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- [x] `documentation` <- both string and markup content
- [x] `deprecated`
- [ ] `preselect`
-- [ ] `sortText`
+- [x] `sortText`
- [x] `filterText`
- [x] `insertText`
- [x] `insertTextFormat` <- regular or snippet
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+ "semi": false,
+ "singleQuote": true,
+ "printWidth": 120
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+import { defineConfig } from 'vitepress'
+import { tabsMarkdownPlugin } from 'vitepress-plugin-tabs'
+// https://vitepress.dev/reference/site-config
+export default defineConfig({
+ title: 'Blink Completion (blink.cmp)',
+ description: 'Performant, batteries-included completion plugin for Neovim',
+ base: '/cmp/',
+ sitemap: { hostname: 'https://blink.saghen.dev/cmp' },
+ head: [['link', { rel: 'icon', href: '/favicon.png' }]],
+ themeConfig: {
+ sidebar: [
+ { text: 'Introduction', link: '/' },
+ { text: 'Installation', link: '/installation' },
+ {
+ text: 'Configuration',
+ items: [
+ { text: 'General', link: '/configuration/general' },
+ { text: 'Appearance', link: '/configuration/appearance' },
+ { text: 'Completion', link: '/configuration/completion' },
+ { text: 'Keymap', link: '/configuration/keymap' },
+ { text: 'Signature', link: '/configuration/signature' },
+ { text: 'Sources', link: '/configuration/sources' },
+ { text: 'Snippets', link: '/configuration/snippets' },
+ { text: 'Reference', link: '/configuration/reference' },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Development',
+ items: [
+ { text: 'Architecture', link: '/development/architecture' },
+ { text: 'Writing Sources', link: '/development/writing-sources' },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ socialLinks: [{ icon: 'github', link: 'https://github.com/saghen/blink.cmp' }],
+ search: {
+ provider: 'local',
+ },
+ },
+ markdown: {
+ theme: {
+ light: 'catppuccin-latte',
+ dark: 'catppuccin-mocha',
+ },
+ config(md) {
+ md.use(tabsMarkdownPlugin)
+ },
+ },
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+// https://vitepress.dev/guide/custom-theme
+import DefaultTheme from 'vitepress/theme'
+import type { Theme } from 'vitepress'
+import { enhanceAppWithTabs } from 'vitepress-plugin-tabs/client'
+import '@catppuccin/vitepress/theme/mocha/blue.css'
+import './style.css'
+export default {
+ extends: DefaultTheme,
+ enhanceApp({ app }) {
+ enhanceAppWithTabs(app)
+ },
+} satisfies Theme
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+/* Wrap text in code blocks */
+code {
+ white-space: pre-wrap !important;
+ word-break: break-word !important;
+.content-container {
+ max-width: 800px !important;
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+# Appearance
+If you're looking for how to change the appearance of the completion menu, check out the [menu draw configuration](./completion/menu/draw.md).
+## Highlight groups
+| Group | Default | Description |
+| ----- | ------- | ----------- |
+| `BlinkCmpMenu` | Pmenu | The completion menu window |
+| `BlinkCmpMenuBorder` | Pmenu | The completion menu window border |
+| `BlinkCmpMenuSelection` | PmenuSel | The completion menu window selected item |
+| `BlinkCmpScrollBarThumb` | PmenuThumb | The scrollbar thumb |
+| `BlinkCmpScrollBarGutter` | PmenuSbar | The scrollbar gutter |
+| `BlinkCmpLabel` | Pmenu | Label of the completion item |
+| `BlinkCmpLabelDeprecated` | NonText | Deprecated label of the completion item |
+| `BlinkCmpLabelMatch` | Pmenu | (Currently unused) Label of the completion item when it matches the query |
+| `BlinkCmpLabelDetail` | NonText | Label description of the completion item |
+| `BlinkCmpLabelDescription` | NonText | Label description of the completion item |
+| `BlinkCmpKind` | Special | Kind icon/text of the completion item |
+| `BlinkCmpKind` | Special | Kind icon/text of the completion item |
+| `BlinkCmpSource` | NonText | Source of the completion item |
+| `BlinkCmpGhostText` | NonText | Preview item with ghost text |
+| `BlinkCmpDoc` | NormalFloat | The documentation window |
+| `BlinkCmpDocBorder` | NormalFloat | The documentation window border |
+| `BlinkCmpDocSeparator` | NormalFloat | The documentation separator between doc and detail |
+| `BlinkCmpDocCursorLine` | Visual | The documentation window cursor line |
+| `BlinkCmpSignatureHelp` | NormalFloat | The signature help window |
+| `BlinkCmpSignatureHelpBorder` | NormalFloat | The signature help window border |
+| `BlinkCmpSignatureHelpActiveParameter` | LspSignatureActiveParameter | Active parameter of the signature help |
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+# Completion
+Blink cmp has *a lot* of configuration options, the following document tries to highlight the ones you'll likely care the most about for each section. For all options, click on the "Go to default configuration" button next to each header.
+## Keyword
+Controls what the plugin considers to be a keyword, used for fuzzy matching and triggering completions. Most notably, the `range` option controls whether the keyword should match against the text before *and* after the cursor, or just before the cursor.
+== Prefix
+== Full
+## Trigger
+Controls when to request completion items from the sources and show the completion menu. The following options are available, excluding their `show_on` prefix:
+== Keyword
+== Trigger Character
+== Insert on Trigger Character
+== Accept on Trigger Character
+TODO: Find a case where this actually fires : )
+## List
+Manages the completion list and its behavior when selecting items. The most commonly changed option is `completion.list.selection`, which controls whether the list will automatically select the first item in the list, and whether selection shows a preview:
+== Preselect
+Selects the first item automatically
+== Manual
+No item will be selected by default. You may use the `select_and_accept` keymap command to select the first item and accept it when there's no selection. The `accept` keymap command, on the other hand, will only trigger if an item is selected.
+== Auto Insert
+No item will be selected by default, and selecting an item will insert a "preview" of the item automatically. You may use the `select_and_accept` keymap command to select the first item and accept it when there's no selection. The `accept` keymap command, on the other hand, will only trigger if an item is selected.
+## Accept
+Manages the behavior when accepting an item in the completion menu.
+### Auto Brackets
+> [!NOTE]
+> Some LSPs may add auto brackets themselves. You may be able to configure this behavior in your LSP client configuration
+LSPs provide a `kind` field for completion items, indicating whether the item is a function, method, variable, etc. The plugin will automatically add brackets for functions/methods and place the cursor inside the brackets. For items not marked as such, the plugin will asynchronously resolve the semantic tokens from the LSP and add brackets if marked as a function. A default list of brackets have been included in the default configuration, but you may add more in the configuration (contributions welcome!).
+If brackets are showing when you don't expect them, try disabling `kind_resolution` or `semantic_token_resolution` for that filetype (`echo &filetype`). If that fixes the issue, please open a PR setting this as the default!
+## Menu
+Manages the appearance of the completion menu. You may prevent the menu from automatically showing by setting `completion.menu.auto_show = false` and manually showing it with the `show` keymap command.
+### Menu Draw
+blink.cmp uses a grid-based layout to render the completion menu. The components, defined in `draw.components[string]`, define `text` and `highlight` functions which are called for each completion item. The `highlight` function will be called only when the item appears on screen, so expensive operations such as Treesitter highlighting may be performed (contributions welcome!, [for example](https://www.reddit.com/r/neovim/comments/1ca4gm2/colorful_cmp_menu_powered_by_treesitter/)). The components may define their min and max width, where `ellipsis = true` (enabled by default), will draw the `…` character when the text is truncated. Setting `width.fill = true` will fill the remaining space, effectively making subsequent components right aligned, with respect to their column.
+Columns effectively allow you to vertically align a set of components. Each column, defined as an array in `draw.columns`, will be rendered for all of the completion items, where the longest rendered row will determine the width of the column. You may define `gap = number` in your column to insert a gap between components.
+For a setup similar to nvim-cmp, use the following config:
+completion.menu.draw.columns = { { "label", "label_description", gap = 1 }, { "kind_icon", "kind" } },
+## Documentation
+By default, the documentation window will only show when triggered by the `show_documentation` keymap command. However, you may add the following configuration to show the documentation whenever an item is selected.
+completion.documentation = {
+ auto_show = true,
+ auto_show_delay_ms = 500,
+If you're noticing high CPU usage or stuttering when opening the documentation, you may try setting `completion.documentation.treesitter_highlighting = false`.
+## Ghost Text
+Ghost text shows a preview of the currently selected item as virtual text inline. You may want to try setting `completion.menu.auto_show = false` and enabling ghost text, or you may use both in parallel.
+completion.ghost_text.enabled = true
diff --git a/docs/configuration/fuzzy.md b/docs/configuration/fuzzy.md
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+# Fuzzy
+Blink uses a SIMD fuzzy matcher called [frizbee](https://github.com/saghen/frizbee) which achieves ~6x the performance of fzf while ignoring typos. Check out the repo for more information!
+## Installation
+### Prebuilt binaries (default on a release tag)
+By default, Blink will download a prebuilt binary from the latest release, when you're on a release tag (via `version = '*'` on `lazy.nvim` for example). If you're not on a release tag, you may force a specific version via `fuzzy.prebuilt_binaries.force_version`. See [the latest release](https://github.com/saghen/blink.cmp/releases/latest) for supported systems. See `prebuilt_binaries` section of the [reference configuration](./reference.md#prebuilt-binaries) for more options.
+You may instead install the prebuilt binaries manually by downloading the appropriate binary from the [latest release](https://github.com/saghen/blink.cmp/releases/latest) and placing it at `$data/lazy/blink.cmp/target/release/libblink_cmp_fuzzy.$ext`. Get the `$data` path via `:echo stdpath('data')`. Use `.so` for linux, `.dylib` for mac, and `.dll` for windows. If you're unsure whether you want `-musl` or `-gnu` for linux, you very likely want `-gnu`.
+# Linux
+# Mac
+# Windows
+### Build from source (recommended for `main`)
+When on `main`, it's highly recommended to build from source via `cargo build --release` (via `build = '...'` on `lazy.nvim` for example). This requires a nightly rust toolchain, which will be automatically downloaded when using `rustup`.
+## Configuration
+See the [fuzzy section of the reference configuration](./reference.md#fuzzy)
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+# General
+Blink cmp has *a lot* of configuration options, the following code block highlights some changes you're most likely to care about. For more information, check out the additional pages.
+For more common configurations, see the [recipes](./recipes.md).
+ -- Disable for some filetypes
+ enabled = function()
+ return not vim.tbl_contains({ "lua", "markdown" }, vim.bo.filetype)
+ and vim.bo.buftype ~= "prompt"
+ and vim.b.completion ~= false
+ end,
+ completion = {
+ -- 'prefix' will fuzzy match on the text before the cursor
+ -- 'full' will fuzzy match on the text before *and* after the cursor
+ -- example: 'foo_|_bar' will match 'foo_' for 'prefix' and 'foo__bar' for 'full'
+ keyword = { range = 'full' },
+ -- Disable auto brackets
+ -- NOTE: some LSPs may add auto brackets themselves anyway
+ accept = { auto_brackets = { enabled = false }, }
+ -- Insert completion item on selection, don't select by default
+ list = { selection = 'auto_insert' },
+ menu = {
+ -- Don't automatically show the completion menu
+ auto_show = false,
+ -- nvim-cmp style menu
+ draw = {
+ columns = {
+ { "label", "label_description", gap = 1 },
+ { "kind_icon", "kind" }
+ },
+ }
+ },
+ -- Show documentation when selecting a completion item
+ documentation = { auto_show = true, auto_show_delay_ms = 500 },
+ -- Display a preview of the selected item on the current line
+ ghost_text = { enabled = true },
+ },
+ sources = {
+ -- Remove 'buffer' if you don't want text completions, by default it's only enabled when LSP returns no items
+ default = { 'lsp', 'path', 'snippets', 'buffer' },
+ -- Disable cmdline completions
+ cmdline = {},
+ }
+ -- Experimental signature help support
+ signature = { enabled = true }
diff --git a/docs/configuration/keymap.md b/docs/configuration/keymap.md
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+# Keymap
+Blink uses a custom DSL for defining keymaps since it needs to handle falling back to other mappings. However, there's nothing stopping you from using `require('blink.cmp')` and implementing these keymaps yourself.
+Your custom key mappings are merged with a `preset` and any conflicting keys will overwrite the preset mappings. The `fallback` command will run the next non blink keymap.
+## Example
+Each keymap may be a list of commands and/or functions, where commands map directly to `require('blink.cmp')[command]()`. If the command/function returns `false` or `nil`, the next command/function will be run.
+keymap = {
+ -- set to 'none' to disable the 'default' preset
+ preset = 'default',
+ [''] = { 'select_prev', 'fallback' },
+ [''] = { 'select_next', 'fallback' },
+ -- disable a keymap from the preset
+ [''] = {},
+ -- show with a list of providers
+ [''] = { function(cmp) cmp.show({ providers = { 'snippets' } }) end },
+ -- control whether the next command will be run when using a function
+ [''] = {
+ function(cmp)
+ if some_condition then return end -- runs the next command
+ return true -- doesn't run the next command
+ end,
+ 'select_next'
+ },
+## Commands
+- `show`: Shows the completion menu
+ - Optionally use `function(cmp) cmp.show({ providers = { 'snippets' } }) end` to show with a specific list of providers
+- `hide`: Hides the completion menu
+- `cancel`: Reverts `completion.list.selection = 'auto_insert'` and hides the completion menu
+- `accept`: Accepts the currently selected item
+ - Optionally pass an index to select a specific item in the list: `function(cmp) cmp.accept({ index = 1 }) end`
+ - Optionally pass a `callback` to run after the item is accepted: `function(cmp) cmp.accept({ callback = function() vim.api.nvim_feedkeys('\n', 'n', true) end }) end`
+- `select_and_accept`: Accepts the currently selected item, or the first item if none are selected
+- `select_prev`: Selects the previous item, cycling to the bottom of the list if at the top, if `completion.list.cycle.from_top == true`
+- `select_next`: Selects the next item, cycling to the top of the list if at the bottom, if `completion.list.cycle.from_bottom == true`
+- `show_documentation`: Shows the documentation for the currently selected item
+- `hide_documentation`: Hides the documentation
+- `scroll_documentation_up`: Scrolls the documentation up by 4 lines
+ - Optionally use `function(cmp) cmp.scroll_documentation_up(4) end` to scroll by a specific number of lines
+- `scroll_documentation_down`: Scrolls the documentation down by 4 lines
+ - Optionally use `function(cmp) cmp.scroll_documentation_down(4) end` to scroll by a specific number of lines
+- `snippet_forward`: Jumps to the next snippet placeholder
+- `snippet_backward`: Jumps to the previous snippet placeholder
+- `fallback`: Runs the next non-blink keymap, or runs the built-in neovim binding
+## Presets
+Set the preset to `none` to disable the presets
+### `default`
+[''] = { 'show', 'show_documentation', 'hide_documentation' },
+[''] = { 'hide' },
+[''] = { 'select_and_accept' },
+[''] = { 'select_prev', 'fallback' },
+[''] = { 'select_next', 'fallback' },
+[''] = { 'scroll_documentation_up', 'fallback' },
+[''] = { 'scroll_documentation_down', 'fallback' },
+[''] = { 'snippet_forward', 'fallback' },
+[''] = { 'snippet_backward', 'fallback' },
+### `super-tab`
+You may want to set `completion.trigger.show_in_snippet = false` or use `completion.list.selection = "manual" | "auto_insert"`
+[''] = { 'show', 'show_documentation', 'hide_documentation' },
+[''] = { 'hide', 'fallback' },
+[''] = {
+ function(cmp)
+ if cmp.snippet_active() then return cmp.accept()
+ else return cmp.select_and_accept() end
+ end,
+ 'snippet_forward',
+ 'fallback'
+[''] = { 'snippet_backward', 'fallback' },
+[''] = { 'select_prev', 'fallback' },
+[''] = { 'select_next', 'fallback' },
+[''] = { 'select_prev', 'fallback' },
+[''] = { 'select_next', 'fallback' },
+[''] = { 'scroll_documentation_up', 'fallback' },
+[''] = { 'scroll_documentation_down', 'fallback' },
+### `enter`
+You may want to set `completion.list.selection = "manual" | "auto_insert"`
+[''] = { 'show', 'show_documentation', 'hide_documentation' },
+[''] = { 'hide', 'fallback' },
+[''] = { 'accept', 'fallback' },
+[''] = { 'snippet_forward', 'fallback' },
+[''] = { 'snippet_backward', 'fallback' },
+[''] = { 'select_prev', 'fallback' },
+[''] = { 'select_next', 'fallback' },
+[''] = { 'select_prev', 'fallback' },
+[''] = { 'select_next', 'fallback' },
+[''] = { 'scroll_documentation_up', 'fallback' },
+[''] = { 'scroll_documentation_down', 'fallback' },
diff --git a/docs/configuration/recipes.md b/docs/configuration/recipes.md
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+# Recipes
+## Disable per filetype
+enabled = function()
+ return not vim.tbl_contains({ "lua", "markdown" }, vim.bo.filetype)
+ and vim.bo.buftype ~= "prompt"
+ and vim.b.completion ~= false
+## Border
+completion = {
+ menu = { border = 'single' }
+ documentation = { border = 'single' }
+signature = { window = { border = 'single' } }
+## Select Nth item from the list
+Here's an example configuration that allows you to select the nth item from the list, based on [#382](https://github.com/Saghen/blink.cmp/issues/382):
+keymap = {
+ preset = 'default',
+ [''] = { function(cmp) cmp.accept({ index = 1 }) end },
+ [''] = { function(cmp) cmp.accept({ index = 2 }) end },
+ [''] = { function(cmp) cmp.accept({ index = 3 }) end },
+ [''] = { function(cmp) cmp.accept({ index = 4 }) end },
+ [''] = { function(cmp) cmp.accept({ index = 5 }) end },
+ [''] = { function(cmp) cmp.accept({ index = 6 }) end },
+ [''] = { function(cmp) cmp.accept({ index = 7 }) end },
+ [''] = { function(cmp) cmp.accept({ index = 8 }) end },
+ [''] = { function(cmp) cmp.accept({ index = 9 }) end },
+ [''] = { function(cmp) cmp.accept({ index = 10 }) end },
+completion = {
+ menu = {
+ draw = {
+ columns = { { 'item_idx' }, { 'kind_icon' }, { 'label', 'label_description', gap = 1 } },
+ components = {
+ item_idx = {
+ text = function(ctx) return ctx.idx == 10 and '0' or ctx.idx >= 10 and ' ' or tostring(ctx.idx) end,
+ highlight = 'BlinkCmpItemIdx' -- optional, only if you want to change its color
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+## `mini.icons`
+[Original discussion](https://github.com/Saghen/blink.cmp/discussions/458)
+completion = {
+ menu = {
+ draw = {
+ components = {
+ kind_icon = {
+ ellipsis = false,
+ text = function(ctx)
+ local kind_icon, _, _ = require('mini.icons').get('lsp', ctx.kind)
+ return kind_icon
+ end,
+ -- Optionally, you may also use the highlights from mini.icons
+ highlight = function(ctx)
+ local _, hl, _ = require('mini.icons').get('lsp', ctx.kind)
+ return hl
+ end,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+## Sources
+### Dynamically picking providers by treesitter node/filetype
+sources.default = function(ctx)
+ local node = vim.treesitter.get_node()
+ if vim.bo.filetype == 'lua' then
+ return { 'lsp', 'path' }
+ elseif node and vim.tbl_contains({ 'comment', 'line_comment', 'block_comment' }, node:type()) then
+ return { 'buffer' }
+ else
+ return { 'lsp', 'path', 'snippets', 'buffer' }
+ end
+### Hide snippets after trigger character
+> [!NOTE]
+> Untested, might not work well, please open a PR if you find a better solution!
+Trigger characters are defined by the sources. For example, for Lua, the trigger characters are `.`, `"`, `'`.
+sources.providers.snippets.should_show_items = function(ctx)
+ return ctx.trigger.kind == vim.lsp.protocol.CompletionTriggerKind.TriggerCharacter
+### Disable all snippets
+See the [relevant section in the snippets documentation](./snippets.md#disable-all-snippets)
+### Set minimum keyword length by filetype
+sources.min_keyword_length = function()
+ return vim.bo.filetype == 'markdown' and 2 or 0
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+# Reference
+> Do not copy the default configuration! Only include options you want to change in your configuration
+-- Enables keymaps, completions and signature help when true
+enabled = function() return vim.bo.buftype ~= "prompt" and vim.b.completion ~= false end,
+-- See the "keymap" page for more information
+keymap = 'default',
+## Snippets
+snippets = {
+ -- Function to use when expanding LSP provided snippets
+ expand = function(snippet) vim.snippet.expand(snippet) end,
+ -- Function to use when checking if a snippet is active
+ active = function(filter) return vim.snippet.active(filter) end,
+ -- Function to use when jumping between tab stops in a snippet, where direction can be negative or positive
+ jump = function(direction) vim.snippet.jump(direction) end,
+## Completion
+### Completion Keyword
+completion.keyword = {
+ -- 'prefix' will fuzzy match on the text before the cursor
+ -- 'full' will fuzzy match on the text before *and* after the cursor
+ -- example: 'foo_|_bar' will match 'foo_' for 'prefix' and 'foo__bar' for 'full'
+ range = 'prefix',
+ -- Regex used to get the text when fuzzy matching
+ regex = '[-_]\\|\\k',
+ -- After matching with regex, any characters matching this regex at the prefix will be excluded
+ exclude_from_prefix_regex = '[\\-]',
+### Completion Trigger
+completion.trigger = {
+ -- When true, will prefetch the completion items when entering insert mode
+ prefetch_on_insert = false,
+ -- When false, will not show the completion window automatically when in a snippet
+ show_in_snippet = true,
+ -- When true, will show the completion window after typing a character that matches the `keyword.regex`
+ show_on_keyword = true,
+ -- When true, will show the completion window after typing a trigger character
+ show_on_trigger_character = true,
+ -- LSPs can indicate when to show the completion window via trigger characters
+ -- however, some LSPs (i.e. tsserver) return characters that would essentially
+ -- always show the window. We block these by default.
+ show_on_blocked_trigger_characters = function()
+ if vim.api.nvim_get_mode().mode == 'c' then return {} end
+ -- you can also block per filetype, for example:
+ -- if vim.bo.filetype == 'markdown' then
+ -- return { ' ', '\n', '\t', '.', '/', '(', '[' }
+ -- end
+ return { ' ', '\n', '\t' }
+ end,
+ -- When both this and show_on_trigger_character are true, will show the completion window
+ -- when the cursor comes after a trigger character after accepting an item
+ show_on_accept_on_trigger_character = true,
+ -- When both this and show_on_trigger_character are true, will show the completion window
+ -- when the cursor comes after a trigger character when entering insert mode
+ show_on_insert_on_trigger_character = true,
+ -- List of trigger characters (on top of `show_on_blocked_trigger_characters`) that won't trigger
+ -- the completion window when the cursor comes after a trigger character when
+ -- entering insert mode/accepting an item
+ show_on_x_blocked_trigger_characters = { "'", '"', '(' },
+ -- or a function, similar to show_on_blocked_trigger_character
+### Completion List
+completion.list = {
+ -- Maximum number of items to display
+ max_items = 200,
+ -- Controls if completion items will be selected automatically,
+ -- and whether selection automatically inserts
+ selection = 'preselect',
+ -- Controls how the completion items are selected
+ -- 'preselect' will automatically select the first item in the completion list
+ -- 'manual' will not select any item by default
+ -- 'auto_insert' will not select any item by default, and insert the completion items automatically when selecting them
+ --
+ -- You may want to bind a key to the `cancel` command, which will undo the selection
+ -- when using 'auto_insert'
+ cycle = {
+ -- When `true`, calling `select_next` at the *bottom* of the completion list
+ -- will select the *first* completion item.
+ from_bottom = true,
+ -- When `true`, calling `select_prev` at the *top* of the completion list
+ -- will select the *last* completion item.
+ from_top = true,
+ },
+### Completion Accept
+completion.accept = {
+ -- Create an undo point when accepting a completion item
+ create_undo_point = true,
+ -- Experimental auto-brackets support
+ auto_brackets = {
+ -- Whether to auto-insert brackets for functions
+ enabled = true,
+ -- Default brackets to use for unknown languages
+ default_brackets = { '(', ')' },
+ -- Overrides the default blocked filetypes
+ override_brackets_for_filetypes = {},
+ -- Synchronously use the kind of the item to determine if brackets should be added
+ kind_resolution = {
+ enabled = true,
+ blocked_filetypes = { 'typescriptreact', 'javascriptreact', 'vue' },
+ },
+ -- Asynchronously use semantic token to determine if brackets should be added
+ semantic_token_resolution = {
+ enabled = true,
+ blocked_filetypes = {},
+ -- How long to wait for semantic tokens to return before assuming no brackets should be added
+ timeout_ms = 400,
+ },
+ },
+### Completion Menu
+completion.menu = {
+ enabled = true,
+ min_width = 15,
+ max_height = 10,
+ border = 'none',
+ winblend = 0,
+ winhighlight = 'Normal:BlinkCmpMenu,FloatBorder:BlinkCmpMenuBorder,CursorLine:BlinkCmpMenuSelection,Search:None',
+ -- Keep the cursor X lines away from the top/bottom of the window
+ scrolloff = 2,
+ -- Note that the gutter will be disabled when border ~= 'none'
+ scrollbar = true,
+ -- Which directions to show the window,
+ -- falling back to the next direction when there's not enough space
+ direction_priority = { 's', 'n' },
+ -- Whether to automatically show the window when new completion items are available
+ auto_show = true,
+ -- Screen coordinates of the command line
+ cmdline_position = function()
+ if vim.g.ui_cmdline_pos ~= nil then
+ local pos = vim.g.ui_cmdline_pos -- (1, 0)-indexed
+ return { pos[1] - 1, pos[2] }
+ end
+ local height = (vim.o.cmdheight == 0) and 1 or vim.o.cmdheight
+ return { vim.o.lines - height, 0 }
+ end,
+### Completion Menu Draw
+-- Controls how the completion items are rendered on the popup window
+completion.menu.draw = {
+ -- Aligns the keyword you've typed to a component in the menu
+ align_to_component = 'label', -- or 'none' to disable
+ -- Left and right padding, optionally { left, right } for different padding on each side
+ padding = 1,
+ -- Gap between columns
+ gap = 1,
+ -- Use treesitter to highlight the label text
+ treesitter = false,
+ -- Components to render, grouped by column
+ columns = { { 'kind_icon' }, { 'label', 'label_description', gap = 1 } },
+ -- Definitions for possible components to render. Each defines:
+ -- ellipsis: whether to add an ellipsis when truncating the text
+ -- width: control the min, max and fill behavior of the component
+ -- text function: will be called for each item
+ -- highlight function: will be called only when the line appears on screen
+ components = {
+ kind_icon = {
+ ellipsis = false,
+ text = function(ctx) return ctx.kind_icon .. ctx.icon_gap end,
+ highlight = function(ctx)
+ return require('blink.cmp.completion.windows.render.tailwind').get_hl(ctx) or 'BlinkCmpKind' .. ctx.kind
+ end,
+ },
+ kind = {
+ ellipsis = false,
+ width = { fill = true },
+ text = function(ctx) return ctx.kind end,
+ highlight = function(ctx)
+ return require('blink.cmp.completion.windows.render.tailwind').get_hl(ctx) or 'BlinkCmpKind' .. ctx.kind
+ end,
+ },
+ label = {
+ width = { fill = true, max = 60 },
+ text = function(ctx) return ctx.label .. ctx.label_detail end,
+ highlight = function(ctx)
+ -- label and label details
+ local highlights = {
+ { 0, #ctx.label, group = ctx.deprecated and 'BlinkCmpLabelDeprecated' or 'BlinkCmpLabel' },
+ }
+ if ctx.label_detail then
+ table.insert(highlights, { #ctx.label, #ctx.label + #ctx.label_detail, group = 'BlinkCmpLabelDetail' })
+ end
+ -- characters matched on the label by the fuzzy matcher
+ for _, idx in ipairs(ctx.label_matched_indices) do
+ table.insert(highlights, { idx, idx + 1, group = 'BlinkCmpLabelMatch' })
+ end
+ return highlights
+ end,
+ },
+ label_description = {
+ width = { max = 30 },
+ text = function(ctx) return ctx.label_description end,
+ highlight = 'BlinkCmpLabelDescription',
+ },
+ source_name = {
+ width = { max = 30 },
+ text = function(ctx) return ctx.source_name end,
+ highlight = 'BlinkCmpSource',
+ },
+ },
+### Completion Documentation
+completion.documentation = {
+ -- Controls whether the documentation window will automatically show when selecting a completion item
+ auto_show = false,
+ -- Delay before showing the documentation window
+ auto_show_delay_ms = 500,
+ -- Delay before updating the documentation window when selecting a new item,
+ -- while an existing item is still visible
+ update_delay_ms = 50,
+ -- Whether to use treesitter highlighting, disable if you run into performance issues
+ treesitter_highlighting = true,
+ window = {
+ min_width = 10,
+ max_width = 60,
+ max_height = 20,
+ border = 'padded',
+ winblend = 0,
+ winhighlight = 'Normal:BlinkCmpDoc,FloatBorder:BlinkCmpDocBorder,CursorLine:BlinkCmpDocCursorLine,Search:None',
+ -- Note that the gutter will be disabled when border ~= 'none'
+ scrollbar = true,
+ -- Which directions to show the documentation window,
+ -- for each of the possible menu window directions,
+ -- falling back to the next direction when there's not enough space
+ direction_priority = {
+ menu_north = { 'e', 'w', 'n', 's' },
+ menu_south = { 'e', 'w', 's', 'n' },
+ },
+ },
+### Completion Ghost Text
+-- Displays a preview of the selected item on the current line
+completion.ghost_text = {
+ enabled = false,
+## Signature
+-- Experimental signature help support
+signature = {
+ enabled = false,
+ trigger = {
+ blocked_trigger_characters = {},
+ blocked_retrigger_characters = {},
+ -- When true, will show the signature help window when the cursor comes after a trigger character when entering insert mode
+ show_on_insert_on_trigger_character = true,
+ },
+ window = {
+ min_width = 1,
+ max_width = 100,
+ max_height = 10,
+ border = 'padded',
+ winblend = 0,
+ winhighlight = 'Normal:BlinkCmpSignatureHelp,FloatBorder:BlinkCmpSignatureHelpBorder',
+ scrollbar = false, -- Note that the gutter will be disabled when border ~= 'none'
+ -- Which directions to show the window,
+ -- falling back to the next direction when there's not enough space,
+ -- or another window is in the way
+ direction_priority = { 'n', 's' },
+ -- Disable if you run into performance issues
+ treesitter_highlighting = true,
+ },
+## Fuzzy
+fuzzy = {
+ -- When enabled, allows for a number of typos relative to the length of the query
+ -- Disabling this matches the behavior of fzf
+ use_typo_resistance = true,
+ -- Frecency tracks the most recently/frequently used items and boosts the score of the item
+ use_frecency = true,
+ -- Proximity bonus boosts the score of items matching nearby words
+ use_proximity = true,
+ max_items = 200,
+ -- Controls which sorts to use and in which order, falling back to the next sort if the first one returns nil
+ -- You may pass a function instead of a string to customize the sorting
+ sorts = { 'score', 'sort_text' },
+ prebuilt_binaries = {
+ -- Whether or not to automatically download a prebuilt binary from github. If this is set to `false`
+ -- you will need to manually build the fuzzy binary dependencies by running `cargo build --release`
+ download = true,
+ -- When downloading a prebuilt binary, force the downloader to resolve this version. If this is unset
+ -- then the downloader will attempt to infer the version from the checked out git tag (if any).
+ --
+ -- Beware that if the fuzzy matcher changes while tracking main then this may result in blink breaking.
+ force_version = nil,
+ -- When downloading a prebuilt binary, force the downloader to use this system triple. If this is unset
+ -- then the downloader will attempt to infer the system triple from `jit.os` and `jit.arch`.
+ -- Check the latest release for all available system triples
+ --
+ -- Beware that if the fuzzy matcher changes while tracking main then this may result in blink breaking.
+ force_system_triple = nil,
+ -- Extra arguments that will be passed to curl like { 'curl', ..extra_curl_args, ..built_in_args }
+ extra_curl_args = {}
+ },
+## Sources
+sources = {
+ -- Static list of providers to enable, or a function to dynamically enable/disable providers based on the context
+ default = { 'lsp', 'path', 'snippets', 'buffer' },
+ -- You may also define providers per filetype
+ per_filetype = {
+ -- lua = { 'lsp', 'path' },
+ },
+ -- By default, we choose providers for the cmdline based on the current cmdtype
+ -- You may disable cmdline completions by replacing this with an empty table
+ cmdline = function()
+ local type = vim.fn.getcmdtype()
+ -- Search forward and backward
+ if type == '/' or type == '?' then return { 'buffer' } end
+ -- Commands
+ if type == ':' then return { 'cmdline' } end
+ return {}
+ end,
+ -- Function to use when transforming the items before they're returned for all providers
+ -- The default will lower the score for snippets to sort them lower in the list
+ transform_items = function(_, items) return items end,
+ -- Minimum number of characters in the keyword to trigger all providers
+ -- May also be `function(ctx: blink.cmp.Context): number`
+ min_keyword_length = 0,
+### Providers
+-- Please see https://github.com/Saghen/blink.compat for using `nvim-cmp` sources
+sources.providers = {
+ lsp = {
+ name = 'LSP',
+ module = 'blink.cmp.sources.lsp',
+ fallbacks = { 'buffer' },
+ -- Filter text items from the LSP provider, since we have the buffer provider for that
+ transform_items = function(_, items)
+ for _, item in ipairs(items) do
+ if item.kind == require('blink.cmp.types').CompletionItemKind.Snippet then
+ item.score_offset = item.score_offset - 3
+ end
+ end
+ return vim.tbl_filter(
+ function(item) return item.kind ~= require('blink.cmp.types').CompletionItemKind.Text end,
+ items
+ )
+ end,
+ --- NOTE: All of these options may be functions to get dynamic behavior
+ --- See the type definitions for more information
+ enabled = true, -- Whether or not to enable the provider
+ async = false, -- Whether we should wait for the provider to return before showing the completions
+ timeout_ms = 2000, -- How long to wait for the provider to return before showing completions and treating it as asynchronous
+ transform_items = nil, -- Function to transform the items before they're returned
+ should_show_items = true, -- Whether or not to show the items
+ max_items = nil, -- Maximum number of items to display in the menu
+ min_keyword_length = 0, -- Minimum number of characters in the keyword to trigger the provider
+ -- If this provider returns 0 items, it will fallback to these providers.
+ -- If multiple providers falback to the same provider, all of the providers must return 0 items for it to fallback
+ fallbacks = {},
+ score_offset = 0, -- Boost/penalize the score of the items
+ override = nil, -- Override the source's functions
+ },
+ path = {
+ name = 'Path',
+ module = 'blink.cmp.sources.path',
+ score_offset = 3,
+ fallbacks = { 'buffer' },
+ opts = {
+ trailing_slash = false,
+ label_trailing_slash = true,
+ get_cwd = function(context) return vim.fn.expand(('#%d:p:h'):format(context.bufnr)) end,
+ show_hidden_files_by_default = false,
+ }
+ },
+ snippets = {
+ name = 'Snippets',
+ module = 'blink.cmp.sources.snippets',
+ opts = {
+ friendly_snippets = true,
+ search_paths = { vim.fn.stdpath('config') .. '/snippets' },
+ global_snippets = { 'all' },
+ extended_filetypes = {},
+ ignored_filetypes = {},
+ get_filetype = function(context)
+ return vim.bo.filetype
+ end
+ }
+ },
+ luasnip = {
+ name = 'Luasnip',
+ module = 'blink.cmp.sources.luasnip',
+ opts = {
+ -- Whether to use show_condition for filtering snippets
+ use_show_condition = true,
+ -- Whether to show autosnippets in the completion list
+ show_autosnippets = true,
+ }
+ },
+ buffer = {
+ name = 'Buffer',
+ module = 'blink.cmp.sources.buffer',
+ opts = {
+ -- default to all visible buffers
+ get_bufnrs = function()
+ return vim
+ .iter(vim.api.nvim_list_wins())
+ :map(function(win) return vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(win) end)
+ :filter(function(buf) return vim.bo[buf].buftype ~= 'nofile' end)
+ :totable()
+ end,
+ }
+ },
+## Appearance
+appearance = {
+ highlight_ns = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace('blink_cmp'),
+ -- Sets the fallback highlight groups to nvim-cmp's highlight groups
+ -- Useful for when your theme doesn't support blink.cmp
+ -- Will be removed in a future release
+ use_nvim_cmp_as_default = false,
+ -- Set to 'mono' for 'Nerd Font Mono' or 'normal' for 'Nerd Font'
+ -- Adjusts spacing to ensure icons are aligned
+ nerd_font_variant = 'mono',
+ kind_icons = {
+ Text = '',
+ Method = '',
+ Function = '',
+ Constructor = '',
+ Field = '',
+ Variable = '',
+ Property = '',
+ Class = '',
+ Interface = '',
+ Struct = '',
+ Module = '',
+ Unit = '',
+ Value = '',
+ Enum = '',
+ EnumMember = '',
+ Keyword = '',
+ Constant = '',
+ Snippet = '',
+ Color = '',
+ File = '',
+ Reference = '',
+ Folder = '',
+ Event = '',
+ Operator = '',
+ TypeParameter = '',
+ },
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+# Signature
+> This feature is *experimental*, contributions welcome!
+Blink supports signature help, automatically triggered when typing trigger characters, defined by the LSP, such as `(` for `lua`. The menu will be updated when pressing a retrigger character, such as `,`. Due to it being experimental, this feature is opt-in.
+signature = { enabled = true }
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+# Snippets
+Blink uses the `vim.snippet` API by default for expanding and navigating snippets. The built-in `snippets` source will load [friendly-snippets](https://github.com/rafamadriz/friendly-snippets), if available, and load any snippets found at `~/.config/nvim/snippets/`. For use with Luasnip, see the [Luasnip section](#luasnip).
+## Custom snippets
+By default, the `snippets` source will check `~/.config/nvim/snippets` for your custom snippets, but you may add additional folders via `sources.providers.snippets.opts.search_paths`. Currently, only VSCode style snippets are supported, but you may look into [Luasnip](https://github.com/L3MON4D3/LuaSnip) if you'd like more advanced functionality.
+[Chris Grieser](https://github.com/chrisgrieser) has made a great introduction to writing custom snippets [in the nvim-scissors repo](https://github.com/chrisgrieser/nvim-scissors?tab=readme-ov-file#cookbook--faq). Here's an example, using the linux/mac path for the neovim configuration:
+// ~/.config/nvim/snippets/package.json
+ "name": "personal-snippets",
+ "contributes": {
+ "snippets": [
+ { "language": "lua", "path": "./lua.json" }
+ ]
+ }
+// ~/.config/nvim/snippets/lua.json
+ "foo": {
+ "prefix": "foo",
+ "body": [
+ "local ${1:foo} = ${2:bar}",
+ "return ${3:baz}"
+ ],
+ }
+## Luasnip
+ 'saghen/blink.cmp',
+ version = '*',
+ -- !Important! Make sure you're using the latest release of LuaSnip
+ -- `main` does not work at the moment
+ dependencies = { 'L3MON4D3/LuaSnip', version = 'v2.*' },
+ opts = {
+ snippets = {
+ expand = function(snippet) require('luasnip').lsp_expand(snippet) end,
+ active = function(filter)
+ if filter and filter.direction then
+ return require('luasnip').jumpable(filter.direction)
+ end
+ return require('luasnip').in_snippet()
+ end,
+ jump = function(direction) require('luasnip').jump(direction) end,
+ },
+ sources = {
+ default = { 'lsp', 'path', 'luasnip', 'buffer' },
+ },
+ }
+## Disable all snippets
+sources.providers.transform_items = function(_, items)
+ return vim.tbl_filter(function(item)
+ return item.kind ~= require('blink.cmp.types').CompletionItemKind.Snippet
+ end, items)
+When setting up your capabilities with `lspconfig`, add the following:
+capabilities = require('blink.cmp').get_lsp_capabilities({
+ textDocument = { completion = { completionItem = { snippetSupport = false } } },
+Some LSPs may ignore the `snippetSupport` field, in which case, you need to set LSP specific options while setting them up. Some examples:
+-- If you're using `opts = { ['rust-analyzer'] = { } }` in your lspconfig configuration,
+-- simply put these options in there instead
+-- For `rust-analyzer`
+ completion = {
+ capable = {
+ snippets = 'add_parenthesis'
+ }
+ }
+-- For `lua_ls`
+ settings = {
+ Lua = {
+ completion = {
+ callSnippet = 'Disable',
+ keywordSnippet = 'Disable',
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Please open a PR if you know of any other LSPs that require special configuration!
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+# Sources
+> [!NOTE]
+> Check out the [recipes](./recipes.md) for some common configurations
+Blink provides a sources interface, modelled after LSPs, for getting completion items, trigger characters, documentation and signature help. The `lsp`, `path`, `snippets`, `luasnip` and `buffer` sources are built-in. You may add additional [community sources](#community-sources) as well. Check out [writing sources](../development/writing-sources.md) to learn how to write your own!
+## Providers
+Sources are configured via the `sources.providers` table, where each `id` (`key`) must have a `name` and `module` field. The `id` (`key`) may be used in the `sources.default/per_filetype/cmdline` to enable the source.
+sources = {
+ default = { 'lsp' },
+ providers = {
+ lsp = {
+ name = 'LSP',
+ module = 'blink.cmp.sources.lsp',
+ }
+ }
+### Provider options
+All of the fields shown below apply to all sources. The `opts` field is passed to the source directly, and will vary by source.
+sources.providers.lsp = {
+ name = 'LSP',
+ module = 'blink.cmp.sources.lsp',
+ opts = {} -- Passed to the source directly, varies by source
+ --- NOTE: All of these options may be functions to get dynamic behavior
+ --- See the type definitions for more information
+ enabled = true, -- Whether or not to enable the provider
+ async = false, -- Whether we should wait for the provider to return before showing the completions
+ timeout_ms = 2000, -- How long to wait for the provider to return before showing completions and treating it as asynchronous
+ transform_items = nil, -- Function to transform the items before they're returned
+ should_show_items = true, -- Whether or not to show the items
+ max_items = nil, -- Maximum number of items to display in the menu
+ min_keyword_length = 0, -- Minimum number of characters in the keyword to trigger the provider
+ -- If this provider returns 0 items, it will fallback to these providers.
+ -- If multiple providers falback to the same provider, all of the providers must return 0 items for it to fallback
+ fallbacks = {},
+ score_offset = 0, -- Boost/penalize the score of the items
+ override = nil, -- Override the source's functions
+## Using `nvim-cmp` sources
+Blink can use `nvim-cmp` sources through a compatibility layer developed by [stefanboca](https://github.com/stefanboca): [blink.compat](https://github.com/Saghen/blink.compat). Please open any issues with `blink.compat` in that repo
+## Community sources
+- [lazydev](https://github.com/folke/lazydev.nvim)
+- [vim-dadbod-completion](https://github.com/kristijanhusak/vim-dadbod-completion)
+- [blink-ripgrep](https://github.com/mikavilpas/blink-ripgrep.nvim)
+- [blink-cmp-ripgrep](https://github.com/niuiic/blink-cmp-rg.nvim)
+- [blink-cmp-ctags](https://github.com/netmute/blink-cmp-ctags)
+- [blink-cmp-copilot](https://github.com/giuxtaposition/blink-cmp-copilot)
+- [minuet-ai.nvim](https://github.com/milanglacier/minuet-ai.nvim)
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+# Architecture
+The plugin use a 4 stage pipeline: trigger -> sources -> fuzzy -> render
+1. **Trigger:** Controls when to request completion items from the sources and provides a context downstream with the current query (i.e. `hello.wo|`, the query would be `wo`) and the treesitter object under the cursor (i.e. for intelligently enabling/disabling sources). It respects trigger characters passed by the LSP (or any other source) and includes it in the context for sending to the LSP.
+2. **Sources:** Provides a common interface for and merges the results of completion, trigger character, resolution of additional information and cancellation. Some sources are builtin: `LSP`, `buffer`, `path`, `snippets`
+3. **Fuzzy:** Rust <-> Lua FFI which performs both filtering and sorting of the items
+ - **Filtering:** The fuzzy matching uses smith-waterman, same as FZF, but implemented in SIMD for ~6x the performance of FZF (TODO: add benchmarks). Due to the SIMD's performance, the prefiltering phase on FZF was dropped to allow for typos. Similar to fzy/fzf, additional points are given to prefix matches, characters with capitals (to promote camelCase/PascalCase first char matching) and matches after delimiters (to promote snake_case first char matching)
+ - **Sorting:** Combines fuzzy matching score with frecency and proximity bonus. Each completion item may also include a `score_offset` which will be added to this score to demote certain sources. The `snippets` source takes advantage of this to avoid taking precedence over the LSP source. The parameters here still need to be tuned, so please let me know if you find some magical parameters!
+4. **Windows:** Responsible for placing the menu, documentation and function parameters windows. All of the rendering can be overridden following a syntax similar to incline.nvim. It uses the neovim window decoration provider to provide next to no overhead from highlighting.
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+# Writing Sources
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+# Blink Completion (blink.cmp)
+> This plugin is *beta* quality. Expect breaking changes and many bugs
+**blink.cmp** is a completion plugin with support for LSPs and external sources that updates on every keystroke with minimal overhead (0.5-4ms async). It use a [custom SIMD fuzzy searcher](https://github.com/saghen/frizbee) to easily handle >20k items. It provides extensibility via hooks into the trigger, sources and rendering pipeline. Plenty of work has been put into making each stage of the pipeline as intelligent as possible, such as frecency and proximity bonus on fuzzy matching, and this work is on-going.
+## Features
+- Works out of the box with no additional configuration
+- Updates on every keystroke (0.5-4ms async, single core)
+- [Typo resistant fuzzy](https://github.com/saghen/frizbee) with frecency and proximity bonus
+- Extensive LSP support ([tracker](./LSP_TRACKER.md))
+- Native `vim.snippet` support (including `friendly-snippets`)
+- External sources support ([compatibility layer for `nvim-cmp` sources](https://github.com/Saghen/blink.compat))
+- Auto-bracket support based on semantic tokens
+- Signature help (experimental, opt-in)
+- [Comparison with nvim-cmp](#compared-to-nvim-cmp)
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+# Installation
+> Blink uses a prebuilt binary for the fuzzy matcher which will be downloaded automatically when on a tag.
+> You may build from source with rust nightly. See the [fuzzy documentation](./configuration/fuzzy.md) for more information.
+## Requirements
+- Neovim 0.10+
+- Using prebuilt binaries:
+ - curl
+ - git
+- Building from source:
+ - Rust nightly or [rustup](https://rustup.rs/)
+## `lazy.nvim`
+ 'saghen/blink.cmp',
+ -- optional: provides snippets for the snippet source
+ dependencies = 'rafamadriz/friendly-snippets',
+ -- use a release tag to download pre-built binaries
+ version = '*',
+ -- AND/OR build from source, requires nightly: https://rust-lang.github.io/rustup/concepts/channels.html#working-with-nightly-rust
+ -- build = 'cargo build --release',
+ -- If you use nix, you can build from source using latest nightly rust with:
+ -- build = 'nix run .#build-plugin',
+ ---@module 'blink.cmp'
+ ---@type blink.cmp.Config
+ opts = {
+ -- 'default' for mappings similar to built-in completion
+ -- 'super-tab' for mappings similar to vscode (tab to accept, arrow keys to navigate)
+ -- 'enter' for mappings similar to 'super-tab' but with 'enter' to accept
+ -- See the full "keymap" documentation for information on defining your own keymap.
+ keymap = { preset = 'default' },
+ appearance = {
+ -- Sets the fallback highlight groups to nvim-cmp's highlight groups
+ -- Useful for when your theme doesn't support blink.cmp
+ -- Will be removed in a future release
+ use_nvim_cmp_as_default = true,
+ -- Set to 'mono' for 'Nerd Font Mono' or 'normal' for 'Nerd Font'
+ -- Adjusts spacing to ensure icons are aligned
+ nerd_font_variant = 'mono'
+ },
+ -- Default list of enabled providers defined so that you can extend it
+ -- elsewhere in your config, without redefining it, due to `opts_extend`
+ sources = {
+ default = { 'lsp', 'path', 'snippets', 'buffer' },
+ },
+ },
+ opts_extend = { "sources.default" }
+Setting capabilities for `nvim-lspconfig`:
+-- LSP servers and clients communicate which features they support through "capabilities".
+-- By default, Neovim supports a subset of the LSP specification.
+-- With blink.cmp, Neovim has *more* capabilities which are communicated to the LSP servers.
+-- Explanation from TJ: https://youtu.be/m8C0Cq9Uv9o?t=1275
+-- This can vary by config, but in general for nvim-lspconfig:
+ 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig',
+ dependencies = { 'saghen/blink.cmp' },
+ -- example using `opts` for defining servers
+ opts = {
+ servers = {
+ lua_ls = {}
+ }
+ },
+ config = function(_, opts)
+ local lspconfig = require('lspconfig')
+ for server, config in pairs(opts.servers) do
+ -- passing config.capabilities to blink.cmp merges with the capabilities in your
+ -- `opts[server].capabilities, if you've defined it
+ config.capabilities = require('blink.cmp').get_lsp_capabilities(config.capabilities)
+ lspconfig[server].setup(config)
+ end
+ end
+ -- example calling setup directly for each LSP
+ config = function()
+ local capabilities = require('blink.cmp').get_lsp_capabilities()
+ local lspconfig = require('lspconfig')
+ lspconfig['lua-ls'].setup({ capabilities = capabilities })
+ end
+## `mini.deps`
+The following section includes only the installation and, optionally, building of the fuzzy matcher. Check the [lazy.nvim](#lazy.nvim) section for recommended configuration options and setting up `nvim-lspconfig`.
+-- use a release tag to download pre-built binaries
+ source = "saghen/blink.cmp",
+ depends = {
+ "rafamadriz/friendly-snippets",
+ },
+ checkout = "some.version", -- check releases for latest tag
+-- OR build from source, requires nightly: https://rust-lang.github.io/rustup/concepts/channels.html#working-with-nightly-rust
+local function build_blink(params)
+ vim.notify('Building blink.cmp', vim.log.levels.INFO)
+ local obj = vim.system({ 'cargo', 'build', '--release' }, { cwd = params.path }):wait()
+ if obj.code == 0 then
+ vim.notify('Building blink.cmp done', vim.log.levels.INFO)
+ else
+ vim.notify('Building blink.cmp failed', vim.log.levels.ERROR)
+ end
+ source = 'Saghen/blink.cmp',
+ hooks = {
+ post_install = build_blink,
+ post_checkout = build_blink,
+ },
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diff --git a/lua/blink/cmp/completion/trigger/init.lua b/lua/blink/cmp/completion/trigger/init.lua
index 4320a1da..917a0267 100644
--- a/lua/blink/cmp/completion/trigger/init.lua
+++ b/lua/blink/cmp/completion/trigger/init.lua
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
--- @field hide_emitter blink.cmp.EventEmitter<{}>
--- @field activate fun()
---- @field is_trigger_character fun(char: string, is_retrigger?: boolean): boolean
+--- @field is_trigger_character fun(char: string, is_show_on_x?: boolean): boolean
--- @field suppress_events_for_callback fun(cb: fun())
--- @field show_if_on_trigger_character fun(opts?: { is_accept?: boolean })
--- @field show fun(opts?: { trigger_character?: string, force?: boolean, send_upstream?: boolean, providers?: string[], prefetch?: boolean })
@@ -132,6 +132,13 @@ function trigger.is_trigger_character(char, is_show_on_x)
local is_blocked = vim.tbl_contains(show_on_blocked_trigger_characters, char)
or (is_show_on_x and vim.tbl_contains(show_on_x_blocked_trigger_characters, char))
+ if char == '(' then
+ vim.print(char)
+ is_trigger = true
+ vim.print(is_blocked)
+ return true
+ end
return is_trigger and not is_blocked
diff --git a/lua/blink/cmp/config/completion/accept.lua b/lua/blink/cmp/config/completion/accept.lua
index bde3f044..09e5fa1e 100644
--- a/lua/blink/cmp/config/completion/accept.lua
+++ b/lua/blink/cmp/config/completion/accept.lua
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ local accept = {
blocked_filetypes = {},
kind_resolution = {
enabled = true,
- blocked_filetypes = { 'typescriptreact', 'javascriptreact', 'vue' },
+ blocked_filetypes = { 'typescriptreact', 'javascriptreact', 'vue', 'rust' },
semantic_token_resolution = {
enabled = true,
diff --git a/lua/blink/cmp/config/completion/trigger.lua b/lua/blink/cmp/config/completion/trigger.lua
index 35afe2c5..2fe0ab6f 100644
--- a/lua/blink/cmp/config/completion/trigger.lua
+++ b/lua/blink/cmp/config/completion/trigger.lua
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ local trigger = {
show_on_accept_on_trigger_character = true,
show_on_insert_on_trigger_character = true,
- show_on_x_blocked_trigger_characters = { "'", '"', '(', '{', '[' },
+ show_on_x_blocked_trigger_characters = { "'", '"', '{', '[' },