Let's test the beforehand created API proxy version 1.0. For this, we can use the inbuilt test capability.
Run through the following steps, see also video below.
- Switch to the Test area
- In the API Test Console, search for your API by entering your participant number XX
- Select your API EmployeeBirthdayRESTAPI_XX_1_0 with XX the participant number assigned to you
- Change the URL path as follows: replace the wildcard * with the service hr and the resource employee, i.e. enter hr/employee. The path should be /10/XX/hr/employee with XX the participant number assigned to you
- Let's run the GET request by selecting the Send button on the bottom right
- As response you should see the full list of employee IDs including their birthday in JSON format
- Let's run a second time, this time we like to fetch the data for employees born in a particular month. So Click on the Url Params button, and enter parameter name month and any value between 01 and 12, then click on Send again
- As response you should see the list of employees born in the chosen month, in the video below we have chosen March and hence get one single entry displayed
The video below shows the exercise steps as described above. Best is to run the video by selecting Open link in new tab so that you can easily return to this page for further proceeding.
At the end of this exercise, you should have successfully run the API proxy.
Continue to - Exercise 3.3