Home > How to Contribute
Before stepping-in, please ensure you have read and understood the Underline Principles of this curriculum
What to contribute:
- Content reviews and improvements (technical)
- Content reviews and improvements (English, presentation)
- Add/propose missing/latest content
- Develop more assignments for students
- Add further descriptions to Modules, Topics, and Lessons
- Add self study material in to Lessons
Below is the community practice for you to follow in contributing to develop this curriculum via GitHub web UI.
Create a GitHub account if you don't have one already: https://github.com/
Fork the below repository into your GiHub account. https://github.com/SLASSCOM/{{repo name}}
On the forked repository, goto the file you wish to edit, and click on the edit button.
After editing a file, you should commit the changes (this is similar to saving).
Edit all the files you need. Once the editing session is done you should submit your changes to the SLASSCOM repository. This is called creating a 'Pull Request'. Go to the root of your local repository and click the button as shown below to submit a pull request.
You may similarly perform other file operations such as create new files, delete files, upload files, etc.
Below is the community practice for you to follow in contributing to develop this curriculum via cloning the files to your local machine.
Create a GitHub account if you don't have one already: https://github.com/
Fork the below repository into your GiHub account. https://github.com/SLASSCOM/slasscom-core-skills-curriculum
Install Git and clone the repository to your local machine
git clone https://github.com/<your_username></your_username>/slasscom-core-skills-curriculum
Add 'upstream' repo to your local cloned git repository so that you are able to obtain the latest directly from the 'upstream'.
git remote add upstream https://github.com/SLASSCOM/slasscom-core-skills-curriculum.git
Do edits to .md files by cloning your fork to the local machine using an IDE.
Always take a pull from 'upstream' before sending a pull request with following command. This will help reduce merge conflicts and increase the chance of your pull requests getting accepted.
git pull upstream master
Submit a pull request to the upstream repo via GitHub web UI of your fork.
A moderator will attend to your pull request and accept, reject or request for changes.