- macTagAutocomplete: Fixed source not getting set properly compiling on top of another directive (b7ac7af9)
- macAutocomplete: Support attribute declaration style (8cb89a21)
- macPopover: Added mac-popover to MacGyver. Includes popover service to keep track of all registered and opened popover. Includes multiple popover directives for creating popover and popover trigger. (66c715e6)
- macTable: Storing parent scope on table object (585243e7, #145)
- macTagAutocomplete: Source accepts multiple types including custom callback (7f6d138d)
- bower.json: Fixed bower versioning (f2914bff)
- jqLite: Make sure jqLite is extended correctly (10cec981)
- macModal: Fixed mac-modal firing $digest cycle (bfa9b376, #138)
- macTagAutocomplete:
- macUpload: Fixed upload progress not updating and controller not getting set (e8267f6e)
- core: Add ngAnimate detection and add to Mac automatically (be1ddb1c)
- macAutocomplete: mac-autocomplete-source can now accept multiple types including custom callback (a9aa4c50)
- macModal:
- util: Added trim to util library (ed920966)
- macAffix: Switched to use $document and $window. Better top and bottom offset validation (0393bbcb)
- macAutocomplete: Using $animate to create and remove menu. Better handle on click binding. (1c421a17)
- macCspinner: Use $timeout (86818225)
- macMenu: Cleaned up mac-menu dependencies (af7332f5)
- macModal: Refactored modal directive and service. Converted modal directive to isolated scope but transcluded content is using parent scope instead. This prevent modal
function ending up in parent scope. Cleaned up modal stylus. Removed modal service from modal scope. Fixed modal test. (658ea764) - macScrollSpy: Clean up and make sure listeners are not binded multiple times (2583617d)
- macSpinner:
- macTagAutocomplete:
- macTime: Switched to use AngularJS events (b86c7186)
- macUpload: Optimized getting and setting previews. Switched to use $document. Make sure drag and drop timeout getting cancel correctly (2132afa3)
- macAutocomplete: Changed autocomplete event from resetAutocomplete to reset-mac-autocomplete Related to #124 (e4f2021e)
- macModal: mac-modal-content is completely removed and should switch to use mac-modal-data instead (0f604bd1)
- macTagInput: Mac-tag-input is removed from MacGyver as it has been a proxy to mac-tag-autocomplete. When switching to mac-tag-autocomplete, DOM attributes should also be updated. - Use mac-tag-autocomplete-source for mac-tag-input-tags - Use mac-tag-autocomplete-selected for mac-tag-input-selected - Use mac-tag-autocomplete-placeholder for mac-tag-input-placeholder - Use mac-tag-autocomplete-value for mac-tag-input-value - Use mac-tag-autocomplete-label for mac-tag-input-label (3b74cd82)
- macDatepicker: Fixed changing datepicker text input does not update model (5d3fc664, #136)
- macTime: Refactor time picker interactions to fix model watch conflicts between programatically setting the model vs a user typing in a invalid time (e.g. 11:8) no longer freezes the input. Added extra directive to control validation similar to angularjs inputDirective pattern. Fixed tests to follow new validation convention. (c3ae8f52, #137)
- macDatepicker: Added validation to mac-datepicker model (7322c4b0)
- util: Make email regex part of util api (0627e318)
- macTagAutocomplete: Remove left padding in tag list (389f337f)
- macTime: Replaced the comparison of {} since you cannot compare objects to {}. (30b68d1b)
- macTime: Converted date to use current instead of unix. Removed notion of end selection because it broke highlighting when you selected more than one section (hour, minute, or marker). Denested some control blocks for readability/dry-ness. Added new lines for readability. Added "A" and "P" events to modify meridian values. (715bbe20, #135)
- util: Updated the url regex to be more verbose—more inline with rfc3986. Modified the protocol attribute to return only the protocol. Close #134 (5d573011)
- macAutocomplete: Changed menu to min width to prevent content getting cut off (d80c4153, #131)
- macScrollSpy: Scroll spy doesn't flicker when scrolling to last element. (39ed95db, #132)
- macMenu: Removed left padding on menu item (dd2c2495)
- macScrollSpy: Fixed not selecting last anchor when scroll to the bottom (cf104358)
- macTagAutocomplete:
- macScrollSpyAnchor: Fixed interpolated id not working properly (28f0996f)
- macTime: Removed unnecessary digest cycle on blur (b3faef64)
- macAutocomplete:
- Updated autocomplete to not append menu initially.
- Menu is appended to body when needed.
- Menu will not show up when there is no input or after selecting and item.
- Menu will be removed when scope is destroyed. (b93d17b1)
- macModal: Fixed showing modal the first time might invoke a digest cycle (bc532a6b)
- macTagAutocomplete: Fixed autocomplete menu not updating when source gets updated (a26353c5)
- macAffix: Adding mac-affix (c7aaca80)
- macFocusOnEvent: Prevent digest cycle from invoking on focus (d019f761)
- macModal: Allow modal to compile with modal trigger scope (17108162)
- macTooltip: Clear and not show tooltip with empty string. Make sure events propagate up the bubble (2ab95b26)
- macModal: mac-modal-content is deprecated. Use mac-modal-data instead. (b29cbd68)
- macKeydown: Fixed mac-keydown events not firing at all (693d263e)
- macCspinner: Handle timeout better. Switched from setInterval to setTimeout to have better control. Added support for ngShow and ngHide to reduce CPU load. (6f088da9)
- macTagAutocomplete: Fixed tags getting pushed even when mac-tag-autocomplete-on-enter is returning false (3cef3e74)
- macSpinner: Updated to make sure size is rendered correctly. Reduced spinner css size and calculate width and height with js. (61c9549b)
- changelog: Fixed referencing invalid object (9dc09676)
- macDatepicker: Fixed cannot reset macDatepicker with null (9d0ab82b, #119)
- macMenu: Fixed menu index bi-directional binding not working properly (db719b0c)
- macTime: Fixed not able to reset time with empty string (4420a547, #119)
- util: Added default values to pluralize, toCamelCase and toSnakeCase (166bf16c)
- util: util.isArray has been removed as it is the same as angular.isArray. User should switch to angular.isArray instead (4f797650)
- Grunt: Fixed configuration errors with css watch task (9c405f84)
- macDatepicker: Fixed datepicker possibly watching undefined variables (e6227b73)
- macTooltip:
- jqLite: Extended jqLite with new functions. Includes height(), width(), outerHeight(), outerWidth(), offset() and scrollTop() (704bc317)
- listFilter: Added list filter (de7e2209)
- Grunt: Moved custom tasks to misc folder Switch to use grunt underscore and grunt.file Removed wrench dependency (6d901f0e)
- autocomplete: Removed unnecessary watch (5ae2c1a7)
- directives: Updated directives to work with jqLite. Make sure all core directives run properly with AngularJS jqLite (3794efb6)
- events: Switched to use
for event binding. On and off aren't introduced in 1.0.x jqLite. This update will make sure MacGyver works with AngularJS jqLite (d11bb52e) - macAutocomplete: Removed jQuery dependency and make sure it works with jqLite (92b76df8)
- macDatepicker:
- macModal:
- macTagAutocomplete: Cleaned up tag autocomplete Switched from jQuery to angular.element Refactored how events are bind to autocomplete text field Fixed event not clearing autocomplete text (b88edf25)
- macTime: Removed calling digest cycle when highlighting text (7e731035)
- macUpload:
- package.json: Removed wrench and underscore dependencies (0096f558)
- server: Switched from express to connect (b2179a8c)