Here we will give equivalent code sinppets using match(it)
for most samples given by Rust Reference Patterns Section.
For complete samples, please refer to samples directory.
In Rust:
for i in -2..5 {
match i {
-1 => println!("It's minus one"),
1 => println!("It's a one"),
2|4 => println!("It's either a two or a four"),
_ => println!("Matched none of the arms"),
In C++ with match(it)
for (auto i = -2; i <= 5; ++i)
std::cout <<
pattern | -1 = expr("It's minus one"),
pattern | 1 = expr("It's a one"),
pattern | or_(2,4) = expr("It's either a two or a four"),
pattern | _ = expr("Matched none of the arms")
<< std::endl;
In Rust:
let x = 2;
match x {
e @ 1 ..= 5 => println!("got a range element {}", e),
_ => println!("anything"),
In C++ with match(it)
constexpr auto x = 2;
Id<int32_t> e;
pattern | <= _ && _ <= 5) = [&] { std::cout << "got a range element " << *e << std::endl; },
pattern | _ = [&] { std::cout << "anything" << std::endl; }
In Rust:
struct Person {
name: String,
age: u8,
let value = Person { name: String::from("John"), age: 23 };
if let Person { name: ref person_name, age: 18..=150 } = value { }
In C++ with match(it)
struct Person {
std::string name;
uint8_t age;
auto const value = Person{"John", 23};
auto const name_age = dsVia(&Person::name, name_pat, &Person::age, age_pat);
Id<std::string> person_name;
pattern | name_age(person_name, 18 <= _ && _ <= 150) = []{}
In Rust:
let x: &Option<i32> = &Some(3);
if let Some(y) = x {
// y was converted to `ref y` and its type is &i32
In C++ with match(it)
constexpr auto x = std::make_optional(3);
Id<int32_t> y;
// No need to worry about y's type, by ref or by value is automatically managed by `match(it)` library.
pattern | some(y) = []{}
In Rust:
// `name` is moved from person and `age` referenced
let Person { name, ref age } = person;
In C++ with match(it)
Id<std::string> person_name;
Id<uint8_t> age;
// `name` is moved from person and `age` copied (scalar types are copied in `match(it)`)
pattern | name_age(person_name, age) = []{}
In Rust:
let x = 20;
let (a, _) = (10, x); // the x is always matched by _
assert_eq!(a, 10);
// ignore a function/closure param
let real_part = |a: f64, _: f64| { a };
// ignore a field from a struct
struct RGBA {
r: f32,
g: f32,
b: f32,
a: f32,
let color = RGBA{r: 0.4, g: 0.1, b: 0.9, a: 0.5};
let RGBA{r: red, g: green, b: blue, a: _} = color;
assert_eq!(color.r, red);
assert_eq!(color.g, green);
assert_eq!(color.b, blue);
// accept any Some, with any value
let x = Some(10);
if let Some(_) = x {}
In C++ with match(it)
constexpr auto x = 20;
Id<int32_t> a;
match(10, x)(
// the x is always matched by _
pattern | (a, _) = []{ assert(*a == 10;); }
// ignore a function/closure param
constexpr auto real_part = [](float a, float) { return a; };
// ignore a field from a struct
struct RGBA {
float r;
float g;
float b;
float a;
constexpr auto color = RGBA{0.4f, 0.1f, 0.9f, 0.5f};
constexpr auto dsRGBA = [](auto r, auto g, auto b, auto a)
return and_(app(&RGBA::r, r),
app(&RGBA::g, g),
app(&RGBA::b, b),
app(&RGBA::a, a)
Id<float> red, green, blue;
pattern | dsRGBA(red, green, blue, _) = [&]{
assert(color.r == *red);
assert(color.g == *green);
assert(color.b == *blue);
// accept any Some, with any value
constexpr auto x = std::make_optional(10);
// the x is always matched by _
pattern | some(_) = []{}
In Rust:
let words = vec!["a", "b", "c"];
let slice = &words[..];
match slice {
[] => println!("slice is empty"),
[one] => println!("single element {}", one),
[head, tail @ ..] => println!("head={} tail={:?}", head, tail),
match slice {
// Ignore everything but the last element, which must be "!".
[.., "!"] => println!("!!!"),
// `start` is a slice of everything except the last element, which must be "z".
[start @ .., "z"] => println!("starts with: {:?}", start),
// `end` is a slice of everything but the first element, which must be "a".
["a", end @ ..] => println!("ends with: {:?}", end),
rest => println!("{:?}", rest),
if let [.., penultimate, _] = slice {
println!("next to last is {}", penultimate);
let tuple = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
// Rest patterns may also be used in tuple and tuple struct patterns.
match tuple {
(1, .., y, z) => println!("y={} z={}", y, z),
(.., 5) => println!("tail must be 5"),
(..) => println!("matches everything else"),
In C++ with match(it)
auto const words = std::vector<std::string>{"a", "b", "c"};
auto const& slice = words;
Id<std::string> head;
Id<SubrangeT<std::vector<std::string> const>> tail;
pattern | ds() = [&] { std::cout << "slice is empty" << std::endl; },
pattern | ds(head) = [&] { std::cout << "single element " << *head << std::endl; },
// need to implement << for subrange tail
pattern | ds(head, = [&] { std::cout << "head=" << *head << " tail=" << *tail << std::endl; }
Id<SubrangeT<std::vector<std::string> const>> subrange;
// Ignore everything but the last element, which must be "!".
pattern | ds(ooo, "!") = [&]{ std::cout << "!!!" << std::endl; },
// `subrange` is a slice of everything except the last element, which must be "z".
pattern | ds(, "z") = [&]{ std::cout << "starts with: " << *subrange << std::endl; },
// `subrange` is a slice of everything but the first element, which must be "a".
pattern | ds("a", = [&]{ std::cout << "ends with: " << *subrange << std::endl; },
pattern | ds( = [&]{ std::cout << *subrange << std::endl; }
Id<std::string> penultimate;
pattern | ds(ooo, penultimate, _) = [&] { std::cout << "next to last is " << *penultimate << std::endl; }
constexpr auto tuple = std::make_tuple(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
// Rest patterns may also be used in tuple and tuple struct patterns.
Id<int32_t> y, z;
pattern | ds(1, ooo, y, z) = [&] { std::cout << "y=" << *y << "z=" << *z << std::endl; },
pattern | ds(ooo, 5 ) = [&] { std::cout << "tail must be 5" << std::endl; },
pattern | ds(ooo ) = [&] { std::cout << "matches everything else" << std::endl; }
In Rust:
let c = 'f';
let valid_variable = match c {
'a'..='z' => true,
'A'..='Z' => true,
'α'..='ω' => true,
_ => false,
let ph = 10;
println!("{}", match ph {
0..=6 => "acid",
7 => "neutral",
8..=14 => "base",
_ => unreachable!(),
// using paths to constants:
const TROPOSPHERE_MIN : u8 = 6;
const TROPOSPHERE_MAX : u8 = 20;
const STRATOSPHERE_MAX : u8 = 50;
const MESOSPHERE_MAX : u8 = 85;
let altitude = 70;
println!("{}", match altitude {
_ => "outer space, maybe",
pub mod binary {
pub const MEGA : u64 = 1024*1024;
pub const GIGA : u64 = 1024*1024*1024;
let n_items = 20_832_425;
let bytes_per_item = 12;
if let size @ binary::MEGA..=binary::GIGA = n_items * bytes_per_item {
println!("It fits and occupies {} bytes", size);
trait MaxValue {
const MAX: u64;
impl MaxValue for u8 {
const MAX: u64 = (1 << 8) - 1;
impl MaxValue for u16 {
const MAX: u64 = (1 << 16) - 1;
impl MaxValue for u32 {
const MAX: u64 = (1 << 32) - 1;
// using qualified paths:
println!("{}", match 0xfacade {
0 ..= <u8 as MaxValue>::MAX => "fits in a u8",
0 ..= <u16 as MaxValue>::MAX => "fits in a u16",
0 ..= <u32 as MaxValue>::MAX => "fits in a u32",
_ => "too big",
In C++ with match(it)
constexpr auto c = 'f';
constexpr auto valid_variable = match(c)(
pattern | ('a' <= _ && _ <= 'z') = expr(true),
pattern | ('A' <= _ && _ <= 'Z') = expr(true),
// pattern | ('α' <= _ && _ <= 'ω') = expr(true),
pattern | _ = expr(false)
constexpr auto ph = 10;
std::cout << match(ph)(
pattern | (0 <= _ && _ <= 6 ) = expr("acid"),
pattern | (7 ) = expr("neutral"),
pattern | (8 <= _ && _ <= 14) = expr("base"),
pattern | _ = [] { assert(false && "unreachable"); }
) << std::endl;
// using paths to constants:
constexpr uint8_t TROPOSPHERE_MIN = 6;
constexpr uint8_t TROPOSPHERE_MAX = 20;
constexpr uint8_t STRATOSPHERE_MAX = 50;
constexpr uint8_t MESOSPHERE_MIN = STRATOSPHERE_MAX + 1;
constexpr uint8_t MESOSPHERE_MAX = 85;
constexpr auto altitude = 70;
std::cout << match(altitude)(
pattern | (TROPOSPHERE_MIN <= _ && _ <= TROPOSPHERE_MAX ) = expr("troposphere"),
pattern | (STRATOSPHERE_MIN <= _ && _ <= STRATOSPHERE_MAX) = expr("stratosphere"),
pattern | (MESOSPHERE_MIN <= _ && _ <= MESOSPHERE_MAX ) = expr("mesosphere"),
pattern | _ = expr("outer space, maybe")
) << std::endl;
namespace binary
constexpr uint64_t MEGA = 1024*1024;
constexpr uint64_t GIGA = 1024*1024*1024;
} // namespace binary
constexpr auto n_items = 20'832'425U;
constexpr auto bytes_per_item = 12U;
Id<uint64_t> size;
match(n_items * bytes_per_item)
pattern | <= _ && _ <= binary::GIGA) = [&] {
std::cout << "It fits and occupies " << size << " bytes" << std::endl;
// using qualified paths:
std::cout << match(static_cast<size_t>(0xfacade))(
pattern | (0U <= _ && _ <= numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max()) = expr("fits in a u8",
pattern | (0U <= _ && _ <= numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()) = expr("fits in a u16",
pattern | (0U <= _ && _ <= numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) = expr("fits in a u32",
pattern | _ = expr("too big")
) << std::endl;
Tips: feel free to use variables in match(it)
. You can write codes like
// using variables:
std::cout << match(0xfacade)(
pattern | (min(a, b) <= _ && _ <= max(a, b)) = expr("fits in the range"),
pattern | _ = expr("out of the range")
) << std::endl;
In Rust:
let int_reference = &3;
let a = match *int_reference { 0 => "zero", _ => "some" };
let b = match int_reference { &0 => "zero", _ => "some" };
assert_eq!(a, b);
In C++ with match(it)
int32_t const value = 3;
int32_t const *int_reference = &value;
int32_t const zero = 0;
auto const a = match(*int_reference)(
pattern | zero = expr("zero"),
pattern | _ = expr("some"));
auto const b = match(int_reference)(
pattern | &zero = expr("zero"),
pattern | _ = expr("some"));
assert(a == b);
In Rust:
struct Point {
x: u32,
y: u32,
let s = Point {x: 1, y: 1};
match s {
Point {x: 10, y: 20} => (),
Point {y: 10, x: 20} => (), // order doesn't matter
Point {x: 10, ..} => (),
Point {..} => (),
struct PointTuple (
let t = PointTuple(1, 2);
match t {
PointTuple {0: 10, 1: 20} => (),
PointTuple {1: 10, 0: 20} => (), // order doesn't matter
PointTuple {0: 10, ..} => (),
PointTuple {..} => (),
In C++ with match(it)
#include <iostream>
#include "matchit.h"
using namespace matchit;
template <size_t I>
constexpr auto get = [](auto &&pt)
return std::get<I>(pt);
template <size_t I>
constexpr auto appGet = [](auto &&pat)
return app(get<I>, pat);
void sample()
struct Point
uint32_t x;
uint32_t y;
constexpr auto s = Point{1U, 1U};
pattern | and_(app(&Point::x, 10U), app(&Point::y, 20U)) = []{},
pattern | and_(app(&Point::y, 10U), app(&Point::x, 20U)) = []{}, // order doesn't matter
pattern | app(&Point::x, 10U) = []{},
pattern | _ = []{}
using PointTuple = std::tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t>;
constexpr auto t = PointTuple{1U, 2U};
pattern | and_(appGet<0>(10U), appGet<1>(20U)) = []{},
pattern | and_(appGet<1>(10U), appGet<0>(20U)) = []{}, // order doesn't matter
pattern | appGet<0>(10U) = []{},
pattern | _ = []{}
In Rust:
let pair = (10, "ten");
let (a, b) = pair;
assert_eq!(a, 10);
assert_eq!(b, "ten");
In C++ with match(it)
constexpr auto pair = std::make_pair(10, "ten");
Id<int32_t> a;
Id<char const*> b;
pattern | ds(a, b) = [&]{
assert(*a == 10);
assert(*b == "ten");
In Rust:
// Fixed size
let arr = [1, 2, 3];
match arr {
[1, _, _] => "starts with one",
[a, b, c] => "starts with something else",
In C++ with match(it)
// Fixed size
constexpr auto arr = std::array<int32_t, 3>{1, 2, 3};
Id<int32_t> a, b, c;
pattern | ds(1, _, _) = expr("starts with one"),
pattern | ds(a, b, c) = expr("starts with something else")
In Rust:
// Dynamic size
let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
match v[..] {
[a, b] => { /* this arm will not apply because the length doesn't match */ }
[a, b, c] => { /* this arm will apply */ }
_ => { /* this wildcard is required, since the length is not known statically */ }
In C++ with match(it)
// Dynamic size
auto const v = std::vector<int32_t>{1, 2, 3};
Id<int32_t> a, b, c;
pattern | ds(a, b ) = [] { /* this arm will not apply because the length doesn't match */ },
pattern | ds(a, b, c) = [] { /* this arm will apply */ },
pattern | _ = [] { /* this wildcard is required, since the length is not known statically */ }
We will also add some equivalent samples from Rust Book.
For complete samples, please refer to samples directory.
In Rust:
let favorite_color: Option<&str> = None;
let is_tuesday = false;
let age: Result<u8, _> = "34".parse();
if let Some(color) = favorite_color {
println!("Using your favorite color, {}, as the background", color);
} else if is_tuesday {
println!("Tuesday is green day!");
} else if let Ok(age) = age {
if age > 30 {
println!("Using purple as the background color");
} else {
println!("Using orange as the background color");
} else {
println!("Using blue as the background color");
In C++ with match(it)
#include <iostream>
#include <optional>
#include "matchit.h"
template <typename V, typename E>
using Result = std::variant<V, E>;
Result<uint8_t, std::exception> parse(std::string_view)
return uint8_t{34U};
int32_t main()
auto const favorite_color = std::optional<std::string>{};
auto const is_tuesday = false;
Result<uint8_t, std::exception> const age = parse("34");
using namespace matchit;
Id<std::string> color;
pattern | some(color) = [&] { return "Using your favorite color, " + *color + ", as the background"; },
pattern | _ | when(expr(is_tuesday)) = expr("Tuesday is green day!"),
pattern | _ = [&]
Id<uint8_t> age_;
return match(age)(
pattern | as<uint8_t>(age_) | when(age_ > 30) = expr("Using purple as the background color"),
pattern | as<uint8_t>(age_) = expr("Using orange as the background color"),
pattern | _ = expr("Using blue as the background color"));
return 0;
In Rust:
let mut stack = Vec::new();
while let Some(top) = stack.pop() {
println!("{}", top);
In C++ with match(it)
#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
#include <optional>
#include "matchit.h"
int32_t main()
std::stack<int32_t> stack;
auto const safePop = [](std::stack<int32_t>& s)
if (s.empty())
throw "empty";
auto top =;
return std::make_optional(top);
catch (...)
return std::optional<int32_t>();
using namespace matchit;
Id<int32_t> top;
while (
pattern | some(top) = [&]
std::cout << *top << std::endl;
return true;
pattern | _ = expr(false)))
In Rust
enum Message {
Move { x: i32, y: i32 },
ChangeColor(i32, i32, i32),
fn main() {
let msg = Message::ChangeColor(0, 160, 255);
match msg {
Message::Quit => {
println!("The Quit variant has no data to destructure.")
Message::Move { x, y } => {
"Move in the x direction {} and in the y direction {}",
x, y
Message::Write(text) => println!("Text message: {}", text),
Message::ChangeColor(r, g, b) => println!(
"Change the color to red {}, green {}, and blue {}",
r, g, b
In C++ with match(it)
struct Quit {};
using Move = std::array<int32_t, 2>;
using Write = std::string;
using ChangeColor = std::array<int32_t, 3>;
using Message = std::variant<Quit, Move, Write, ChangeColor>;
int32_t main()
Message const msg = ChangeColor{0, 160, 255};
using namespace matchit;
Id<int32_t> x, y;
Id<std::string> text;
Id<int32_t> r, g, b;
pattern | as<Quit>(_) = [] {
std:: cout << "The Quit variant has no data to destructure." << std::endl;
pattern | as<Move>(ds(x, y)) = [&] {
std::cout <<
"Move in the x direction " << *x << " and in the y direction " << *y << std::endl;
pattern | as<Write>(text) = [&] {
std::cout << "Text message: " << *text << std::endl;
pattern | as<ChangeColor>(ds(r, g, b)) = [&] {
std::cout <<
"Change the color to red " << *r << ", green " << *g << ", and blue " << *b << std::endl;
In Rust:
enum Color {
Rgb(i32, i32, i32),
Hsv(i32, i32, i32),
enum Message {
Move { x: i32, y: i32 },
fn main() {
let msg = Message::ChangeColor(Color::Hsv(0, 160, 255));
match msg {
Message::ChangeColor(Color::Rgb(r, g, b)) => println!(
"Change the color to red {}, green {}, and blue {}",
r, g, b
Message::ChangeColor(Color::Hsv(h, s, v)) => println!(
"Change the color to hue {}, saturation {}, and value {}",
h, s, v
_ => (),
In C++ with match(it)
#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
#include <optional>
#include "matchit.h"
struct Rgb : std::array<int32_t, 3> {};
struct Hsv : std::array<int32_t, 3> {};
using Color = std::variant<Rgb, Hsv>;
struct Quit {};
using Move = std::array<int32_t, 2>;
using Write = std::string;
using ChangeColor = Color;
using Message = std::variant<Quit, Move, Write, ChangeColor>;
int32_t main()
Message const msg = ChangeColor{Hsv{{0, 160, 255}}};
using namespace matchit;
Id<int32_t> r, g, b;
Id<int32_t> h, s, v;
Id<std::string> text;
pattern | as<ChangeColor>(as<Rgb>(ds(r, g, b))) = [&] {
std::cout <<
"Change the color to red " << *r << ", green " << *g << ", and blue " << *b << std::endl;
pattern | as<ChangeColor>(as<Hsv>(ds(h, s, v))) = [&] {
std::cout <<
"Change the color to hue " << *h << ", saturation " << *s << ", and value " << *v << std::endl;
In Rust:
fn main() {
let mut setting_value = Some(5);
let new_setting_value = Some(10);
match (setting_value, new_setting_value) {
(Some(_), Some(_)) => {
println!("Can't overwrite an existing customized value");
_ => {
setting_value = new_setting_value;
println!("setting is {:?}", setting_value);
In C++ with match(it)
#include <iostream>
#include <optional>
#include "matchit.h"
template <typename T>
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, std::optional<T> const& op)
if (op)
o << *op;
o << "none";
return o;
int32_t main()
auto setting_value = std::make_optional(5);
auto const new_setting_value = std::make_optional(10);
using namespace matchit;
match (setting_value, new_setting_value) (
pattern | ds(some(_), some(_)) = [] {
std:: cout << "Can't overwrite an existing customized value" << std::endl;
pattern | _ = [&] {
setting_value = new_setting_value;
std::cout << "setting is " << setting_value << std::endl;
In Rust:
fn main() {
let numbers = (2, 4, 8, 16, 32);
match numbers {
(first, _, third, _, fifth) => {
println!("Some numbers: {}, {}, {}", first, third, fifth)
In C++ with match(it)
int32_t main() {
auto const numbers = std::make_tuple(2, 4, 8, 16, 32);
using namespace matchit;
Id<int32_t> first, third, fifth;
pattern | ds(first, _, third, _, fifth) = [&] { std::cout << "Some numbers: " << *first << ", " << *third << ", " << *fifth << std::endl; });
In Rust:
fn main() {
let num = Some(4);
match num {
Some(x) if x < 5 => println!("less than five: {}", x),
Some(x) => println!("{}", x),
None => (),
In C++ with match(it)
int32_t main()
auto const num = std::make_optional(4);
using namespace matchit;
Id<int32_t> x;
pattern | some( < 5)) = [&]
{ std::cout << "less than five: " << *x << std::endl; },
pattern | some(x) = [&]
{ std::cout << *x << std::endl; },
pattern | none = [&] {});
return 0;
In Rust:
fn main() {
let x = Some(5);
let y = 10;
match x {
Some(50) => println!("Got 50"),
Some(n) if n == y => println!("Matched, n = {}", n),
_ => println!("Default case, x = {:?}", x),
println!("at the end: x = {:?}, y = {}", x, y);
In C++ with match(it)
int32_t main() {
auto const x = std::make_optional(5);
auto const y = 10;
Id<int32_t> n;
pattern | some(50) = [&]{ std::cout << "Got 50" << std::endl; },
// In `match(it)`, you can use variable inside patterns, just like literals.
pattern | some(y) = [&]{ std::cout << "Matched, n = " << *n << std::endl; },
pattern | _ = [&]{ std::cout << "Default case, x = " << x << std::endl; }
std::cout << "at the end: x = " << x << ", y = " << y << std::endl;
In Rust:
fn main() {
let x = 4;
let y = false;
match x {
4 | 5 | 6 if y => println!("yes"),
_ => println!("no"),
In C++ with match(it)
int32_t main() {
auto const x = 4;
auto const y = false;
std::cout <<
pattern | or_(4, 5, 6) | when(expr(y)) = expr("yes"),
pattern | _ = expr("no")
) << std::endl;
In Rust:
fn main() {
enum Message {
Hello { id: i32 },
let msg = Message::Hello { id: 5 };
match msg {
Message::Hello {
id: id_variable @ 3..=7,
} => println!("Found an id in range: {}", id_variable),
Message::Hello { id: 10..=12 } => {
println!("Found an id in another range")
Message::Hello { id } => println!("Found some other id: {}", id),
In C++ with match(it)
struct Hello { int32_t id; };
using Message = std::variant<Hello>;
int32_t main() {
Message const msg = Hello{5};
auto const asHelloDs = asDsVia<Hello>(&Hello::id);
Id<int32_t> id_variable;
pattern | asHelloDs( <= _ && _ <= 7)) = [&] {
std::cout << "Found an id in range: " << *id_variable << std::endl;
pattern | asHelloDs(10 <= _ && _ <= 12) = [&] {
std::cout << "Found an id in another range" << std::endl;
pattern | asHelloDs(id_variable) = [&] {
std::cout << "Found some other id: " << *id_variable << std::endl;