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Nate Ferrell edited this page Jan 16, 2017 · 16 revisions


Powershell module wrapping G Suite (Google Apps) API calls in handy functions. Authentication is established using a service account via P12 key to negate the consent popup and allow for greater handsoff automation capabilities

Ready to get started? Visit the Initial Setup page and follow the directions there.


In order to use this module, you'll need to have the following:

  • Powershell 3.0 or higher (module makes heavy use of Invoke-RestMethod).
  • API Access Enabled in the Admin Console under Security
  • Service Account key created and downloaded as a P12 key file.
  • API Client access allowed for the Service Account that will be used towards the API scopes that you intend to utilize
  • Domain-Wide Delegation enabled for the service account

Tips & Tricks

  • All functions support pre-acquired Access Tokens (using the AccessToken parameter).
    • This is useful if you have a lot of recurring commands that leverage the same admin and scope(s) so you do not overrun the user API call quota, i.e. pulling info for a large set of emails in a user's inbox.
    • If the access token is not pre-acquired, then the P12KeyPath, AppEmail, AdminEmail, CustomerID, and Domain parameters will default to reading from the PSGSuite config file (these can also be named in each function call, if preferred).
  • If you plan on using this module on multiple computers or between multiple accounts on the same computer, you will need a new PSGoogle config created for each computer / user account pair. Read more here: Using With Multiple Computers or Admins


Handling the Service Account OAuth procedure in Powershell:

Initial expoloration into Google Apps management via command line:

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