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Farrah Dawn Friedrich edited this page Oct 18, 2019 · 2 revisions

Project Name


Project Team

  • Team Leader(s): Thaddaeus Dahlberg
  • GitHub Scribe(s): Farrah Friedrich
  • List of all Contributors: Jason Lantz, Kathy Lueckeman, Steph Sisson

Project Audience

Salesforce Administrators, Salesforce Developers

Project Vision (Your first task as a team)

Our vision for this project is to make it easier for higher ed institutions to try out the EDA/EASY/Interactions Salesforce products. The current process to install, configure and data load data takes a significant amount of manual work. This will automate the entire process in a scratch org, allowing for faster review and testing of existing functionality.

We will create a package using CumulusCI to spin up a scratch org that will:

  1. Contain EDA
  2. Contain EASY with Interactions
  3. Contain pre-loaded configuration and test data

Project Roadmap

  1. Setup CumulusCI
  2. Create YML file to install EDA, EASY with Interactions, and data set.


To work on this project in a scratch org:

  1. Set up CumulusCI
  2. Run cci flow run dev_org --org dev to deploy this project.
  3. Run cci org browser dev to open the org in your browser.

Current Status

The CumulusCI project YML creation is in progress. We've installed EDA, EASY with Interactions, and we are working on the data load piece. Due to the quantity of data needed, we have to reduce batch sizes very small to get the load to complete.

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