diff --git a/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/html/SORTISmodel.png b/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/html/SORTISmodel.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3454a31d
Binary files /dev/null and b/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/html/SORTISmodel.png differ
diff --git a/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/index.html b/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/index.html
index 761345193..f87dc6d0f 100644
--- a/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/index.html
+++ b/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/index.html
@@ -4286,15 +4286,6 @@
Separate information on usage of a concept from the definition to a
Separate code list from the model to make their lifecycle management independent
Added the codelists to section [[[#controlled-vocs]]].
-The property rrmv:hasType is not discriminating between the constraints of the domains Action Result, Role, Agent.
-That makes it equivalent to the generic property dct:type.
-Proposal 1. replace rrmv:hasType with dct:type
-Proposal 2: replace rrmv:hasType with 3 subproperties of dct:type.
-As long no additional constraints like additional usage constraints, such as in case X, then Y must be provided or cardinality constraints with a qualified usage for a specific codelist, proposal 1 is fine. However for implementers of an editorial interface Proposal 2 may be more stable and attractive.
It is recommended to manage the URIs for the codelists in a separate namespace.
@@ -4329,10 +4320,9 @@
Reduce the number of connectors and associated classes by using att
- rrmv:hasTitle becomes dct:title
- replace range xsd:string with a language aware string literal as range.
+ - replace rrmv:hasTemporalEntity with rrmv:hasUnit
+ - the property rrmv:hasTemporalEntity and class TemporalEntity are replaced with rrmv:hasUnit refering to a to be determined codelist
@@ -4353,8 +4343,50 @@ Consider “Request” as a separate entity from eli:LegalExpressio
Introduction of the ExecutionRequest, ExecutionAction and ExecutionActionResult
-This is applied in a seperate next version to avoid interference with other changes.
+This is applied in a separate next version to avoid interference with other changes.
+New Change Requests
+Temporal information
+In the model a Request has a frequency and an Action happens at a time.
+The sentence "6 months after the directive enters into force, the MS must provide a report containing ... every two years."
+In this sentence the frequency is "every two years", while "6 months after the directive enters into force" is the start date.
+The question resides why this information is associated with the Action and the frequency is associated with the more conceptual entity Request.
+Temporal information:Frequency
+The EU Vocabularies contains a codelist for frequencies.
+It should be considered if this codelist is not better suited to address the usecase of the class Frequency.
+The process of dectecting the RRMV concepts in legislation is a two step process.
+The first is textual analysis in which the relevant text in the legistation is identified and associated with the RRMV concepts.
+Based on this textual representation each RRMV concept is then turned into a machine readible representation.
+In the current RRMV this first phase is not universally applied. It seems as if an Agent could be determined as machine readible
+information without this text analysis.
+Proposal to create a metaclass: rrmv:TextualAnalysis which intention is to capture all information to enable text to structured information transformation.
+Introducing this supporting class will make the model more readible, condense and it makes abstraction of the indiviual transformation case.
+E.g. The same input information is available for Actions as for Frequencies or Agents.
+Additionally the current approach applies a copying approach. Namely the identified highlighted text is stored in an annotation.
+There exists an approach to have the hightlighted annotations not stored in an extracted way but as a reference in the text: NIF.
+use of dct:type instead of own minted properties
+The property rrmv:hasType is not discriminating between the constraints of the domains Action Result, Role, Agent.
+That makes it equivalent to the generic property dct:type.
+Proposal 1. replace rrmv:hasType with dct:type
+Proposal 2: replace rrmv:hasType with 3 subproperties of dct:type.
+As long no additional constraints like additional usage constraints, such as in case X, then Y must be provided or cardinality constraints with a qualified usage for a specific codelist, proposal 1 is fine. However for implementers of an editorial interface Proposal 2 may be more stable and attractive.
diff --git a/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/index_en.html b/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/index_en.html
index 761345193..f87dc6d0f 100644
--- a/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/index_en.html
+++ b/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/index_en.html
@@ -4286,15 +4286,6 @@ Separate information on usage of a concept from the definition to a
Separate code list from the model to make their lifecycle management independent
Added the codelists to section [[[#controlled-vocs]]].
-The property rrmv:hasType is not discriminating between the constraints of the domains Action Result, Role, Agent.
-That makes it equivalent to the generic property dct:type.
-Proposal 1. replace rrmv:hasType with dct:type
-Proposal 2: replace rrmv:hasType with 3 subproperties of dct:type.
-As long no additional constraints like additional usage constraints, such as in case X, then Y must be provided or cardinality constraints with a qualified usage for a specific codelist, proposal 1 is fine. However for implementers of an editorial interface Proposal 2 may be more stable and attractive.
It is recommended to manage the URIs for the codelists in a separate namespace.
@@ -4329,10 +4320,9 @@
Reduce the number of connectors and associated classes by using att
- rrmv:hasTitle becomes dct:title
- replace range xsd:string with a language aware string literal as range.
+ - replace rrmv:hasTemporalEntity with rrmv:hasUnit
+ - the property rrmv:hasTemporalEntity and class TemporalEntity are replaced with rrmv:hasUnit refering to a to be determined codelist
@@ -4353,8 +4343,50 @@ Consider “Request” as a separate entity from eli:LegalExpressio
Introduction of the ExecutionRequest, ExecutionAction and ExecutionActionResult
-This is applied in a seperate next version to avoid interference with other changes.
+This is applied in a separate next version to avoid interference with other changes.
+New Change Requests
+Temporal information
+In the model a Request has a frequency and an Action happens at a time.
+The sentence "6 months after the directive enters into force, the MS must provide a report containing ... every two years."
+In this sentence the frequency is "every two years", while "6 months after the directive enters into force" is the start date.
+The question resides why this information is associated with the Action and the frequency is associated with the more conceptual entity Request.
+Temporal information:Frequency
+The EU Vocabularies contains a codelist for frequencies.
+It should be considered if this codelist is not better suited to address the usecase of the class Frequency.
+The process of dectecting the RRMV concepts in legislation is a two step process.
+The first is textual analysis in which the relevant text in the legistation is identified and associated with the RRMV concepts.
+Based on this textual representation each RRMV concept is then turned into a machine readible representation.
+In the current RRMV this first phase is not universally applied. It seems as if an Agent could be determined as machine readible
+information without this text analysis.
+Proposal to create a metaclass: rrmv:TextualAnalysis which intention is to capture all information to enable text to structured information transformation.
+Introducing this supporting class will make the model more readible, condense and it makes abstraction of the indiviual transformation case.
+E.g. The same input information is available for Actions as for Frequencies or Agents.
+Additionally the current approach applies a copying approach. Namely the identified highlighted text is stored in an annotation.
+There exists an approach to have the hightlighted annotations not stored in an extracted way but as a reference in the text: NIF.
+use of dct:type instead of own minted properties
+The property rrmv:hasType is not discriminating between the constraints of the domains Action Result, Role, Agent.
+That makes it equivalent to the generic property dct:type.
+Proposal 1. replace rrmv:hasType with dct:type
+Proposal 2: replace rrmv:hasType with 3 subproperties of dct:type.
+As long no additional constraints like additional usage constraints, such as in case X, then Y must be provided or cardinality constraints with a qualified usage for a specific codelist, proposal 1 is fine. However for implementers of an editorial interface Proposal 2 may be more stable and attractive.
diff --git a/report/ALL.report b/report/ALL.report
index 3c4ea266f..5dcd1b25c 100644
--- a/report/ALL.report
+++ b/report/ALL.report
@@ -3,157 +3,157 @@ Load mapping config:config/config-ap.json
WARNING:You shouldn't use 'user' reserved word as column name in the table t_datatypes (it refers to the database user).
Escape it in your SQL!
-08:47:46 ERROR c.g.i.o.e.i.MemoryRepositoryBuilder - load another package Sortis with id 18 and objectid 18
-08:47:46 ERROR c.g.i.o.e.i.MemoryRepositoryBuilder - This package will be ignored
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "DCAT Application Profile".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "Sortis".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.XSD".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.time".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.rdf".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Multiple occurrences of tag "uri" where only one was expected for "Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following packages map to the same URI (http://fixme.com#): Sortis.RRMV.rdf, DCAT Application Profile, Sortis.RRMV.time, Sortis, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model, Sortis.RRMV.XSD
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following packages map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.rdfs, Sortis.RRMV.rdfs
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following packages map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#): Sortis.RRMV.skos, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following packages map to the same URI (http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology#): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.eli, Sortis.RRMV.eli
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following packages map to the same URI (http://data.europa.eu/2qy/rrmv#): Sortis.RRMV.rrmv, Sortis.RRMV
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#Dataset): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:DatasetInSeries
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:TemporalLiteral, Sortis.RRMV.rdfs:rdfs:Literal, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.rdfs:rdfs:Literal
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#ConceptScheme): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:ConceptScheme, Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:ConceptScheme
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Resource): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.rdfs:rdfs:Resource, Sortis.RRMV.rdfs:rdfs:Resource
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2006/time#Instant): Sortis.RRMV:TimeInstant, Sortis.RRMV.time:Instant
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/MediaType): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:dct:MediaType, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:dct:mediaType
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://data.europa.eu/2qy/rrmv#Frequency): Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Frequency, Sortis.RRMV:Frequency
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept): Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:Concept
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/accrualPeriodicity): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:accrualPeriodicity, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:DatasetInSeries:dct:accrualPeriodicity, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dct:accrualPeriodicity
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/type): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:dct:LicenseDocument:dct:type, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:type
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/ns/adms#status): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:adms:status, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:adms:status
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/page): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:foaf:page, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:foaf:page
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/conformsTo): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:conformsTo, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:conformsTo, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:conformsTo
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/title): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:DatasetInSeries:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:ConceptScheme:dct:title, Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:ConceptScheme:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:title, Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DataService:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:title
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/rights): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:rights, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:rights
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/issued): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:issued, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:issued, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dct:issued, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:issued, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:issued
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/modified): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:modified, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dct:modified, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:modified, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:modified, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:modified
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/accessRights): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DataService:dct:accessRights, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:accessRights
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/format): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DataService:dct:format, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:format
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://data.europa.eu/2qy/rrmv#hasAnnotation): Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:hasAnnotation, Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:rrmv:hasAnnotation
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/relation): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Relationship:dct:relation, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:relation
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/description): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:DatasetInSeries:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DataService:dct:description
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/language): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:language, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:language, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:language, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:language
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#prefLabel): Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept:skos:prefLabel, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:Concept:skos:prefLabel
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#temporalResolution): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dcat:temporalResolution, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dcat:temporalResolution
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2006/time#hasBeginning): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:dct:PeriodOfTime:time:hasBeginning, Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime:starttime
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://data.europa.eu/s1n/numSeries): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.rdfs:rdfs:Resource:numSeries, Sortis.RRMV.rdfs:rdfs:Resource:numSeries
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#contactPoint): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dcat:contactPoint, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dcat:contactPoint
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#spatialResolutionInMeters): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dcat:spatialResolutionInMeters, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dcat:spatialResolutionInMeters
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2006/time#hasEnd): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:dct:PeriodOfTime:time:hasEnd, Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime:endtime
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "issued" tag for "Sortis.RRMV".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "license" tag for "Sortis.RRMV".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "issued" tag for "Sortis.RRMV".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "license" tag for "Sortis.RRMV".
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Request" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Action" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "ResultType" .
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Expression" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "ActionResult" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Work" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Manifestation" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Frequency" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Status" .
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Multiple occurrences of tag "uri" where only one was expected for "Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Multiple occurrences of tag "uri" where only one was expected for "Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime".
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "PeriodOfTime" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "TemporalFunction" .
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "AgentRole" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Agent" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Person" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Organization" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "AgentType" .
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Role" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "RoleType" .
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "xsd:anyURI" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "xsd:boolean" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "xsd:string" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "skos:Concept" .
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Instant" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "rdfs:Literal" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "LangString" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Request)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Request)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:eli:relatedTo" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> ActionResult)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> ActionResult)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:rrmv:hasResult" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:(ActionResult -> Expression)" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:rrmv:hasDocument" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Role:(Role -> RoleType)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Role:(Role -> RoleType)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Role:rrmv:hasType" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> PeriodOfTime)" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:rrmv:atTime" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Expression)" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.Converter - Package for connector Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:dct:isPartOf is unknown
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:(ActionResult -> ResultType)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:(ActionResult -> ResultType)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:rrmv:hasType" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime:(PeriodOfTime -> TemporalFunction)" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime:rrmv:hasFunction" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:(AgentRole -> PeriodOfTime)" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:rrmv:atTime" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Request)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Request)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:eli:changes" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Work)" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Work)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Work:eli:isRealizedBy" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:eli:realizes" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Manifestation:(Manifestation -> Expression)" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Manifestation:(Manifestation -> Expression)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:eli:embodies" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Manifestation:eli:isEmbodiedBy" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Action)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Action)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:eli:relatedTo" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> AgentRole)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> AgentRole)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:rrmv:hasAgentRole" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:(AgentRole -> Role)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:(AgentRole -> Role)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:rrmv:withRole" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Action)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Action)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:rrmv:produces" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Expression)" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Expression)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:eli:isPartOf" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Action)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Action)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:rrmv:hasNext" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Frequency)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Frequency)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:rrmv:hasFrequency" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Status)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Status)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:rrmv:hasStatus" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Expression)" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Expression)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:eli:cites" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:(AgentRole -> Agent)" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:rrmv:forAgent" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Agent:(Agent -> AgentType)" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Agent:rrmv:hasType" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.Converter - Ambiguous data type "skos:Concept" for attribute "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:rrmv:hasTopic": DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:Concept, Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.Converter - Ambiguous data type "skos:Concept" for attribute "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Frequency:rrmv:hasUnit": DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:Concept, Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Frequency:rrmv:hasUnit".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Frequency:rrmv:hasUnit".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Frequency:rrmv:hasUnit".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.Converter - Element rrmv:isIncomplete has same prefix as package: simplify by removing the extra tag uri
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.Converter - Ambiguous data type "rdfs:Literal" for attribute "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept:skos:prefLabel": DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.rdfs:rdfs:Literal, Sortis.RRMV.rdfs:rdfs:Literal.
+09:05:44 ERROR c.g.i.o.e.i.MemoryRepositoryBuilder - load another package Sortis with id 18 and objectid 18
+09:05:44 ERROR c.g.i.o.e.i.MemoryRepositoryBuilder - This package will be ignored
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "DCAT Application Profile".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "Sortis".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.XSD".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.time".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.rdf".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Multiple occurrences of tag "uri" where only one was expected for "Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following packages map to the same URI (http://fixme.com#): Sortis.RRMV.rdf, DCAT Application Profile, Sortis.RRMV.time, Sortis, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model, Sortis.RRMV.XSD
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following packages map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.rdfs, Sortis.RRMV.rdfs
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following packages map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#): Sortis.RRMV.skos, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following packages map to the same URI (http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology#): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.eli, Sortis.RRMV.eli
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following packages map to the same URI (http://data.europa.eu/2qy/rrmv#): Sortis.RRMV.rrmv, Sortis.RRMV
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#Dataset): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:DatasetInSeries
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:TemporalLiteral, Sortis.RRMV.rdfs:rdfs:Literal, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.rdfs:rdfs:Literal
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#ConceptScheme): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:ConceptScheme, Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:ConceptScheme
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Resource): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.rdfs:rdfs:Resource, Sortis.RRMV.rdfs:rdfs:Resource
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2006/time#Instant): Sortis.RRMV:TimeInstant, Sortis.RRMV.time:Instant
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/MediaType): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:dct:MediaType, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:dct:mediaType
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://data.europa.eu/2qy/rrmv#Frequency): Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Frequency, Sortis.RRMV:Frequency
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept): Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:Concept
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/accrualPeriodicity): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:accrualPeriodicity, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:DatasetInSeries:dct:accrualPeriodicity, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dct:accrualPeriodicity
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/type): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:dct:LicenseDocument:dct:type, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:type
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/ns/adms#status): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:adms:status, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:adms:status
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/page): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:foaf:page, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:foaf:page
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/conformsTo): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:conformsTo, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:conformsTo, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:conformsTo
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/title): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:DatasetInSeries:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:ConceptScheme:dct:title, Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:ConceptScheme:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:title, Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DataService:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:title
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/rights): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:rights, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:rights
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/issued): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:issued, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:issued, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dct:issued, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:issued, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:issued
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/modified): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:modified, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dct:modified, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:modified, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:modified, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:modified
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/accessRights): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DataService:dct:accessRights, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:accessRights
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/format): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DataService:dct:format, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:format
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://data.europa.eu/2qy/rrmv#hasAnnotation): Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:hasAnnotation, Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:rrmv:hasAnnotation
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/relation): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Relationship:dct:relation, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:relation
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/description): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:DatasetInSeries:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DataService:dct:description
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/language): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:language, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:language, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:language, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:language
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#prefLabel): Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept:skos:prefLabel, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:Concept:skos:prefLabel
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#temporalResolution): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dcat:temporalResolution, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dcat:temporalResolution
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2006/time#hasBeginning): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:dct:PeriodOfTime:time:hasBeginning, Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime:starttime
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://data.europa.eu/s1n/numSeries): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.rdfs:rdfs:Resource:numSeries, Sortis.RRMV.rdfs:rdfs:Resource:numSeries
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#contactPoint): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dcat:contactPoint, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dcat:contactPoint
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#spatialResolutionInMeters): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dcat:spatialResolutionInMeters, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dcat:spatialResolutionInMeters
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2006/time#hasEnd): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:dct:PeriodOfTime:time:hasEnd, Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime:endtime
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "issued" tag for "Sortis.RRMV".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "license" tag for "Sortis.RRMV".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "issued" tag for "Sortis.RRMV".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "license" tag for "Sortis.RRMV".
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Request" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Action" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "ResultType" .
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Expression" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "ActionResult" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Work" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Manifestation" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Frequency" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Status" .
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Multiple occurrences of tag "uri" where only one was expected for "Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Multiple occurrences of tag "uri" where only one was expected for "Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime".
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "PeriodOfTime" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "TemporalFunction" .
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "AgentRole" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Agent" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Person" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Organization" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "AgentType" .
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Role" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "RoleType" .
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "xsd:anyURI" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "xsd:boolean" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "xsd:string" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "skos:Concept" .
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Instant" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "rdfs:Literal" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "LangString" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Request)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Request)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:eli:relatedTo" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> ActionResult)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> ActionResult)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:rrmv:hasResult" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:(ActionResult -> Expression)" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:rrmv:hasDocument" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Role:(Role -> RoleType)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Role:(Role -> RoleType)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Role:rrmv:hasType" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> PeriodOfTime)" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:rrmv:atTime" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Expression)" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.Converter - Package for connector Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:dct:isPartOf is unknown
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:(ActionResult -> ResultType)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:(ActionResult -> ResultType)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:rrmv:hasType" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime:(PeriodOfTime -> TemporalFunction)" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime:rrmv:hasFunction" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:(AgentRole -> PeriodOfTime)" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:rrmv:atTime" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Request)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Request)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:eli:changes" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Work)" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Work)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Work:eli:isRealizedBy" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:eli:realizes" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Manifestation:(Manifestation -> Expression)" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Manifestation:(Manifestation -> Expression)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:eli:embodies" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Manifestation:eli:isEmbodiedBy" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Action)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Action)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:eli:relatedTo" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> AgentRole)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> AgentRole)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:rrmv:hasAgentRole" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:(AgentRole -> Role)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:(AgentRole -> Role)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:rrmv:withRole" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Action)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Action)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:rrmv:produces" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Expression)" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Expression)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:eli:isPartOf" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Action)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Action)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:rrmv:hasNext" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Frequency)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Frequency)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:rrmv:hasFrequency" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Status)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Status)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:rrmv:hasStatus" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Expression)" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Expression)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:eli:cites" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:(AgentRole -> Agent)" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:rrmv:forAgent" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Agent:(Agent -> AgentType)" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Agent:rrmv:hasType" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.Converter - Ambiguous data type "skos:Concept" for attribute "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:rrmv:hasTopic": DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:Concept, Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.Converter - Ambiguous data type "skos:Concept" for attribute "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Frequency:rrmv:hasUnit": DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:Concept, Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Frequency:rrmv:hasUnit".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Frequency:rrmv:hasUnit".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Frequency:rrmv:hasUnit".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.Converter - Element rrmv:isIncomplete has same prefix as package: simplify by removing the extra tag uri
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.Converter - Ambiguous data type "rdfs:Literal" for attribute "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept:skos:prefLabel": DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.rdfs:rdfs:Literal, Sortis.RRMV.rdfs:rdfs:Literal.
diff --git a/report/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/all-rrmv.jsonld b/report/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/all-rrmv.jsonld
index e6df27ea6..b778f17d2 100644
--- a/report/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/all-rrmv.jsonld
+++ b/report/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/all-rrmv.jsonld
@@ -5157,14 +5157,14 @@
"config": "config/config-ap.json",
"branchtag": "rrmv_002",
- "dummy": "74",
+ "dummy": "75",
"filename": "config/rrmv.json",
"navigation": {
"prev": "https://semiceu.github.io/rrmv/releases/0.0.1/"
"repository": "git@uri.semic.eu-thema:SEMICeu/uri.semic.eu-thema.git",
"urlref": "/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2",
- "documentcommit": "03e337f9711adbd8a362eac708b27428b5fd6170",
- "toolchaincommit": "bbc4cdc1cfe87f5e9ddd5b125d7f501c1adcbfca",
+ "documentcommit": "7e1a520b835dbf3946b1f572941471c3cf509705",
+ "toolchaincommit": "3187a596f30330d524e498ba11101e0577f05ae9",
"hostname": "https://semiceu.github.io"
diff --git a/report/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/html-nj_en.json b/report/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/html-nj_en.json
index 6370ca35e..d4d4e7e86 100644
--- a/report/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/html-nj_en.json
+++ b/report/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/html-nj_en.json
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
"status": "Working Draft",
"statuslabel": "Onbekend",
- "repositoryurl": "git@uri.semic.eu-thema:SEMICeu/uri.semic.eu-thema.git/tree/03e337f9711adbd8a362eac708b27428b5fd6170",
- "changelogurl": "git@uri.semic.eu-thema:SEMICeu/uri.semic.eu-thema.git/blob/03e337f9711adbd8a362eac708b27428b5fd6170/CHANGELOG",
+ "repositoryurl": "git@uri.semic.eu-thema:SEMICeu/uri.semic.eu-thema.git/tree/7e1a520b835dbf3946b1f572941471c3cf509705",
+ "changelogurl": "git@uri.semic.eu-thema:SEMICeu/uri.semic.eu-thema.git/blob/7e1a520b835dbf3946b1f572941471c3cf509705/CHANGELOG",
"feedbackurl": "https://github.com/SEMICeu/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/issues",
"standaardregisterurl": "RRMV",
"usesVocs": [],
diff --git a/report/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/rrmv.report b/report/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/rrmv.report
index d00b1b5fb..8866002b3 100644
--- a/report/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/rrmv.report
+++ b/report/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/rrmv.report
@@ -2,157 +2,157 @@ Load mapping config:config/config-ap.json
WARNING:You shouldn't use 'user' reserved word as column name in the table t_datatypes (it refers to the database user).
Escape it in your SQL!
-08:47:46 ERROR c.g.i.o.e.i.MemoryRepositoryBuilder - load another package Sortis with id 18 and objectid 18
-08:47:46 ERROR c.g.i.o.e.i.MemoryRepositoryBuilder - This package will be ignored
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "DCAT Application Profile".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "Sortis".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.XSD".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.time".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.rdf".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Multiple occurrences of tag "uri" where only one was expected for "Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following packages map to the same URI (http://fixme.com#): Sortis.RRMV.rdf, DCAT Application Profile, Sortis.RRMV.time, Sortis, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model, Sortis.RRMV.XSD
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following packages map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.rdfs, Sortis.RRMV.rdfs
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following packages map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#): Sortis.RRMV.skos, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following packages map to the same URI (http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology#): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.eli, Sortis.RRMV.eli
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following packages map to the same URI (http://data.europa.eu/2qy/rrmv#): Sortis.RRMV.rrmv, Sortis.RRMV
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#Dataset): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:DatasetInSeries
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:TemporalLiteral, Sortis.RRMV.rdfs:rdfs:Literal, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.rdfs:rdfs:Literal
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#ConceptScheme): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:ConceptScheme, Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:ConceptScheme
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Resource): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.rdfs:rdfs:Resource, Sortis.RRMV.rdfs:rdfs:Resource
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2006/time#Instant): Sortis.RRMV:TimeInstant, Sortis.RRMV.time:Instant
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/MediaType): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:dct:MediaType, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:dct:mediaType
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://data.europa.eu/2qy/rrmv#Frequency): Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Frequency, Sortis.RRMV:Frequency
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept): Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:Concept
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/accrualPeriodicity): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:accrualPeriodicity, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:DatasetInSeries:dct:accrualPeriodicity, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dct:accrualPeriodicity
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/type): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:dct:LicenseDocument:dct:type, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:type
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/ns/adms#status): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:adms:status, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:adms:status
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/page): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:foaf:page, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:foaf:page
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/conformsTo): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:conformsTo, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:conformsTo, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:conformsTo
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/title): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:DatasetInSeries:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:ConceptScheme:dct:title, Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:ConceptScheme:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:title, Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DataService:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:title
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/rights): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:rights, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:rights
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/issued): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:issued, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:issued, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dct:issued, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:issued, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:issued
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/modified): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:modified, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dct:modified, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:modified, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:modified, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:modified
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/accessRights): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DataService:dct:accessRights, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:accessRights
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/format): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DataService:dct:format, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:format
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://data.europa.eu/2qy/rrmv#hasAnnotation): Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:hasAnnotation, Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:rrmv:hasAnnotation
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/relation): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Relationship:dct:relation, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:relation
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/description): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:DatasetInSeries:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DataService:dct:description
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/language): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:language, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:language, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:language, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:language
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#prefLabel): Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept:skos:prefLabel, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:Concept:skos:prefLabel
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#temporalResolution): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dcat:temporalResolution, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dcat:temporalResolution
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2006/time#hasBeginning): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:dct:PeriodOfTime:time:hasBeginning, Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime:starttime
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://data.europa.eu/s1n/numSeries): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.rdfs:rdfs:Resource:numSeries, Sortis.RRMV.rdfs:rdfs:Resource:numSeries
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#contactPoint): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dcat:contactPoint, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dcat:contactPoint
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#spatialResolutionInMeters): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dcat:spatialResolutionInMeters, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dcat:spatialResolutionInMeters
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2006/time#hasEnd): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:dct:PeriodOfTime:time:hasEnd, Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime:endtime
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "issued" tag for "Sortis.RRMV".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "license" tag for "Sortis.RRMV".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "issued" tag for "Sortis.RRMV".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "license" tag for "Sortis.RRMV".
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Request" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Action" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "ResultType" .
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Expression" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "ActionResult" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Work" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Manifestation" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Frequency" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Status" .
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Multiple occurrences of tag "uri" where only one was expected for "Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Multiple occurrences of tag "uri" where only one was expected for "Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime".
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "PeriodOfTime" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "TemporalFunction" .
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "AgentRole" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Agent" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Person" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Organization" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "AgentType" .
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Role" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "RoleType" .
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "xsd:anyURI" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "xsd:boolean" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "xsd:string" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "skos:Concept" .
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Instant" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "rdfs:Literal" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "LangString" .
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Request)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Request)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:eli:relatedTo" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> ActionResult)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> ActionResult)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:rrmv:hasResult" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:(ActionResult -> Expression)" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:rrmv:hasDocument" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Role:(Role -> RoleType)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Role:(Role -> RoleType)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Role:rrmv:hasType" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> PeriodOfTime)" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:rrmv:atTime" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Expression)" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.Converter - Package for connector Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:dct:isPartOf is unknown
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:(ActionResult -> ResultType)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:(ActionResult -> ResultType)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:rrmv:hasType" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime:(PeriodOfTime -> TemporalFunction)" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime:rrmv:hasFunction" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:(AgentRole -> PeriodOfTime)" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:rrmv:atTime" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Request)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Request)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:eli:changes" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Work)" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Work)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Work:eli:isRealizedBy" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:eli:realizes" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Manifestation:(Manifestation -> Expression)" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Manifestation:(Manifestation -> Expression)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:eli:embodies" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Manifestation:eli:isEmbodiedBy" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Action)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Action)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:eli:relatedTo" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> AgentRole)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> AgentRole)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:rrmv:hasAgentRole" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:(AgentRole -> Role)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:(AgentRole -> Role)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:rrmv:withRole" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Action)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Action)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:rrmv:produces" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Expression)" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Expression)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:eli:isPartOf" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Action)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Action)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:rrmv:hasNext" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Frequency)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Frequency)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:rrmv:hasFrequency" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Status)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Status)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:rrmv:hasStatus" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Expression)" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Expression)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
-08:47:47 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:eli:cites" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:(AgentRole -> Agent)" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:rrmv:forAgent" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Agent:(Agent -> AgentType)" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Agent:rrmv:hasType" since it lacks a defining package.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.Converter - Ambiguous data type "skos:Concept" for attribute "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:rrmv:hasTopic": DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:Concept, Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.Converter - Ambiguous data type "skos:Concept" for attribute "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Frequency:rrmv:hasUnit": DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:Concept, Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept.
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Frequency:rrmv:hasUnit".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Frequency:rrmv:hasUnit".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Frequency:rrmv:hasUnit".
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.Converter - Element rrmv:isIncomplete has same prefix as package: simplify by removing the extra tag uri
-08:47:47 WARN c.g.i.o.c.Converter - Ambiguous data type "rdfs:Literal" for attribute "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept:skos:prefLabel": DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.rdfs:rdfs:Literal, Sortis.RRMV.rdfs:rdfs:Literal.
+09:05:44 ERROR c.g.i.o.e.i.MemoryRepositoryBuilder - load another package Sortis with id 18 and objectid 18
+09:05:44 ERROR c.g.i.o.e.i.MemoryRepositoryBuilder - This package will be ignored
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "DCAT Application Profile".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "Sortis".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.XSD".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.time".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "baseURI" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.rdf".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Multiple occurrences of tag "uri" where only one was expected for "Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following packages map to the same URI (http://fixme.com#): Sortis.RRMV.rdf, DCAT Application Profile, Sortis.RRMV.time, Sortis, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model, Sortis.RRMV.XSD
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following packages map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.rdfs, Sortis.RRMV.rdfs
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following packages map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#): Sortis.RRMV.skos, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following packages map to the same URI (http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology#): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.eli, Sortis.RRMV.eli
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following packages map to the same URI (http://data.europa.eu/2qy/rrmv#): Sortis.RRMV.rrmv, Sortis.RRMV
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#Dataset): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:DatasetInSeries
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:TemporalLiteral, Sortis.RRMV.rdfs:rdfs:Literal, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.rdfs:rdfs:Literal
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#ConceptScheme): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:ConceptScheme, Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:ConceptScheme
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Resource): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.rdfs:rdfs:Resource, Sortis.RRMV.rdfs:rdfs:Resource
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2006/time#Instant): Sortis.RRMV:TimeInstant, Sortis.RRMV.time:Instant
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/MediaType): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:dct:MediaType, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:dct:mediaType
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://data.europa.eu/2qy/rrmv#Frequency): Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Frequency, Sortis.RRMV:Frequency
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following elements map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept): Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:Concept
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/accrualPeriodicity): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:accrualPeriodicity, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:DatasetInSeries:dct:accrualPeriodicity, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dct:accrualPeriodicity
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/type): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:dct:LicenseDocument:dct:type, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:type
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/ns/adms#status): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:adms:status, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:adms:status
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/page): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:foaf:page, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:foaf:page
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/conformsTo): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:conformsTo, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:conformsTo, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:conformsTo
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/title): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:DatasetInSeries:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:ConceptScheme:dct:title, Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:ConceptScheme:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:title, Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DataService:dct:title, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:title
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/rights): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:rights, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:rights
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/issued): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:issued, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:issued, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dct:issued, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:issued, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:issued
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/modified): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:modified, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dct:modified, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:modified, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:modified, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:modified
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/accessRights): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DataService:dct:accessRights, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:accessRights
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/format): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DataService:dct:format, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:format
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://data.europa.eu/2qy/rrmv#hasAnnotation): Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:hasAnnotation, Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:rrmv:hasAnnotation
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/relation): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Relationship:dct:relation, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:relation
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/description): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:DatasetInSeries:dct:description, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DataService:dct:description
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://purl.org/dc/terms/language): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dct:language, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:CatalogRecord:dct:language, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dct:language, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Catalog:dct:language
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#prefLabel): Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept:skos:prefLabel, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:Concept:skos:prefLabel
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#temporalResolution): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dcat:temporalResolution, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dcat:temporalResolution
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2006/time#hasBeginning): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:dct:PeriodOfTime:time:hasBeginning, Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime:starttime
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://data.europa.eu/s1n/numSeries): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.rdfs:rdfs:Resource:numSeries, Sortis.RRMV.rdfs:rdfs:Resource:numSeries
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#contactPoint): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:DatasetSeries:dcat:contactPoint, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dcat:contactPoint
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#spatialResolutionInMeters): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Dataset:dcat:spatialResolutionInMeters, DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.dcat:dcat:Distribution:dcat:spatialResolutionInMeters
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - The following properties (attribute or connector) map to the same URI (http://www.w3.org/2006/time#hasEnd): DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model:dct:PeriodOfTime:time:hasEnd, Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime:endtime
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "issued" tag for "Sortis.RRMV".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "license" tag for "Sortis.RRMV".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "issued" tag for "Sortis.RRMV".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "license" tag for "Sortis.RRMV".
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Request" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Action" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "ResultType" .
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Expression" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "ActionResult" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Work" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Manifestation" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Frequency" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Status" .
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Multiple occurrences of tag "uri" where only one was expected for "Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Multiple occurrences of tag "uri" where only one was expected for "Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime".
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "PeriodOfTime" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "TemporalFunction" .
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "AgentRole" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Agent" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Person" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Organization" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "AgentType" .
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Role" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "RoleType" .
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "xsd:anyURI" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "xsd:boolean" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "xsd:string" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "skos:Concept" .
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept".
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "Instant" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "rdfs:Literal" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.JSONLDOutputHandler - handle class "LangString" .
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Request)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Request)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:eli:relatedTo" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> ActionResult)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> ActionResult)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:rrmv:hasResult" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:(ActionResult -> Expression)" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:rrmv:hasDocument" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Role:(Role -> RoleType)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Role:(Role -> RoleType)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Role:rrmv:hasType" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> PeriodOfTime)" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:rrmv:atTime" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Expression)" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.Converter - Package for connector Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:dct:isPartOf is unknown
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:(ActionResult -> ResultType)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:(ActionResult -> ResultType)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:ActionResult:rrmv:hasType" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime:(PeriodOfTime -> TemporalFunction)" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.time:PeriodOfTime:rrmv:hasFunction" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:(AgentRole -> PeriodOfTime)" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:rrmv:atTime" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Request)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Request)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:eli:changes" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Work)" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Work)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Work:eli:isRealizedBy" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:eli:realizes" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Manifestation:(Manifestation -> Expression)" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Manifestation:(Manifestation -> Expression)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:eli:embodies" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Manifestation:eli:isEmbodiedBy" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Action)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Action)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:eli:relatedTo" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> AgentRole)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> AgentRole)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:rrmv:hasAgentRole" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:(AgentRole -> Role)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:(AgentRole -> Role)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:rrmv:withRole" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Action)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Action)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:rrmv:produces" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Expression)" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Expression)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:eli:isPartOf" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Action)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Action)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:rrmv:hasNext" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Frequency)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:(Request -> Frequency)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:rrmv:hasFrequency" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Status)" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:(Action -> Status)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Action:rrmv:hasStatus" belongs to package "rrmv" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Expression)" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:(Expression -> Expression)" does not have a name, it will be ignored.
+09:05:44 INFO c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Assuming connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Expression:eli:cites" belongs to package "eli" based on source and target definition.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:(AgentRole -> Agent)" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:AgentRole:rrmv:forAgent" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Agent:(Agent -> AgentType)" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.UriAssigner - Ignoring connector "Sortis.RRMV.eli:Agent:rrmv:hasType" since it lacks a defining package.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.Converter - Ambiguous data type "skos:Concept" for attribute "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Request:rrmv:hasTopic": DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:Concept, Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.Converter - Ambiguous data type "skos:Concept" for attribute "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Frequency:rrmv:hasUnit": DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.skos:skos:Concept, Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept.
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Frequency:rrmv:hasUnit".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Frequency:rrmv:hasUnit".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.TagHelper - Missing "ap-definition-en" tag for "Sortis.RRMV.rrmv:Frequency:rrmv:hasUnit".
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.Converter - Element rrmv:isIncomplete has same prefix as package: simplify by removing the extra tag uri
+09:05:44 WARN c.g.i.o.c.Converter - Ambiguous data type "rdfs:Literal" for attribute "Sortis.RRMV.skos:skos:Concept:skos:prefLabel": DCAT Application Profile.Domain Model.rdfs:rdfs:Literal, Sortis.RRMV.rdfs:rdfs:Literal.
diff --git a/report/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/translation/rrmv.jsonld b/report/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/translation/rrmv.jsonld
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+++ b/report/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/translation/rrmv.jsonld
@@ -5157,14 +5157,14 @@
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--- a/report/Reporting-Requirements-Metadata-Vocabulary/releases/0.0.2/translation/rrmv_en_merged.jsonld
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"contributors-file": "stakeholders.csv",
"diagram": "RRMV",
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@@ -5210,7 +5210,7 @@
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"title": "RRMV",
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