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File metadata and controls

72 lines (43 loc) · 2.7 KB

Arkime WISE

Arkime WISE is a data feed aggregator. External information can get matched with existing Arkime data for better analysis.

Learn more about WISE.

Install Dependencies

The app uses dependencies that are all bundled and minified using [webpack][webpack] via npm run build. This compiles the application into an output directory, in this case wise/vueapp/dist. This is done automatically when starting the application with npm start.

The app uses a number of node.js tools for initialization. You must have node.js and its package manager (npm) installed. You can get them from node.

  • We get dependencies via npm, the [node package manager][npm].

In the app directory, execute:

npm install

You should find that you have a new folder:

  • node_modules - contains the npm packages for the dependencies

Run the Application


To start the app for production, simply run:

npm start

This command starts the app. It also bundles the application files into the wise/vueapp/dist folder.

You can also run the app by building then starting the app. Like so:

npm run build
node wiseService.js -c ./absolute/path/to/wise.json

The parameters are defined as follows:

Parameter Default Description
-c, --config ./wiseService.ini Absolute path to the JSON file OR redis source (redis://host:port/dbNum/configKey) that has your wise config rules stored

Note: if you do not pass in the arguments, the defaults are used.

Now browse to the app at http://localhost:8081, or whichever port you passed into the npm start command.


To start the app for development and testing, simply run:

npm run dev

This command starts the app with the necessary config options set (-c ../tests/config.test.json) and bundles the unminified application files into into the wise/vueapp/dist folder.

npm run dev uses webpack to package the files then watches for changes to relevant files, and re-bundles the app after each save.

Now browse to the app at http://localhost:8081.


Check out our contributing guide for more information about contributing to Moloch.

Before submitting a pull request with your contribution, please run npm run lint, and correct any errors. This runs [eslint][eslint], a static code analysis tool for finding problematic patterns or code that doesn’t adhere to our style guidelines. Check out ../.eslintrc.js to view this project's rules.

:octocat: Please use a fork to submit a pull request for your contribution.