- Acorn
- Action Shortcuts
- Adium
- Acrobat Distiller
- Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
- Adobe Acrobat
- Adobe Illustrator 2022
- Adobe InDesign 2022
- Adobe Lightroom
- Adobe Photoshop 2022
- Adobe Premiere Pro 2022
- Aether
- Agenda
- Airmail
- Alfred 5
- Amphetamine
- Anybar
- Anybox
- Apple Configurator
- AppleScript Utility
- Aquamacs
- Arcadiate
- Arc
- aText
- Atom
- AudioFinder
- Audirvana Studio
- Automator
- Avogadro
- Balthisar Tidy
- Bartender 4
- BBEdit
- Better Window Manager
- BetterZip
- BibDesk
- Bike
- Black Ink 2
- BlueGriffon
- Bookends
- BookMarkable
- Brave Browser
- Broadcasts
- Bugz
- Bunch
- Business Card Shop
- BusyCal
- BusyContacts
- Caffeinator
- Caffeine
- Calendar
- CandyBar
- Carbo
- Carbon Copy Cloner
- Cartographica
- Cardhop
- Cashculator
- Chipmunk Basic
- Chromium
- Clozure CL
- Cocktail
- Coda 2
- CodeKit
- Cog
- Colloquy
- Comic Strip Factory
- CommandPost
- Console
- Contacts
- CoolTerm
- CopyPaste (Pro)
- Core Shell
- Core Tunnel
- CotEditor
- CryptoEdit
- Cuprum
- Curio
- Curiota
- Cyndicate
- Dash
- Daylight
- DeepLists
- Desktop Goose
- DEVONThink 3
- Dialectic
- Diary++X
- Display Menu
- DNoteIt
- Drafts
- Drill
- DropCopy
- DropDMG
- DropSync 3
- DwellClick
- Fake43cf2e3408afd17c6358ba38b1dd75cf
- Fantastical
- Fastmate
- Feeder
- Fetch
- Filemaker Pro
- Finder
- Firefox
- Firework
- Flashcard Hero
- FlexTime
- Flic
- Flow
- FoldingText
- Folx
- Font Book
- Forecast Bar
- ForkLift
- FoxTrot Personal Search
- FreelanceStation
- Gapplin
- GarageBand
- GarageSale
- Garmin BaseCamp
- Garmin MapInstall
- GitX
- Glyphs 3
- Google Chrome
- Google Earth Pro
- Go Writer Lite
- GPG Keychain
- iA Writer
- iBarcoder
- iCab
- iCanHazShortcut
- iClip
- Idasen Desk Controller
- iDefrag
- iMovie
- iNMR
- Intaglio
- IPNetMonitorX
- Iridium
- Iris
- iTerm
- iText Express
- iThoughtsX
- iVocabulary
- Keep It
- Keyboard Maestro
- Keynote
- kSpectra
- Labeller
- Labels and Databases
- LaunchBar
- Leap
- Leech
- Librarian Pro
- LibreWolf
- LIFXstyle
- LilyPond
- LinCastorBrowser
- Lingon X
- Location Helper
- Lyn
- LyX
- Mac CD/DVD Label Maker
- MacDown
- MaciASL
- MacGesture
- MacJournal
- MacSpice
- MacVector
- MacVim
- Mailplane
- Markster
- Manuscripts
- MarginNote 3
- Marked 2
- MarsEdit
- Max
- Me Focused
- Menubar Countdown
- Merlin Project
- Messages
- Microsoft Edge
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Outlook
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Microsoft Update Assistant
- Microsoft Word
- MiJournal
- MiniTodo
- MindManager
- MindNode
- MindView
- MiniUsage
- MoneyMoney
- Moom
- MostRecent
- MPlayerX
- MultiMarkdown Composer
- Music
- NeoFinder
- NetNewsWire
- NewsLife
- Nimble Commander
- Nisus Writer
- Nitro PDF Pro
- Notebooks
- Notenik
- Noteplan 3
- Notes
- Nova
- Nuggit Editor
- Numbers
- nvALT
- OCRKit
- OmniDiskSweeper
- OmniFocus
- OmniGraffle
- OmniOutliner
- OmniPlan
- OmniWeb
- OneDrive
- Opal
- OpenSCAD
- Opera
- Opus Domini
- Orion
- Pages
- Panorama
- Paper
- Paperless
- Parallels Desktop
- Path Finder
- PDF Editor Star
- PDF Nomad
- Perfect Diet Tracker
- pgAdmin
- Phone Amego
- Photos
- PhotosBlender
- PhotosCollage
- Pixelmator Pro
- PlistEdit Pro
- PopClip
- Postbox
- Power Manager
- PowerPhotos
- Preview
- Pro Fit 7
- Progressive Downloader
- Puffin Secure Browser
- QLab
- QMidi
- QR Journal3f32a43cf2e3408afd17c6358ba38b1dd75cf
- Quickbooks
- Quickly
- Quicksilver
- QuickTime
- QuickWho
- R
- Radiologik DJ
- Radium
- Receipts
- Reminders
- Remote Buddy
- Resolutionator
- Rest
- Retrobatch
- Reveal
- Ringer
- RocketFuel
- RStudio
- RUMlogNG
- Safari
- SatimageOSAX
- Scorpion BarCode
- Script Editor
- Scroll Reverser
- SeaMonkey
- Sequel Ace
- Sequel Pro
- Shapes
- Shimo
- Shortcuts
- Shukofukurou
- Sidekick
- SideNotes
- SignalScope Pro
- SignalSuite
- Simple Comic
- Simulator
- SiteSucker Pro
- Sketch
- Sketchy Draw
- Skim
- Sleipnir4
- Smultron
- Sonarr
- Sound Control
- SpamSieve
- Spark (Email)
- Spark (Hotkey Automation)
- Spillo
- Spotify
- StatPlus
- Stay
- StoryMill
- StuffIt Expander
- SubEthaEdit
- Subler
- SuperDuper!
- Super Mjograph
- Swinsian
- Synalysis It!
- System Information
- System Preferences
- Tables
- Tags
- Taio
- Tap Forms 5
- TaskPaper
- TeaCode
- Tembo
- Terminal
- Tessa
- Texifier
- TeXShop
- TextBar
- TextEdit
- TextExpander
- TextMate
- TextSer
- TextSoap
- Textual
- The Hit List
- The Unarchiver
- Things 3
- Thunderbird
- Thyme
- TickTick
- Tim
- Timeline 3D
- Timelime
- Timer
- Timer RH
- Timing
- Tinderbox
- TinyAlarm
- TinyCal
- Toast 20 Titanium
- Tomato One
- Tomito
- Tor Browser
- Tot
- Tracktiq
- Transmission
- Transmit 5
- Transnomino
- TripMode
- Tunnelblick
- TV
- Tyme
- Typeface
- Typinator
- Typora
- XChat Azure
- Xcode