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341 lines (222 loc) · 11.3 KB

A RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) proxy.

(A RDP client in projects/ClientQtGraphicAPI, a RDP web client in projects/jsclient)

Support of:

  • RDP client to RDP server and
  • RDP client to VNC server
  1. Dependencies
    1. FFmpeg:
      1. Ubuntu / Debian
      2. Other distros
      3. Note
  2. Compilation
    1. Special runtime variables (shell variable)
    2. Setting build variables
    3. Modes and options
  3. Run ReDemPtion
  4. Convert .mwrm/.wrm capture to video
  5. Generate target and lib/obj dependencies
  6. Compile proxy_recorder
  7. Packaging
  8. Tag and Version
  9. Test files
  10. FAQ
    1. Q - Why do you use bjam for ReDemPtion instead of make, cmake, scons, etc ?
    2. Q - How to add configuration variables in rdpproxy.ini ?


To compile ReDemPtion you need the following packages:

  • libboost-tools-dev (contains bjam: software build tool) (
  • libboost-test-dev (unit-test dependency)
  • zlib1g-dev
  • libssl-dev
  • libkrb5-dev
  • libgssglue-dev (unnecessary since Ubuntu 17.10 and Debian 10)
  • libsnappy-dev
  • libpng-dev (libpng12-dev (< Debian 10))
  • libbz2-dev
  • libffmpeg-dev (see below)
  • g++ >= 8.0 or clang++ >= 5.0 or other C++17 compiler
apt install libboost-tools-dev libboost-test-dev libssl-dev libkrb5-dev libsnappy-dev libpng-dev

Submodule ($ git submodule update --init):


Ubuntu / Debian

  • libavcodec-dev
  • libavformat-dev
  • libavutil-dev
  • libswscale-dev
  • libx264-dev
apt install libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libswscale-dev libx264-dev

Other distros

And set the build variables (optionally)

  • FFMPEG_INC_PATH=/my/ffmpeg/include/path
  • FFMPEG_LIB_PATH=/my/ffmpeg/library/path (/!\ without / terminal)
  • FFMPEG_LINK_MODE=shared (static or shared, shared by default)


Disable ffmpeg with NO_FFMPEG=1.


(Instruction for Debian 9)

Well, that's pretty easy once you installed the required dependencies.

Just run (as user):

$ bjam or bjam toolset=your-compiler (ex: bjam toolset=gcc) (see and tools/bjam/user-config.jam)

Verbose tests:

$ bjam tests

  • REDEMPTION_LOG_PRINT=e for error and debug only
  • REDEMPTION_LOG_PRINT=d for debug only
  • REDEMPTION_LOG_PRINT=w for other than info

Note: bjam tests.norec, bjam tests/front.norec execute files directly in tests directory, but not recursively.

Compile executables without tests (as user):

$ bjam exe libs

and install (as administrator):

# bjam install

Binaries are located by default in /usr/local/bin. For a user install, see setting build variables.

Use bjam --help for more information.

Special runtime variables (shell variable)

  • REDEMPTION_FILTER_ERROR: Only with BOOST_STACKTRACE=1. no backtrace for specific error (see src/core/error.hpp). example: export REDEMPTION_FILTER_ERROR=ERR_TRANSPORT_NO_MORE_DATA,ERR_SEC.

Setting build variables

List with sed -E 's/.*\[ setvar ([^ ]+).*\] ;/\1/;t;d' jam/defines.jam

bjam -s FFMPEG_INC_PATH=$HOME/ffmpeg/includes ...

Or with a shell variable

export FFMPEG_INC_PATH=$HOME/ffmpeg/includes
bjam ....

List default values with sed -E 's/^([A-Z_]+)_DEFAULT [^=]+= (.*) ;/\1 = \2/;t;d' jam/defines.jam

Modes and options

$ bjam [variant=]{release|debug|san} [-s cxx_option=value] [target...]

  • release: default

  • debug: debug mode

  • san: debug + enable sanitizers: asan, lsan, usan

  • -s cxx_color: default auto never always

  • -s cxx_lto: off on fat linker-plugin

  • -s cxx_relro: default off on full

  • -s cxx_stack_protector: off on strong all

  • ...

(cxx_* options list with sed -E 's/^constant jln_[^[]+\[ jln-get-env ([^ ]+) : ([^]]+) \].*/\1 = \2/;t;d' jam/cxxflags.jam)

Run ReDemPtion

To test it, executes:

$ python tools/passthrough/

# /usr/local/bin/rdpproxy -nf

Now, at that point you'll just have two servers waiting for connections not much fun. You still have to run some RDP client to connect to proxy. Choose whichever you like xfreerdp, rdesktop, remmina, tsclient on Linux or of course mstsc.exe if you are on windows. All are supposed to work. If some problem occurs just report it to us so that we can correct it.

Example with freerdp when the proxy runs on the same host as the client:

$ xfreerdp /v:

$ xfreerdp /v: /u:username@target_ip /p:password

A dialog box should open in which you can type a username and a password. With default at least internal services should work. Try login: internal, password: internal and bouncer2 or card as device. If you want to provide such extensions to current, please contribute it, it will be much appreciated.

$ xfreerdp /u:internal@internal /p:internal

Convert .mwrm/.wrm capture to video

.mwrm and .wrm are native capture formats in capture_flags=2 in rdpproxy.ini.

redrec -f --video-codec mp4 -i file.mwrm -o output_prefix

Note: rdpproxy --print-default-ini show a default ini file.

Generate target and lib/obj dependencies

When create a new test or when a target fail with link error:

bjam targets.jam for updated targets.jam and projects/ClientQtGraphicAPI/redemption_deps.jam files.

Or run ./tools/bjam/ > targets.jam

Specific deps (libs, header, cpp, etc) in ./tools/bjam/

Compile proxy_recorder

Proxy recorder is a tools used to record dialog between a client and an RDP server without any modification of the data by redemption. This allows to record reference traffic for replaying it later. It is useful for having available new parts or the RDP protocol in a reproducible way and replaying traffic when implementing the new orders. This tools is not (yet) packaged with redemption and delivered as stand-alone.

It can be compiled using static c++ libraries (usefull to use the runtime on systems where reference compiler is older) using the command line below. Links with openssl and kerberos are still dynamic and using shared libraries.

bjam -a -d2 toolset=gcc-7 proxy_recorder linkflags=-static-libstdc++

Exemple call line for proxy_recorder:

proxy_recorder --target-host -p 3389 -P 8000 --nla-username myusername --nla-password mypassword -t dump-%d.out


./tools/ --build-package
  • --force-target target: target is a file in packaging/targets
  • --force-build

Tag and Version

./tools/ --update-version 1.2.7 --git-tag --git-push-tag --git-push
  • --add-changelog: if you want to add some specific changelogs

Test files


Based on Boost.Test with a RED_ prefix rather than BOOST_.

Redemption extra macro (tests/includes/test_only/test_framework/):

  • RED_TEST(a == b), RED_REQUIRE. (old macros: RED_CHECK_EQ(a,b), RED_REQUIRE_EQ(a,b), *_{LT,GT,LE,GE,NE,EQUAL})
  • RED_FILE_CONTENTS(filename, contents) require #include "test_only/get_file_contents.hpp"
  • RED_TEST_DELEGATE_PRINT(type, expr): ex RED_TEST_DELEGATE_PRINT(myvalue, x.get())
  • RED_CHECK_EQ_RANGES(rng1, rng2)
  • RED_TEST_FUNC(function)((args...) @ xxx): RED_TEST_FUNC(strlen)(("test") == 4)
  • RED_TEST_FUNC_CTX(function): auto fstrlen = RED_TEST_FUNC_CTX(function); RED_TEST(fstrlen("test") == 4)
  • RED_TEST_INVOKER(function): auto foo = RED_TEST_INVOKER(my_local_lambda_or_func) RED_TEST(foo("test") == 4)
  • RED_BIND_DATA_TEST_CASE(name, dataset, varnames...)
RED_BIND_DATA_TEST_CASE(TestRdpLogonInfo, (std::array{
    std::tuple{3, "3"},
    std::tuple{5, "5"}
}), number, string)
    RED_TEST(std::to_string(number) == string);

Special values:

RED_TEST(x == y +- 1_v); // x between y-1 to y+1
RED_TEST(x == y +- 3_percent); // x between y-y*3/100 to y+y*3/100
RED_TEST(x < y +- 1_v);

using namespace std::literals::string_view_literals;

// RED_TEST(render(range) == range) or RED_TEST(range == render(range))

RED_TEST(ut::ascii("aéc\xff"sv) == "abcd"sv); // no ascii character to hexadecimal ("a\xc3\xa9""c\xff")
RED_TEST(ut::utf8("aéc\xff"sv) == "abcd"sv); // no utf8 character to hexadecimal ("aéc\xff")
RED_TEST(ut::hex("aéc\xff"sv) == "abcd"sv); // all hexadecimal ("\x61\xc3\xa9\x63\xff")
RED_TEST(ut::dump("aéc\xff"sv) == "abcd"sv); // hexdump format

Special class:

  • WorkingDiretory: tests/includes/test_only/working_directory.hpp
  • WorkingFile: tests/includes/test_only/working_directory.hpp
  // wd is a WorkingDiretory
  auto filename1 = wd.add_file("file1");
  auto filename2 = wd.add_file("file2");
  // RED_CHECK_WORKSPACE(wd); check if WorkingDiretory contains only file1 and file2 (implicit with RED_AUTO_TEST_CASE_WD)



Q - Why do you use bjam for ReDemPtion instead of make, cmake, scons, etc ?

It is simple, more that could be thought at first sight, and bjam has the major feature over make to keep source directories clean, all build related informations for all architecture are kept together in bin directory.

The main drawback of bjam is the smaller user base.

But keeping in mind the complexity of make (or worse autotools + make), bjam is a great help. We also used to have an alternative cmake build system, but it was more complex than bjam and not maintained, so was removed.

Q - How to add configuration variables in rdpproxy.ini ?

Just edit config_spec.hpp (projects/redemption_configs/configs_specs/configs/specs/config_spec.hpp).

The necessary changes should be simple using the surrounding code as exemple.

Then enter directory projects/redemption_configs and type bjam the needed files will be generated.