Privacy Badger as a whole is presently licensed under the GPLv3+.
However, many parts of the codebase are dual-licensed
with different free / open source licenses, such as MIT.
Privacy Badger is using the following dual-licensing model.
By contributing code or other works of authorship to this project ("Your
Contributions"), you grant to the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) a
perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly
perform, sublicense, and distribute Your Contributions and such derivative
works under the terms of any free software or open source license or licenses,
such license(s) to be selected by EFF at its sole discretion (such licenses
will always be consistent with EFF's mission).
By contributing code or other works of authorship to this project, you
represent that you have the legal right and ability to grant this license.
Except for the license granted herein to EFF and recipients of software
distributed by EFF, You reserve all right, title, and interest in and to Your
If you do not agree to these terms, please do not send patches or pull
requests, or commit any material to this repository.
Licenses from different included codebases.
License: MIT
- JS Foundation
- Contributors
License: MIT
Theme: Smoothness- widgets/checkboxradio.js
- widgets/controlgroup.js
- widgets/button.js
- form-reset-mixin.js
- widgets/tabs.js
- unique-id.js
- keycode.js
- widget.js
- labels.js
- jQuery Foundation
- Contributors
License: Unlicense
Ionuț Colceriu
Incorporated code.
License: GPLv3
Eyeo GmbH
Incorporated code in
License: MIT
Beau Gunderson
Incorporated code in
License: GPLv3
Michael Ziminsky
Incorporated code.
License: MIT
University of Washington
Incorporated code.
Incorporated the following scripts:
License: GPLv3
Raymond Hill
License: MIT
- Caleb Jacob
- Louis Ameline
License: OFL 1.0
License: Apache 2.0
License: MITKarl Swedberg
License: MIT
- Kevin Brown
- Igor Vaynberg
- Contributors
License: CC-BY-SA 3.0Version:
License: GPLMichael Keck
Incorporated code in
License: MIT
Adguard Software Ltd