output signal out_data to make the data available externally.

Prefixing avm_m0 for all the Avalon MM signals makes it easier for Platform Designer to interpret these and saves a bit of time when creating the component.

We're going to ignore the write signals in this project. But the approach to use them should be similar to reading.

module avalon_sdr (
    // clk and reset are always required.
    input   logic         clk,
    input   logic         reset,
    // Bidirectional ports i.e. read and write.
    output  logic         avm_m0_read,
    output  logic         avm_m0_write,
    output  logic [255:0] avm_m0_writedata,
    output  logic [31:0]  avm_m0_address,
    input   logic [255:0] avm_m0_readdata,
    input   logic         avm_m0_readdatavalid,
    output  logic [31:0]  avm_m0_byteenable,
    input   logic         avm_m0_waitrequest,
    output  logic [10:0]  avm_m0_burstcount,
    // External.
    input   logic         do_read,
    output  logic [255:0] out_data

State Changes

We'll create localparams to hold the state definitions. Since we only have three states, 2 bits are sufficient to hold the state value.

Note: For a primer on Finite State Machines, I've found this PDF from UC Berkeley very helpful.

localparam INIT = 2'd0;
localparam READ_START = 2'd1;
localparam READ_END = 2'd2;

logic [1:0] cur_state;
logic [1:0] next_state;

Let's add some code to change state only on the positive edge of clk:

always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
  if (reset) cur_state <= INIT;
  else cur_state <= next_state;

Let's create a combinational block to declare the conditions for state change. In this section, we are only assigning the value of next_state depending on the current values of do_read, waitrequest and readdatavalid. You can see how these dictate the state transitions in the image above.

always_comb begin
  next_state = cur_state;
    INIT: begin
      if (do_read) next_state = READ_START;

    READ_START: begin
      if (avm_m0_waitrequest) next_state = READ_START; // Wait here.
      else next_state = READ_END;

    READ_END: begin
      if (!avm_m0_readdatavalid) next_state = READ_END; // Wait here.
      else next_state = INIT;

    default: begin
      next_state = INIT;

Populating Control Values

We'll define another combinational block where we declare the various control values of the host i.e. address, read, byteenable, burstcount. As per the specifications, we need to keep asserting all these values for as long as the agent asserts waitrequest or for a minimum of one clock cycle. Which is why, we populate these values in READ_START and set them to 0 in all other states.

Strictly speaking, the only value that really need to set to 0 in all other states is the read signal. The other values don't matter if read isn't asserted. But I'm just setting them here for completeness.

always_comb begin
  avm_m0_address = 32'd0;
  avm_m0_read = 1'b0;
  avm_m0_byteenable = 32'd0;
  avm_m0_burstcount = 11'd0;


    READ_START: begin
      avm_m0_address = 32'h2000_0000;
      avm_m0_read = 1'b1;
      avm_m0_byteenable = 32'h0000_000F; // Get 32 bits only.
      avm_m0_burstcount = 11'd1; // Get only 1 address value.

    default: begin

Retain the last read value

We want to retain the last read value until we read again. This is done by assigning to out_data in a synchronous block. We only populate it when the readdatavalid signal is asserted:

always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
  if (reset) out_data <= 256'd0;
  else begin
    case (cur_state)
      READ_END: begin
        if (avm_m0_readdatavalid) begin
          out_data <= avm_m0_readdata;

      default: begin

Full code

The entire code for our host component is given below:

module avalon_sdr (
  // clk and reset are always required.
  input   logic         clk,
  input   logic         reset,
  // Bidirectional ports i.e. read and write.
  output  logic         avm_m0_read,
  output  logic         avm_m0_write,
  output  logic [255:0] avm_m0_writedata,
  output  logic [31:0]  avm_m0_address,
  input   logic [255:0] avm_m0_readdata,
  input   logic         avm_m0_readdatavalid,
  output  logic [31:0]  avm_m0_byteenable,
  input   logic         avm_m0_waitrequest,
  output  logic [10:0]  avm_m0_burstcount,
  // External.
  input   logic         do_read,
  output  logic [255:0] out_data

localparam INIT = 2'd0;
localparam READ_START = 2'd1;
localparam READ_END = 2'd2;

logic [1:0] cur_state;
logic [1:0] next_state;

always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
  if (reset) cur_state <= INIT;
  else cur_state <= next_state;

always_comb begin
  next_state = cur_state;
    INIT: begin
      if (do_read) next_state = READ_START;

    READ_START: begin
      if (avm_m0_waitrequest) next_state = READ_START; // Wait here.
      else next_state = READ_END;

    READ_END: begin
      if (!avm_m0_readdatavalid) next_state = READ_END; // Wait here.
      else next_state = INIT;

    default: begin
      next_state = INIT;

always_comb begin
  avm_m0_address = 32'd0;
  avm_m0_read = 1'b0;
  avm_m0_byteenable = 32'd0;
  avm_m0_burstcount = 11'd0;


    READ_START: begin
      avm_m0_address = 32'h2000_0000;
      avm_m0_read = 1'b1;
      avm_m0_byteenable = 32'h0000_000F; // Get 32 bits only.
      avm_m0_burstcount = 11'd1; // Get only 1 address value.

    default: begin

always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
  if (reset) out_data <= 256'd0;
  else begin
    case (cur_state)
      READ_END: begin
        if (avm_m0_readdatavalid) begin
          out_data <= avm_m0_readdata;

      default: begin


Simulation and Verification

Unfortunately, simulation and verification is a full blown topic in itself and I don't think I can do justice to it. I am woefully inexperienced in them and to get the component above working, all I could do was simulate the signals of the agent that this component would interact with in Verilator and see if the waveforms were behaving as I'd expect them to. Since at the time of designing this component, I wasn't sure of how the bus behaves, this was a lot of trial and error and it took several days to get this component finally working.

A better way I believe is to use the Avalon Bus Functional Models IP to test and verify that your component is indeed behaving the way it's supposed to. But I spent a few days trying to understand this and get it to work and I couldn't make head or tail of it. I abandoned it to just get this project completed.

I am not an expert at Verilator, but just in case someone finds it useful, sharing the full source code of my simulation program below. If you are interested in learning more, I have found Dan's tutorials at ZipCPU very very helpful when I was starting out:

#include "Vavalon_sdr.h"
#include "verilated.h"
#include "verilated_vcd_c.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

void tick(int count, Vavalon_sdr *tb, VerilatedVcdC *tfp,
          VerilatedContext *context) {
  for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
    // Evaluate all signal updates before rising edge.

    tb->clk = 1;

    tb->clk = 0;

void run_with_wait(Vavalon_sdr *tb, VerilatedVcdC *tfp,
                   VerilatedContext *context) {
  // Signal do_read for only 1 cycle.
  tb->do_read = 1;
  // Assert waitrequest before next rising clock.
  tb->avm_m0_waitrequest = 1;
  tick(1, tb, tfp, context);
  tb->do_read = 0;

  // Let waitrequest be asserted for 5 cycles.
  tick(5, tb, tfp, context);

  // waitrequest deasserted and readdata provided at the same time
  // for one clock cycle.
  tb->avm_m0_waitrequest = 0;
  tb->avm_m0_readdata[0] = 33;

  tick(1, tb, tfp, context);
  tb->avm_m0_readdata[0] = 0;

  tick(5, tb, tfp, context);

void run_without_wait(Vavalon_sdr *tb, VerilatedVcdC *tfp,
                      VerilatedContext *context) {
  tb->do_read = 1;
  tb->avm_m0_readdata[0] = 33;
  tick(1, tb, tfp, context);
  tb->do_read = 0;
  tb->avm_m0_readdata[0] = 0;

  tick(10, tb, tfp, context);

  tb->do_read = 1;
  tb->avm_m0_readdata[0] = 33;
  tick(1, tb, tfp, context);
  tb->do_read = 0;
  tb->avm_m0_readdata[0] = 0;

  tick(10, tb, tfp, context);

void run_with_wait_and_datavalid(Vavalon_sdr *tb, VerilatedVcdC *tfp,
                                 VerilatedContext *context) {
  // Initial state.
  tb->avm_m0_readdata[0] = 0;
  tb->avm_m0_readdatavalid = 0;
  tb->avm_m0_waitrequest = 0;

  // High for 1 cycle to signal start.
  tb->do_read = 1;

  tick(1, tb, tfp, context);

  tb->do_read = 0;
  tb->avm_m0_waitrequest = 1;
  tick(4, tb, tfp, context);

  tb->avm_m0_waitrequest = 0;
  tick(4, tb, tfp, context);

  tb->avm_m0_readdatavalid = 1;
  tb->avm_m0_readdata[0] = 33;
  tick(1, tb, tfp, context);

  tb->avm_m0_readdatavalid = 0;
  tb->avm_m0_readdata[0] = 0;
  tick(4, tb, tfp, context);

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) {
  Verilated::commandArgs(argc, argv);
  auto tb = std::make_unique<Vavalon_sdr>();

  auto context = std::make_unique<VerilatedContext>();
  auto tfp = std::make_unique<VerilatedVcdC>();

  tb->trace(tfp.get(), 99);

  tb->reset = 1;

  tick(1, tb.get(), tfp.get(), context.get());

  tb->reset = 0;

  tick(1, tb.get(), tfp.get(), context.get());

  run_with_wait_and_datavalid(tb.get(), tfp.get(), context.get());


  return 0;


Finite State Machines in Verilog - Excellent article that explains state machines in great detail.

ZipCPU Tutorials - Excellent tutorials for beginners especially on verilator.

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