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Ryan Luu edited this page Jul 27, 2024 · 6 revisions

InstaWebhooks is a Python CLI powered by Instaloader which allows you to monitor any Instagram account for new posts and then send them to a Discord webhook.


With Python installed, run the below to install InstaWebhooks and start it with default settings:

$ pip3 install instawebhooks

$ instawebhooks raenlua

For more ways to install, see "Installation."


You can run the --help option with InstaWebhooks to see how to use it and all options available.

$ instawebhooks --help

usage: instawebhooks [-h] [-v] [-i REFRESH_INTERVAL] [-c MESSAGE_CONTENT] [-e] [--version] instagram_username discord_webhook_url

Monitor Instagram accounts for new posts and send them to a Discord webhook

positional arguments:
  instagram_username    the Instagram username to monitor for new posts
  discord_webhook_url   the Discord webhook URL to send new posts to

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         increase output verbosity
                        time in seconds to wait before checking for new posts again
                        the message content to send with the webhook
  -e, --no-embed        don't show the post embed and only send message content
  --version             show program's version number and exit

For more detailed documentation and examples, see "Usage."


If you need help with InstaWebhooks, create a new discussion in the Support category.

For bugs and feature requests, consider creating an issue instead.

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