The aim of this project is to mimic the UNIX mechanism.
, Pipes
, Process
, fork()
, dup2()
🔗리디렉션과 파이프
🔗리눅스 명령 탐색 경로
🔗프로세스 생성과 실행
🔗파일 디스크립터
- The executable file must be named pipex.
- Handle the errors like the shell command < file1 cmd1 | cmd2 > file2.
- You are allowed to use the following functions:
◦ access
◦ open
◦ unlink
◦ close
◦ read
◦ write
◦ malloc
◦ waitpid
◦ wait
◦ free
◦ pipe
◦ dup
◦ dup2
◦ execve
◦ fork
◦ perror
◦ strerror
◦ exit
The program should be executed in this way
./pipex file1 cmd1 cmd2 file2
Just in case: file1 and file2 are file names, cmd1 and cmd2 are shell commands with their parameters.
The execution of the pipex program should do the same as the next shell command:
< file1 cmd1 | cmd2 > file2
./pipex infile ``ls -l'' ``wc -l'' outfile < infile ls -l | wc -l > outfile ./pipex infile ``grep a1'' ``wc -w'' outfile < infile grep a1 | wc -w > outfile
Handle multiple pipes
./pipex file1 cmd1 cmd2 cmd3 ... cmdn file2 < file1 cmd1 | cmd2 | cmd3 ... | cmdn > file2
Support « and » when the first parameter is "here_doc"
./pipex here_doc LIMITER cmd cmd1 file cmd << LIMITER | cmd1 >> file