High-resolution heating and cooling profiles based on a lumped-parameters thermodynamic building stock model
HeCo is a bottom-up model for the generation of high-resolution (1h, NUTS2) heating and cooling profiles, based on a lumped-parameters thermodynamic model of a given country-wide building stock. The reference building stock is the Italian one, but the model is adaptable to any context.
The source-code is currently released as v.0.1-beta. This should be regarded as a pre-release: it is not yeat accompained by a detailed documentation, but the Python code is fully commented in each line to allow a complete understanding of it. Further details about the conceptual and mathematical model formulation are provided here: https://doi.org/10.18280/ti-ijes.632-434. In addition, an extended journal publication is in progress and will provide further details about the mathematical formulation.
The repository also hosts all the input files used to generate the profiles appearing in the abovementioned study, which may be also used as a reference example.
The model is developed in Python 3.6, and requires the following libraries:
- numpy
- matplotlib
- math
- random
The model has been conceptually developed by:
Francesco Lombardi, Matteo Vincenzo Rocco, Simone Locatelli, Chiara Magni, Emanuela Colombo
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Lorenzo Belussi, Ludovico Danza
Construction Technologies Institute - National Research Council of Italy (ITC-CNR), Italy
Correspondence should be sent to: [email protected], which is responsible for the latest release of the code.
Please cite the following publication if you use HeCo in your research: F. Lombardi, M.V. Rocco, S. Locatelli, C. Magni, E. Colombo, L. Belussi, L. Danza, Bottom-up Lumped-parameters Thermodynamic Modelling of the Italian Residential Building Stock: Assessment of High-resolution Heat Demand Profiles, Tecnica Italiana-Italian Journal of Engineering Science, 2019, https://doi.org/10.18280/ti-ijes.632-434.
This project is open-source. Interested users are therefore invited to test, comment or contribute to the tool. Submitting issues is the best way to get in touch with the development team, which will address your comment, question, or development request in the best possible way. We are also looking for contributors to the main code, willing to contibute to its capabilities, computational-efficiency, formulation, etc.
Copyright 2020 HeCo, contributors listed in Authors
Licensed under the European Union Public Licence (EUPL), Version 1.2-or-later; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License