diff --git a/vocabularies/Common.json b/vocabularies/Common.json index 8d7be1edc..580cfdc4a 100644 --- a/vocabularies/Common.json +++ b/vocabularies/Common.json @@ -709,13 +709,8 @@ "Constants": { "$Collection": true, "$Type": "Edm.PrimitiveType", - "@Core.Description": "List of constant values that are used to filter the value list with `eq` comparisons connected by `or` operators, using the same representation as property default values, see [CSDL XML, 7.2.7 Default Value](https://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata-csdl-xml/v4.01/odata-csdl-xml-v4.01.html#sec_DefaultValue)", + "@Core.Description": "List of constant values that are used to filter the value list with `eq` comparisons connected by `or` operators, using the same representation as property default values, see [CSDL XML, 7.2.7 Default Value](https://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata-csdl-xml/v4.01/odata-csdl-xml-v4.01.html#sec_DefaultValue). Initial values are significant.", "@Core.LongDescription": "An empty list means a vacuous filter condition" - }, - "InitialValueIsSignificant": { - "$Type": "Edm.Boolean", - "$DefaultValue": false, - "@Core.Description": "Initial value, e.g. empty string, is a valid and significant value" } }, "ValueListParameterInOut": { diff --git a/vocabularies/Common.md b/vocabularies/Common.md index 19466102b..980b8f461 100644 --- a/vocabularies/Common.md +++ b/vocabularies/Common.md @@ -67,50 +67,50 @@ Term|Type|Description [ValueListForValidation](./Common.xml#L729:~:text=Contains the qualifier of the ValueList or ValueListMapping that should be used for validation
An empty string identifies the ValueList or ValueListMapping without a qualifier. [ValueListReferences](./Common.xml#L734:~:text=A list of URLs of CSDL documents containing value list mappings for this parameter or property [ValueListMapping](./Common.xml#L739:~:text=Specifies the mapping between data service properties and value list properties
The value list can be filtered based on user input. It can be used for type-ahead and classical pick lists. There may be many alternative mappings with different qualifiers. -[IsCalendarYear](./Common.xml#L854:~:text=Property encodes a year number as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*) consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least four digits. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3}) -[IsCalendarHalfyear](./Common.xml#L863:~:text=Property encodes a halfyear number as string following the logical pattern H consisting of a single digit. The string matches the regex pattern [1-2] -[IsCalendarQuarter](./Common.xml#L872:~:text=Property encodes a calendar quarter number as string following the logical pattern Q consisting of a single digit. The string matches the regex pattern [1-4] -[IsCalendarMonth](./Common.xml#L881:~:text=Property encodes a calendar month number as string following the logical pattern MM consisting of two digits. The string matches the regex pattern 0[1-9]\|1[0-2] -[IsCalendarWeek](./Common.xml#L890:~:text=Property encodes a calendar week number as string following the logical pattern WW consisting of two digits. The string matches the regex pattern 0[1-9]\|[1-4][0-9]\|5[0-3] -[IsDayOfCalendarMonth](./Common.xml#L899:~:text=Day number relative to a calendar month. Valid values are between 1 and 31. -[IsDayOfCalendarYear](./Common.xml#L907:~:text=Day number relative to a calendar year. Valid values are between 1 and 366. -[IsCalendarYearHalfyear](./Common.xml#L915:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and halfyear as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)H consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least five digits, where the last digit represents the halfyear. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})[1-2] -[IsCalendarYearQuarter](./Common.xml#L925:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and quarter as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)Q consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least five digits, where the last digit represents the quarter. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})[1-4] -[IsCalendarYearMonth](./Common.xml#L935:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and month as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)MM consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least six digits, where the last two digits represent the months January to December. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})(0[1-9]\|1[0-2]) -[IsCalendarYearWeek](./Common.xml#L946:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and week as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)WW consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least six digits, where the last two digits represent week number in the year. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})(0[1-9]\|[1-4][0-9]\|5[0-3]) -[IsCalendarDate](./Common.xml#L956:~:text=Property encodes a calendar date: year, month and day as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)MMDD consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least eight digits, where the last four digits represent the months January to December (MM) and the day of the month (DD). The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})(0[1-9]\|1[0-2])(0[1-9]\|[12][0-9]\|3[01]) The regex pattern does not reflect the additional constraint for "Day-of-month Values": The day value must be no more than 30 if month is one of 04, 06, 09, or 11, no more than 28 if month is 02 and year is not divisible by 4, or is divisible by 100 but not by 400, and no more than 29 if month is 02 and year is divisible by 400, or by 4 but not by 100. -[IsFiscalYear](./Common.xml#L973:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year number as string following the logical pattern YYYY consisting of four digits. The string matches the regex pattern [1-9][0-9]{3} -[IsFiscalPeriod](./Common.xml#L982:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal period as string following the logical pattern PPP consisting of three digits. The string matches the regex pattern [0-9]{3} -[IsFiscalYearPeriod](./Common.xml#L991:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year and period as string following the logical pattern YYYYPPP consisting of seven digits, where the last three digits represent the fiscal period in the year. The string matches the regex pattern ([1-9][0-9]{3})([0-9]{3}) -[IsFiscalQuarter](./Common.xml#L1001:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal quarter number as string following the logical pattern Q consisting of a single digit. The string matches the regex pattern [1-4] -[IsFiscalYearQuarter](./Common.xml#L1009:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year and quarter as string following the logical pattern YYYYQ consisting of five digits, where the last digit represents the quarter. The string matches the regex pattern [1-9][0-9]{3}[1-4] -[IsFiscalWeek](./Common.xml#L1018:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal week number as string following the logical pattern WW consisting of two digits. The string matches the regex pattern 0[1-9]\|[1-4][0-9]\|5[0-3] -[IsFiscalYearWeek](./Common.xml#L1026:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year and week as string following the logical pattern YYYYWW consisting of six digits, where the last two digits represent the week number in the year. The string matches the regex pattern [1-9][0-9]{3}(0[1-9]\|[1-4][0-9]\|5[0-3]) -[IsDayOfFiscalYear](./Common.xml#L1035:~:text=Day number relative to a fiscal year. Valid values are between 1 and 371. -[IsFiscalYearVariant](./Common.xml#L1042:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year variant -[MutuallyExclusiveTerm](./Common.xml#L1050:~:text=Only one term of the group identified with the Qualifier attribute can be applied -[DraftRoot](./Common.xml#L1056:~:text=Root entities of business documents that support the draft pattern -[DraftNode](./Common.xml#L1097:~:text=Entities in this set are parts of business documents that support the draft pattern -[DraftActivationVia](./Common.xml#L1119:~:text=Draft entities in this set are indirectly activated via draft entities in the referenced entity sets -[EditableFieldFor](./Common.xml#L1123:~:text=The annotated property is an editable field for the referenced key property -[SemanticKey](./Common.xml#L1153:~:text=The listed properties form the semantic key, i.e. they are unique modulo IsActiveEntity -[SideEffects](./Common.xml#L1157:~:text=Describes side-effects of modification operations -[DefaultValuesFunction](./Common.xml#L1245:~:text=Function to calculate default values based on user input that is only known to the client and "context information" that is already available to the service
The default values function must have a bound overload whose binding parameter type matches the annotation target
- for an entity set: collection of entity type of entity set
- for a navigation property: identical to the type of the navigation property (single- or collection-valued)
- for a bound action/function: identical to the binding parameter type of the annotated action/function
In addition the overload can have non-binding parameters for values that the user has already entered:
- for an entity set or navigation property: each non-binding parameter name and type must match the name and type of a property of the entity to be created
- for an action or function: each non-binding parameter name and type must match the name and type of a non-binding parameter of the action or function to be called
The result type of the default values function is a complex type whose properties correspond in name and type to a subset of
- the properties of the entity to create, or
- the parameters of the action or function to call -[DerivedDefaultValue](./Common.xml#L1274:~:text=Function import to derive a default value for the property from a given context.
Function import has two parameters of complex types:
- `parameters`, a structure resembling the entity type the parameter entity set related to the entity set of the annotated property
- `properties`, a structure resembling the type of the entity set of the annotated property
The return type must be of the same type as the annotated property.
Arguments passed to the function import are used as context for deriving the default value. The function import returns this default value, or null in case such a value could not be determined. -[FilterDefaultValue](./Common.xml#L1295:~:text=A default value for the property to be used in filter expressions. -[FilterDefaultValueHigh](./Common.xml#L1299:~:text=A default upper limit for the property to be used in 'less than or equal' filter expressions. -[DerivedFilterDefaultValue](./Common.xml#L1304:~:text=Function import to derive a default value for the property from a given context in order to use it in filter expressions.
Function import has two parameters of complex types:
- `parameters`, a structure resembling the entity type the parameter entity set related to the entity set of the annotated property
- `properties`, a structure resembling the type of the entity set of the annotated property
The return type must be of the same type as the annotated property.
Arguments passed to the function import are used as context for deriving the default value. The function import returns this default value, or null in case such a value could not be determined. -[SortOrder](./Common.xml#L1328:~:text=List of sort criteria
The items of the annotated entity set or the items of the collection of the annotated entity type are sorted by the first entry of the SortOrder collection. Items with same value for this first sort criteria are sorted by the second entry of the SortOrder collection, and so on. -[RecursiveHierarchy](./Common.xml#L1384:~:text=Use terms [Aggregation.RecursiveHierarchy](https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Org.OData.Aggregation.V1.md#RecursiveHierarchy) and [Hierarchy.RecursiveHierarchy](https://github.com/SAP/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Hierarchy.md#RecursiveHierarchy) instead -[CreatedAt](./Common.xml#L1432:~:text=Creation timestamp -[CreatedBy](./Common.xml#L1436:~:text=First editor -[ChangedAt](./Common.xml#L1440:~:text=Last modification timestamp -[ChangedBy](./Common.xml#L1444:~:text=Last editor -[OriginalProtocolVersion](./Common.xml#L1456:~:text=Original protocol version of a converted (V4) CSDL document, allowed values `2.0` and `3.0` -[ApplyMultiUnitBehaviorForSortingAndFiltering](./Common.xml#L1461:~:text=Sorting and filtering of amounts in multiple currencies needs special consideration
TODO: add link to UX documentation on https://experience.sap.com/fiori-design/ -[mediaUploadLink](./Common.xml#L1467:~:text=URL for uploading new media content to a Document Management Service
In contrast to the `@odata.mediaEditLink` this URL allows to upload new media content without directly changing a stream property or media resource. The upload request typically uses HTTP POST with `Content-Type: multipart/form-data` following RFC 7578. The upload request must contain one multipart representing the content of the file. The `name` parameter in the `Content-Disposition` header (as described in RFC 7578) is irrelevant, but the `filename` parameter is expected. If the request succeeds the response will contain a JSON body of `Content-Type: application/json` with a JSON property `readLink`. The newly uploaded media resource can be linked to the stream property by changing the `@odata.mediaReadLink` to the value of this `readLink` in a subsequent PATCH request to the OData entity. -[PrimitivePropertyPath](./Common.xml#L1482:~:text=A term or term property with this tag whose type is (a collection of) `Edm.PropertyPath` MUST resolve to a primitive structural property -[WebSocketBaseURL](./Common.xml#L1487:~:text=Base URL for WebSocket connections +[IsCalendarYear](./Common.xml#L851:~:text=Property encodes a year number as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*) consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least four digits. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3}) +[IsCalendarHalfyear](./Common.xml#L860:~:text=Property encodes a halfyear number as string following the logical pattern H consisting of a single digit. The string matches the regex pattern [1-2] +[IsCalendarQuarter](./Common.xml#L869:~:text=Property encodes a calendar quarter number as string following the logical pattern Q consisting of a single digit. The string matches the regex pattern [1-4] +[IsCalendarMonth](./Common.xml#L878:~:text=Property encodes a calendar month number as string following the logical pattern MM consisting of two digits. The string matches the regex pattern 0[1-9]\|1[0-2] +[IsCalendarWeek](./Common.xml#L887:~:text=Property encodes a calendar week number as string following the logical pattern WW consisting of two digits. The string matches the regex pattern 0[1-9]\|[1-4][0-9]\|5[0-3] +[IsDayOfCalendarMonth](./Common.xml#L896:~:text=Day number relative to a calendar month. Valid values are between 1 and 31. +[IsDayOfCalendarYear](./Common.xml#L904:~:text=Day number relative to a calendar year. Valid values are between 1 and 366. +[IsCalendarYearHalfyear](./Common.xml#L912:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and halfyear as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)H consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least five digits, where the last digit represents the halfyear. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})[1-2] +[IsCalendarYearQuarter](./Common.xml#L922:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and quarter as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)Q consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least five digits, where the last digit represents the quarter. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})[1-4] +[IsCalendarYearMonth](./Common.xml#L932:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and month as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)MM consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least six digits, where the last two digits represent the months January to December. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})(0[1-9]\|1[0-2]) +[IsCalendarYearWeek](./Common.xml#L943:~:text=Property encodes a calendar year and week as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)WW consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least six digits, where the last two digits represent week number in the year. The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})(0[1-9]\|[1-4][0-9]\|5[0-3]) +[IsCalendarDate](./Common.xml#L953:~:text=Property encodes a calendar date: year, month and day as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)MMDD consisting of an optional minus sign for years B.C. followed by at least eight digits, where the last four digits represent the months January to December (MM) and the day of the month (DD). The string matches the regex pattern -?([1-9][0-9]{3,}\|0[0-9]{3})(0[1-9]\|1[0-2])(0[1-9]\|[12][0-9]\|3[01]) The regex pattern does not reflect the additional constraint for "Day-of-month Values": The day value must be no more than 30 if month is one of 04, 06, 09, or 11, no more than 28 if month is 02 and year is not divisible by 4, or is divisible by 100 but not by 400, and no more than 29 if month is 02 and year is divisible by 400, or by 4 but not by 100. +[IsFiscalYear](./Common.xml#L970:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year number as string following the logical pattern YYYY consisting of four digits. The string matches the regex pattern [1-9][0-9]{3} +[IsFiscalPeriod](./Common.xml#L979:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal period as string following the logical pattern PPP consisting of three digits. The string matches the regex pattern [0-9]{3} +[IsFiscalYearPeriod](./Common.xml#L988:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year and period as string following the logical pattern YYYYPPP consisting of seven digits, where the last three digits represent the fiscal period in the year. The string matches the regex pattern ([1-9][0-9]{3})([0-9]{3}) +[IsFiscalQuarter](./Common.xml#L998:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal quarter number as string following the logical pattern Q consisting of a single digit. The string matches the regex pattern [1-4] +[IsFiscalYearQuarter](./Common.xml#L1006:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year and quarter as string following the logical pattern YYYYQ consisting of five digits, where the last digit represents the quarter. The string matches the regex pattern [1-9][0-9]{3}[1-4] +[IsFiscalWeek](./Common.xml#L1015:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal week number as string following the logical pattern WW consisting of two digits. The string matches the regex pattern 0[1-9]\|[1-4][0-9]\|5[0-3] +[IsFiscalYearWeek](./Common.xml#L1023:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year and week as string following the logical pattern YYYYWW consisting of six digits, where the last two digits represent the week number in the year. The string matches the regex pattern [1-9][0-9]{3}(0[1-9]\|[1-4][0-9]\|5[0-3]) +[IsDayOfFiscalYear](./Common.xml#L1032:~:text=Day number relative to a fiscal year. Valid values are between 1 and 371. +[IsFiscalYearVariant](./Common.xml#L1039:~:text=Property encodes a fiscal year variant +[MutuallyExclusiveTerm](./Common.xml#L1047:~:text=Only one term of the group identified with the Qualifier attribute can be applied +[DraftRoot](./Common.xml#L1053:~:text=Root entities of business documents that support the draft pattern +[DraftNode](./Common.xml#L1094:~:text=Entities in this set are parts of business documents that support the draft pattern +[DraftActivationVia](./Common.xml#L1116:~:text=Draft entities in this set are indirectly activated via draft entities in the referenced entity sets +[EditableFieldFor](./Common.xml#L1120:~:text=The annotated property is an editable field for the referenced key property +[SemanticKey](./Common.xml#L1150:~:text=The listed properties form the semantic key, i.e. they are unique modulo IsActiveEntity +[SideEffects](./Common.xml#L1154:~:text=Describes side-effects of modification operations +[DefaultValuesFunction](./Common.xml#L1242:~:text=Function to calculate default values based on user input that is only known to the client and "context information" that is already available to the service
The default values function must have a bound overload whose binding parameter type matches the annotation target
- for an entity set: collection of entity type of entity set
- for a navigation property: identical to the type of the navigation property (single- or collection-valued)
- for a bound action/function: identical to the binding parameter type of the annotated action/function
In addition the overload can have non-binding parameters for values that the user has already entered:
- for an entity set or navigation property: each non-binding parameter name and type must match the name and type of a property of the entity to be created
- for an action or function: each non-binding parameter name and type must match the name and type of a non-binding parameter of the action or function to be called
The result type of the default values function is a complex type whose properties correspond in name and type to a subset of
- the properties of the entity to create, or
- the parameters of the action or function to call +[DerivedDefaultValue](./Common.xml#L1271:~:text=Function import to derive a default value for the property from a given context.
Function import has two parameters of complex types:
- `parameters`, a structure resembling the entity type the parameter entity set related to the entity set of the annotated property
- `properties`, a structure resembling the type of the entity set of the annotated property
The return type must be of the same type as the annotated property.
Arguments passed to the function import are used as context for deriving the default value. The function import returns this default value, or null in case such a value could not be determined. +[FilterDefaultValue](./Common.xml#L1292:~:text=A default value for the property to be used in filter expressions. +[FilterDefaultValueHigh](./Common.xml#L1296:~:text=A default upper limit for the property to be used in 'less than or equal' filter expressions. +[DerivedFilterDefaultValue](./Common.xml#L1301:~:text=Function import to derive a default value for the property from a given context in order to use it in filter expressions.
Function import has two parameters of complex types:
- `parameters`, a structure resembling the entity type the parameter entity set related to the entity set of the annotated property
- `properties`, a structure resembling the type of the entity set of the annotated property
The return type must be of the same type as the annotated property.
Arguments passed to the function import are used as context for deriving the default value. The function import returns this default value, or null in case such a value could not be determined. +[SortOrder](./Common.xml#L1325:~:text=List of sort criteria
The items of the annotated entity set or the items of the collection of the annotated entity type are sorted by the first entry of the SortOrder collection. Items with same value for this first sort criteria are sorted by the second entry of the SortOrder collection, and so on. +[RecursiveHierarchy](./Common.xml#L1381:~:text=Use terms [Aggregation.RecursiveHierarchy](https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Org.OData.Aggregation.V1.md#RecursiveHierarchy) and [Hierarchy.RecursiveHierarchy](https://github.com/SAP/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Hierarchy.md#RecursiveHierarchy) instead +[CreatedAt](./Common.xml#L1429:~:text=Creation timestamp +[CreatedBy](./Common.xml#L1433:~:text=First editor +[ChangedAt](./Common.xml#L1437:~:text=Last modification timestamp +[ChangedBy](./Common.xml#L1441:~:text=Last editor +[OriginalProtocolVersion](./Common.xml#L1453:~:text=Original protocol version of a converted (V4) CSDL document, allowed values `2.0` and `3.0` +[ApplyMultiUnitBehaviorForSortingAndFiltering](./Common.xml#L1458:~:text=Sorting and filtering of amounts in multiple currencies needs special consideration
TODO: add link to UX documentation on https://experience.sap.com/fiori-design/ +[mediaUploadLink](./Common.xml#L1464:~:text=URL for uploading new media content to a Document Management Service
In contrast to the `@odata.mediaEditLink` this URL allows to upload new media content without directly changing a stream property or media resource. The upload request typically uses HTTP POST with `Content-Type: multipart/form-data` following RFC 7578. The upload request must contain one multipart representing the content of the file. The `name` parameter in the `Content-Disposition` header (as described in RFC 7578) is irrelevant, but the `filename` parameter is expected. If the request succeeds the response will contain a JSON body of `Content-Type: application/json` with a JSON property `readLink`. The newly uploaded media resource can be linked to the stream property by changing the `@odata.mediaReadLink` to the value of this `readLink` in a subsequent PATCH request to the OData entity. +[PrimitivePropertyPath](./Common.xml#L1479:~:text=A term or term property with this tag whose type is (a collection of) `Edm.PropertyPath` MUST resolve to a primitive structural property +[WebSocketBaseURL](./Common.xml#L1484:~:text=Base URL for WebSocket connections ## [TextFormatType](./Common.xml#L120:~:text=An empty list means a vacuous filter condition -[InitialValueIsSignificant](./Common.xml#L806:~:text=An empty list means a vacuous filter condition -## [ValueListParameterInOut](./Common.xml#L810:~:text= -## [ValueListParameterOut](./Common.xml#L823:~:text= -## [ValueListParameterDisplayOnly](./Common.xml#L833:~:text= -## [ValueListParameterFilterOnly](./Common.xml#L841:~:text= -## [DraftRootType](./Common.xml#L1061:~:text=New drafts may also be created by POSTing an empty entity without any properties to the entity set. -[AdditionalNewActions](./Common.xml#L1076:~:text=Additional actions beside the default POST or standard `NewAction` that create a new draft. -[ShareAction](./Common.xml#L1081:~:text=The action is bound to the draft document root node and has the following signature:
- `Users`: collection of structure with properties
  - `UserID` of type `String` and
  - `UserAccessRole` of type `String` with possible values `O` (owner, can perform all draft actions), and `E` (editor, can change the draft)
It restricts access to the listed users in their specified roles. +[*PreparationAction*](./Common.xml#L1100:~:text=New drafts may also be created by POSTing an empty entity without any properties to the entity set. +[AdditionalNewActions](./Common.xml#L1073:~:text=Additional actions beside the default POST or standard `NewAction` that create a new draft. +[ShareAction](./Common.xml#L1078:~:text=The action is bound to the draft document root node and has the following signature:
- `Users`: collection of structure with properties
  - `UserID` of type `String` and
  - `UserAccessRole` of type `String` with possible values `O` (owner, can perform all draft actions), and `E` (editor, can change the draft)
It restricts access to the listed users in their specified roles. -## [DraftNodeType](./Common.xml#L1102:~:text= -## [SimpleIdentifier](./Common.xml#L1127:~:text= -## [QualifiedName](./Common.xml#L1139:~:text= -## [ActionOverload](./Common.xml#L1144:~:text= -## [SideEffectsType](./Common.xml#L1160:~:text=The syntax follows closely the syntax rules for `Edm.PropertyPath`, with the addition of `*` as the last path segment meaning all structural properties directly reached via the preceding path -[TargetEntities](./Common.xml#L1182:~:text=Binding parameter type of the trigger action is the entity type annotated with `SideEffects`. The action does not have any additional parameters and does not return anything. It either succeeds with `204 No Content` or it fails with `4xx` or `5xx`. -[TriggeredIndicator](./Common.xml#L1200:~:text=The value of this property typically is a Path expression pointing to a boolean property. It can be used by clients to defer expensive refresh calls until they are actually needed and instead just request the referenced indicator property. Servers can choose to return indicator properties even if not explicitly requested. -[Discretionary](./Common.xml#L1205:~:text=The value of this property typically a static boolean value. It can be used by clients (e.g. by asking the end user) to decide if the side effect should be triggered or not. This indicator is only allowed in case a trigger action is given as only then the execution control of the side effect is provided to the client. +[SourceProperties](./Common.xml#L1169:~:text=The syntax follows closely the syntax rules for `Edm.PropertyPath`, with the addition of `*` as the last path segment meaning all structural properties directly reached via the preceding path +[TargetEntities](./Common.xml#L1179:~:text=Binding parameter type of the trigger action is the entity type annotated with `SideEffects`. The action does not have any additional parameters and does not return anything. It either succeeds with `204 No Content` or it fails with `4xx` or `5xx`. +[TriggeredIndicator](./Common.xml#L1197:~:text=The value of this property typically is a Path expression pointing to a boolean property. It can be used by clients to defer expensive refresh calls until they are actually needed and instead just request the referenced indicator property. Servers can choose to return indicator properties even if not explicitly requested. +[Discretionary](./Common.xml#L1202:~:text=The value of this property typically a static boolean value. It can be used by clients (e.g. by asking the end user) to decide if the side effect should be triggered or not. This indicator is only allowed in case a trigger action is given as only then the execution control of the side effect is provided to the client. -## [EffectType](./Common.xml#L1211:~:text= -## [SortOrderType](./Common.xml#L1336:~:text=If the annotation referenced by the annotation path does not apply to the same collection of entities as the one being sorted according to the [`UI.PresentationVariant`](UI.md#PresentationVariant) or `Common.SortOrder` annotation, this instance of `UI.PresentationVariant/SortOrder` or `Common.SortOrder` MUST be silently ignored.
Allowed terms:
- [AggregatedProperty](Analytics.md#AggregatedProperty)
- [CustomAggregate](https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Org.OData.Aggregation.V1.md#CustomAggregate) -[Descending](./Common.xml#L1364:~:text=If the annotation referenced by the annotation path does not apply to the same collection of entities as the one being sorted according to the [`UI.PresentationVariant`](UI.md#PresentationVariant) or `Common.SortOrder` annotation, this instance of `UI.PresentationVariant/SortOrder` or `Common.SortOrder` MUST be silently ignored.
Allowed terms:
- [AggregatedProperty](Analytics.md#AggregatedProperty)
- [CustomAggregate](https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/blob/main/vocabularies/Org.OData.Aggregation.V1.md#CustomAggregate) +[Descending](./Common.xml#L1361:~:text= -## [RecursiveHierarchyType](./Common.xml#L1397:~:text= -## [UserID](./Common.xml#L1448:~:text= - + An empty list means a vacuous filter condition - - - diff --git a/vocabularies/UI.json b/vocabularies/UI.json index 97f36c20b..544025131 100644 --- a/vocabularies/UI.json +++ b/vocabularies/UI.json @@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@ "$Kind": "TypeDefinition", "$UnderlyingType": "Edm.String", "@Core.Description": "Name of an Action, Function, ActionImport, or FunctionImport in scope", - "@Core.LongDescription": "Possible values are\n \n- Namespace-qualified name of an action or function (`foo.bar`)\n- Namespace-qualified name of an action or function followed by parentheses with the parameter signature to identify a specific overload, like in an [annotation target](https://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata-csdl-xml/v4.01/odata-csdl-xml-v4.01.html#sec_Target) (`foo.bar(baz.qux)`)\n- Simple name of an action import or function import of the annotated service (`quux`)\n- Namespace-qualified name of an entity container, followed by a slash and the simple name of an action import or function import in any referenced schema (`foo.corge/quux`)" + "@Core.LongDescription": "Possible values are\n\n- Namespace-qualified name of an action or function (`foo.bar`)\n- Namespace-qualified name of an action or function followed by parentheses with the parameter signature to identify a specific overload, like in an [annotation target](https://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata-csdl-xml/v4.01/odata-csdl-xml-v4.01.html#sec_Target) (`foo.bar(baz.qux)`)\n- Simple name of an action import or function import of the annotated service (`quux`)\n- Namespace-qualified name of an entity container, followed by a slash and the simple name of an action import or function import in any referenced schema (`foo.corge/quux`)" } } } diff --git a/vocabularies/UI.md b/vocabularies/UI.md index 46c6cfe33..ffe65aac5 100644 --- a/vocabularies/UI.md +++ b/vocabularies/UI.md @@ -138,16 +138,16 @@ Property|Type|Description ## [MediaResourceType](./UI.xml#L276:~:text=Can be annotated with:
- [LinkTarget](HTML5.md#LinkTarget) -[Stream](./UI.xml#L286:~:text=Can be annotated with:
- [LinkTarget](HTML5.md#LinkTarget) -[ContentType](./UI.xml#L295:~:text=Can be annotated with:
- [LinkTarget](HTML5.md#LinkTarget) +[Stream](./UI.xml#L286:~:text=Can be annotated with:
- [LinkTarget](HTML5.md#LinkTarget) +[ContentType](./UI.xml#L295:~:text= ## [ImageType](./UI.xml#L315:~:text=